BSA AR 2-7x32, Image 1
BSA AR 2-7x32, Image 1

BSA AR 2-7x32 Rifle Scope

4.517 reviews
2 answered questions


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4.517 reviews
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Variable magnification 2 to 7 power. BSA Air Rifle scope with Nitrogen filled chambers, machined aluminum construction, waterproof, shockproof and fogproof! Tube is 1" diameter, aluminum construction, dual braced lenses, adjustable objective lens can be set parallax-free down to 7.5 yards.

These scopes are built to handle the unique reverse recoil of today's magnum spring power air rifle. They all have adjustable objectives that focus down to 10 yards. All AR models have target style turrets with finger adjustable 1/4MOA clicks for windage and elevation.

  • Magnification: 2x-7x
  • Objective: 32mm
  • Field of view: 36.2-11.5ft @ 100 yds
  • Eye relief: 3"
  • Tube diameter: 1"
  • Length: 12"
  • Weight: 15.9 oz
  • Finish: matte black
  • Reticle: duplex
  • Adj size: 1/4 MOA @ 100 yds

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10 of 17 BSA AR 2-7x32 Rifle Reviews

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Clear Crisp optics. Easy to focus. Excellent reticle. Adjustible Objective. 1/4 MOA adjustments.


I have 5 BSA scopes on my Air Rifles and they are the best I have tried. Better than Hawke, Centerpoint and Leapers.

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I have mounted the scope on a Ruger .22LR. I saw several reviews showing a shifting of zero. My experience, so far, on this .22LR has been all positive. I've shot the rifle on quite a few occasions now and get beautifully tight groups with no shifting of zero. I realize my .22LR does not recoil like some BIG air guns, but for my use it has been great. Nice fine crosshairs and bright and clear.

A side parallax adjustment would be handy, but I can live with twisting the objective bell. At least the parallax adjustment is smooth, as is the fast focus eyepiece.

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Discovered BSA scopes quite a while ago. Unlike alot of reviews I've had real good luck w/ them. Currently own 4 w/ only one that I had to return because of a loose eye piece. PA hoped right on it w/ a replacement

Nothing, the #'s on the ao are a little off, no big deal

Metal screw on/off lens covers which some people don't like. I happen to think they're great. I mainly shoot paper.

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Very clear optics and an excelent thin reticle.


This is my fourth BSA scope and I am completly satisfied with all of them. This 2x7 scope was easy to sight in, only taking about 6 shots. I mounted the scope using Leapers Accushot rings, which I highly recommend. The scope has very clear lenses and nice thin reticles, which helps with pinpoint accuracy.

Steven Mar 25, 2015

UPDATE: I have used Center Point, Hawke and Leapers scopes and the BSA scopes are much better in terms of clear optics, focus and reticle.

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very Clear optics on this scope .It holds zero on a strong springer and is standing up well to it. Plenty of adjustment unlike Leepers. Nice finish.

Not a thing

Bsa scopes have proven to me that they hold up to the beating of springers and work beautifilly. If you need a rifle scope this would be an excellent choice.

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Scope was crisp and clear. I liked being able to focus down to 6 yards for close shooting.

packaging -- the one i received was just wrapped in some bubble wrap and stuffed in the cardboard box. Maybe it had been previously returned?

Mounted on a nitro piston air rifle, the scope shifts the windage off zero one click each shot. If not for this, I would have given this scope a much higher rating. I have returned it to the factory for service.

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Target turrets, crisp zoom

lens coating, tube finish

The target turret allows you to re-zero the dial once sited in, Nice. I saw lots of glare one day out, but that could be prevented with a hat. At night this scope looks great since it has a 32 mm objective. The tube finish contains a thin layer of latex that i accidentally scraped, so be careful when mounting as always. The parallax is nice since it serves as a focus as well if you don't know the yardage, i found this to be true at 30 yards or less. Semi-stiff zoom and parallax adjustments allow finite settings to be made. I would recommend this BSA quality scope if you wouldn't mind the extra weight.

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Great Optics..very clear. Excellent bargain for the quality. Had the same scope in fixed 4x and much prefer this one.

Hate the new rubberized coating. It scratches very easily especially when mounting the scope in the rings.

Had a small bit of trouble getting necessary eye relief using my RWS mount. Took some fiddling around. When sighting in, the scope wandered a bit and had to be re-sighted after 100 or so shots. It now seems to be stable and providing very good service.

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Sturdy, clear and sharp optics, windage and elevation easy to adjust, holds zero

I wouldn't mind seeing a mil-dot reticle.

This has got to be the definitive budget scope for the magnum springers. I have mine on a Walther Talon, which has trashed another scope and a dot sight. This scope is tough as nails and has optics that are as sharp and clear as on any other, higher-priced scope I have used. Windage and elevation adjustments are a breeze. The AO can actually be adjusted down to about six yards (mine is graduated in yards, BTW). I can stack one pellet on top of another at 10 yards with this scope.

I suggest going with good strong Weaver rings, and I also suggest lining the inner surfaces of the scope rings with pieces of electrician's tape. Then tighten the retaining screws down really well. This will keep the scope from creeping back, and it will also add a small measure of recoil damping due to the elasticity of the tape.

If you go to the expense of purchasing a good magnum springer, then go ahead and drop a few bucks on this scope. You WILL be pleased.

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A useful scope at an amazing price. It has held up so far and does what it is supposed to do.


The parallax ring is indexed for feet, not yards, at least on mine. If you set for '15' it is Ok at 15 feet. Set it at 45 and it will be OK at 45 feet or 15 yards. If you set it as if the index were for yards, it will neither focus properly nor will the recticle be in the same focal plane as the target.

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