Crosman Piston Spring, Fits Optimus Breakbarrel air rifle
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Crosman Piston Spring
- Fits Crosman Optimus models CO8M22X, CO1K77X and CO1K77
- Fits non Nitro-Piston Crosman Phantom models: CS1K77 and CS1K77X.
- Does not work with the Youth Raven breakbarrel.
Replace the worn spring in for your Crosman spring breakbarrels. Get your gun back in shooting condition and pick one up today!
Tech Tip: Crosman informed us that this spring would work with most non-Nitro-Piston Breakbarrels, but not the Youth Raven Breakbarrel which requires a specific spring.
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10 of 11 Crosman Piston Spring, Fits Optimus Reviews
identical to the one in my Gamo cfx but new.
Things I Would Have Changedit worked, why change anything?
What Others Should Knowneeded a replacement spring for a Gamo springer from 2009 that put ALOT of lead down range and was running about 300fps below factory. took a gamble that everyone used the same spring back in the day to get the same fps rating, it paid off.
PyramydAir, ships quickly, , wished the USPS moved as quickly.
What Others Should KnowI bought the spring even though I don't have an optimus. I have a quest 800x. Only took a little modification to make it work. Would not recommend unless you have a small machine shop, as I do.
Best solid non Buck Rogers wood stock break barrel under $150 no question.
Things I Would Have ChangedAt this price I'm certainly not complaining, but the wood stock could have a little better finish on it. I personally found the trigger to be quite fine after using it about 50 times but when you first get it feels like it's got sand in it.
What Others Should KnowGet 2 before Uncle Sam goes European on us with the laws.
great spring better than the one that came with my crosman phantom
Things I Would Have Changedspring works and fits great i wouldnt change anything
What Others Should KnowI tried this spring on my chinese spa wf600 and my crosman phantom and the spring worked great and fit both rifles perfect so i assume it would fit most 177 and 22 spring piston air rifles which is great.
I bought this for a Chinese B3 to replace the broken OEM spring that was in it. I bought the rifle used and non-functioning. This spring fit perfectly and serves as a very good replacement.
Things I Would Have ChangedEh, what's to change? The wire diameter?
What Others Should Knowif you need a replacement spring for your B3, this will work.
Good price, fast shipping, did the upgrade I needed.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should Know#makeeddiefamous
Restored my Optimus to full power! Perhaps even slightly more powerful than new! Easy installation, no spring compressor needed.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowAfter installing the new spring, the first few shots were dieseled and very loud but it settled down.
Perfect fit. Restores MANY Crosman break barrel air rifles potential back to factory specs.
Things I Would Have ChangedLower price? Otherwise nothing.
What Others Should KnowI've purchased this spring pn# B18-00-4D direct from Crosman before and just received another batch. Same size wire, coil count, id and od as before (pn# B18-00-4D). This spring fits every Crosman breakbarrel springer I own AND about a dozen different "clone" rifles made in China using mostly identical parts. ALL of these air rifles are fun accurate shooters, but occasionally need a little TLC (and a new spring) after several thousand pellets.
Not sure why it didn't work in a Phantom 1000X as the Phantoms part list calls for this exact part number. Regardless, if your rifle parts list calls for the B18-00-4D spring, this spring will fit and perform well. If the rifle is well-used it may also need a new piston seal and breach seal. These part numbers may vary a bit on different Crosman models so it is best to confirm the correct part number using your specific parts list. Changing all 3 of these should have your Crosman break barrel shooting "like new".
Did not like!
Things I Would Have ChangedReturn the springs(2 of them)
What Others Should KnowThis spring does not fit the Crosman Phantom 1000 Model # CS1K77BV. The spring is to long (by 1.25 inches) This will not allow the trigger catch to grab the piston.
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Oct 19, 2024
By Tom
It was nicely packaged and shipped fast.