Air Venturi LE, Image 1
Air Venturi LE, Image 1

Air Venturi LE Carbon Fiber Air Tank, 4500 PSI, 45 Cu Ft, DOM 2001

4.58 reviews
4 answered questions


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4.58 reviews
4 answered questions


Recent DOT regulation (SP-16320) changes have led to some amazing developments for airgunners!  Life Extended tanks may be used up to an additional 15 years from their born on date. For example, a tank manufactured in the year 2001, would have previously expired in 2016. Now, this tank may be usable until 2031 once Life Extended!

If the cost of a brand new carbon fiber air cylinder has kept you from getting into PCP airguns, a Life Extended cylinder may be the answer! These carbon fiber cylinders are lightweight and capable of storing up to 4500 psi of high pressure air.  Potentially providing thousands of shots for your PCP airguns!

Of course, just like brand new carbon fiber SCBA cylinders, they must pass testing every 5 years from the Life Extension date to remain in service (Ex. A tank Life Extended in 2017, wouldn’t require a retest until 2022).  This testing can only be done by Digital Wave Corporation for Life Extended tanks and will cost about the same as a standard hydro test plus shipping and handling.

These cylinders come with a brand new 300 BAR DIN valve and fill assembly that ends in a female quick disconnect fitting, ready to fill your PCP airguns.  The valve and fill assembly feature stainless steel fittings, a 24 in. microbore hose and a rubberized hand wheel for controlled filling. The integrated pressure gauge lets you know when you're reaching your full charge, and the bleed valve is conveniently located on the valve.

  • Air Venturi Life Extended Carbon Fiber Air Tank
  • 4,500 psi max fill pressure
  • 45 cu. ft. capacity
  • DIN 300 Fill assembly 
  • 24 in. microbore hose
  • Stainless steel female quick-disconnect coupling attached to output end of hose
  • DOT Approved (SP-16320)
  • Manufactured in the year 2001
  • 22.5" tall to top of valve
  • 5.5" wide
  • 8.5 lbs. dry weight

Please note that the tank you receive may vary in appearance from the tank shown in the image but will be the correct size with the advertised amount of years remaining.

Click here to get a printable copy of SP-16320

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8.5 lbs

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8 of 8 Air Venturi LE Carbon Fiber Reviews

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Looks good, haven't filled it yet, FEDEX just dropped it off

Almost out of date!!!!!!

Disappointed to find it is over 4 years into a 5 year cert. Shouldn't be more than a year since it was certified

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Makes range trips much easier!

Make the whip a little longer and maybe add a one way valve in kit for filling.

If you don't have a tank you don't know what your missing ! It only took a little over an hour for my compressor to fill to 300 bar.

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Excellent value, securely packaged for shipping, tank is in good condition.

The valve handle is a hard plastic and I wish it were a little larger and rubberized.

I hope Digital Wave will be able to continue life extending tanks for the air gun market.

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The capacity is perfect for an extended shooting session with portability. The valve was smooth as butter, giving total control over fill rate. The manometer glows in the dark after light exposure and has a rugged rubber ring around it.

The hose could be a little longer, but not a big deal. I wish that it had come with a test plug, I like those to keep hose clean.

The diameter may be a tad bit larger as it looks like some additional carbon fiber wrap may have been added which will make a 5.5" tank boot fit pretty snug. Seems like a good deal for the price.

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1.The size for the price. 2.length of time for refills 12yr..

Have a regulator to set fill pressure.

I did have a leak in the fill hose. That said Pyramyd Air corrected the problem quickly.

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I love that I don't have to hand pump by having this tank gives me plenty of fills on my gun. ..It's definitely worth buying works great Thanks to Pramyd air


If you are tired of hand pumping you definitely should buy one

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The price! Also, it's the right size and capacity for re-filling my PCP guns! It appears to be ready to use right from the box with the right hose and fittings for my Benjamin Marauders. Packaging, by the way, was excellent!

Some of the fiberglass added to the outside during the "re-certification" process began to come loose when my dive shop started filling the tank. They stopped filling it at 3,000 PSI (tank capacity is 4,500 PSI) and wouldn't fill it further. I've had to return it to Pyramyd Air for replacement. Awaiting word from them now.

The dive shop initially would not refill the tank because it was 17 years old and industry convention is that no tank older than 15 years old should be used. I was able to download and print the information on the "re-certification" process. When I took that back to them they said they'd fill the tank, but this was the first time they'd seen a "re-certified" tank, so they were a little wary.

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Price is great, and this tank is real light. I carry my PCP rifle in one hand, and this 45 cu ft tank in the other when I go to the range. The foster fitting works well on my Marauder.

The pressure gauge scale is too crude for me to use for filling my Marauder, but that is OK: I use the pressure gauge on the Marauder anyway when I fill the rifle.

I ordered the carrying strap for the tank when I order the tank. The carrying strap make it easy to transport the tank out to my back yard range.

I bought the tank with a 12 year life time. I have my Benjamin Marauder tuned to a 2550 psi fill, and I shoot it down to 1759 psi, so this tank should be good for about 30 fills.

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