SIG Sauer SP2022 CO2 BB Pistol, Metal Slide & Mag
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Maintaining firearm proficiency is an excellent reason to buy the SIG Sauer SP2022 CO2 pistol. You'll save a bucket of money on ammo and range fees. Plus, you can shoot for hours in the comfort of your home or backyard. The more you practice, the more you increase your accuracy and control with your firearm. On the other hand, how about just shooting it for fun? Yeah...you don't need a reason...shoot it -- just because!
New powerful version! Shoots 390-426 fps as tested by our Tech department.
- SIG Sauer SP2022 pistol
- Uses 12-gram CO2 cartridges
- 23-rd BB metal magazine
- Semiauto
- Fixed front & rear sights
- Double-action only
- Manual safety
- Accessory rail
- Plastic frame and metal slide and mag
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10 of 32 SIG Sauer SP2022 Reviews
I like the looks and feel. Very accurate and somewhat loud...good price for what it is.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot too crazy about the trigger..when you squeeze the trigger is safe the Bob's will roll out the barrel...other that that all is good.
What Others Should KnowGreat feeling and looking gun for the money...just don't like the BB's rolling out the barrel if you squeeze the trigger in the safe position.
Fantastic BB gun, very fast, mine averages 450 fps in 75-80 degree weather. Very accurate and good balance. I've had it for 2 months and went through 12 CO2 cartriges and 1000 plus BBs and is working like a dream. Very loud gun.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing, who cares about no slide action. I want all the CO2 energy to go to the fps and this gun delivers with the highest for a replica pistol.
What Others Should KnowI like to leave the CO2 cartrige in for days at a time and this one didn't leak until about 6 cartriges. But, now I just put some white plumbing tape at the end of the cartridge and a drop of pellgun oil and it still seals. After 8 cartridges it began to leak again but this time the problem was easily solved by tightening the ring at the top of the magazine (which eventually comes loose with use). I bought another magazine and after 2 CO2 cartridges I had to tighten that ring as well. I had to cut a key into a special tightening tool be able to tighten the ring. Still worth it for the money and it's the best pistol.
Nice heavy weight. Full metal drop out magazine High FPS numbers (over 400 FPS!) Thumbing down on the fake hammer will take it off "Safe"
Things I Would Have ChangedRemove the ugly warning lettering on the right side.
What Others Should KnowVery fun BB pistol at a great price!
++1 on Power, report and authentic weight and feel just fantastic and a blast to shoot this DA gun. Trigger and firing mech as well as mag are all a genius interphase. Trigger is smooth out of the box and the gun fires smoother with decent break after a lube job which I recommend if you're up for it, especially the hammer carriage, trigger spindles and where the barrel meets the mag. Realistic shooting minus the hop. Merciless power on tin cans. Great sound...in an enclosed area. Fired copperheads in it with only one feed issue in a few hundred shots so far. Mag is great love the allen key loading,Grip texture, metal slide , fixed sights, white dot. If it ever breaks Ill buy another one.
Things I Would Have ChangedSafety is kind of cheezy but you don't really need a safety on this gun its DA. Rear site adjustment......ehh would be nice but really not necessary IMO on this "action" gun. I think the frame is plastic which is fine but Its not true polymer...once again..its durable and fine..for the $
What Others Should KnowThis gun takes some time to learn. Once you get the pull down you will group reliably. If it seems all over the place initially its probably the shooter pulling which is very easy to do. For a plinker which this is you will have the most fun at 15-30 feet. Pipes them in from a rested position. Fold a target in fourths and hang it. Shoot close and back up every 5 feet you will learn the grouping on it. Its very smooth and enjoyable to shoot.
Weight and feel, just like my personal SigPro 2022 in 40S&W.
Things I Would Have ChangedBlow back and the rear sights with the white dots would make this as close to real. , A drop free magazine would be nice, An a speed loader to help those who don't get additional magazines..
What Others Should Knowthe need for a speed loader, which I got one with my extra magazine, would have been nice . It helps the reloading of bb's.
Handles the same as my 9mm SigPro 2022
Things I Would Have Changedn/a
What Others Should Known/a
I bought two of these..I own over 60 Pellet/BB pistols and these are by far the best value. I chrono'd these and I got over 500 fps on an 70 degree day. It average about 487 FPS. Great trigger for a DAO. Actually the lightest DAO trigger.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot much to change for such a low price point...get rid of the white warning labels!!
What Others Should KnowYou want to get rid of the label..mask of the area and use Krylon Flat Black. It matches perfectly. Also use white fingernail polish and paint the little gap area on the rear sight. It matches up quite well and looks like a Sig factory setup. I have a genuine German made Sig Sauer 226 9mm and the sights look almost identical. You get about 100-120 shots per CO2 on a 70 degree day. Rather than purchasing a 2nd magazine I juts bought a 2nd gun. You the package deal and wait for Pyramyd's discount and you are only spending about $20.00 more for the whole set-up. Pyramyd has some incredible deals but this gun (metal slide) is really the best value!!!!
Great replica, well made and feels great in even my small hands. Great to know that the FPS as tested by your tech (thank you) is in the lower 400 and not in the 300.
Things I Would Have ChangedPrice for additional mags to much $, Would have purchased additional ones; If price was lower to meet my expectations perhaps based on budget constraints. Perhaps if you would talk with your supplier PA could make this happen.
What Others Should KnowPA the only place to shop. Wonderful to do business with.
I have not actually used this gun yet as the temp in Wisconsin has just reached into the 50's. Soon I hope so I can checkout the accuracy.
Looks really good, fun to shoot sofar holds co2 until you use it all up i dont think it leaked a drop out.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake it blowback
What Others Should KnowI love this model, bought it just to shoot for fun. And now im collecting them thanks pyramyd air i wouldn't even think of purchasing from any were else you guys are the best.
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Jun 17, 2018
By Ray
This thing is rediculous accurate. Powerful, fun, and no mechanical issues.. period.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing!!! It is no blowback so you get a ton of hard hitting extra shots.
What Others Should KnowI am a educator who uses these air guns for my own training. This one is a keeper.