Benjamin Trail NP, Nitro Piston, air rifle combo
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- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
- Benjamin Trail NP (Nitro Piston)
- Breakbarrel
- Gas piston
- Bull barrel
- Ambidextrous thumbhole stock with twin raised cheekpieces
- Textured grip & forearm
- 70% quieter than most guns with metal mainsprings
- Includes Weaver-style rings and unmounted CenterPoint Optics 3-9x40AO scope with mil-dot reticle
- Sling swivel studs already mounted
- Synthetic stock
If you shoot a lightweight pellet so its velocity exceeds the speed of sound, it could result in your pellet breaking the sound barrier and the gun being louder than expected! The speed of sound depends on humidity, temperature and altitude. Generally speaking, it's between 1,060 fps and 1,115 fps.
Here are the benefits of a gas-piston over a spring-piston air rifle:
- Smoother cocking
- Smoother shooting
- No spring torque
- No spring fatigue, even if you leave it cocked for hours
- Functions perfectly in cold weather
- Lasts longer than a metal spring
Browse below for recommended ammo for pellets & accessories for targets & more.

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10 of 160 Benjamin Trail NP, Nitro Piston, air rifle combo Reviews
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing for me, but I'm new to air guns so I don't know much about them.
What Others Should KnowI sighted this gun in at 50 yards, then handed it to my wife and her first time ever shooting a gun hit 3 out of 4 bulls eyes from this distance. This gun is a lot of fun.
I like this Trail NP2 just fine now, but I didn't when I initially purchased it. I couldn't get any accuracy or consistent grouping. Shots were all over. I ignored it and shot 500 pellets to break it in. Didn't help. Eventually the included scope went bad and I had to send it in for repair. Decided it was a bad purchase. Then I noticed there was some side play in the hinge where the barrel breaks open. I took the stock off and tightened the screw. Put on a new scope. Amazing difference. Under one inch shots at 25 yards. There is a small set screw that tightens against the hinge scew to keep it from turning loose. My set screw was not tightened down properly. My Trail NP likes H&N target trophy pellets. It groups best when I bench shoot with my hand resting on a bean bag and holding the rife with a light grip. I adjusted the trigger and love it now.
Things I Would Have ChangedNeeds a better scope. I use a Hammers 3-9x40 that is doing well so far.
What Others Should KnowPellet pens are great. Get accustomed to the kick. Check the srews often. You can print targets for free from several Internet sites.
Looks very tough , feels comfortable when shouldered , is pretty accurate . this one likes Crosman Premier hp pellets. Is also back yard ,and neighbor friendly.
Things I Would Have ChangedShould come with better scope , is a little on the heavy side.
What Others Should KnowShould be takin apart and cleaned of the oils used from factory, and replaced with pelgun oil.
like the look, very dependable gun and with right ammo incredibly accurate
Things I Would Have Changedmake it lighter
What Others Should Knowlove this gun foer small game and target . reccommend rws and h and n ammo with it
After one year of ownership, and many tins of pellets through the gun, I know I got a lot of gun for my money even though two upgrades (scope and trigger) were needed to make my 177 truly enjoyable. Very quiet (backyard friendly!), not very fussy about pellets but really likes RWS SD, H&N FTT and JSB MDE. With these I get close to 1" groups at 30 yards which I consider good for a gun at this price point. Sighted in at 20 yards there is a flat trajectory out to almost 40 yards. ThCocking effort is ok for a couple of hours of target shooting but definitely not kid friendly. Power is outstanding. Do not think for a second that you need a 22 for humane hunting of rabbit or squirrel at a distance that allows accurate head shots-about 30 yards for me. Very dependable, doesn't recoil much so I have no trouble with bolts or scope screws coming loose or scope moving in the rings or reticle splitting or rotating.
Things I Would Have ChangedNeeds better trigger. The trigger blade is a bit too close to the pistol grip for my hand. An unscoped version at a lower price would be nice. The Centerpoint scope isn't bad, it is actually pretty good considering the entire package is about $200, but it is a budget scope and you know it once you've looked through a nice scope.
What Others Should KnowDon't expect this $200 gun to perform like a $1500 PCP. But it is fun to shoot and I am very happy with its performance and perfect reliability. Medium weight pellets in the 8-9 gr range provide flat trajectory and more than enough power. Maybe this will go on a closeout sale soon as the NP2 is an updated replacement. I would still choose the NP if you're planning on using the bundled scope at all because only the NP has an AO scope.
Full disclosure, I'm a new air gunner. But like a lot of newbies, I did my homework before I bought my first one. And I have to say, I love this Trail in .22 caliber! The all-weather stock is not "plasticky." It's more like a heavy rubber that feels great. It's not hollow, and it has a nice texture. The bull barrel is very good at silencing the gun. It cocks smooth and light. The weaver rail is really nice, and the included scope works very well for me. Sure, it's not top of the line, but the picture is clear at all magnification levels. And the mil dots are nice for range estimation. The gun is plenty powerful, with minimal recoil. Mine likes to be held right in front of the trigger guard. I have found that it doesn't mind a firm grip on the stock or solid pressure at the shoulder. But it does require a light touch on the pistol grip. As long as I don't grip it hard around the trigger, it shoots straight. Of course, your gun might be different.
Things I Would Have ChangedYou know what I'm going to say. The trigger is miserable! I went with a DIY modification that makes it perfect for me. Other than that, there's nothing I would change about this gun.
What Others Should KnowSo how does it shoot? Well, I can tell you that my gun doesn't like Crosman ammo. I tried the hollow points, domes, and pointed. Then I found a seller on ebay that sells 25-pellet samples for a couple of bucks. If you buy more than one, he combines shipping. So I was able to test a dozen different pellets for under $30. That's way better than buying a tin of each one. So what did I try? JSB wasn't any good. H&N FTT? Nope. Barracuda? Nope. The Beeman Crow Magnums shoot OK. But my gun's favorite pellet is the RWS Super H-Point. With that, I get dime sized groups at 10 yards consistently. As an air gun noob, I'm pretty happy with that. My goal is to keep practicing and eventually get the same size groups at 20 and 30 yards. I am quite confident that the Benji can handle it. If you're on the fence about this one, I say go for it. You're getting a lot of gun for the money here. And Pyramyd Air is awesome!
The weight is really nice the Bull barrel is cool and it is helpful because if you want you can grab the very end of the barrel to cock it.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing...
What Others Should KnowRemember that there is a break in period it took me about 40 rounds to break it in..happy airgunning and buy this rifle..
I like the 8lb. weight of this rifle which gives me a more realistic practice of a large bore Deer rifle. The fundamentals of good markmanship are exactly the same. The only difference is this rifle is really cheap to shoot. After break-in this Trail NP becomes very accurate. I'm shooting 10.5 gr. ultra magnum pellets. At 40 ft. on the rest pencil size groups are common, with the center shot out. The Center-Point Scope has quality far beyond whats needed for this rifle. I like it a lot.
Things I Would Have ChangedI did have to make one change for myself. I have small hands and my trigger finger kept sliding down to the bottom of the trigger. Early on this hirt my accuracy. I corrected things by installing a trigger shoe. Now my finger stays in the same spot everytime. No trigger show is made to fit the wider width. I used a Crosman 1377 (for pistols) trigger shoe and milled it to the width necessary for a perfect fit. It can be removed by allen wrench to take the stock off. Makes a really very nice trigger pull.
What Others Should KnowIf you are on a limited budget, but want a pellet rifle that shoots like a higher end model, then give this Trail NP a try.
This rifle is very good quality. It is a good value for the cost. The scope seems to work well. The stock is very comfortable and it points well.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe trigger is definitely horrible. There is a lengthy gap from start to let off. Adjustment doesn't seem to work.
What Others Should KnowAccuracy is not the best. The owners manual states that there is a break-in period of 100+ shots. I hope that is so.
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Apr 11, 2016
By William
I like the design, the nitro piston, and the overall feel of it.
Things I Would Have ChangedI'd find a way to stop barrel droop. There should be a latching mechanism that stabilizes the damn barrel in the correct position and keeps it there. You would just release the latch when you want to cock the gun.
What Others Should KnowDon't bother paying $20 extra for the "20 shots for $20" scope sighting in service Pyramid offers. I paid for it and my rifle arrived nicely protected in the expensive gun case I bought but with the barrel sitting at a 10 degree angle below straight. You would think for $20 they would at least line the barrel up and put a couple drops of Loc-Tite on it to maintain the accuracy you paid for. It arrived just as useless as it would have been if I hadn't paid the $20. I had to redo everything I paid them to do. So, don't bother.