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5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
Very real look and feel. Put it next to a .22 and it would be hard to tell the difference. Very accurate at 25 yards. The single action feature is nice.
Things I would have changed:Instead of putting both CO2 cartridges back to back, make two separate chambers. It is very hard to make sure both cartridges have been punctured. You really have to tighten it, which I worry may break something. Just get rid of the double action.
What others should know:I hope the quality is better than the last Umarex gun I bought. The Steel Force lastest about 500 rounds before the trigger stopped working. Out of warranty and it would have cost me more to fix it than the cost of the gun. 30 day warranties are way too short. If Umarex thinks they make a quality product they should have at least a six month warranty on all of their guns.
By Trevor from United Kingdom on 2019-11-23 |
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
Realistic look and feel....excellent accuracy. This rifle has adequate power and is fun to shoot.
Things I would have changed:Has a distinctive crack upon firing so can be a bit loud for backyard plinking.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
Excellent design accuracy. Looks just like the real thing. Great weight and balance with CO2 installed.
Things I would have changed:True blow-back action would be nice but not at the expense of wasted CO2.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
It looks like the firearm and shoots good!
Things I would have changed:It would be 5 stars all the way if the trigger was better in double action and a wood stock option was available, but I can understand why it isn't.
What others should know:It is a nice replica, get one.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Shoots great, very accurate and almost as fun as the real thing!
Things I would have changed:Seems it should be a little bit heavier
What others should know:Well worth it, very fun for plinking
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
This is an excellent clone of the original 22LR version. Decent power over 600 fps.
Things I would have changed:The trigger is a bit heavy using double action. If Umarex could somehow lighten this up they would have a "great" little rifle rather than a "good" rifle
What others should know:For the $ it is a good rifle that is absolutely perfect for plinking. Get a couple of the extra magazines. Airgun Detectives did one of the best independent reviews on this.
1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0
3.0 3.0
At this point, not much.
Things I would have changed:My decision to buy it!
What others should know:I wanted to like this rifle and initially, I did. Until it developed a leak. I put CO2 in it early in the day, loaded it and took about 5 shots. I then set the rifle down for a few hours to do other stuff. Later on, I shot it about 40 times, then put it down to eat. When I picked it up again 20 minutes later, it was completely empty of CO2. Considering the gun operated as advertised to this point, I did what anyone would do, I put in 2 new cartridges.
As soon as I pierced the cartridges, I could hear a huge leak. It dumped all the gas in a matter of seconds. Stupidly repeating this process produced the same results!
I own more than a few CO2 air guns, rifles and pistols, and I'm very familiar with their operation. That's how I know there is something wrong with this one.
And the worst part is that so far, Umarex support has not been helpful!
By Jake from USA on 2019-07-31 |
By Glenn from USA on 2019-07-23 |
By scottywotty from USA on 2019-07-19 |
By John from USA on 2019-07-13 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
looks just like the ruger 1022 shoots great in single action mode. trigger a little heavy in double action mode.
Things I would have changed:lighten double action mode.
What others should know:extra rotary mags are not avaiable yet.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
Feels like a Ruger 10/22. Accurate , hard hitting. Excellent trigger in sa mode. Despite heavy da trigger it is accurate and you can da ce soda cans.
Things I would have changed:Would lose velocity but a true semiautos action would be nice. A takedown version would be better . The flaw in the mechanism is if a pellet gets jammed between the magazine and the barrel it is difficult to remove. I would offer a true drift adjustable rear sight or maybe adjustable fiber optics as Ruger offers on some versions of the 10/22.
What others should know:Overall a nice rifle . Like mine
By michael from USA on 2019-07-02 |
1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0
Nice solid rifle, but it immediately leaked all gas upon first loading the CO2. I sent it back to PA for a full refund. This was not the fault of PA, but Umarex should test their products before shipping.
Things I would have changed:Make it actually function as it should. It looks like a nice rifle so I may order another one after Umarex gets their quality control in order.
By PAUL from USA on 2019-11-22 |
By michael from USA on 2019-06-19 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Balance of gun feels great . I can put three shot groups inside a quarter at 20 yards off a bench. Umarex has done a good job at copying the Ruger 10/22. I have run about 200 rounds thru gun with no problems.
Things I would have changed:Nothing at this time. I see people complaining about the trigger pull, but as with all new guns it will losing up the more shots up put on it.
What others should know:Your people at Pyramid does an awesome job getting orders out fast.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
Light weight and fun to shoot. Nice with a red dot sight I put on.
Things I would have changed:Hard to get spare clips . Been waiting for 3 weeks now. Pyramid air isn't to fast in that department . No o e knows where or when i'm f you will be able to ever get a clip holder. Pyramid air dosen't know or Umarex the company that makes the gun. BAD for business.
By Guy from USA on 2019-07-01 |
By Albert Perez from USA on 2019-06-25 |
2.0 2.0
2.0 2.0
3.0 3.0
Mirror image of the 22lr model.
Things I would have changed:The double action trigger is simply horrible.
What others should know:Did I mention that the double action trigger was horrible!
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
Excellent replica of the real thing.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
Neat replica 10/22, well made, fun to shoot.
Things I would have changed:Nothing, cool for pricepoint
What others should know:Definitely worth having
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
Very accurate right out of the box, no adjustments needed. I have a Ruger 1022 firearm and this makes great pair
Things I would have changed:would pay more for wood stock or have that as an option, Include at least 2 magazines and make a magazine box as an accessory
What others should know:Having problems getting the plunger to pierce the back cylinder. Gun works on one cylinder. Used two of these dented cylinders together and both worked the second time . The charging ram does not have a point, only a round punch. Also could not cock the trigger until I figured out the magazine release lever had not returned all the way back. Just some things to learn. Mounted a scope now a tack driver, Great air rifle fun to shoot
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Very similar to a real 10/22. Quite accurate and plenty of power.
Things I would have changed:It would be nice if the double action trigger pull and trigger travel could be reduced
What others should know:Just about the worse trigger I have ever experienced on an air gun. Very long travel and very heavy trigger pull. Shooting semi-auto accurately and rapidly is almost impossible. But cocking the lever and shooting single action is great. Shorter trigger travel, lighter trigger pull and crisp.
By James from USA on 2019-08-31 |
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
I like almost every thing. The power is good, The single action trigger pull is very good. The accuracy is certainly adequate for a plinker. I didn't count how many shots I got but I believe their 75 shot estimate is accurate. I was shooting at a medusa target at 15 yds and had plenty of power to trip the arms. I was just using the open sights that come standard and no trouble out to 15yds.
Things I would have changed:More than one magazine would be nice. (I plan on having about 8 when they're available)
What others should know:To fully seat the pellets (Crosman Premier Hollow Points) I had to lay the circular magazine face down on a hard surface and seat them with a ball point pen. I didn't care for the double action trigger pull. (A bit too long and stiff)
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By Ricardo
It was a very good surprise, I liked everything, specially the cocking feature which makes the trigger lighter. It is very precise, 0.25-inch group at 24 feet with all the H&N pellets I have.
Things I would have changed:To have available to buy extra full-magazines, not only the rotary one.
What others should know:I installed an UTG 4-16x40 MIL-DOT scope on an UTG Pro Ruger 1022 Picatinny rail. I didn't use the 1-inch rings that came with it because was the High Profile (saddle height of 18 mm), I used instead the UTG Low Profile RG2W1104 which is more comfortable. The UTG rail screws have a perfect height. From a rested position at 24 feet, all the magazine goes through a hole of only 0.25 inches.
I got 30 shots with one CO2 and 60 with two.