RWS Meisterkugeln Standard .22 Cal, 14.0 Grains, Wadcutter, 250ct
Caliber:.22 (5.5mm)
Quantity:250 Count
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- .22 caliber
- 14.0 grains
- Wadcutter
- 250 pellets
Overall Rating
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10 of 155 RWS Meisterkugeln Standard .22 Cal Reviews
By far the most accurate pellet I have shot on my PCP rifle. Its my go to pellet when I need a shot group smaller than a quarter for 8 shots. A consistent performer. I have shot many different brands and types of ammo in my PCP rifles but these just are hard to beat. Worth the extra money.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake them in 500 count tins. Lower price
Meisterkugeln are some of the most precise and consistent pellets out there. These shoot well in a Diana 34, 48, and a Benjamin Marauder.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt would be great if Meisterkugeln offered .22 pellets in heavier weights. These come out supersonic in my AirForce Condor which makes them crack very loudly. They also do not group as well for me when they are supersonic. A JSB match 25 gr pellet in .22 is subsonic, groups well, and hits incredibly hard.
What Others Should KnowWhat makes these as well as other make pellets really work well is the outstanding packaging Pyramid Air does for shipping. The 3D closed cell foam packaging with cardboard stiffeners really protects them in shipment. I have received otherwise good pellets from other sellers that were reduced to junk because they were not protected in shipment and rattled around loose in a mostly empty box. With nothing to dampen the g forces when the package is dropped, many of the pellets get deformed which destroys accuracy.
Great product. 100%
Things I Would Have ChangedExcellent product....100%
What Others Should KnowGood !
Love the wad cutter holes ,easy to see
Things I Would Have ChangedWhy don't they have them in and 18gr.
What Others Should KnowWith my Gamo Swarm it shot great and grouped excellent, they shot hole in hole but not in the bulls eye. Had to readjust the scope to get them center. After I did they were awesome.
these pellets work great in my older air guns. I have found the weights of the pellets to be very consistent.
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should KnowDealing with Pyramyd Air has always been a good experience, support with items.
Things I Would Have ChangedScrew top tin, come on man.
What Others Should KnowThe right stuff for lower power springers.
Love them theyre perfectly made for my 1322 crosman drifter that I modded to the max sub 1Inch groups at 35 yards with 30 pumps and shipping was not only fast but packaged better than anything Ive ever ordered if you have and crosman pump or c02 pistols these will work for you
Things I Would Have ChangedMaybe make them in .25 or 30 caliber
What Others Should KnowPyramid air ships there products superb there the cheapest when it comes to air ammo and are superior to all other online air gun/ammo providers these awesome pellets are jst the tip of the ice berg ALL HALE PYRAMID AIR for providing us with awesomeness like these high quality German made pellets buy them they will not disappoint you
Accurate for my 1322 crosman drifter
Things I Would Have ChangedMake them in .25 and .30
What Others Should KnowThese pellets are shaped and weighted perfectly for your crosman pump pistol or rifle my 1322 drifter is completely modded out and shoots these perfectly would definitely like to try them in different calibers
It's very accurate at 10 meters in my Hatsan model 95. (Under 10 shot dime size groups)
Things I Would Have ChangedNone
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Jan 25, 2024
By Jacques Ernest
I've been shooting Meisterkuglen since competing in air rifle competition as a child, 50 years ago. The flat-faced wadcutters cut neat holes in the target and they are very consistently uniform, or at least, have been for over 50 years that I know of. And they've quit that now.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would immediately stop filling half the tin with RWS Superdome pellets instead of the RWS Meisterkugeln that I paid for.
What Others Should KnowExpecting dime-sized groups at 35 yds is unrealistic when shooting pettlets of a different weight.