Wicked Ridge Fury 410 De-Cock RangeMaster Crossbow Package
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The Wicked Ridge Fury 410 De-Cock Crossbow with ACUdraw De-Cock is a powerful short hunting crossbow that is packed with value. It includes a RangeMaster Pro variable speed scope to increase accuracy, with 1.5-5x optics and multiple red or green illuminated aim points as well as black crosshairs.
This crossbow features the ACUdraw De-Cock crank cocking and de-cocking system, which is an improvement compared to its competition because it only takes 5 pounds of force to operate. Also, hunters can safely stop at any point in the process, making de-cocking controlled and easy. In addition, the two-stage D1 trigger has a steady 3.5 pound pull and a DFP Dry-Fire Prohibitor.
To get an innovative reverse draw crossbow with a convenient cocking and de-cocking system, buy the Wicked Ridge Fury 410 De-Cock Crossbow with ACUdraw De-Cock from Pyramyd AIR today.
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Wicked Ridge Fury 410 De-Cock Crossbow, RangeMaster Scope
- Up to 410 feet per second
- Up to 142 foot pounds of energy w/ 400 grain arrows
- Includes RangeMaster Pro variable speed scope
- Built-in ACUdraw De-Cock cocking and de-cocking system
- Reverse draw
- Two-stage D1 trigger
- Rubber buttpad
- Length (excluding stirrup): 29"
- Width: 9" axle to axle (cocked), 15" axle to axle (uncocked)
- Weight (excluding accessories): 7.5 lbs.
- Power stroke: 15.5"
- Draw weight: 200 lbs.
- Includes 3-arrow quiver, 3 Match 400 Carbon arrows
- Made in America
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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10 of 189 Wicked Ridge Fury 410 De-Cock Reviews
compact and durable videos a dd to shooting competency ! DEADLY accurate and scope is definate top level tool ! Only comes with 3 arrows need more
Things I Would Have ChangedThe guide that pulls and cocks string doesnt lock well into stock constantly slipping out of socket not a big problem
What Others Should KnowI f you want easy to shoot and SPOT ON accuracy it is definately woth the price amazing bow slash hunting weapon

Definitely worth the buy, have had it for a month or so now and I absolutely love it. My papa ended up getting one just like it due to the de-cocking feature. Accurate, extremely fast, and durable. A little on the heavier side at 7.5 lbs so not the best for a pop up blind without a tripod. I was a little worried about my purchase due to the mixed reviews that had came in after I had purchased, but so far so good. No wear on the strings at all, haven’t had a single issue out of the acudraw , it’s been a great crossbow so far. Overall it’s a great buy.

Really liked the fury 410. Had it for a year then this morning when I was taking it hunting. This morning right as I finished cocking the crossbow the right side blew out causing major damage to the bow. Very disappointing.

Very nice crossbow, very fast .Buy it you won't be disappointed.

Not very well made, company will fix the limbs and cable but wont replace completely if it happened within 2 weeks of buying new.

The crossbow i like very much but the scope could be better.The aiming points can be hard to pick out and variable power would be nice.

I’m impressed with the construction and performance of my first crossbow. A shoulder injury, surgery and re injury prevents my longbow use. The ease of use, accuracy, quality of construction and written instructions are exceptional. Decock feature was important for my hunting style and legal transport in CO.

Best gift i could buy my self amazing produck thank you 10 point and wicked ridge

I just purchased this wicked ridge on the 8/21/24 when I first put my hands on this bow, I knew this was my bow for me. Well, I shot it one time and the bow went all two pieces. Needless to say I was very upset. Everyone said I need to put negative comments on the Facebook and put tenpoint down . I could not do that tenpoint is always been the bow of my first choice since I’ve been hunting I am 73 year old . By cutting and putting people down, doesn’t get nobody ahead so tenpoint keep on making them good Bows thank you.
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Jan 19, 2025
By Scott J
There is so much packed into this crossbow it's hard to believe the price. You definitely will not be disappointed. Look forward to hitting the woods with it this year.