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Air Venturi, H&N Smart Shot .177 Cal, 7.4 Grains, Copper Plated Lead BBs, 750ct

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Brief history by Tom Gaylord The first BB used in an air rifle was BB-sized lead shot used by shotgunners. In the day when it was popular (the 1880s), shot was sold in bags in hardware stores and came in various numerical and letter sizes, including sizes B, BB and BBB. BB shot was supposed to be 0.180 inches in diameter and weigh more than nine grains.

At the turn of the 20th century, Daisy reduced the size of what they always called air rifle shot to a lead ball 0.175 inches in diameter. That saved them lead and also went faster because it was a lighter ball.

In the 1920s Daisy discovered that some boys in Minneapolis were using steel ball bearings that they were salvaging from a reject pile behind the American Ball Company. They checked the sizes of the balls they wanted to shoot by dropping them through the bores of their shot tubes. If they passed through, they were fired. If they stuck, well, a huge influx of stuck steel balls in shots tubes was what got Daisys attention in the first place.

Long story short, Daisy bought American Ball and started making their own steel air rifle shot. It was sized 0.171-0.173 inches, nominally. They had to change the size and design of their shot tubes to accommodate the new shot, and some time late in the 1920s BB began rebounding from hard targets with great force something the soft lead balls had not done. This started the mothers of American warning against shooting your eye out.

Note: Although all steel BBs state .177 caliber/4.5mm, in reality they are not and never have been. That is why a regular .177 caliber lead ball will not work in BB guns. They're simply too big in diameter.

H&N Smart Shot Copper Plated Lead BBs by Air Venturi

  • Caliber: .177 caliber, 4.5 mm
  • Weight: 7.4 grains
  • Double copper-plated round balls
  • Count: 750 per tin
  • Excite Smart Shot copper plated lead BBs might just be the safest BBs available
  • PLEASE NOTE: Smart Shot BBs are made from lead, so they work best in airguns that do not require a magnet to keep the BBs in place for shooting.


Ricochet from hard surfaces is virtually gone because the customary, lightweight steel has been replaced with much heavier lead. And because these lead BBs undergo a double copper-plating process, they have less friction, offer increased velocity and even more distance than plain lead balls. The copper plating also helps to prevent deformation of the BB and keeps them shiny and clean from oxidation during handling and storage. Even though the Smart Shot BBs travel a little slower than steel, because they're heavier than steel, they hit with added power.

Excite Smart Shot Lead BBs are double-copper-coated BBs with the exact same diameter as steel BBs (4.35mm). What does that mean for you? You get a better ammunition choice for your spring-loaded BB gun magazines that won't foul up your barrel with lead residue.  Now you can shoot at steel targets, shoot competitively, and even shoot indoors with the Smart Shot BBs in your BB handgun or rifle. The copper coating makes their surface much harder than traditional lead balls, yet they still flatten on impact. Smart Shot BBs offer a whole new world of target choices for you to shoot at.

Choose the heavyweight Smart Shot BBs and you'll be surprised by their performance, penetration, and low ricochet.

Learn more about the Smart Shot BB at Dennis Adler's Airgun Experience Blog. 

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.177 (4.5mm)
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10 of 102 Air Venturi, H&N Smart Shot .177 (4.5mm) Cal Reviews

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Nice quality & good shooting consistency.

Bigger quantities

Try them, you’ll like them !

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Great product. Hard hitting. Love the heavier BB and the slight deformation or 'mushrooming'. About as close to a hollow point in a. .177 BB that you can get. Get knock down. Love the threaded tin container. Great turn time with Pyramid. Have bought several things from them and will continue to.

Lower the price. Always looking for a better deal. Lower the purchase amount needed to get free or reduced shipping.

There is more riccochet than I expected. Shooting from 20 feet with a Colt Defender with advertised 460fps. (Opted for more fps:/ME than blow back cycling effect).

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In modern BB guns I always use at true .177inch (4.5mm)Umarex Precision Steel BB rated at (5.1 grains) and Umarex CO2 cartridges in my Umarex military replicas. However, for the older vintage military trainers you cannot use 4.5mm BBs. A steel 4.5mm BB will stick and jam the barrel on older vintage BB rifles like my Czech military VZ 35 and VZ 47. This is where the Air Venturi, H&N Smart Shot 4.5mm. (177 Cal), 7.4 Grains, Copper Plated Lead BBs excel. For the record H&N Exite Smart Shot lead, copper coated BB’s have 4.5/.177 written on the tin, but are in fact closer to 4.3mm (.169inch ). They are copper coated lead balls that work very well in the 1930s Czech (my Vz 35 and VZ 47) and the German (my Handel 310 and Anschutz 275) vintage BB rifles. Measuring a sample, the H&N Exite BB measures in at 4.2-4.3mm (not an exact 4.4mm). This is good. Continues at anything else...

Some say the tins are hard to open. The new production tins do have an easy to open screw top. These are made in Germany. These are not always available in the U.S. Last year, I had to obtain a single tin from Canada at $28 a tin. Thank You PA for reasonable costs. Stock up while you can. Order 3 and you get a free tin and a catalog - I would not change anything.

They weigh in consistently at 7.5 to 7.6 grains, approximately 2 grains heavier than the average steel BB. These lead BBs are very round and uniform in shape with most falling in the 4.2/4.3mm size and are perfect for vintage 4.4mm BB rifles. The copper cladding makes them clean to handle and there is no out of roundness to deal with. Measuring them with digital calipers gave sizes ranging from .166inch to.170inch, most measure in at .168inch to .169inch, around 4.3 mm. I do not fire these in modern BB replicas that utilized conventional 4.5mm steel BBs. I am not concerned with ricochets. I purchase these for vintage Foreign BB rifles that utilize a 4.4mm BB. They work perfect.

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Great for short range shooting in doors.


Try them you will like them.

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These things are awesome. They crumble into a disfigured shot. And super cool! Heavier then normal bbs so hit harder too!


Awesome product! Definitely worth it for no richochets

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H&N quality. They seem uniform in size but have no means of weighing them. The copper cladding makes them clean to handle and there are not lead flakes to contend with. The deformation capacity of the round balls means fewer bounce backs and my Chamption steel trap captures nearly all the rounds. I do take the extra precaution to mount my paper targets on corrugate board (a.k.a. "cardboard") for better "printing" of the round rounds, but the extra layer of corrugated keeps bounce backs also to a minimum. The primary issue seems to be supply of the SafeShot ammunition. It is just plain sold out. I have 6K of them on back order. I suspect my Oktoberfest will need to be renamed as "Springfest," or, maybe, "Summerfest?" That is, unless Diana releases the shot they actually recommend for this piece? On another note, the SmartShot works well in my Daisy Model 25 pumper. That BB smoothbore will never be a target gun, but the SmartShot works as well or better than steel shot.

Obviously, supply, supply, supply! This issue isn't, at this point, the product, but availability of the product. we learn a hard life lesson....PATIENCE!

If one purchases these copper clad lead rounds, don't expect the same muzzle speed as with steel. I suspect, however, that terminal velocity, and more importantly, energy would be higher with these than with the ferrous variety.

lance Mar 22, 2023

H&N indicates that the rounds will be produced in the next couple of weeks, but their arrival would take three months or so. Probably in June, if not July USA side of the Atlantic.

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Great BB's. Very consistent in size and weight compared to some others. Very low ricochet.

The price. They are very expensive to shoot compared to standard ammo.

Expensive ammo but worth the price for the safety factor.

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I have been using these low ricochet, metal jacketed, lead BBs for years now and highly recommend them for shooting steel. That is their prime use. They work well in my Tanfoglio Witness 1911 blowback, Makarov non-blowback, and Colt SIngle Action Army. Accuracy is as good as any steel BB but bounce back is greatly diminished (not eliminated). They generally bounce back a few feet at low speed, low energy when shot at steel targets. The cost is more than steel BBs, but still miniscule compared to firearm ammunition. I use these on steel targets in my basement with great success, and a whole lot of fun! So much cheaper and more convenient than driving to a range, paying range fees, buying boxes of 9mm ammo, etc.


I have also tried the newer frangible Dust Devil BBs, but prefer these lead Smart Shot BBs. The Dust Devils do work as advertised, but caused jams in my Tanfoglio Witness 1911. The Dust Devils are also messier as they leave a fine spray of metal dust all over my basement.

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no need for wadcutters at close range , these things hit like a sledge hammer in my hatsan torpedo , they mushroom like crazy , even hit a coon at 25ft. almost turned him inside out , clean kill, rite between the eyes, now he looks out the other tunnel.

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Works as advertised. The shot deformed and I have had no appreciable ricochets in my Gamo resetting target pellet trap.

Thankfully Pyramyd packaged the Smart Shot in a sealed envelope. The pour spout did not survive the trip but all the shot was contained within the bag.

This shot would not stay in my Daisy 880S. It rolled out of the barrel and would not stick to the bolt. I am looking forward to trying it in my Tanfoglio 1911 on steel plates.

lance Mar 10, 2023

SmartShot are non-ferrous and therefore do not respond to the magnets in many BB guns. They must be mechanically and not magnetically controlled by the feed mechanism.

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