H&N Excite Plinking Pellets, .22 Cal, 12.96 Grains, Wadcutter, 250ct
Caliber:.22 (5.5mm)
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- .22 caliber
- 12.96 grains
- Wadcutter
- 250 pellets
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10 of 29 H&N Excite Plinking Pellets, .22 Reviews
Things I Would Have ChangedWould make a better fishing sinker than ammo in my opinion.
What Others Should KnowCheap you get what you pay for.
Target round.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
Does well in most of my Crosman's 13xx & 2240's
Things I Would Have ChangedAll but a few pellets match, and skirt size is pretty consistent... Saw no actual damage on any.
What Others Should KnowNot bad for the price.
1) Price. 2) Performance. 3) Quality. 4) Packaging. 1) Using the 'get-four, pay-for-three' deal here at Pyramyd Air, I'm getting these for just a smidge over one cent each -- a very sweet price. When I need a new airgun or equipment for the hobby, I usually get it here and add enough pellets to get free shipping, reducing the cost even more; a penny saved and all that... 2) Every airgun I own shoots with exceptional accuracy when using these, whether loaded single-shot or used in a mag or clip. 3) The quality is exceptional, typical of H&N products. 4)
Things I Would Have ChangedFor my needs, these are perfect as is. If someone was shoving splinters under my toenails unless I came up with a wish-list, I'd ask my fairy godmother for: more pellets per container (maybe also lowering the price a bit?) and again, just because this is up in the blue-sky, maybe a couple of grains more weight. HOWEVER, almost all of my shooting takes place indoors, at homemade traps covered with 2-inch, self-adhesive 'spatter' targets, at short distances (30 feet max), usually with .177 and .22 caliber variable pumpers (I have ~12), using fewer pumps & lower power levels -- depending on the airgun, usually around four to eight pumps or so. The rest of my airguns (~8) are CO2 powered, so I can't adjust the power, but since I'm not hunting, I have no need for a more costly, heavier pellet, so these are perfect. Regardless of the airgun used, these pellets are exceptionally accurate at the closer distances at which my shooting is done and the price is right. I love 'em! :-)
What Others Should KnowThe innovative, exceptional packaging used by Pyramyd Air for pellets is a major part of what makes any pellet they sell the one any shooter can call 'my favorite.' If they arrived damaged, in impossible to open tins, with many of the pellets useless, ouch! Now and then, I can get tins of 500 CPHP .22 rounds at Amazon for less than $7.00/tin with free shipping... but usually I won't. When those pellets arrive in a flimsy plastic bag with no packing materials, lots are ruined before I even can cut the danged tins open!!! Granted, they can arrive in fair shape rarely, but every order is a total dice-throw: maybe they arrive okay and maybe (usually) they don't! No thanks. Instead, when I order 20 tins (you usually can get only 4 tins max at the other place) of these similarly-priced-but-better-than-CPHP pellets, WITH the 4-for-the-cost-of-3 deal, the final cost ALWAYS is every bit as awesome as every like-new pellet is when it hits the mark! Where to buy? It's a no-brainer for me.
Really inexpensive
Things I Would Have Changed[General Gripe] I still hate pellet cans that aren't threaded
What Others Should Know"Plinking" is an appropriate name, as none of my guns (or my friends' guns) will group under 15mm with these pellets at 10m. I get ragged one-hole groups at that distance, from the same guns, using Crosman 14.3 gr Premier HPs.
Excellent value and perform well in my 2250, 2240, 1322 and P-rod. They are a bit soft so if you have a gun capable of high velocities you may need to adjust down.
Things I Would Have Changednothing
These pellets are cheap and shoot great out of my 2 Crosman 362s. 3 pumps at 50ft these are consistently dead on. These are my go to pellets for backyard plinking.
Things I Would Have ChangedScrew tin lid and 500 count tins
What Others Should KnowI find these are great for lower power shooting. (500fps or less).
Purchased these to add to my collection of pellets. Always looking for the one that will be "the pellet" for rifles and d pistols. These are very economical and perform well as plinkers, for training and target practice. Best group I weas able to to get was a little less than 1/2 inch at 10 meters. I would recommend these for CO2 and lower powered springers. My great granddaughters and I do a lot of shooting in my basement range during the winter months. We can shoot thesewithout breakingthe bank!
Things I Would Have ChangedChange the lid to a screw on lid
What Others Should KnowGood inexpensive all-round pellet for casual shooting.
Cheep to shoot.
Things I Would Have ChangedManufacturer them better. Crosman Premier sell for about the same cost and shoot 10x as better.
What Others Should KnowNope.
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Apr 28, 2024
By Will
At velocities under 800fps, I get single hole with3 different springers. Much faster speeds will destabilize the flat surface. Perfect to @25 yds for birds at less than 18 ftlbs. At reasonable ranges there are impressive terminal effect in soft mediums.
Things I Would Have ChangedPrint low power use recommended on tins..
What Others Should KnowEvery gun I own can stack Terminators at 10 meters. These can come very close in most of them. Notice a lot of pistol reviews? At 900 plus they will fly to unknown areas. 730 fps is about ideal for match accuracy and 20 yards for hunting. The thin skirt seal better at low pressures.