*B.B. Pelletier tested the Crosman 2100B air rifle for our airgun blog (click link elsewhere on this page). Using open sights, this gun delivered 10 Crosman Premier pellets (Premiers sold in the cardboard box, not the metal tin) into a 0.539" group at 10 meters. If this gun retailed for $300, that wouldn't surprise anyone...but it's a fraction of that. If you enjoy accuracy combined with variable power, get this gun!
Pump the 2100B from 3 to 12 times, depending on the distance you're shooting. Light in weight, this full-size powerhouse launches pellets up to 725 fps and BBs up to 755 fps.
Never pump your 2100B more than 12 times!
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Crosman 2100B air rifle
- Multi-pump pneumatic
- Repeater
- 17rd BB mag (200rd BB reservoir)
- Single-shot pellet rifle
- 11mm dovetail
- 3-12 pumps (Never pump more than 12 times!)
- Amazing accuracy*
- Always put a single pump in your rifle when you're done shooting to properly seal it from dust & debris
Cocking Effort:
- 1st pump - 15 lbs
- 3rd pump - 22 lbs
- 5th pump - 23 lbs
- 8th pump - 24 lbs
- 10th pump - 24 lbs
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
Overall Rating
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10 of 110 Crosman 2100B Reviews
It is a quality "weapon", I feel like I am paying for what I buy and it makes me happy to do so. Therefore I consider that I made a good investment in my happiness.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would like the loading lever to have more leverage, so that it wouldn't be so hard to load it at more than 5 pumps. I would necessarily make the trigger a little smoother. These changes would make it a more familiar rifle and improve shooting accuracy. Another point that I would like to improve would be to have a version with a wooden stock and handguard. It is a shame that the 2200 version is no longer produced, this 22 caliber version was a success.
What Others Should KnowThe plastics are quality, but there is a sound when I shake it that I can't identify where it comes from. It's not the pellets, because I shook it empty.
Having 40+ yrs experience with Crosman products this rifle is the perfect introduction for my nephew, or any child to the shooting sports
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a thing
What Others Should KnowGreat value for the money
Feels like a classic Pellet gun from the 90s. Metal trigger and action housing, plastic stock and forearm. Solid metal Dovetail mounts, no flimsy two piece plastic being clamped together. I sighted this gun in with Wadcutters at 10 yards for shooting English Sparrows. Using a Winchester 4x AO Scope, I was able to put 3 in the same hole once it was sighted in. The trigger pull is long, but smooth. I then moved the target out to 25 yards and found it shooting 2 inches high using GREEN Barracudas(Lead Free, Tin/Zinc). I adjusted the scope, and was able to kill the target once at 25 yards standing. It was putting them exactly where the cross hairs were when the trigger released. This gun is accurate! I then moved the target back to 10 yards, sparrow range. The gun put 3 GREEN Baracudas in the same hole, one inch low at 10 yards. GAME ON!
Things I Would Have ChangedThe pellet loading area is too deep for my liking. They could have made this area more open or fatter for the average pinky to flip a pellet over. You have to flip the gun and jimmy the action to flip a pellet over.
What Others Should KnowIt's harder to pump than I hoped. I got this for my parents to shoot. My mom could only get to 3 pumps, but this will help her build some muscle....Dad said 8 pumps were no problem. I was doing all of my shooting with only 5 pumps.
I pumped it up to 12 and shot the GREEN Baracudas(~5.5 grains). This gun has been shown to be 700+ FPS and it was definitely quicker than my 1300KT full mod 14.6".
The weight is a pleasant surprise. It's not at all heavy, but it feels much more like a real rifle than any of my other inexpensive .177 pumpers (Crosman 1000, Winchester 1977XS, Barra Sportsman 900, Umarex APX NXG, Daisy 880 and Umarex Strike Point), due primarily to the use of metal pretty much everywhere but the forearm pumper & buttstock. Even the trigger is metal! When it comes right down to it, I prefer this MUCH more than the 'new and improved' Crosman 1000 Legacy. Basically, they're very nearly the exact same rifle, with the major differences being the side-loading port -- the one here is excellent, but the one on the 1000 is awkwardly awful -- and the high quality synthetic materials used almost everywhere on the 1000 Legacy, replaced mostly with metal on the 2100. Both are excellent, inexpensive and accurate air rifles, but the 2100 just seems to me so much nicer than its newer cousin. Great shooting air rifle!
Things I Would Have ChangedWhy 12 pumps? Every pump on this otherwise sweet air rifle (or its newer cousin) is tougher than those required for its competitors (see above) and more are necessary (12 instead of 10) to reach full power. With lead pellets, the Crosman shoots no harder than the competition, yet it needs more pumps to do it! This tougher pumping at all power levels and those extra two pumps necessary to reach max power serve no useful purpose: it makes no sense. Still, the pumping isn't exactly hard; it's just harder than the effort necessary to charge the others, with the possible exception of the .177 caliber Umarex Strike Point, which can be a bear to power-up past pumps three or four. The 'adjustable' rear sight (same as Legacy 1000) is not nearly as nice as those used on the others, either -- adjusting for windage is MUCH more difficult with these sights, although it can be an extremely easy-to-aim and accurate shooter once it is properly adjusted. I wish it was all black. :-)
What Others Should KnowWhile I prefer the all-black color scheme and all-weather synthetic material used on the Legacy 1000 (and would love to see this rifle in all black with the same material on the pumper arm and buttstock), everything else about the 2100, especially its widespread use of metal, excellent side-loading port and extra heft, gives me a much stronger impression of overall quality. I prefer my 2100 Classic to the 'improved' Legacy 1000 by a long shot! It's inexpensive, highly accurate with a properly adjusted rear sight, has a nice weight & feel and the handling is great. It's comparable in performance to most of the other .177 caliber variable pump pneumatic air rifles under $100.00 and would be perfect for pretty much any and all airgun enthusiasts, from mature yet inexperienced younglings to grizzled veteran adults and everyone in between. WELL worth the cost.
i'll try yo keep it simple; price & weight; just need to shoot it more, & with different pellets to see who's the happiest
Things I Would Have Changedeasier load for "port-siders"; add something of a support for pumping-with scope- afraid i might break off stock; eliminate "bb"
What Others Should Knowkid pushing 76, after 5 pumps it gets stiff; did put drop of crosman oil on piston
Good power. Accurate. Easy to pump.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe bolt action is horrible. The spring is way too stiff, BBs often don't load from the magazine, and when the finally do load, I get 2 or 3 in the chamber. Maybe just this one is a lemon, but it's going back to Pyramid.
Worked perfectly right from the box. Metal receiver seems like it will last a long time. Love the accuracy.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe cocking lever is a bit rough on the finger after multiple shooting. I'll probably wrap with tape to help pad my finger.
What Others Should KnowIf you're looking for a lot of gun for a little price, this one is hard to beat.
The geometry of the gun is VG for adults. LOP perfect / Eye Relief for my UTG 3-9x 32 scope perfect / cheek weld perfect / overall balance just right. The trigger (after 500 shots break in) is one long smooth pull. Probably 4-5 lbs. The gun started to get decent 1" groups at 10 meters after 500 shots. I will not be using the BB feature - do not want to damage the rifling needed for decent pellet performance. 4 pumps are sufficient for good groups at 10 m. 8 pumps good for 1 to 1.5" at 20 yards. A lot of fun for $69.
Things I Would Have ChangedThis is an inexpensive air gun and the stock and forearm feel cheap. If some sort of hardening foam could be injected into the butt stock the cheap hollow sound would go away. Or perhaps use a higher quality firearm polymer. For me the BB capability should be dropped and the savings spent on a more substantial butt stock. The cocking mechanism is pretty stiff but is getting better and the loading of pellets is a bit tricky until you find "the right way" that works for you. You must "roll" the pellets in - can't just drop them into breech.
What Others Should KnowClean the barrel with a cleaner suitable for air guns. I use Ballistol. Oil the pump cup with Pellgun Oil or other non detergent non petroleum product. Use regular gun oil of the pump mechanism's 3 pivot points. Do this oiling every 250 or so shots and tighten all screws at same time. I am using Crosman 7.9 g. HP Pellets for targets and spinners. They are great. 10 g or heavier 177's should be used for pest control with at least 8 pumps. 10 preferred.
Versatile and accurate low cost air rifle
Things I Would Have ChangedBetter trigger and better owner manual
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Nov 02, 2024
By John
Very accurate right out of box doesn't feel cheap either.