TenPoint Axis Tripod, Image 1
TenPoint Axis Tripod, Image 1

TenPoint Axis Tripod

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Stabilize your crossbow shots with the TenPoint Axis Tripod that’s designed for use in tighter spaces. Thanks to its overall small stature it requires less floor space and excels in places like a hunting blind. And because it is aluminum, weighing up to 50% less than other tripods, it’s easy to get in and out of the field. Fully extended, it measures up to 40" and collapses to 25 inches. 

Mounting your crossbow to it is easy thanks to the clamp which eliminates the need for any external mounts. For ease of use when sighting in on an animal, a ¼ turn of the lock knob allows you to maintain a good sight picture. That way, you can see with ease while tracking the animal. It has a built-in compass, a carrying case, and a hunt hammock to hold a rangefinder or call. 

Get better stabilization on your next hunt with the TenPoint Axis Tripod. Buy yours today from Pyramyd Air.

TenPoint Axis Tripod

  • Weight: 4 lbs
  • Length: 25 - 40 inches
  • Includes clamp, built-in compass, and carry bag
  • Bubble levels
  • Small and great for use in a hunting blind
  • Easy to manipulate knobs
  • Hunt hammock holds key items


4.0 lbs

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I hunt out of a Millennium Buck Hut and the Axis Tripod is the perfect fit along with my TenPoint TX 440 Crossbow. I highly recommend if hunting out of a blind!

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The tripod provides me with the features I need for using my archery air rifle or crossbow in any hunting situation, especially ground blinds. It provides a resting platform while waiting for a shot opportunity to occur. When a shot opportunity arises I can easily engage my weapon knowing that its been placed in the best possible position, balanced, level, safe, precise, and steady allowing me to attempt the most accurate shot possible.

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It's definitely better than the pillow on a bar stool I was using but, things don't tighten up enough to prevent slippage.

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I am 82 years old and this tripod is the cats meow. Easy to set up and move. Really like how it holds the crossbow

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Works great for a tent blind hunter. Set it up and lock it down in the window you plan to shoot out of.

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My wife ordered this for me back in Feb/March, I finally decided to try it out...sure wish I could return it. The vice holds my rdx nice and secure, but then if you don't hold it, gravity works and the x bow tilts back and the trip starts to tip over....ugg

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I absolutely love the Axis Tripod. I only have one working arm and it holds my 6 year old sniper 370 crossbow great. I have been looking at the Wicked Ridge Fury 410 De-Cock because it would make drawing back and de cocking so much easier on me due to only having one working arm. Unfortunately it's out of my price range for now.

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Seemed like an ok product till I actually took it out to the range. The “quick adjust knobs have a rubber ring that isn’t adhered to the knob itself which makes it hard to get tight. And after about 30 minutes the whole ball head assembly fell apart.there are three small screws holding the ball assembly to the slide pole. They are apparently too short and completely striped the first two threads that were all that was holding it together. I should’ve seen this coming since it’s a couple hundred cheaper than other ball head mounted tripods. I just hope the crossbow I purchased holds up better than this junk.

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No question this helps with stability and accuracy. Unfortunately, I’ve only used mine twice and both times when extending the legs it pinched my fingers and caused bleeding. I will recommend using a different type of device 10 point remedies this.

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This tripod would be great if it held my TenPoint crossbow securely. You can only tighten the vice grip so much, which isn't enough. The spring that helps open the vice grip when making it wider prevents it from tightening at a certain point. I think they only tested this with their latest TRX 515 series. It doesn't fit my Nitro 505 well at all. Way too expensive for it not to be perfect and have a major flaw like this.

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