Daisy Globe Front, Image 1
Daisy Globe Front, Image 1

Daisy Globe Front Sight + Insert, 3/8" Dovetail

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Daisy Globe Front Sight + Insert, 3/8" Dovetail

  • Front globe sight (Inside diameter: .454")
  • Accepts inserts
  • Includes one insert
  • Fits 3/8" dovetail
  • Does not work with the Daisy peep sight
  • Use with Daisy Avanti diopter sight (model 5996)

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10 of 18 Daisy Globe Front Sight + Reviews

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It IS a globe site and Barrel weight.

A plastic Club site?? Really Daisy?


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good sights

dovetail attachment does not fit all guns is just set for one and we always need to bore them out to fit our.

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Provides an easy way to mount a target globe front sight on a rifle. I drilled out the bore to fit on a QB78. It also gives a bit of weight at the front to settle down the muzzle. Whether it dampened harmonics for better accuracy on my barrel is debatable, as the barrel is fairly thick for an airgun. And has always shot one hole groups at 10m.

Change the clamping pieces to steel. I knew not to over tighten them (because plastic breaks), and the other reviews. Also on mine, the bore of the globe is ever so slightly not parallel to the bore. Not enough for me to want to return it, because at this price point I fully expect something to be less than perfect. This was probably due to warping after coming out of the injection molds.

Overall it does exactly what I wanted it to do. Is it Olympic, match grade quality? Not even close. Don't apply high brow standards to economy products and you will be satisfied. Also, I noticed that Pyramid offers identical products under different brands, so I chose to buy the front and rear sights with the lowest cost. Worked out well.

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excellent fit on Crosman barrels

work great with Air Venturi rear sight,micro adjustable

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Workmanship, easy of mounting,


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This one was a replacement from Pyramyd, therefor 5 stars for value. I will clear that up by saying that I give 3 stars to the sight itself and 5+ stars to Pyramyd. The original sight which arrived with the rifle, the very fine 853 Synthetic with MacMillon style stock, broke in half, at 5 ft/lbs, when it was assembled. This one works just fine. Came with a barrel weight, which is nice.

More inserts should be provided. I got a 4.0 circle. The light I shoot in is bright enough for a lollipop, which I prefer. I changed it to a lollipop with some tin snips and glue.

Another example of the finest Customer Service I've come across. Pyramyd, Dillon, RCBS and Vortex Optics are my "Zero Anxiety" companies. When I need, (want), an item, I order everything through from these businesses.
One more thing; I don't want to sound preachy and I don't want to give that impression, but let's all of us shooters reread our Ten Commandments of Shooting Safety once a month or so and be sure to hunt ethically, be courteous, and cooperate with each other as well as opponents to our sport bas best as we can.
When we shoot or transport an air gun or firearm, we give up some freedoms. We give up the freedom to get angry, to get lazy, to get complacent, etc. Fill in the blank.

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This easy to install front sight is solid. We paired it with a Daisy aperture rear sight, and the improvement to our Daisy 953 was outstanding.

Include a selection of inserts so that the sight picture can be fine tuned.

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Vary easy to mount and sight in. Really good buy.

Can't think of anything.

Only took eight shoots to sight in @ ten meters. Well worth the money. :)

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Exactly as expected. A budget sight to introduce someone to rifle team type sights

The cross bar is at the slightest (but annoying) cant. It does not affect function, just annoying. Have to remind the youngster to not use that cross bar as a level reference

Perfect sight for a 953 build. By the time you are ready to upgrade, you'll need a better rifle too.

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I needed the compensator/muzzle brake/weight for the conversion of a Crosman 2300KT into an entry level 10 meter rifle. The compensator fits the 2300 barrel perfectly. Instead of the sight that came with it I will be using the AirForce Front Target Sight (AFU1058 [AirForce Front Target Sight, Fits...]) which offers more adjustment and 3 transparent sight inserts.

Sell the compensator separately. Ten dollars would seem to be a reasonable price for it. Also, the compensator should be cast with a flat spot above the mounting grooves. Additionally, the web page for the product does not make it clear that the compensator does come with the sight.

The compensator and the sight arrive unattached. Neither the Daisy globe sight that comes with the compensator nor the AirForce front target sight will fit securely onto the compensator as is. You will need to either file the sight mounts to fit the round shape of the compensator or file a flat spot onto the top of the compensators sight mounting grooves. Also note that some rear sights cannot be adjusted high enough to work with either sight. I am using the Air Venturi Rear Sight (AA-6213147R [Air Venturi Rear Sight, Micrometer...] mounted on top of the BKL 3/8" or 11mm Dovetail Riser, 1-5/8" Long, Silver (BKL-172S [BKL 3/8" or 11mm Tri-Mount...]) and the combination of these parts makes for an excellent sight setup on the Crosman 2300KT.

Gets a bit spendy but some of us 2300/2400 fans just can’t seem to control ourselves.

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