Dan Wesson Brown Revolver Grips, Looks Like Wood
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- Dan Wesson revolver grips
- ABS plastic
- Looks like wood
- Stippled
- Finger grooves
- Easy installation!
- Fits Dan Wesson airsoft and airgun revolvers
Please note: This grip will not fit the 715 Dan Wesson Revolvers.
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7 of 7 Dan Wesson Brown Revolver Grips Reviews
Looks good and seem to fit and work better than the originals.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake the "emblems" interchangeable and offer different ones for different applications.
What Others Should KnowFairly easy to change-no tools needed.
these grips are ,nice looking
Things I Would Have Changedheaver material ,redesign grips
What Others Should Knowthese grips are not made well ,not very strong ,the sliding hinge sticks brecks easy.
I bought these brown grips to use on my Dan Wesson 2.5" pellet revolver because I like the contrast of the brown against the silver better than the black grips that normally come with the gun from the manufacturer. The fit is better than the grips that came with the weapon. Very snug with no creaking while being held in the hand. Solid throughout. The appearance is that of real wood, which adds to the overall character of this legendary weapon. I highly recommend using these on all your Dan Wesson and Smith & Wesson revolvers that take this kind of grip if you are looking for a more unique look on your sidearms. Good investment. Thank you.
Not much. They really don't look like wood and appear to be more flimsy than the OEM grips they are meant to replace.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake a generic version without the Dan Wesson logo buttons, since these will fit any airsoft, BB or pellet CO2 revolver based on the WinGun SuperSport 700 series frame. (I mounted mine on a Gamo PR-776.)
What Others Should KnowIf the grips on your WinGun 700 series-based revolver need to be replaced, these will work. But, in my opinion, your money can probably be spent on something more useful like extra clips, cartridges, or speed-loaders.
Looks better than standard issue grips.
Things I Would Have ChangedDirections are always nice but it's not hard to figure it out.
What Others Should KnowI only used the larger, back part of these grips. So my guns grip looks like a combo of wood and blued metal. The original "front" is still there. It makes a real nice texture that some might not like but I do. I'm glad I went through the extra expense. Worth the money.
The color is nice, and I wanted a backup grip for my DW 6" revolver. I like having options as well.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe mounting system on this doesn't look like it will last. It sort of snaps in with four small plastic tabs that will no doubt wear over time. It is kind of a fiddly setup for such a classy gun. And, don't forget, the rear portion of the grip has to be removed and reinstalled every time you use a cartridge. It should be a $10 option, not $20.
What Others Should KnowThe stock black grip fits better than this one, although they were probably made from the same mould. Hard to figure. This one creaks a little bit when I squeeze it. It also feels more like hard plastic than the stock black one which has a nicer feel to it.
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May 06, 2021
By Ron
The color.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake the grip so it's not so slick, Original grip was much more grippy. The fit was fine, just to slick.