H&N Baracuda Match, Image 1
H&N Baracuda Match, Image 1
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H&N Baracuda Match .22 Cal (5.51mm), 21.14 Grains, Round Nose, 200ct

4.5163 reviews
4 answered questions


$0.052 / Rd

Caliber:.22 (5.5mm)

.177 (4.5mm)
.22 (5.5mm)

Ammo Diameter:.217 (5.51mm)

.217 (5.51mm)

Quantity:200 count

200 count


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  • .22 caliber
  • 21.14 grains
  • 5.51mm Head Size
  • Round nose
  • 200 pellets

Baracuda Match pellets have an excellent reputation for accuracy. Round nose or domed pellets is also one of the most accurate pellet head shapes you can buy. Use these for hunting, shooting spinners or popping tin cans.

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.22 (5.5mm)
Ammo Type
Suggested for
Small game hunting/plinking
Projectile Weight
Ammo Diameter
.217 (5.51mm)
Price per Round

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10 of 163 H&N Baracuda Match .22 Cal Reviews

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Shoots great out of my fx Maverick


Great pellet

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Effective, consistent, good price.

I am not qualified to give advice.

Effective service. Straight forward shopping experience.

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Excellent accuracy in the Benjamin Maunder

some damaged skirts

make sure you don't purchase on Amazon. Poor packages and LOTS of damage

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These are very accurate out of my Benjamin Maximus, and seem to carry good FPE (they rotate steel targets more than 15gr pellets).

I would like to see a 500 count tin at a slightly better unit rate.

My Hatsan Jet II hates these pellets - they may be too heavy for some airguns.

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H&N is the only ammo for my Marauder. The groups with the 21.14 are so tight you can bet on them. Although it loves the 21.14 for those 75 yrd starling shots. Smashing

I am currently using the 21.14 as my primary ammo for my Marauder. Its accuracy on the range is sweet, and its effectiveness around the farm with pests is secound to nothing.

If you are a serious air gunner, you know you need the correct pellet for that right situation. H&N has all that.

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Head shape and weight. Accuracy.

Nothing. I purchased this pellet for what it is.

I exclusively purchased these for shooting with my .22 caliber Umarex Gauntlet-2 pcp. It was field tested on my backyard shooting range where I zeroed in on the 2 inch targets bullseye at 30 yards after 10 shots. My scope used was a CenterPoint 4-16X40AOIR set on 10X. After consistently hitting hole in holes, I conducted a two shot chronograph test. Result was 880 and 881 fps in 44 degree temperature. I recommend this pellet and will reorder. This is my go-to set up until I run out of these, at which time I will switch to the Baracuda Power copper coated. The zeroed accuracy is mostly the same. Those were chronographed minutes after the above match pellets. The copper Powers chronographed at 859 and 860 fps. I slightly favor the Baracuda Match. Both pellets weigh 21.14 grains. Get a chronograph. WoodysWorld.

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I like the domed head shape, weight. The accuracy.

Can not think of anything. I bought it based on its shape and size.

I specifically purchased this pellet for my .22 caliber Umarex Gauntlet-2 pcp air rifle. It did not take more than 10 shots to zero in on the center diamond bullseye that was on the stick-on 2 inch target affixed to a box 90 feet away. I always zero-in on hitting the bullseye whenever I choose a go-to pellet. It is not about how pellets group when compared with other pellets. I recommend this pellet. To me it is about hitting the vortex of the cross hairs. My favorite choice of scopes are the CenterPoint 4-16X40AOIR, which I have set on 10X. Once I am zeroed in, I then shoot at the 1 inch stick on targets. I have targets from 25 yards out to 50 yards, which is where the brush, trees, and forest begin to interfere. I have other pcp air rifles that I shoot: .25 caliber Umarex Gauntlet-2, the regular .25 Gauntlet, .25 caliber Air Venturi Avenger, and the .25 Remington 725 break barrel. I also Jane several other break barrels .177 and .22 calibers. IGet a chronograph.

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I have these and the semi-conical domes version. I detect no difference in long range (@50 meters) performance..which is excellent at 30 ftlbs mv , delivering 18 plus ftlb at that range. Hatsan 125 spring, Beeman mach 12.5 both like them, though I rarely need shoot that far I carry a tin every time( just in case of fox or coyote at that range ( the guns sighted in with crow magnums...but will land these within skull area with no adjustments to scope) . My 17 to 20 ftlb springers do well with them to 30 yards...extremely accurate and hit harder than slightly more accurate Terminators. Since I have 5 springers I use a lot of other pellets for different purposes... that these do just as well... I I have to buy more and quit hoarding them.

The pellets are fine as they are. No sense griping...want more gotta pay for more.(

21 grains means that you need a powerful gun to utilize these efficiently ( they were designed for old Barakuda gas injection springers). 17 ftlbs will do for 45 yards (hunt/pesting) no problem for most stuff. I do get wind probs past 60 meters..but so do all other of my skirted pells..I just am able to see it cause they are big. Even at moderate velocity ..they make a thud sound.

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My Benjamin Marauder Rifle shoots these very accurately.

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Very accurate pellet out of my Benjamin Akela. Most accurate of all pellets tested. One hole groups at 25 yards. Hits everything on energy shot bottle at 55yrds.

Offer tins of 500 like another brand

H&N perform on par with JSB in all my air rifles

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