H&N Terminator Pellets,, Image 1
H&N Terminator Pellets,, Image 1
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H&N Terminator Pellets, .22 Cal, 16.36 Grains, Hollowpoint, 200ct

5.0118 reviews
5 answered questions


$0.057 / Rd

Caliber:.22 (5.5mm)

.177 (4.5mm)
.22 (5.5mm)


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  • .22 cal
  • 16.36 grains
  • Hollowpoint
  • 200 pellets

H&N is considered by many to be the world's premier pellet maker. Besides their stable of highly regarded hunting pellets, they continue to innovate and bring out new shapes, products and designs. The Terminator is one such example. Made specifically for guns shooting a minimum of 12 ft-lbs. muzzle energy, the Terminator is designed for hunting and pest elimination.

While most hollowpoint pellets literally have a hollow head, the H&N Terminator pellets have a small lead projection rising up from the center of the hollowpoint. Additionally, the edge of the hollowpoint has notches that are designed to help the pellet mushroom on impact, making it more effective than pellets without the notches.

The world's only partitioned hollowpoint pellet!
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.22 (5.5mm)
Ammo Type
Suggested for
Projectile Weight
Ammo Shape
Price per Round
Muzzle Energy
31 ft/lbs
Muzzle Velocity
925 fps
Energy at 25 yds
21 ft/lbs
Velocity at 25 yds
758 fps
Energy from the initial value at 25 yards
67 %
Energy at 50 yds
15 ft/lbs
Velocity at 50 yds
636 fps
Energy from the initial value at 50 yards
47 %

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10 of 118 H&N Terminator Pellets, .22 Cal Reviews

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Very accurate, shoots higher than the Gamo Red Fire, even at 70 yards! The Red Fire is 15.4 gr. while the terminator is 16.36 gr.


Harder to get out of container on account of their shape. I have not tried these out on game, but they decimate small snowmen and other targets.

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F---n AWESOME! I've literally bought and shot every brand of .22 cal pellet on the market and these are by far the most consistent and accurate. Even after 50 shots my groups were the size of a dime! And they HIT HARD!!! Compared to over 6 different pellet types and brands, when I hit steel gongs with this you can see, hear, and feel in the reverberation the insane difference. Even the typical squirrel shot thud is completely different. instead of sounding like hitting a bloated eggplant, you hear the sound of a snap and instant acknowledgement of a kill shot. They are now my go-to for small game!

Not a thing.

These are heavy grain and just like any changes in ammo and you'll need to re-zero but once you do, they are consistent over and over and over again!

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Uniformity, Hard hitting, Price. In 4 tins I have found no misshaped pellets. Clean shooting, they do not leave residue in the barrel. They group very well out of my Gamo Wildcat Whisper .22. Takes down small game very well at medium and close range. I tried them in ballistic gel and they left a large wound channel. More than competitively priced with anything in its category and comes in a screw top tin.

Larger size tin, I use a lot of them!

The thin skirt kinda' balloons out and grips the rifling in the barrel which seems to give good velocity and accuracy.

Chris Dec 18, 2024

After further ballistic gel shooting I measured the expansion of the pellets. The smallest was .25cal the largest was .30cal. They were shot from a break barrel, 16fpe, at a range of 20ft.

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extreamly accurite at about 900 fps out of my gamo magnum gr .22

I would like it if they had one in the 18 grain range for longer distance shooting

I enjoy pushing the limits of my air rifles and that means I am looking for 2 thing accuracy, okay bc, and reliable terminal performance out of a magnum break barrel at longer ranges then generaly reccomended by all the professionals. and while yes this pellet is the most accurite my 18.1 and 21.53 grain pellets hit noticably harder at all ranges. they are just to light for the size animals I am shooting at the ranges I am shooting them at.

pelletman Jul 28, 2024

The terminators are my go to pellet in 22 cal. Out of my guns they hit hard and are very accurate at 65-70 yrds, (which is my shooting range). I have taken raccoons, rabbits, coyotes, hogs, and a deer, (head shot) with them. I shoot them between 955-975 depending on what gun I use, which are all pcp's that can easily push these pellets sub-sonic. The expansion is great and they leave big exit wounds. My FX Crown, Hatsan Nova Star, Avenger/Avenger-X, Gamo Urban, and Hercules bully and Flash loves them. Anything that I have shot with these pellets haven't walked or ran away.

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Consistent shape and weight, packaged to prevent distortion in shipment

even more robust protection for shipment

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My TX200mk3 loves them!

I own the TX200MK3 in .22 and this pellets make 1 inch group at 45 yards. GOOOOD!

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These are deadly on the pests I get in my back yard ( iguanas, monitor lizards, rabbits and pythons).

Nothing, but with my gun (FX Dreamline with bottle) I think I can move up to 18gr.

pelletman Jul 28, 2024

You should be able to move up to 18 grains. My Crown with a 380 barrel pushes 18 grains @ 985-992 fps but I normally push them around 955-960 fps.

Shane Jan 28, 2024

I’m jealous! Wish I had an iguana problem!

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These are great hunting pellets. They destroy small game. Both my Gamo Magnum springer and Venturi Avenger pcp love them inside of 40 years. They're not great beyond that distance though. So only use these for short-mid range kill zones. And trust me, anything hit within that range is a gonner, lol. These and Hades are the most deadly 16 grainers in the hunting segment.

Nothing really. Yeah it would be great to go beyond 40 yards, and some guns can (I've heard of some people who's gun can keep them steady in the distance), and if your gun is one of those guns, then you've got a very deadly 50-70 yard pellet.

Enjoy. :-)

pelletman Dec 26, 2023

These are my go to pellet in 22 cal. I zero them at 50 yrds and they hold up fine. They do pack a punch and anything within 50-60 yrds are history. I normally shoot them around 945- 975 fps and it works for me. The guns I use are FX Crown, avenger, neutron star and barrage. Will get an 22 cal impact kit soon and see how they do out of my Impact. They seem to shoot better at higher fps starting at 900 fps up to 975 fps.

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Accuracy is great from thirty yards. I am using it for rabbit control and works very well.

I would change nothing.

This is a great product.

pelletman Dec 30, 2022

The only thing I wish is that they came in 25, 30, and maybe 35 cal. These are my go to pellets in 22 cal with the H&N hunters being a close 2nd. I'm guessing in 25 and 30 cal these would be an awesome round.

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