5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
By Jeremy from USA on 2018-10-20 23:40:36
Everything about this gun has exceeded my expectations! Very accurate!
Things I would have changed:Get rid of the dovetail and go picatinny.
What others should know:Take a look at my video review.
3.0 3.0
4.0 4.0
By Ryan from USA on 2020-01-08 23:13:42
So far very pleased with the rifle, but honestly I dont have much to base that on. Hopefully I'll get to shoot it soon! (More on that later). Seems to be well built. Easy assembly.
Things I would have changed:As others have said, ditch the dovetail and go with picatinny. Also it would be easy/inexpensive to add a couple sling points. FIND A NEW CARRIER!! FedEx isn't doing you any favors. My rifle arrived after 5 days (not 3 as advertised), and the box looked like it was washed up on that island with Tom Hanks and Wilson!! Water damage, crush damage, very disappointing. In addition, my order was split into 2 separate orders and even though they shipped the same day, the second order (scope, tank) arrived 2 days AFTER the rifle. My first 4 boxes of ammo should have been in that first order as well, but........
What others should know:Well 1st....I ATTEMPTED to place my online order Sumday evening before new years' trying to get delivery by Thursday, 4 days later. When trying to check out there was some kind've problem with the website so my order didn't go through. Customer service was apparently overloaded the next day and I was unable to get through. Finally on Tuesday I was able to speak with someone and got the order placed. I WILL say the person I spoke with was very helpful. Took delivery of PART of my order on Monday (6 days later). The pellets I ordered were not in the delivery, and a retainer clip was missing from the rifle cocking lever (of course, no fault of Pyramid). The next day I got the pellets re-ordered and contacted Air Force for the missing parts. Air Force was very helpful and I received the parts less than 48hrs later. Needless to say, I sit here 11 days after my original order attempt and still am unable to shoot my $1000 rifle due to shipping delays with the SECOND pellet order!
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5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Verified Purchase
Powerful, accurate, it exceeded all of my expectations.
Things I would have changed:It is pretty darn loud, I mean it is LOUD. I would like to see a silenced option.
What others should know:I guess I reaaly didnt know what to expect. This gun , 50 caliber Texan carbine is very powerful. It blew right through a 1 inch, and a 2 inch treated board. It also went straight through an empty small propane cylinder. it is very loud. I pumped it up with my old Benjamin pump, but it was a tough job. An electric pump is on the way. I will try and post a follow up review.
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
It is a great air gun..
Things I would have changed:They sent the wrong size ammo got a 357 but they sent 30 ammo
What others should know:I haven't called them about the ammo yet
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Well built
Things I would have changed:No
What others should know:Buy it, you will like it!
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
3.0 3.0
Single shot, the cocking mechanism, the rifle. I like the Airforce design. This is number five. First one was an early version .22 Talon SS (had it for many years) modified it to a .25, second is a .22 Condor SS (probably my favorite), third one is another .22 Talon SS. Then came the .45 Texan rifle, (did I mention noisy) and now number five, the .308 Texan carbine. They all shoot very well. I live in the country so I can shoot them all the time... and do. I am now considering a .25 cal. Condor SS (when funds become available). I have other brand PCPs, Benjamin and Beeman. They are all much fun to shoot, my grand kids like them too, their favorite targets are the cattails (not the kitty; the marsh plant) when conditions are right they explode in a big puff of cotton.
Things I would have changed:Nary a thing. I accept it just the way it is.
What others should know:It is a bit noisy, but it is the carbine and I knew it would be. I get ten shots between 3K and 2K PSI using 85 grain or 100 grain bullets. I haven't had a chance to try others, I need more time with it.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
2.0 2.0
I like the quality an design of this gun. An hope to be able to get shooting it soon. Ive only shot it about 10 times so far.. An I've had to re-size the ammo with my knife, just to be able to shoot it the few times it's been shot.
Things I would have changed:No where on the gun does it have the markings of what caliber the gun is. All the other guns i own, have those markings stamped on them. Why doesn't this brand or maker have that on each an every gun they produce?
What others should know:An I'm having trouble finding the correct caliber of ammo/slugs to fit the gun i have. Which is the .357\9mm. Just about all the ammo ive purchased so far are to big to fit the barrel. The makers of this caliber need to make sure that they have the correct size, before they send it to us the customers, that are buying their ammo. An now I'm trying to find a way to re-size the ammo I've already purchased. Just so I'll have something to shoot in my new gun. An with most ammo, it's hard to find the right ammo to be shooting these days. Thank you
By Timothy from USA on 2022-09-26 |
By Timothy from USA on 2022-09-26 |
By Foster from USA on 2021-08-09 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
The overall quality. This rifle is very compact and easy to handle.
Things I would have changed:Nothing. It is just like the original Texan but smaller.
What others should know:If you are truly looking for an air rifle to take the place of your trusty 22 long rifle cartridge, then the .308 caliber is it. The good weather this spring plus the purchase of Air Venturi Nomad II gave me the opportunity to perform some chrony tests and dial in the tuner. This particular caliber likes the air tank to be filled around 2500 psi. Using Hornady .310 45 grain round ball and the air tank filled at 2300 psi the following velocities in fps were obtained;
Shot Velocity fps Energy
# fps Drop ft lbs
1 1093 119.4
2 1098 -5 120.5
3 1091 7 119.0
4 1083 8 117.2
5 1070 13 114.4
6 1070 0 114.4
7 1056 14 111.5
8 1047 9 109.6
9 1037 10 107.5
10 1032 5 106.4
11 1019 13 103.8
12 1009 10 101.8
Avg. Ft Lbs Energy 112.04
Highest Ft Lbs Energy 120.50
Lowest Ft Lbs Energy 101.75
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
I just got this and it rocks! I am still getting used to it, but so far I love it! Thanks to the Pyramid guy who recommended it!
Things I would have changed:The grip was loose when it arrived. It is hollow but there wasn't an included allen wrench that would reach to tighten it. I have a bit for my screwdriver and that reached and it is fine now, but other than that no complaints whatsoever. It is loud, but not as much as expected for a 5 rating on loudness (I got the .357).
What others should know:I filled this the first time with a Hill hand pump. It wasn't that bad but I also got the Air venturi Nomad so now I am lazy unless the power goes out. I got a Hawke 4x16 44 with it which seems sweet. Haven't been able to fully sight it in yet because I'm not used to the gun yet, but I am hitting accurately within 10" with just mounting it and not adjusting anything at about 60 yards which is impressive to me at least. I was looking for a shorter maybe Bullpup design, but I am super happy with this even though it is a foot longer or so it is still pretty short.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
This air rifle is the truth love it
Things I would have changed:Nothing at the moment
What others should know:Go get you one and enjoy
3.0 3.0
4.0 4.0
So far very pleased with the rifle, but honestly I dont have much to base that on. Hopefully I'll get to shoot it soon! (More on that later). Seems to be well built. Easy assembly.
Things I would have changed:As others have said, ditch the dovetail and go with picatinny. Also it would be easy/inexpensive to add a couple sling points. FIND A NEW CARRIER!! FedEx isn't doing you any favors. My rifle arrived after 5 days (not 3 as advertised), and the box looked like it was washed up on that island with Tom Hanks and Wilson!! Water damage, crush damage, very disappointing. In addition, my order was split into 2 separate orders and even though they shipped the same day, the second order (scope, tank) arrived 2 days AFTER the rifle. My first 4 boxes of ammo should have been in that first order as well, but........
What others should know:Well 1st....I ATTEMPTED to place my online order Sumday evening before new years' trying to get delivery by Thursday, 4 days later. When trying to check out there was some kind've problem with the website so my order didn't go through. Customer service was apparently overloaded the next day and I was unable to get through. Finally on Tuesday I was able to speak with someone and got the order placed. I WILL say the person I spoke with was very helpful. Took delivery of PART of my order on Monday (6 days later). The pellets I ordered were not in the delivery, and a retainer clip was missing from the rifle cocking lever (of course, no fault of Pyramid). The next day I got the pellets re-ordered and contacted Air Force for the missing parts. Air Force was very helpful and I received the parts less than 48hrs later. Needless to say, I sit here 11 days after my original order attempt and still am unable to shoot my $1000 rifle due to shipping delays with the SECOND pellet order!
By Ryan from USA on 2020-01-20 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Great rifle really sends some thunder down range.
Things I would have changed:Nothing
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Everything about this gun has exceeded my expectations! Very accurate!
Things I would have changed:Get rid of the dovetail and go picatinny.
What others should know:Take a look at my video review.
By mark from USA on 2019-03-13 |
By Thomas from USA on 2018-12-10 |
By Mustafa from USA on 2018-11-04 |
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By micky
Verified Purchase
Ordered this for a friend,it's been on my hitlist forever.With home casted 38 Lee molds it likes everything we feed it in lead and wheel weights. 130gr-150gr it yields a sub 1" 7 shot group at 35 yards rested on a truck bed. Sized the slugs to .357 and it favors the 148 grain wad cutters. At 85 yards they only drop 2" and we are using a 4x Monstrum Ruckus prisim scope. Did not have favorable weather for a chrono but it's hitting harder than my Modified Gen 2 Bulldog .357 and drops less. Power wheel set at 7/8 max power. Installed a Donny FL EmporV3 and it's really quiet now. Liked it so much I needed one but Carbines are sold out everywhere so I ordered an SS for myself. This is his second Airforce rifle and mine will be my Second.Just like my Texan .457CF Long it's an outstanding machine but not as hold sensitive as the long.With the 10.5" Donny FL it's almost the same lenth as my CF Long. Without the Donny it's almost loud enough to ring your ears. Get 10 shots to 1900psi 150 grains
Things I would have changed:Ditch the plastic barrel end caps, if the shroud was 3/4" shorter or the barrel was longer the Donny FL adaptor would fit with the end cap on and I would not have to machine parts.
What others should know:Lite,accurate and beautiful. Well worth the money. Please stop leaving reviews complaining about the dovetail and single shot.......it's the Airforce design.......you knew what it was when you bought it! I love the primitive feel I get when I single shot hand load.