ASG Universal Laser,, Image 1
ASG Universal Laser,, Image 1

ASG Universal Laser, Integral Weaver Mount + Rail for Accessories

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Lasers can be used on rifles or pistols with appropriate rails. Because the laser's dot is reflected on the surface of your target, it helps you home in on your target. Everyone has movement when they're aiming a gun, and your ASG universal laser will help you learn the best time to squeeze the trigger for best accuracy.

Lasers can be particularly helpful if you're shooting BB, pellet or airsoft pistols to improve proficiency with your firearms.
  • ASG universal laser
  • Class II laser
  • 1.70mm beam
  • 652nm
  • 0.823mW
  • Elevation and windage adjustments
  • Ambidextrous on/off switch
  • Integral Weaver mount
  • Press buttons on sides to lock in the mount (also has a retention spring)
  • Additional Weaver mount under laser for mounting a tactical flashlight
  • Uses 3 LR44 batteries (not included)

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Now this little laser fit & went on weapon very easy. Works very well.


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These are very nice and very easy to used to get proper site in.

I would make the switch a little more positive. Its easy to accidentally switch it on. A more positive detent would be preferred.

It does not come with batteries. You need the LR 44 batteries.

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fits very well. east to adjust..

[poor off on switch,sticks out way to far on both sides.every time you put the gun away there is a very good chance you will turn the sight back on killing the batterys there should be a detent switch to help hold it in the position you set it bad they would not use a push off on switch.but that would cost a few cents more though.

i found out that cutting the switch arms off in half ,lengthwise,really prevent turning the sight on by accented.

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Works fine once you realize that the instructions for adjusting windage are backwards.

Fix the instructions for windage adjustment.

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It had a very good red dot and was very easy to adjust, batteries do not last long as the switch turns on much too easily and tends to turn accidently when storing. After only one week the laser stopped working, it only cost $12.00, not worth the postage to send in for repair, but I wouldn't order another one or recommend to anyone.

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Very easy to install, and easy to make adjustments.

Not sure what they can change on this to solve my problem. Others said they had no problem with it on their blow back.

Installed it on my ISSC M 22 BB pistol. This is a blow back and I could not get Laser to hold POA. Would get it sighted in and by the time I finished the clip it was all over the place. After three sessions, two CO2 cylinders, and 100 BBs I gave up on it. Glad I'm only out $20.

John Jul 07, 2016

My problem is not the mount moving, it's the laser light itself that moves. I have actually seen it jump from POA to 8-10 inches up, down, right, or left! I center it again and after a few shots it jumps again. Sorry to say but this one is junk. Something for the dog to chase!

Anthony Jun 21, 2016

I had a similar problem with a Walther cp99. I've also experienced it with a couple of rifles. After shooting 20-30 rounds, I discovered I could tighten the mount a little bit. After getting it just a bit tighter each time I shot the guns, they finally settled in. Don't give up on it.

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nice Laser for the money,Class 2 laser, bright at night no so much during the day, easy to sight in point and shoot capability.

battery should be included!!!

the batteries are expensive you need 3 of them, got a good deal at the local watch repair shop $5.00 for 3 normally there $5 each.

Anthony Jun 21, 2016

Try ebay for the batteries. You get a bunch for a couple of dollars with free shipping.

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This ASG Universal Laser Sight is very simple and easy to install and use. It fits very snugly and securely on most Weaver rails. Because the battery compartment cover is on the bottom, the laser does not need to be removed from the gun in order to install the batteries. Once installed on the pistol, the on / off switch is conveniently located in front of the trigger guard where it is easily reached and activated by either left or right handed shooters. I found it to work well on several different pistols, both blowback and non-blowback. The on / off switch has sufficient resistance so that the blowback action does not make the switch move. The sight-in settings are also stable to the vibrations of strong blowback pistols.

The two buttons on the top of the laser control two mounting tabs. I would like to see those tabs made slightly larger so that they insert into the slots of the mounting rail better than they currently do. ASG should start supplying this laser with batteries because with all other features being the same as the Umarex Universal Tactical Laser the Umarex laser has the advantage of being sold with batteries included.

I tested this ASG laser on these non-blowback pistols: Walther PPQ, Smith & Wesson M&P 45, and H&K P30; and on these blowback pistols: Beretta PX4 Storm and Gamo PT-85. On the PX4 Storm and PT-85 pistols, this ASG laser held its position on the Weaver rails without any blowback induced creep. I compared this ASG Universal Laser Sight with the Umarex Universal Tactical Laser and have concluded that both lasers are the same product. The frame of both lasers is stamped "Made in Taiwan". The two lasers are virtually identical except for the Umarex name molded into the on / off switch on the Umarex branded laser. Therefore I believe my review of the Umarex laser on the Sig Sauer P226 X-Five and Blackwater BW1911 R2 pistols is also applicable to this ASG laser.

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Good value for the price.

Small hex key (supplied) is used to adjust the point of impact. This adj. is very sensitive. Say 30 deg. (form 1-oclock to 2-oclock)of rotation will move the laser dot about 1 inch at 21 ft. (going from memory on this one). REDUCE THE MOVEMENT WITH FINER CONTROL. On-off switch can easily be turned on when putting the gun in the case. I almost exhausted the (3) LR44 batteries in the 12 hours of storage because the switch was bumped. PROVIDE A SWITCH STOP OR PROTECTOR TO KEEP SWITCH FROM TURNING ON IN STORAGE. REMOVING AND STORING 3 LR44 IN THE PISTOL CASE IS A PAIN.

I have mixed feelings about this. It is very good for sighting without looking at a sight picture on iron sights. It seems that the groups centers move around during practice. The best group with my SWMP40 was about 3/4 inch (6 shots, 21 feet) with a mechanical rest. Seems that the groups move (1 1/2 in.) but size does not change much. The SW40MP may have an issue as the gas is consumed - low gas seems to make for higher group placement!
This item is balky when sliding it onto the accessory rail to the point that I feel that it could be damaged. I have used die files to relieve some of the molding defects and it is improving installation. Will keep working on this issue until it is smooth. (Easy to do)

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