Benjamin Titan XS Air Rifle
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- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
- Benjamin Titan XS air rifle
- Breakbarrel
- Nitro Piston powerplant
- Weaver/Picatinny scope rail (no open sights)
- Ambidextrous, ergonomic thumbhole stock
- Dual raised cheekpieces
- Muzzlebrake for added leverage
- 2-stage adjustable trigger
- 8.30 lbs.
- Reduced vibration due to the gas piston
- Much quieter than other breakbarrels
- Includes unmounted CenterPoint Optics 3-9x32 scope & mount (no open sights)
Benefits of the Nitro Piston over a metal mainspring:
- Smoother cocking
- Smoother shooting
- No spring torque
- No spring fatigue, even if you leave it cocked for hours
- Functions perfectly in cold weather
- Lasts longer than a metal spring
The owner's manual shows an incorrect weight and overall length for the Benjamin Titan XS air rifle.

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3 of 3 Benjamin Titan XS Air Rifle Reviews
I bought this to clear out a pigeon problem when all else had failed. The gun is solid and heavy just like a high power center fire would be. I sighted it in with the hollow point 7.9 grain pellets and it shoots better than expected. The box said to expect best results at 33 feet. I set up a target at 75 feet and shot 30 rounds from my porch resting on the porch rail. 29 of the 30 rounds went withing a 2 inch group and one flyer moved out about 4 inches. The waind was blowing about 12 MPH so this was remarkable in my opinion.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would only change the 2 stage trigger. I have shot rifles all my life and there is just no need for such a long pull.
What Others Should KnowThis is a no nonsense gun and you need to be as careful as if shooting a 22. This gun will blast through hardy plank siding and has no problem going almost 1 inch in a phone book. The pellets hit so hard they perfectly mushroom to about double the diameter. Make sure of your backstop. My pigeon problem is all resolved
This gun has a great feel to it. It looks great too. It's very accurate. I like the .177 caliber, it shoots fast and flat. It just seems to naturally get on target for me. I much prefer it over my Trail NP with wood stock. I'm consistently getting 1.0 groups at 25 yards. The scope mount is great.
Things I Would Have ChangedMaybe trim a pound or so off of it if possible. The scope is very basic and could be upgraded, which I did as I had a better one that I purchased for my other gun, and put it on this one.
What Others Should KnowI'm definitely very pleased with this purchase. I don't think that you can expect any better accuracy from a break barrel. The nitro piston is a great advantage over a spring IMO. I would highly recommend this model.
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Sep 19, 2014
By Theophile
The Benjamin Titan XS is the perfect .177 pellet gun that I've been waiting 5 years for! It is very well built, has great ergonomics\handling and has proven Very Accurate (10yds=Same Hole w\Benjamin 7.9gram lead HP). There's virtually no recoil and I can shoot in my workshop without hearing protection, it's that quiet (thanks to the smooth Nitro Piston technology)! The included Centerpoint 3-9 x32 scope is okay and adjust well for a consistent zero. At 1000fps (lead pellets, sub-sonic=stable ballistics), it is very powerful, carrying 18 foot lbs of punch. In just 5 back-to-back bulls eye shots, I tore a hole in my Gamo 8 gauge sheet metal target housing I started with...will need to beef it up to keep using! I've not had the chance to take it out long range (50 to 100 yds), but am confident it will be a very accurate plinker and small game hunter!
Things I Would Have ChangedTrigger length of pull is long, but there is an adjustment screw that helps a little...just follow the OEM directions.