CZ P-09 Duty, Image 1
CZ P-09 Duty, Image 1

CZ P-09 Duty CO2 Pistol, FDE

3.52 reviews


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3.52 reviews


The CZ P-09 firearm has grown in favor, and so it's only logical that they'd clone a CO2 pistol for more fun on your home range. This pistol is highly detailed and almost indistinguishable from the firearm it copies. Use it for maintaining firearm proficiency or just having a great time picking off tin cans, making holes in paper targets, blowing the tops off dandelion puffs and more. Use wadcutter lead pellets or steel BBs.

Steel BBs can ricochet. The shooter and everyone in the shooting area should wear safety glasses when a gun is being handled (even if it's unloaded). Remember to remove all pets from the area, as rebounding ammo can hit them, too. Never shoot steel BBs at hard objects (including metal targets) or water, as that increases the chance of ricochet.
If you use pellets, the manufacturer suggests that you use only wadcutters.

  • CZ P-09 Duty pistol
  • Uses a 12-gram CO2 cartridge
  • 16rd removable pellet and BB magazine (stick mag with 8rd rotary mag on each end and accepts either lead pellets or steel BBs)
  • Blowback
  • Rifled barrel
  • Looks like the firearm
  • Fixed sights (2 whited dots on rear sight, 1 white dot on front sight)
  • Manual safety
  • Weaver accessory rail
  • Threaded muzzle

The manufacturer states this gun delivers 492 fps. Our tech department tested it with 5.1-grain pellets and got 412 fps max velocity. Steel BBs delivered a max velocity of 390 fps.
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.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
412 fps
Muzzle Energy
1.68 ft/lbs
Suggested for
1.6 lbs
Fixed/adj. power
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Trigger Action
Double-Action only
Barrel Length
Overall Length
16 round(s)
Body Type

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

Overall Rating



5 star
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1 star

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2 of 2 CZ P-09 Duty CO2 Pistol, FDE Reviews

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Its decent pistol my first CZ. So this is a total no like for me.The weight is low shooting is just so so. The real P-09 feels better in hand.

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Beautiful rendition but light in weight. Blowback action is reasonable and shooting performance was also 'reasonable' at short distances. Pistol shoots a little low and to the left but great white-dot sights make for more accurate compensation. The 8x2 magazine work well. Performance Specs. Using Crossman 7.4 grain Wadcutters: Max Velocity= 329 fps, Min Velocity=310 fps, Average Velocity=316.2 fps, SD=6.79 fps, fpe=1.78. Using H&N Field Trophy 8.64 grain Wadcutters: Max Velocity=287 fps, Min Velocity=262 fps, Average Velocity=274.6 fps, SD=8.4 fps, fpe=1.58. Neither grain weight made spec. Using H&N Field Target Trophy non-lead Greens at 5.71 grain, Max Velocity=386 fps, Min Velocity=345 fps, Average Velocity=360 fps, but SD=15.58 fps and Variance was 242.8 fps, fpe=1.69. Even using non-lead Greens it did not get performance up to spec, but close enough.

Needs more weight to enhance the feel. I'm not sure if the slide is metal on this model but the FDE model does have a metal slide. This one may be metal but it does not feel like it does, judging from the light weight. It would have been nice if the P226 magazine was compatible with the CZ P-09 but it is not. Shoots close to POA at 10 feet, but miss the entire target (8"x8.5") at 20 feet. I would expect more with a rifled barrel. Trigger Pull is not bad; Shooting in double-action measured 6 lbs, 16 oz. In single action, measured 4 lbs, 9 oz. I read from others that the grips look not-so-good, and they are right. They work well for gripping but the pattern is almost invisible. Grips are molded into each side of the gun. Real, removable grips would have improved the looks 'a lot'. I would also have LOVED the ability to field-strip this pistol but it does not have that feature.

Normally, I would warn about using steel BBs with a rifled barrel but in this pistol, BBs might actually improve performance. Next time testing I will try BBs and see if things look better. You will definitely get better gas milage using lighter pellets but the heavier ones perform much better. I found Crossman 7.4 gr Wadcutters, my favorite all-around pellet, performed well, with 316 average fps being not bad (although not good against a 412 fps spec). I shot 3 full magazines and had some gas to spare. Overall, I would recommend the P226 if you're looking for a descent shooter, or the P320, which is by far the better shooter. Normally, Extra magazines are always an advantage when shooting so consider it if you are contemplating buying this particular pistol.

Dick Feb 18, 2023

Edit 2/13/2023 Well, when I make a mistake, it is generally a big one. I have to bump my accuracy rating on this P-09 up to 5 stars. Normally I try two or three of my favorite pellets before I do a review. Today, I tried another pellet that I have to say, is not one of my favorites. I had some spare time and loaded up my P-09 with some JSB Match Diablo, Exact RS Diablo 7.33 grain domed pellets. I was shocked at how much better the ASG performed. This time from 10 feet on my home range I was shooting 1" groups all within my usual 2 inch targets. I backed out to 18 feet and was putting an average of 6 out of 8 within 2 inch targets, and often all 8 within the 2" ring, some grouping at 1.5" groups. At this point I have to change my recommendation to 'pellets, only' with this rifled barrel, and choose your pellets wisely.

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