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Air Guns Peep sights

Peep sights

Crosman peep on FWB 600
The Crosman Precision Diopter rear sight, mounted in an FWB 600.

This report covers:

  • History
  • O3A3 Springfield
  • How peep sights are used
  • A round tuit for BB?
  • Summary

I had an email from reader Motorman last week in which he complained that his image seen through I peep sight was not as clear as he would like it. Of course I advised him to open both eyes, because that’s the way to clear up an image seen through a peep. He said he was holding both eyes open, so I’m trying to find him the name of a good eye doctor. But that conversation got me thinking about peep sights.

Reader Roamin Greco asked me if I shot the FWB 300S with a peep sight or a scope for the recent pellet test. I told him I only use a peep on it.

FWB 300 peep
The peep sight on my FWB 300S has a Gehmann filter set on the back to change the colors seen by the shooter. It also changes the size of the peephole. With that device the shooter can adjust to the lighting conditions at any target range.


When I researched the history of the peep sight online I discovered that almost nobody has a clue when they first were used. Neither do I and some of the references I found were to articles I have written. My guess is they are far older than what I know, so I will tell you only what I do know for sure.

Buffalo hunters used tang-mounted peep sights during the American buffalo slaughter that ran from 1870-1880. In 1884 the Springfield Arsenal started installing the Buffington rear sight on their single-shot rifle that is known as the Trapdoor. Developed by Lieutenant Colonel Adelbert Buffington, this leaf rear sight combined a peep sight with a conventional notch and was not only graduated for the high trajectory of the .45 caliber bullet, but also for the drift of the bullet to the left because of the way it spun in flight.

Buffington sight
The Buffington rear sight from 1884 was first put on the Trapdoor Springfield. It was later used on the Krag and Springfield bolt-action rifles, as well.

O3A3 Springfield

In World War II, the Army didn’t have the M1 Garand ready in time when they entered the war so they issued 1903 Springfield bolt action rifles. But they also let a contract to build modernized Springfields and the M1903A3 was the result. What made it an O3A3 were several minor design changes that substituted stamped and welded assemblies for machined parts. Oh, the hue and cry about that was great! Even as late as the 1960s, old soldiers still bemoaned the cheapening of the Springfield rifle!

O3A3 Springfield
They made millions of them, but this one is special. It’s more than accurate — it doesn’t like to miss.

But there was a funny side to the story, as well. The cheaper rifles were also often more accurate! So much more accurate that instead of the antiquated Buffington peep sight that had been around since 1884, the O3A3 has a modern rear peep sight that adjusts for both windage and elevation. And mine has a 4-groove Remington barrel that’s renowned for accuracy. Put the package together, and you have an American battle rifle that shoots like a target gun. The one I have does even better than most.

O3A3 rear sight
The O3A3 rear peep modernized the Springfield rifle during WWII. It made the rifle easier to shoot accurately.

How peep sights are used

The peep sight is considered the easiest non-optical sight to use, as well as the one with the greatest potential for precision. But, you’ll get arguments from many about it being the easiest. Shooters have told me they can’t use them because their eyes don’t work that way. Well, yes they do. These folks just don’t know how to use a peep sight.

The peephole is just there to look through — nothing else. It doesn’t need to be aligned with anything. Just look through it. When you use a peep it’s the front sight that matters. Place the front sight on the target while looking through the peephole and shoot. Your eye does the rest automatically. Your eye searches for the brightest light when looking through an aperture (a peephole) and that is in the center of the peephole. Your brain causes you to adjust your head and sighting eye until the image you see is brightest. But don’t try to disprove this!

A round tuit for BB?

You may recall that I had a problem with the target sights on an FWB 600 single stroke pneumatic target rifle I own. I could never find the peep sights with the correct height. No matter what I did I couldn’t dial those pellets into the bullseye. They either hit too high or too low, no matter what peep sight I tried. 

Well yesterday I happened to spot the Crosman Adjustable Precision Diopter sights that were mounted on my Challenger 2009. But not no more! It seems the Crosman peep sight is perfect for the FWB 600 that I believe to be more accurate than my FWB 300S!

Once the sight was mounted on the receiver I adjusted its elevation to the middle of its height range and shot two shots at 10 meters. I adjusted the peep after the first shot. Here they are.

Crosman peep sight sight-in

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo


So, I think peep sights are the best way to go when you don’t go optical, and because I went down this rabbit hole today I now have a good peep sight on my FWB 600 that is my most accurate air rifle.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

110 thoughts on “Peep sights”

  1. B.B.”s back!!!!

    Yes peeps are great. Yes concentrate on the front sight.

    You brought up an interesting point about the spin of a projectile affecting the trajectory of the projectile’s path of flight. Perhaps subject of a blog?


    • Yogi,

      Okay on the blog idea. I’ll have to research the spin/drift thing. I used to know it well, but I haven’t written about it in a long time. Fortunately I know just the places to look.


    • Yogi

      I am foolish enough to admit that having owned Buffington sights for 65+ years I failed to notice they angle left.

      I too look forward to Bb’s report on spinning.


  2. “So, I think peep sights are the best way to go when you don ‘t go optical…”

    I concur 100 percent!
    The only friend I had who did not like peep sights was an old ex-Army guy, Dan.
    He said he hated them and he “could shoot much better with open sights.”
    So, I asked him HOW he used a peep sight.
    When he told me he had trouble “aligning the peep with the front sight” I groaned! LOL!
    Sadly, I could NOT get him to try and use them the correct way.
    That was 30 years ago; and I’m sure he’s still telling everyone how bad peep sights are.
    When, in truth, we know they are awesome! Amen. 😉
    Thank you for this excellent report. 🙂
    Blessings to you,

  3. Cross-dominance is one reason we have poor, benighted fools who can’t use peep sights. I had an uncle like that, couldn’t keep both eyes open to shoot, either.

    • A piece of Scotch Magic Tape, which is cloudy and translucent, stuck to the lens of one’s shooting glasses in front of the dominant eye will take care of that until the brain decides to let the other eye be dominant. This way one can keep both eyes open, but the dominant eye will not see anything, and the brain gives the non-dominant eye priority.

      We always wear eye protection, right?

      • RG,

        There is a little doodad you can get that attaches to the rear peep of 10 meter rifles that sticks out to the side to prevent your “off eye” from seeing forward. It is usually white and allows light to enter the “off eye” while blocking it from seeing. I made one for my Edge that I traded to BB. If I am not mistaken, he may have it.

        Your tape solution is another very inexpensive method to achieve the same effect. You can also get a white shield lens for traditional shooting glasses. It sounds like this would be another good subject for BB to explore and write a blog about to go with peep sights.

      • Roamin Greco,

        yes you’re right, we should always wear eye protection, erm… ! 🙁

        One of the available activities at an all-inclusive holiday resort I relaxed at, was shootin’ bow’n’arrows. I considered their equipment toys and drew and let fly without a thought, you know, swiftly and just by feel. It was a lotta fun because it was so easy and I scored above average results too – perfectly more’ish… 🙂

        Back home, I mentioned my experience while visiting a friend who happened to have an archery range and so, of course, we went outside to play…
        This time, however, I took my time to concentrate and try hard to prove my past prowess, and missed. I missed badly. 🙁

        My friend asked me about my dominant eye. “What? Don’t be daft ! There’s summat wrong with your bow…”

        Yes, that’s when I learned that I was shooting cross eyed ! Because I’m right handed and left eye dominant.

        Holding and shooting my airguns right handed feels natural to me and so, to suppress my left eye’s sight picture, I squint until the right one dominates. Sometimes I then open my left eye before shooting, but I have to do that slowly so as not to lose the right eye picture. 🙂

  4. Hi folks,

    I think peep sights are the best option for offhand shooting at 10 meters. Easy to align with the target and they don’t “amplify” your natural movement like a scope does.

    By the way, what do you think of this custom version of the HW 30 S from Schlottmann in Germany? The guy has a kind of cooperation with Weihrauch and makes modified versions of some guns:



  5. Tom,

    Yes to peep sights especially for scope killing sproingers! If the FWB 600 is now using the Crosman Adjustable Precision Diopter sights then what sights are you going to place on the Challenger 2009? Or are you just going to purchase another set of Crosman Adjustable Precision Diopter sights?


      • BB

        FYI Anschutz has a peep costing about the same but has the advantage of fitting on Weihrauch dovetails. I don’t own a FWB600 or Challenger but suspect it works well on either.


  6. Hey, hey, hey (as fat Albert says) you found some peep sights that work on the FWB 600! And it turned out to be a relatively inexpensive solution. Congrats!
    I have cross eye dominance and lazy eye in the other eye (which is probably the reason for the cross eye dominance). I learned to shoot off my left shoulder because my right eye (the lazy one) doesn’t see well enough to shoot anything with it. Peep sights are not an issue for me. I like them a lot also! However, speaking of eye doctors, both my wife and eye are scheduled to consult with a surgeon for cataract surgery. Have any of you guys had cataract surgery? If so, how did things work out for you?

    • Elmer,

      I had cataracts removed from both eyes. Do it, and consider getting the close-distance lenses they offer. I didn’t and glasses are a pain!


      • Thanks, I do wear progressive lens glasses. But they do take some getting used to. So, they are not for everybody. I will discuss the options with him as you suggested.

      • BB: I disagree with the choice of “close” distance pseudophakia, i.e., interocular lenses. Lynn did the close vision ones and is having some problems, probably mostly due to PCO, Post-capsular Opacification that she is in the process of getting treated by YAG Laser surgery.

        I would go for the distance vision for the simple expediency of driving. If one loses one’s glasses and has distance lenses, one can always DRIVE home. Distance is more important than near vision in driving.

        I have the distance lenses and they are combined with my progressive glasses. The combo works just fine. I can ride my bicycle on trails, and on trail patrols for our VTP, with regular sunglasses or I can use my Rx sunglasses. If I had the near vision lenses, I’d be stuck with my progressive glasses.

        Either pseudophakia will work for one in combination with progressive lenses. It just depends on what one has to do. A watchmaker, for instance, or a jeweler, might want the close-in lenses because that would be one’s primary vision experience – close in on very small objects. The key is to determine what one does the most, near or far vision will then follow. The progressive eye wear will “fill in the blanks.”

        • Agreed! Have the default be the safest state. By about the 20th grade my eyes were complaining about having to read up close AND see far away to drive, and so I picked readers over driving glasses. My eyes adapted to distance vision, and now at worst I have to search around for readers before I go online.
          But maybe if I lived on my phone I’d have picked driving glasses.

    • Elmer

      It depends on the lens implants you select. I chose the compromise ones which gives best vision at 3 feet. They allow me to see folks I’m talking with in sharp focus. They also let me use open sights and of course peeps which I favor. The front sight is in sharp focus with most any rifle and even pistols when shooting at arms length. But your eyes may be very different from mine. Talk to your doctor about the lens selection!

      I can easily pass a driver’s test without glasses but I don’t mind wearing the very light weight ones so I opted for bifocals which are necessary for reading. The bifocal top lens are just a minor tweaking for maximum distance clarity when driving and playing golf. Most folks want to eliminate glasses entirely but my priority is best focus. Glasses also help to prevent gnats from getting in your eye when riding in a golf cart.


    • Elmer Fudd,

      Yes i had both eyes done at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in the past two years. The Ophthalmology Department did them one at a time. They did my left eye (non dominant first) and about six or so months later they did my right eye. I had a good discussion with my Opthalmologists about the different options of lens types and my personal vision needs. This is the lens and system i chose: https://www.jnjvisionpro.com/products/tecnis-eyhance
      In my case the correction eliminated all astigmatism and my vision is better than 15-20. Although these are advertised as Distance this particular product also works at mid distance. Mid distance is the area from just outside reading distance Close; think rifle front sight and pistol front sight even with a two hand hold at extension as mid distance.
      I do wear readers for closeup work and typical book, menu, and screen reading. With this particular lense i can see and read Distant signs and the aircraft instrument panel both front and overhead panel (think car dashboard) easily.
      My lifestyle is what drove my choice and the fact that multi focus lenses are not recommended for military pilots and shooters.
      The choice is yours to make with your Opthalmologist(s) about the medical condition of your eyes.

      If you don’t have confidence in your eye doctor find one you do!

      One final thing. The eyedrop routine during recovery is THE KEY to not having problems after the procedure.

      Just to let you know they used topical pain management but had an Aneththesologist in the OR just in case. They had nothing to do other than talk with me. There really wasn’t any pain at all. I had a much faster release due to no anesthesia.
      I love my vision being back to teen/young adult vision!
      My choice does require use of reading glasses; realize that i can get by without them if need be.

      hope this is helpful,


  7. I enjoy shooting with open sights and peep sights. Especially good peep sights. My eyes aren’t what they used to be and I struggled. Discovered two things that helped me and might help you.

    Mike Driskill turned me onto adjustable iris’s. B.B. mentioned his Gehmann in todays article. These screw in devices replace the typical disc’s that are in a good rear peep sight/rear diopter sight. These iris’s adjust the aperture opening allowing more light to your eye. They also come with optional polarizing filters to adjust for different light conditions. They also come with optional magnification. Wonderful little things that help enormously when shooting with a peep sight. As most of you know, since the human eye is not capable of focalizing both the front sight and the target together, the correct sight picture with a peep sight is your front sight in focus and your target somewhat blurry. Over the years my target at longer distances has become very blurry!

    I found the cure. A Microsight.

    Last year when the CMP rules committee approved the Microsight for use in Service Rifle Competition it created a huge buzz and I bought one. At that time Sinclair was the only distributor and these were badged the AOS Microsight. I had to wait 4 months for delivery. Since then Gehmann also sells these and they’re badged Gehmann Superfilter AOS Microsight.

    The Microsight facilitates contemporaneous focus of front sight and target by using only one particular filter.
    It has no magnification or optical characteristics, so it is in accordance to the latest I.S.S.F. rules and CMP rules for Service Rifle Competition.

    The Microsight will work with all rear sight irises incorporating M9.5 x 1mm threads including those that contain focusing and/or magnification but it does not work with if you have an eagle eye magnifier in your front sight. You will have to remove your eagle eye from your front globe sight. I’ve found that opening up the aperture larger than normal in your rear adjustable iris works best with the Microsight for me.

    Here’s the typical peep sight stuff including common screw in discs for your rear, rubber eye cups, a variety of front sight inserts including metal and clear plastic with various size apertures/openings. I prefer a clear front sight insert with a larger aperture since I shoot out to 50 yards with my peep sights.

    • Kevin,

      OK. Now you are teasing us. First you tell us of the Microsight and then you show us this wondrous collection of peep sight parts. That is just pure mean.

      • RR,

        Not my intention to be mean but rather motivating. I think too many folks overlook peep sights and even more don’t know how to use them correctly. B.B. has taken another step to explain his enthusiasm for peep sights and how to use them. I’m merely dovetailing with his sentiments. Here is the microsight:

        • I am definitely interested in that microsight and the adapter as well as extensions that can be added to a Williams peep sight base to bring the aperture closer to your eye. Any chance that P/A would ever carry those?

        • Kevin,

          I am not truly upset with you. I am jealous though. Part of me wishes I had your collection of peep sight parts.

          The truth is though, most of my “collection” would not accept peep sights anymore than they will scopes. I just learn what each “old gal” brings to the dance. Fortunately, some of the “newer” ones do accept new front sights and peeps. I do regret having gotten rid of all three of my 10-meter rifles though.

    • Kevin

      I have long considered a Gehmann adjustable iris but have held off buying one over concerns it may not fit my Walther Olympia, Walther LG55, FWB300S and Crosman 6500 (Anschutz). I would be swapping the Gehmann among these. I also have a Williams peep on my Daisy 499. I’m thinking an adaptor is needed but not sure.

      I know Mike so thanks for that heads up. Light conditions are variable here during a shooting session.


      • Mike Driskill is incredibly knowledgable about peep sights and iris’s. Here’s a quote from Mike, “The Gehmann irises typically fit any German sight (9.5 x 1.0 mm eyepiece mounting thread), but for a Williams sight (7/32″ x 40 thread) you will need to either get the special Gehmann model made for this, or a separate adapter. The latter is the more versatile option – lets you move the iris to about any airgun sight you are ever likely to own.”

    • Wow, you probably have more invested in peep sights than I have in all my airguns. I just bought a set of the front insertable sights that I hope will fit in some of my Diana air rifles. If you ever want to clean out your peep sight collection, please let me know! They will find a good home a Roamin Greco’s Institute for Airgun Appreciation (RoGrIAA)

      • RR, I am wondering if any of those extra eyecups would fit that vintage Diana 50 peep of yours. If I recall, the original eyecup is starting to crumble. Or if someone could create a replica of it with a 3D printer…. Hmmm….

        • Roamin Greco,

          Won’t help once it starts crumbling but 303 is the product that keeps eyecups, Plastics, and Dry Suit Latex neck and wrist seals supple.


          • Thanks for the tip, shootski! If I ever find a replacement butt pad for the Winchester 333 (Diana 60?) I will be sure to treat it. Also for other thebother plastic and rubber bits of other guns.

            • hihihi,

              Just be certain to wipe most all of the 303 off of the surface after a few minutes or it will liquify the Latex, plastic or Rubber. I first found the product being used on the Perspex (VERY high quality acrylic) canopies of fighter aircraft; it worked.


  8. I have a place in my heart for peep sights. The only reason I traded off my FWB rear peep to RG is he bought me a Williams to replace it.

    Until you learn to use a peep, you have no idea how precise non optical sights can be.

    • That FWB peep sight will eventually go on the FWB 124 project. It may eventually get the adjustable aperture and the microsight, which I hope will play nice with the other peep sights I have.

      • Roamin

        My FWB300S peep does not have the adjustable range that Walther LG55 peeps have for elevation and windage. Don’t know if it is a problem with the 124. I learned this the hard way when I installed a FWB300S front sight from the intuitive and wrong side which I left on for fear of bending the barrel trying to remove it. A Walther peep now lives on it.


  9. The only trouble with peep or open sights is when the target is at a different distance than the zero.
    It is hard to figure out holdover with our pellets falling so dramatically. The PB’s that you mentioned have very flat trajectory, not so with our guns. I wish those ramp style rear sights would work on weak airguns.


  10. When I tried to teach my girls to shoot (they were about 9 and 11) I tried open sights, a scope, a red dot, and an aperture sight. What finally worked for both girls were both front and rear aperture sights. Looking through both holes they were deadly on coke cans.
    David Enoch

    • DavidEnoch:

      I had the same experience with my youngest daughter. Somehow, she just couldn’t figure out how to make open sights work, but when I set her up with peeps on her Diana 24 she was “lights out”! Golly, could that girl shoot with peeps, but couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn from the inside with open sights!

      Eastern MO

  11. BB,
    Thank you for writing (another) blog that covers a subject near and dear to me.
    Before I joined the Army, I thought that precision shooting could only be done with a telescopic sight. I had done a fair amount of small game hunting with open sight .22 rifles and had little exposure to aperture sights.
    After being around a couple of Distinguished Marksmen, I (finally) realized that a scope was not necessary for precision and that simpler could be much more convenient.
    Now most of my air rifles use aperture sights, except those that don’t come with any allowance for open sights. Convenient, simple and precise. Who could want anything more?
    Also, if you have a problem with cross eye dominance, try cutting a piece of plastic from a milk jug and putting it on your glasses in front of your non dominant eye. It lets the light through and reduces eye strain.
    Have a wonderful day.

  12. Some of the best shootin’ FM ever did with a military-type firearm was thanks to an ’03 Springfield, even though it was not pristine. It was and no doubt still is a good shootin’ “rifle gun,” as Sgt. York might have called it, at least according to that movie.

    • Basil,

      Yeah, the movies fudged it a bit. He shot a 1917 Enfield (the American Enfield in 30.06 caliber) and a 1911.45, rather than a Luger.


      • Yes, he did shoot a 1911 45 ACP. However, his son said that he shot a Springfield 1903, not the Enfield. He was issued a Enfield but didn’t like the peep sight. So he managed to trade if for a Springfield with open sights he was use to. At least, that is what his son said. It’s probably right.


  13. All:

    Well, as usual it’s late in the day to be leaving a message here, but…

    Tom illuded to an email conversation we’ve been having. Let me throw out some more detail to see if I can “net” some additional opinions.

    As a young man (I’m 75 years young at this point) I shot a Remington 521T (came from the factory with peep sights). I advanced thru the NRA 50′ target shooting program from ProMarksman, Marksman, Marksman First Class and Sharpshooter bars One thru about Seven. I LOVE peep sights.

    However, in the last couple decades I’ve experienced a phenomenon that has made peeps almost unusable. When I look thru the rear peep I see what looks like a piece of fuzz in the middle of the rear sight, obscuring the front sight. I have a Gehmann adjustable iris diopter, but unfortunately it seems to be treaded for 3/8″ X 24 TPI (about the same as M10 X 1.0 TPMM). Sadly, it doesn’t seem to fit any of my peep sights, so this must be one made especially for one unusual peep?

    Anyway, if I open the diopter up over 2.0 mm, the “fuzz” disappears, but if I close it down I can’t see thru the “fuzz”. What the heck is happening here????

    Yeah, I know, I need to find someplace where I can buy a Gehmann with “standard” threads on it that will fit my 521T, FWB 601, Diana 75, Haenel 310, etc., but the questions remains. What’s happening with my eyesight???

    Eastern MO

    • Motorman,

      Also 75. Had slight astigmatism in right eye (not left) also finally had to get cataracts removed within past two years. One of the things i noticed was that around 70 the “spiderwebs started to become apparent in my Service Rifle rear peep. If i used an adjustable iris and opened it up for a time they got better. One day not to long after it didn’t help anymore.
      Had the cataract surgery in the Left eye and I could shoot my Service Rifle with no problem on the left side but right side (no cataract removal) was still spiderweb and worse. It actually started looking more like three or more rings superimposed on one another.
      Six months later the right eye cataract got removed and the rings and spiderwebs are gone!
      I chose the: https://www.jnjvisionpro.com/products/tecnis-eyhance

      More reading: https://www.reviewofophthalmology.com/article/an-update-on-monofocalplus-iols

      I hope Tom gets you connected with a great Opthalmologist because my experience will likely be different than yours.


    • Motorman,

      Suspect that you need an adapter for your Gehmann Iris to be able to fit. Please read my reply to decksniper above.

      The fuzziness, spider webs, you are seeing are normal and because there is not enough light on your target or because you rear aperature (peep sight opening) is not large enough to allow enough light into your eye. You already said that if you open the diopter/aperature it goes away. Open the diopter and shoot

  14. Team

    I’m currently using a Daisy 35 to shoot bolts. Would love to use a peep sight since I think it would improve my accuracy. Not sure but I think it may have a dovetail upper rail.. I know its a cheap gun, but I do love it for darts. Just wish the shoulder stock was an inch or two longer.

    Any guidance, suggestions are appreciated

    Kind Regards

  15. Regarding cross-eye dominance, does anyone practice shooting non-dominant (besides shootski)? I try to get at least half as many shots in on my left side as right. I don’t know why, maybe it was too much basketball camp as a kid. But it is fun, and funny, the left (non-dominant) eye feeling weird went away after the second or third practice. There is less heartbeat bounce shooting lefty. My current challenge is to get the POIs to be the same (the left side wants to hit a couple of MOA to the left, maybe I’m canting?) And I have nothing to lose shooting lefty, as my right side aim isn’t good either, and sometimes the lighting or available support makes the off-side easier to line up!

    • I’m right handed but left eye dominant. It was really screwing up my performance with pistols so I just switched to using my weaker right eye, it was a little difficult at first but now it’s no problem. I can’t remember which eye I use on the rifle peep sights though, will have to double check next time.

    • Berserkeley Mike,

      yes, I occasionally shoot left handed to suit my dominant left eye. It takes a few shots for me to get over the awkwardness of holding the airgun that way, but the feeling soon disappears… 🙂

      • hihihi,

        Thank you for the prompt!

        It was a beautiful evening so after dinner i exercised the gas spring in the .177caliber SIG SSG ASP20 shooting on my “weak side” so instead of the Dark Side i am reinforcing my membership in the WEAK SIDE shooting club. I shot 30 pellets before running out of light. Tomorrow afternoon if time permits i will do 30 pellets in the .22 caliber SIG to exercise the gas spring and my WEAK SIDE ;^)
        I think one of the keys to gas spring long term function is to shoot them on a regular schedule.
        They are also my most neighbor friendly shooting irons. My .22 Marauder and the DAQ .308 with 16 inches of Donny FL hush are as quiet until their projectiles slam into the metal trap…must get my rubber mulch trap up and running.

        Thank you again for the WEAK SIDE nudge.


        • shootski,

          what an unexpected result – I am very happy to have motivated you to shoot your air rifle. 🙂

          Becoming ambidextrous is not my ambition and yet, I can imagine it being quite useful in all aspects of life.

          Imagine also being able to experience more of life’s subtleties, you know, like The Princess And The Pea!

          I recently bought myself a watch that magnetically positions a couple of little steel balls as hour and minute hands. The original design (Eone Bradley watch) was apparently for the blind. I am glad I can check with my eyes what I felt the time to be. 🙂

          I guess, I’m saying that we all have the capacity to experience life more fully, or at least differently, if we so choose. 🙂

    • Berserkeley Mike,

      “(besides shootski)”

      Well i kept quiet for a bit!

      IT IS not just you!
      It just isn’t discussed all that often because so few folks try long enough to be/shoot ambidextrous.

      Notice how loud the crickets are chirping on the topic here on the REPLY section of the Blog!

      Could be canting; but also could be caused by the stock not being a correctly FITTED ambi stock. Most all of us do not have truly symmetrical faces! And, mass produced stocks are not the answer. Time for CUSTOM or get out the RASP.
      ALTERNATIVE…especially with Service Rifle and the like.
      I just note in my D.O.P.E. to dial Windage or HOLD OFF for the difference.
      For the doubting readers on being off by a few MOA think about how much single side cheek weld failures effect Point Of Impact (POI) variation.


  16. If you can find them to fit the thread on your peep sight the Merit adjustable ones work great I have them on two of my 3P Small bore rifles. When I was younger I would fill in the peeps on Service rifles(US M197,Enfield Pattern 14, 1903 A3,Garands, anything with a peep sight) with Belzona or J&B weld then drill them out to wire size bit .040″ for shooting in matches. These days I find myself reversing that on all my rifles 🙂 need .080″ to .100″. The holes are too small even with my surgery two years ago to have cataracts removed and corrective lenses added. I have a condition can’t remember what it is called but when I keep both eyes open I see two front sights or two reticles with a scoped rifle, the cure is to wear a blinder on my shooting glasses.

  17. Re read this blog again and will likely return some more. Still cannot remember what it is called but my eye doctor told me that He has rarely seen this condition. My dominant eye changes frequently and without preamble or forethought, it just happens. About fifteen years when I first went to this eye doctor He keep running a test over and over while saying “interesting” , this of course concerned me. I was glad to know why i could not shoot the way my Father tried to teach me. If I find myself without my fancy shooting glasses I squint my left eye or close it then I only sere one front sight or crosshair.

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