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2.0 2.0
2.0 2.0
2.0 2.0
It shoots ok. It is light. Really feels like a child's toy. But!! When I got mine it felt real funny and wobbly in the middle. With no effort at all the gun fell apart in two pieces. Yep just came apart. I would put it back on kind of just slide it together but would come apart again. I was going to send it back but what the hell I just glued it back together with some epoxy. Now it stays together. Not very impressed. Gun does have some power though. Ive bought around 20 guns from Pyramid Air and very happy with all of them. Except this one. The gun was simply not put together, very dissatisfying.
Things I would have changed:Having a better made gun.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
I found this rifle to be fun to shoot and well worth the money. It looks and feels like the real thing. The replaceable handguard is nice. I change the handguard (which is the only cheap looking piece on the rifle) to a quad rail to mount a bipod and light system. Now it looks nice! I have fired over 500 bbs with no jams! Easily 5 stars.
Things I would have changed:Make a B.B. loader to simplify loading the magazines.
What others should know:I would get about 80 shots per magazine. You can shoot more but there is a noticeable drop in accuracy after 80. So recommend buying several magazines and a lot of bbs and co2 cartridges. I added an airsoft barrel extension which improved the rifles look and made it backyard friendly.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
What a cool air rifle. A spartan doctrine faux suppressor fits right on and looks like the real deal. It's supper quiet for backyard shooting. The Hellboy is very accurate.
Things I would have changed:It would be good as others have said to have a pellet version. Also an independent ammo loading system so you would not need to remove the entire co2 magazine. You go through many BB's quickly because it's so much fun.
What others should know:I wish they would make a Hellboy AK47 to add to my collection.
2.0 2.0
2.0 2.0
1.0 1.0
I was excited to see a 1:1 exact replica of my AR15's however it was pretty short lived. First problem was that the front sight was broken so not useable. But I build these guns so I have all the armorer tools I need. So I bean an autopsy.I discovered the gas block which is also the front sight is barely held on so almost came off in my hands. Second their flash hider is press fitted on a very cheap aluminum barrel. And I mean very cheap. But the good news is I can indeed outfit the gun with a decent free float handguard of my choice. I can remove the barrel nut which also wasn't really put on with much effort. I could turn it off the upper without any tools. I can also replace the broken front sight with a low profile gas block.So even out of the box this gun is not really ready to shoot. I'll have to wait until I can swap out the gas block and put on a free float hand guard and an optic.
Things I would have changed:Maybe use a bit better quality for the barrel. Take a bit more care not to sell guns with broken parts that need a lot of actual work by an armorer or gun smith. I'm already looking at putting some money into making the gun workable. And now that I got into it this far I can't return it. Also these are not true to weight of an actual AR. They are much lighter.
What others should know:While exciting in concept and design expect that it will not be able to be used out of the box due to broken parts which you will find need to replace or get into returning guns until you find one that the company took care not to break in manufacturing.
By Hook from USA on 2018-06-09 |
By Bob M from USA on 2018-06-08 |
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
It's a metal body 1:1 M4, what's not to like? 20' accuracy is excellent, unsupported offhand groups are ragged dime size and easily accomplished. I removed the carry handle and added a 1" riser and inexpensive red dot, it puts the reflex above the front sight post so it doesn't interfere with the sight picture. Worth noting the irons on the carry handle have a very positive detente click and are high quality. The front sight does rotate against a detente pin also and may actually be adjustable. Velocity testing was quite surprising, considering how quiet this rifle is. With a fresh 12g and a magazine of dust devils I got a first shot of 698fps and a 10 shot average of 669. I followed that with a mag of steel bbs that gave a 639 10 shot avg. Worth noting though, shot number 13 dust devil impacted in 2 pieces. This was my first use of the DDs, hopefully that's a fluke. Loading the magazine is easy. The follower locks down, big plus, and the faux gas tube is a nice scale touch.
Things I would have changed:The selector switch. It's so light to actuate from safe to semi (it is actually 3 position with the 3rd labeled auto but is the same functionally as semi) that inadvertently taking this out of safe is going to be a potential liability. It's that soft. Mine was half way to semi just from bumping around in shipping. The grip looks to be black rifle compatible but isn't without heavy modification. Without accessories the rifle feels pretty light and there is basically no "feedback" to the shot, but that's the trade-off I suppose for better gas efficiency than blowback guns. The magazine does require a bit of a firm shove to lock into place. I get the feeling that the charge handle, which is operable but only serves to knock upon the ejection port cover and only with the magazine in place will probably fail fairly quickly. It also tends to hang up a little bit, but is nice for some scale realism.
What others should know:Milspec stocks will fit but rattle a little bit. The muzzle device is 14mm ccw threads so your airsoft faux cans will fit. There is a silver spacer behind the muzzle device that simulates a crush washer, but it rattles around. I removed it and placed an o-ring behind it to eliminate that. The delta ring is functional so drop in carbine handguards should fit (mine is on the way.) It -APPEARS- that the A2 sight -MAY- be removable in conventional style (drift pins) and there may be enough of an approximation of a barrel nut behind the delta ring that with some modification a free float guard could be mounted. I will say that I opted not to try this as the rifle shot so well that I feel the high potential to destroy the gun in attempting the mod was not worth it at this point.
By Hook from USA on 2018-06-24 |
By Russ from USA on 2018-06-16 |
By Hook from USA on 2018-06-09 |
By John from USA on 2018-06-06 |
By John from USA on 2018-06-06 |
By John from USA on 2018-06-06 |
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By John
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
I had to return my first HellBoy (See my Comments underneath Hooks Review). The new HellBoy M4 I just received is a different rifle in a good way. The rifle looks great and feels really good in the hands. The trigger is nice, breaking at around 5 lbs. The ability to change and add accessories is terrific. The delta ring is functional so I upgraded to the aluminum carbine hand guard with 4 Picatinny rails. This replacement rifle has excellent accuracy for a BB rifle. A 10 shot group at 10 yards with the Daisy 5.1 grain zinc premium BBs grouped 1.13 CTC. Even more amazing was 7 out of the ten shots grouped at .52
Things I would have changed:The magazine is the weak link to the rifle but also the engine. The first rifle that I returned the valve was defective and I also believe it did not line up perfectly with the rifle which affected the accuracy. I also question the aluminum magazine housing around the push-in release button to remove the Co2 portion of the magazine. I question the long term durability since you have to remove this every time you load the magazine. The magazine is difficult and time consuming to load. "18" rounds is not enough..."30" rounds would be much better!
What others should know:This is my 2nd round with the HellBoy. The first one was horrible and I had to return it for an exchange. It was shooting well under 400 fps and was beyond inaccurate. It looked like a shotgun pattern at 10 yards. I am pleased to say that my first rifle must have been a defective fluke. This replacement rifle is completely different in performance. The velocity is between the high 400 fps to the low 500 fps. You can't miss a soda can from 20 yards out. I replaced the muzzle device with a 14mm CCW muzzle brake. I also removed the handle, installed a 1" Picatinny Riser and mounted a Leapers UTG 6.4 inch ITA Red/Green CQB T-Dot Sight. I am going to order an extra magazine and test the performance difference. As I stated above the Magazine is the heart of the rifle. "IF" you get a properly functioning rife it is worth the money and is a lot of fun to shoot.