Crosman Vantage Breakbarrel, Image 1
Crosman Vantage Breakbarrel, Image 1

Crosman Vantage Breakbarrel Air Rifle

4.561 reviews
6 answered questions


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4.561 reviews
6 answered questions


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  • Crosman Vantage air rifle
  • Spring-piston
  • Breakbarrel
  • Single-shot
  • Ambidextrous hardwood stock
  • 11mm dovetail grooves
  • Fiber optic front sight
  • Fiber optic rear sight (adj. for windage & elevation)
  • 2-stage adjustable trigger
  • Up to 1,200 fps with lightweight, lead-free pellets
  • Ideal for small game hunting, plinking, spinners & more
  • Includes unmounted 4x32 scope & mount


.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
1200 fps
Suggested for
Small game hunting/plinking
7.79 lbs
Break barrel
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Fiber Optic
Rear Sights
Adjustable for windage & elevation
Two-stage adjustable
Overall Length
1 round(s)

Overall Rating



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10 of 61 Crosman Vantage Breakbarrel Air Rifle Reviews

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Sights wow a gun that has sights, what a great concept. It is easier to cock than rated. Power, even with a heavier pellet this gun shots at 880 fps. easily.

Front sight is way to high, I had to raise the elevation of the rear sight all the way up just to compensate. Weight or destitution of weight, gun seems a bit to heavy or at least awkward to steady in a standing position, definitely not a gun for kids 16 or under. Kicks like a mule.

If you are interested in owning a high price, high quality springer air gun like a Diana, yet not sure if you would enjoy it, than this is what I would start with. If you want to stay in practice with firing a thirty odd six or 50 cal. this is the gun. If you want a great springer to hunt with then be willing to spend $60 - $100 more and look else where.

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The accuracy with the open sights, and with the scope. I thought about getting a laser sight, but am holding off because the scope is fine.

try to make it a little lighter; stock, metal components,..... without sacrificing accuracy.

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The gun is very easy to cock. I can shoot it all day long without getting worn out. The gun has a great feel, as it is solid and heavy. The fact that it comes with open sights is great, and with tinned Crosman Premier Hollow-Points and the open sights I got great accuracy. At 44 feet it put three pellets into a group that could be covered by a penny. Not bad for the chunky fiber optic sights! The included scope is OK, but on especially sunny days the view starts to get very distorted. I have heard only bad things about the trigger, but it was nowhere as bad as I expected, as it was predictable and not very heavy. When I first fired the gun I wondered what everyone was complaining about. Lockup for the barrel is very strong. The wood does not look like plastic, as one review suggested, at least not on mine. It is a nice brown feels very durable. Overall the gun is very handsome, and very powerful.

It would be great to have more precise open sights, as the ones you get on the gun are rather chunky. However it still shoots very well using them. Also, the finish on the wood isn't perfect. The barrel seemed to be slightly warped, but the gun doesn't shoot way off to the side like you would think from that. The scope is not perfect. I can overlook all of these things, however, due to the performance and price of this gun.

The gun is heavy, and so don't buy this for a very young shooter. It is about as heavy as many deer rifles. Also you need a fair amount of strength to cock the gun. I am 13 and the effort is no problem, but more important is the method to cock the gun. Make sure the gun is braced on your thigh, then pull down all the way on the barrel. It will be stiff the first few times, but as you get used to it it will be very easy. Remember to hold the barrel down while loading, and always but it on safe before cocking and loading. Over time this will be natural. Try different holds when shooting, my Vantage did not respond well to the artillery hold, it much preferred a slightly firm grip. Also shoot about 200 shots before trying for accuracy.
You probably don't need to clean the barrel out of the box, as mine shot great without any cleaning or lubrication. Know what is behind your target, this gun shoots fast and could destroy or injure property and animals.

Chuck Dec 30, 2015

Excellent review. It puts some (actually many) of the reviews by adults to shame. You covered each of the points quickly and succinctly but with enough information so I felt I was getting complete information. Writing may be a skill you want to develop as there are many ways you can use this in a successful career. Thanks for your post.

Richard Nov 19, 2015

For being13 I am very impressed by your knowledge and I am extremely proud of you for bringing up points of Safety that everyone should follow and practice religiously, that is how we continue to enjoy the sport. Thank you and may God Bless!!

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The price, real wood, value to cost ratio. It is very solidly built and the accuracy is fine.

This rifle was a little hard to cock at first, you have to 'bump' the barrel first then cock it, that causes an extra step to load. The wood looks like plastic. The front sight is unprotected.

A perfect air rifle to start someone with or even to have around as a "beater" for yourself. It is a "don't worry about it" for scratches and bumps. Works and functions fine.

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My first air rifle, there not much I can compare it to. Out of the box teh break barrel action was hard to cock, but it has loosened up by now (I'm halfway through a tin of 500 JSB's). I bought it to introduce the younger son to shooting, and we're getting a lot of smiles out of pinging targets in the back yard. Some of the comments complain about a lack of accuracy. Once I figured out which way to turn the knob, the adjustable iron sights work very well. Still ahead is starting to use the bundled scope - it's said to be low end, but it's probably a lot more accurate than I am....

Cripes, why didn't I buy two?

Contact chevota @ hotmail for a tuning guide applicable to a wide range of spring piston rifles. I'll start working through that process after the initial break-in.

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Great air rifle and plenty of power for a springer. Mine likes the H&N hunting pellets. The wood is very nice and has a nice solid feel.

Metal front sight, the plastic is too fragile.

Accuracy is pretty good with right pellets and since I got it on sale and even better value. PA is great to deal with and has awesome service!

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Low cost, well made, accurate, fun and inexpensive to shoot.

For the price I paid there isn't much to change.

The rifle I bought was pretty accurate out of the box. it only got better after the first 100 pellets ran through it. I bought this to compliment my .22 caliber Vantage NP. though not a NP, it give smooth quiet performance. I would buy another if I had to, but these are so reliable I doubt I will have to. Great rifle at a great price.

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Company very good to buy from. Good prices and shipping was the same day as ordered

Change nothing I know of. Could handle blank ammo.

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Great and finish are really nice for a gun this price.scope works fine for 25 yd shots.take your time mounting and it will work great.a little double sided scotch tape under the scope ring halves and lock tite on the screws and it won't budge. 500 plus shots I have never had to rezero and gun is finally breaking in. Seems to work best with cheap Crosman or daisy wadcutters. Shooting quarter size groups at 30yds. My diana 34 doesn't group any better. And for 79 bucks? Really, every airgunner should have one of these in their collection.

Not much.solid basic rifle

Clean your barrels often. 2 drops of silicone oil in the chamber every 200 shots. And take barrel out of the stock and smooth and polish and oil the trigger seer really helps the Crosman trigger break more consistently. And finally the folks at pyramidair are the bomb!

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I love the real wood and the tru glo sights. Right out of the box it's very accurate. This is basically a $200 gun that only cost half that.

I would change. The scope the comes with it. The one that comes with it is just terrible but most of them are with break barrel rifles.

This gun is great for small game hunting, will drop them like nothing

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