Sig Sauer P320 XCarry Green Gas Airsoft Pistol
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The SIG Sauer ProForce P320 XCarry Green Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol is engineered to be a close copy of the look and feel of the XSeries centerfire pistols, including full blowback action to help simulate recoil. It reaches velocities of up to 320 FPS and has weight and operation that are similar to the firearm version to provide an excellent training option.
This airsoft pistol includes a groundbreaking hop-up adjustment method that allows shooters to rotate the recoil guide rod instead of having to pull out the slide to adjust the hop-up as competing airsoft pistols do. In addition, it carries over many features from its firearm counterpart, with a similar flat blade trigger with a 90-degree break, an aluminum locking XSeries slide, and an XSeries Grip Module, as well as the ability to field strip it like the powder burning version.
To get an authentic airsoft replica of a popular semi-auto firearm for realistic training and target practice, buy the SIG Sauer ProForce P320 XCarry Green Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol from Pyramyd AIR now.
SIG Air ProForce P320 XCarry Green Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol
- Uses 6mm airsoft BBs
- Semi-auto
- High efficiency full blowback action
- Brass inner barrel
- Aluminum locking XSeries slide
- 21-round green gas magazine
- Field strippable
- External hop-up adjustment through recoil guide rod
- Max. velocity: 320 FPS
- XSeries flat trigger with 90-degree break
- Ambidextrous thumb safety, slide catch, and reversible magazine release
- Textured grip
- Fixed front and rear white dot contrast sights
- Reflex sight mounting plate
- XSeries Grip Module with under-muzzle Picatinny accessory rail
- Uses flush-mount green gas magazine
- Overall length: 7.6"
- Weight: 24.96 oz.

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5 of 5 SIG Sauer P320 XCarry Green Gas Reviews
- A twin to my carry gun - Works with the LaserAmmo conversion kit + iMTTS and Smokeless Range. - Works with the SIG air reflex sight, but zeroing is painful. - Fits my Pro Force duty holster using the same TLR-1HL light.
Things I Would Have ChangedUGH - Have to use a tool to slide the base forward to fuel mags from the bottom. Why not fuel from the back? Zeroing the SIG air reflex sight is painful because the fixed rear irons block the locking screws. You need to mount and zero then remove it to tighten the locking screws, then torque it down and hope the zero doesn't change. Would be easier if the rear sight could unscrew from below.
What Others Should KnowOne of my favorites for training.

Wish I had not bought the gun. The cheap plastic on the end of the magazine cracked in first 30 minutes of use making it worthless.

I love the frame so much that I changed the module of my rxp to the x carry. I now have a training pistol that is nearly identical to my EDC. The blow back recoil is very similar too. The only bad thing is you can’t continually fire an empty magazine. I use this for dry fire practice with the Mantis X training module.

I have two of these pro Force 320x carries. I have a 5-year-old grandson that I train with muscle memory loading unloading cleaning it pretty much does everything except to check the shell and he's learning respect for the pistol. Would be nice for you guys to come out with some more gas blowback training tool thank your
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Dec 02, 2024
By Blake L.
Absolutely in love with this product. might actually be thinking about purchasing the real steel brother as a new EDC!