TenPoint 2219 Point Inserts- 12 Pack
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The TenPoint 2219 Point Inserts allow shooters to increase the front of center (F.O.C) balance and help move weight forward on the arrow.
TenPoint 2219 Point Inserts - 12 Pack
- Insert for adding weight for accuracy
- Inner diameter: 0.305"
- 13 grain weight
- Compatible with 2219 XX75 aluminum arrows
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9 of 9 TenPoint 2219 Point Inserts- 12 Reviews

Fit was pretty loose. Shouldn't have to replace in the first place if the original insert had been properly installed. These should not puul out in the target

i was sent 60 grain inserts, i ordered 100 grain. after i emailed twice, never got a response on how to return and get 100 grain inserts.

does as intended, make sure you get the right diameter

Ive been building arrows for over 20 years now. Ive known since I started that when you out inserts in you NEED TO GLUE THEM IN WITH SOME KIND OF INSERT GLUE! It stands to reason that if you press something in, even with a small amount of force, that when a small or great amount of force is applied on it when pulling it will pull it out. All thoes people who are saying their inserts came out clearly didnt know what they were doing when putting the inserts in and if it was a stock insert from a stock bolt that came out odds are there wasnt enough glue on the insert so thats not the fault of the insert but the fault of the bolt making process. Learn how bolts and arrows are made before giving a bad review. Its not rocket science people. You shouldnt need to be told glue is needed (as one reviewer stated) and if you do meed to be told that then you have 0 business building arrows and bolts cause some one will get hurt.

Same here. I fired a target arrow into a target. Pulled it out and the tip and insert both stayed inside the target. I guess the bolts came from Tenpoint NOT glued in. That needs to be fixed.

Basically, I encountered the same thing as the other two reviewers have stated concerning the inserts. If the inserts are require to be glued in, please state it.

I was practicng shooting with field tips and broad heads. After shooting a broad head into the target, the insert came loose from the bolt. I had to tear up my block to retrieve the broad head. Next shot was flied tip, which the same thing happened again. I could not retrieve the insert or field tip this time. Not happy about having to dig though my $80 block to get my broad head back. Nor am I happy about the inserts coming out to begin with.

the bolts came apart while practice shooting-they were accurate but the insert came out with the tip in and I can't find it at all- This happened on 2 bolts. I wish I knew you should glue them into the shaft
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Nov 08, 2024
By JB Chousk
To start, with the Pro elite 400 arrows every time I shoot a deer and I recover the arrow the broadhead and insert are always lost. When shooting targets I never have this problem. But anyway I finally bought a pack of inserts and repaired 5 of these used arrows. I also applied a thin layer of super glue all the way around the insert before installing. Worked great and they all shot perfectly. Definitely recommend the inserts but I think Ten Point should consider using a little glue at the factory instead of just compressing the insert into the arrow.