FX Dreamline, Dream-Tact, Image 1
FX Dreamline, Dream-Tact, Image 1

FX Dreamline, Dream-Tact w/ moderator & AR stock

4.55 reviews
9 answered questions


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4.55 reviews
9 answered questions


While the FX Dreamline PCP air rifles continue to gain an almost cult-like following, the Swedish manufacturer persists in developing still more variations of this highly customizable product line. The Dreamline Tact, in particular, has captured the attention of shooters the world over who appreciate not only its extreme accuracy and tunability but also the fact that it can be modified into as many configurations as an AR-platform firearm. In keeping with this modular approach to airgun design, FX Airguns presents the Dreamline Tactical, or Dream-Tact, for short.

“The very concept of the Dreamline reminds many shooters of the AR15 world -- one where shooters can configure and change their rifle in countless variations,” FX states. “So why not have an air rifle that not only has the same options but can actually use AR hardware? The Dream-Tact does just that!”

The Dream-Tact ships from the factory without a stock -- a feature FX says lends to the customizability of the gun, allowing shooters to select their own aftermarket stocks according to personal preference. However, Pyramyd AIR customers will receive the Dream-Tact as a kit, including a UTG PRO AR15 Ops Ready S1 Mil-spec stock kit and a Donny FL moderator for out-of-the-box readiness.

The FX Dream-Tact is available in .177, .22, .25 and .30 caliber models. FX reports the  muzzle energies are 18 fpe (.177), 32 fpe (.22), 47 fpe (.25) and 75 fpe (.30).  With the amount of built in adjustment, including the AMP regulator, hammer spring tension adjustment and the transfer port adjustment, the Dream-Tact can be set up to do just about anything!

So, if you’ve been dreaming of an even more AR-like FX to come out of Sweden, your dreams have come true. Order yours today and let the customization begin!

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FX Dreamline, Dream-Tact w/ moderator & AR Stock

  • Dream-Tact Rifle with Donny FL moderator
  • UTG PRO AR15 Ops Ready S1 Mil-spec Stock (Mounting parts included)
  • Aluminum air cylinder (220cc in .177 & .22; 290cc in .25 & .30)
  • Overall length: 38.25" (.177 & .22); 42.75" (.25 & .30)
  • Smooth sidelever cocking action
  • Smooth Twist X barrel
  • Barrel length: 500mm/19.685” (.177 & .22), 600mm/23.62” (.25 & .30)
  • Weight: 6 lbs. (.177 & .22), 6.5 lbs. (.25 & .30) 
  • Weight with AR Stock: 7.4 lbs (.177 & .22), 7.9 lbs (.25 & .30)
  • Magazine Capacity: 22 (.177), 18 (.22), 16 (.25), 13 (.30)
  • AMP (Adjustable Match Precision) regulator
  • Dual Manometers: one for air tube pressure, one for regulator pressure
  • Externally adjustable hammer spring tension
  • 2-stage adjustable match trigger
  • Hogue AR-style pistol grip
  • Picatinny rail for mounting optics
  • Forend Picatinny rail for bipod/accessories
  • 3-step transfer port adjustment
  • 1/8” BSPP fill probe
  • Includes magazine and 3-year transferable warranty

UTG PRO AR15 Ops Ready S1 Mil-spec Stock, Black (Included at no additional charge)

  • Mil-spec stock molded from impact-resistant, high-strength polymer
  • Mil-spec diameter extension tube
  • Built-in rubberized buttpad
  • Dual storage compartments with removable, waterproof caps
  • Integral ambidextrous sling loop and QD sling swivel housing
  • Extended, 8-inch length for increased length of pull
  • Snag-free design with fully dehorned corners and melted contours
  • Dimensions: 5.5" height, 8.5" length
  • 23.1 oz. 
  • Designed and built in the USA
  • Includes polymer stock, mil-spec, 6-position extension tube, buffer, buffer spring, tear-drop ring and castle nut
  • Lifetime limited warranty
feature iconfeature iconfeature icon
  • FX Dream-Tact .177
  • Donny FL moderator
  • UTG PRO AR15 Ops Ready S1 Mil-spec Stock Kit, Black
  • 22-shot rotary magazine
  • Owner's manual
  • 3-year transferrable warranty


.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
940 fps
Muzzle Energy
18 ft/lbs
Suggested for
Small game hunting/target practice
Pre-charged pneumatic
6.5 lbs
Max Shots per Fill
Fixed/adj. power
Multiple settings
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Two-stage adjustable
22 round(s)
Body Type

PCP Fill Options

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5 of 5 FX Airguns Dreamline Dream-Tact Reviews

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Accurate gun..I like its adjustability..

Needs barrel band

Try installing cf sleeve

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I have only had a limited amount of time to try this item out, as it did not come with the fill-probe, type Mk I as shown in the manual. After a lot of time on hold, on the phone and on chats, I did get a representative to send one to me. It arrived 10 days later and then I had to purchase the second half of the picture, as the probe has two parts to it, to hook up to the fitting that I have on my SCBA charge wand. The only thing I like so far is the fact that I have the rifle in my hands after 4 months and about 10 days.

Pyramid Air does try to help, but their staff doesn't seem to realize that many of us know little or nothing about PCP rifles. We have to be educated, and by sending out incomplete merchandise with the rifles (in my opinion)and poorly written manuals, that the buyer has to figure out on their own, it produces a lot of bad feelings. A more complete manual with the rifle would be a very good idea.

I asked, (via phone) when I could get through to talk to someone, and by chats a TON of questions before I purchased. ( i still don't know what I need to know for charging this rifle, and figuring out why I am not getting good groups at 50 feet.
I do need to spend more time shooting the rifle, however I have just gotten my air charging situations figured out.

Craig Mar 09, 2022

The manuals are not under the control of Pyramyd Air but rather the gun manufacturer. Also, Pyramyd Air has always been helpful,with questions but shouldnt be expected to educate every user from the basics forward.

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Everything about this DreamLine is a DREAM!

Absolutely nothing. Could have come in a case from FX.

This is a fantastic build!!

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I love everything about this gun. It came shooting 44grain JSBs at 835 which is about 69 fpe. The glass I have on it now is a UTG Bug Buster, and that's nice, but my fiance has gotten me an Athlon Argos BTR 6-24x50 as an early Christmas present which I'll put on soon. That will be perfect. That's plenty for my purposes but I'm not going to stop there. I've since received the 580cc FX bottle from PA and the bottle adapter from Krale. On order I have a Saber Tactical Bottle Clamp, an Atlas Bipod, and a new Huma-Air extra high pressure regulator to bump up the power. I know the new regulator will void the warranty, but I'd really like to learn how to tinker with air rifles. Since PA doesn't work on FX guns, I will send it to Utah Airguns if I need any repairs. I purchased this over the Impact because of the starting affordability and lower weight. PA has helped me with my questions & I would recommend any of their in-stock items to friends. But, don't trust stock dates, they're estimated,

Larger capacity magazine options and one that can fit Predator Ploymags in it. Having the old aluminum mag come standard would be nice too. I hope, and look forward to when, there are as many accessories for the Dreamline series as there are for the Impact. *Cough Saber Tactical *Cough... One gripe is that the pressure gauge is at the end of the tube and not necessarily facing right side up. Go for the bottle version.

Great gun. Can't say enough about it. I do recommend the carbon fiber bottle version though. I wish they were in stock when I got mine. I'm glad I ordered the 580cc later. With the tube, not only do you practically have to look down the barrel to check it, which is never recommended, but it isn't necessarily facing right-side up either which may cause you to have to turn it to a funny angle to check. That's strange but the bottle fixes that. FYI You may have to do some tuning to get it performing well with specific pellets or slugs. Anyway, love this gun and am sure anyone who orders it will too. I can't wait for the .30 FX Hybrid slugs! They will be amazing out of this gun as already proven in .22.

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Adjustable stock ,how quiet it is, power and 14 shots on one fill with the pictured tank at full power!

Just include some plastic barrel bands. I got two with picatinny rails from SMW Engineering UK. He makes the best ones.

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