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Air Guns Engraved Colt Peacemaker BB pistol: Part Two

Engraved Colt Peacemaker BB pistol: Part Two

Engraved Colt SAA
Engraved Colt Single Action Army revolver

Part 1

This report covers:

  • The test
  • CO2
  • Loading
  • Daisy BBs
  • H&N Smart Shot
  • RWS Hobby
  • Shot count
  • Removed the CO2 cartridge
  • Summary

Today we look at the velocity of the engraved Colt SAA. This was made as a BB pistol, but shooters do shoot pellets in them, so I will test both for you.

The test

I tested the pistol with steel BBs, lead BBs and pellets. Naturally I installed a fresh 12-gram CO2 cartridge at the start and it dawned on me — I think this is the first time I ever loaded or shot this airgun.


The left grip panel comes off to install the CO2 cartridge and I knew there would be a wrench in the grip to pierce the cartridge.

With the left grip panel off the wrench that tightens the cartridge to pierce it is exposed. See the CSA? That was put there by the engraver.

I did oil the CO2 cartridge with Crosman Pellgun oil before piercing and there was no outgassing at the pierce.


Both BBs and pellets are loaded at the rear of the six removable cartridges. Just press them in and a plastic insert will retain them.

Daisy BBs

First up were Daisy BBs. Six averaged 385 f.p.s. The low was 378 and the high was 394 — a difference of 16 f.p.s.

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

H&N Smart Shot

Next I tried the heavier lead H&N Smart Shot. Six of them averaged 334 f.p.s. The low was 327 and the high was 339 f.p.s. That’s a difference of 12 f.p.s.

I did notice the velocity tended to decrease as I shot, which means the innards of the pistol cool down as the CO2 gas flows. Some CO2 guns have this problem and some don’t. This one seems to have it which means I have to watch the speed at which I shoot if I want the velocities to come out right.

RWS Hobby

The pellet I tried was the RWS Hobby wadcutter. I picked them because they are lightweight and this isn’t an overly powerful airgun, so the weight is matched to the power potential.

I have read in other places where the pellets are supposed to be loaded at the front of the cartridges, tail first, but that doesn’t seem to work for this pistol. They were loaded in the rear of the cartridges and they fit tighter than BBs.

Six Hobbys averaged 315 f.p.s. with a low of 284 and a high of 322 f.p.s.

Shot count

At the start of testing I missed the skyscreens several times so although only 18 shots have been recorded, 23 shots have been fired thus far. Now it was time to record the shot count.

I returned to Daisy BBs for the shot count. They went out faster than the average velocity up to shot number 40. That one went out at 374 f.p.s. Shot 49 was 387 f.p.s. and shot 52 was 245 f.p.s. 

I lost the light that the chronograph needs to record the shots. That happened at shot number 50, so I substituted a couple bright LED photography lights. They worked—sort of, but I need to fix my lights. Shot 52 was recorded at 245 f.p.s and shot 53 was 258 f.p.s., so I’m going to say there are about 50 good shots on a CO2 cartridge, but if you shoot until you hear the shots weakening you’ll get about 70.

Removed the CO2 cartridge

As soon as the shooting was completed I dry-fired the pistol until it seemed safe to remove the CO2 cartridge which I then did. That will protect the face seal from taking a set.


The engraved Colt single action army revolver is fairly powerful for what it is. It’s uses more CO2 than I like but that’s where the velocity comes from. And it’s a very smooth shooter. Accuracy will be next.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

19 thoughts on “Engraved Colt Peacemaker BB pistol: Part Two”

  1. Thank you for mentioning removing the co2 cartridge when finished shooting.

    It’s something “everyone knows” but few remember.

    I cannot count the number of co2 guns that I have worked on that needed that face seal replaced /reconditioned because they had spent years in the box or drawer with a cartridge in place.


  2. Just realized we actually do have a verity of BB types to check for performance in BB guns.
    Difference may not be too drastic, but at least it’s an option we can look into for a possible increase in accuracy and shooting enjoyment.
    And then there are all the lightweight pellets that may work as well. No more simple BB guns. BBs, darts and pellets.

    If you have any of the longer barreled versions, or shorter, it would be nice to compare the FPS.

    Forgot you already did the Ace in the Hole

    • Sometimes the brand of BB does make a difference. I bought a Glock Gen 4 BB pistol as a Xmas present for a Law Enforcement Officer relative. At the time, it matched his duty pistol. And at a tenth of a penny per shot, it was an economical way to get him extra trigger time. Anyways, I set him up with several brands of BBs and some of them continuously jammed the pistol, while others worked flawlessly. Some were more accurate than others.

  3. BB,

    This is one of the issues Gary Barnes and I had. Being an artist, he liked to do engraving and fanciful designs where I am more of a “form follows function” kind of guy.

    • RidgeRunner,

      ” ” (DITTOS)

      I also didn’t care for his “thin” skin when questioned about almost anything.

      I own a blued S&W Model 29 in .44 Magnum with machine engraving ONLY because it sat in the MCX gun shop’s display for two years until the SALE price to buy was just too good to pass up.


  4. “I think this is the first time I ever loaded or shot this airgun,” said B.B.

    FM thinks it is about time he loads and shoots his Umarex P08; so many choices, insufficient Round Tooits.

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