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115 Products

Most stocks are designed to replace stocks on specific air rifles. No matter what brand you have, we should have the replacement stock for you. This includes some of the most unique grips and stocks by top end brands. Wooden stocks are the most sought after, like the M1 Carbine wood stock. The Springfield M1 is a popular air rifle and the stock can get damaged. Our replica stocks fit both the .177 caliber and the 5mm airsoft bb version, so if yours is damaged, get it replaced before it becomes unusable.

For air pistol owners we have a full assortment of what you're looking for including left-hand grips for a variety of well-known brands. For classic replicas, we have mock ivory grips, as well as revolver grips that look like wood but are manufactured with ABS plastic. We also have a variety of rubber, aluminum and plastic grips for the most common pistols sold as well as high end wooden grips that are like mini works of art to fit your pride and joy air pistol.

We also have a full line of chassis for top-of-the-line competition air rifles in a variety of colors and sizes to fit any shooter's style. Often with a new chassis, you're buying versatility because often the factory chassis won't allow for additional features and customizations. Some come with an extension with T-slots for adding a sling attachment or accessory rail.

Also, some stocks are custom for either left-handed or right-handed shooters. Depending on the weapon you own, we've got you covered no matter what shooting hand you prefer. And in some cases, we'll have an upgrade from the type of wood your factory stock is made with. Many air guns come with beechwood stocks. Consider upgrading to a walnut stock if it's available.

If you just need to replace the butt or forearm for certain weapons, check here first to see if we carry what you need. You'll be pleasantly surprised at the assortment of grip and stock accessories we have here at Pyramyd AIR.

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