Crosman Premier Copper Magnum .177 Cal, 10.6 Grains, Domed, 200ct
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- .177 caliber
- 10.6 grains
- Domed
- Copper coated
- 200 lead pellets
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6 of 6 Crosman Premier Copper Magnum .177 Reviews
Things I Would Have ChangedQty per tin
What Others Should KnowThis pellet will always be in my collection for use in my Sig ASP20
Quality ammunition. Probably the best, most consistent pellet you can find on the store shelf. If your gun likes them, you can't go wrong with these. Hard to find a good pellet on the shelf.
Things I Would Have ChangedThey are pricey. But, you get what you pay for, right?
What Others Should KnowThese are a bit larger diameter than most .177 ammo, and very hard lead. They don't deform easily, no problem jeeping them in your pants pocket while hunting. I would bet not all airguns will shoot them well, since they run a bit big and are so hard. I would imagine your thumb will be sore loading them in a breakbarrel.
In my 397, this is the pellet! Shooting sub dime groups from 11 meters with an old 397 that still has a tiny little bit of paint left in the muzzle. At this range, i have it dialed in so that i can keep all my shots inside a 1" target from 5-8 pumps. The difference in poi between 5 pumps and 8 pumps is close to 3/4", so that is some pretty good accuracy. Definitely the hardest pellet to seat though, the bolt closes with a firm push and a solid click as they slide into the chamber.
These performed almost identical group pattern and center to Crossman Premier 10.5 out of my RWS Diana 48. Very good grouping.
Things I Would Have Changedfix the 20-25% of pellets that I had to throw away
What Others Should KnowI had to throw away average 20%-25% of these pellets because they did not insert into the hole easily (RWS Diana 48)
Very fast comingout of my px4 Storm, I have been looking for a lite round without to much fly off, and these are it. They accurate out of my px4 to about 30 feet, they tend to drift quite a bit after that. held good groupings of 1 inch at 30 feet.
Things I Would Have ChangedMORE MORE MORE in the tins, a 500 would be good for these.
Performs exactly like Crosman Ultra Magnum, clean handling pellets, shiny, weight
Things I Would Have ChangedPrice, quantity, and typical Crosman flakes inside the skirts.
What Others Should KnowI've bought these copper pellets and the brown box Ultra Mags. They both performed excellent from my Crosman Vantage NP. Very similar grouping.
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Nov 29, 2020
By andrew
Good in speed and pin point targeting
Things I Would Have ChangedNone