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Education / Training Crosman 1377 – Part 1

Crosman 1377 – Part 1

by B.B. Pelletier

Time for something different today. I reported on the Crosman 1377 in August 2005. In those days, my reviews were terse and filled with less test results than I provide these days, and the 1377 is such a classic air pistol that I thought it was time for another go at it.

This pistol is a direct descendent of the 105/106 Target pneumatics made in 1947-1953. Nearly two decades passed between the last of those pistols and the first 1300-series pistol, which was the .22 caliber 1300 Medalist in 1970. The first 1377 came about in 1977 and had a steel breech. In 1981, the steel breech changed to plastic and the gun became more or less what it is today. Let’s evaluate that for a moment.

The 1377 is Crosman’s counter to the Benjamin HB 17/HB 22, which I evaluated for you 18 month ago. The 1377 sells for less than half the price of the Benjamin pistols, and I think we all understand that the difference is partly due to the materials used in the Benjamin. However, is there really double the value in those guns? Or, perhaps the question should really be, “Is the 1377 a terrific value?” That’s what this report will try to determine.


The 1377 (bottom) is larger than its ancestor – a Crosman 105 .22 pneumatic.

This is a large air pistol – make no mistake. The 10.25″ barrel guarantees a muzzle-heavy balance, though I must comment that it isn’t as much as you might think. The great size of the pistol also connotes power, and Crosman’s claim of 600 f.p.s. seems to back that up. We’ll see what the realistic velocity is with pellets you’re likely to use.

When I freed my test gun from its clamshell, it appeared that the pump mechanism was well-oiled from the factory, but that was deceiving. There was oil on all the pivot points; but the pump head was dry, and the gun didn’t develop much power when pumped. A liberal application of Crosman Pellgunoil to the pump head fixed that, and I was able to hear the gasp of air being sucked into the pump tube for the first time. That’s a sound all pneumatics should make.

The sights are fully adjustable, but you have to examine them closely. There are no click detents to alert you to adjustment changes. Instead, you must pay close attention to the position of the rear sight. The windage adjustment even has an index scale, but it takes some close examination to find it.


The 1377’s rear sight element adjusts for elevation, but there are no reference marks. The blade can be reversed for a peep sight!


The front of the rear sight has a small index scale for judging windage adjustments.

Customizing possibilities?
Both the grips and the forearm are made of plastic and are the prime targets for customization. The grips are fully ambidextrous and, in a rare twist of fate, the bolt on the right side of the receiver favors left-handed shooters.

The trigger is a simple mechanism and is another target for change. Those wanting a $1,000 trigger on a $50 airgun find the market full of aftermarket possibilities. You just have to search for them, but they’re there. However, the $1,000 trigger isn’t going to happen with a 1377. Settle for less creep, a lighter pull and some overtravel adjustment. A wide trigger shoe is also nice.

Steel breech
For those who really want to go crazy, Crosman offers a steel breech for the 1377. This breech has 11mm dovetails for optional sights and/or a scope. By the time you’re thinking about the breech, you’ll probably also want to put on a longer barrel for more power. Then, the entire kitchen has to be remodeled! By that I mean that there’s almost no end to what you can do to a 1377 by way of customization. Your $50 pistol can transform into a mighty hunting rifle with the application of another $600 and a lot of elbow grease.

Scope or not?
These days, a scope is very popular on a gun like this. While a scope can get in the way of pumping on a shorter pistol like the Benjamin, the 1377 does have enough barrel for the Crosman 459 intermount to work, as long as the scope is a true pistol scope with long eye-relief or a dot sight.

Many of you have awaited this report for a long time. Let’s be sure and test those things about which you’re curious while the pistol’s in play.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

79 thoughts on “Crosman 1377 – Part 1”

  1. I must say i have the 1377 in its “raw form”. i have no aftermarket parts on this gun and you know what? It shoots beautifuly. Now any one who spends more than $100 on aftermarket parts is crazy. with a gun that is quite accurate but only gets around 600 fps why would you spend so much money. With the three, four, and five hundred dollars people are spending on this pistol (then making it a rifle)you could have got a very accurate and very powerful air rifle. it is what it is, its a VERY affordable, accurate, moderate powered air pistol. i happen to like the cheap plastic grips, they are comftorble, cheap, and my left handed cousin can shoot it. and for those of you who make the pistol a PCP and put a wooden stock and fore arm on it and even convert it to a .22 caliber… buy the benj. discovery! its more accurate and has a lot more power.
    But like i said this is a very nice pistol and i am not putting it down in any way.


  2. Gahhh!!! Stop it!

    I have stopped myself from picking up a 1377 many times. They are just so inexpensive. It’s like the candy in the check out line. “Oh, well what’s a couple of bucks? I’ll just get one…” I bought a $50.00 Crosman 2100 last spring for basement shooting a bird feeder defense and love it. What a neat gun and good value. My positive impression of the 2100 has nudged me toward a 1377.

    I am shipping off an older Daisy 747 to a new home today. A friend gave it to me and it shoots well but I find that with my carpal tunnel ravaged wrist that holding the muzzle up is a chore. Is the 1377 more balanced?

    I have read some of the 13XX modding articles in Airgun Hobby. Holy crap. Derrick will be disappointed in me but it’s too much for me to think about. I buy pre-built wheels (Neutrons) and have the shop I worked at in college do all but the simplest for me.

    Now that the 747 is gone maybe I’ll check out the 1377. Once the Gamo goes it may be time to look at the AA. My wife is British so I may have better luck getting a British gun into the house.

  3. Bruce,

    If Derrick is disappointed in you, think of what he must think of me!

    I don’t even know what a Neutron wheel is, except to know that if a bicycle wheel has a name, it must be special. I ride a Giant Suede DX comfort bike (just got back from my morning ride) that I absolutely LOVE. I’m also THINKING of a Rhodes Car!

    Derrick knows most of this and is still friendly, so he must think kindly of us sprocket-poor peons.


  4. Bikes and guns!

    I am an admitted bike snob. I looked up the Giant last time you mentioned it. COOL! They do a lot on really nice bikes. My mother in law rides a Giant TRC road bike. She has been cycling for close to 60 years and it’s the first bike she’s had that actually fits her. She is about 4’10”.

    We have 8 bikes in the cellar. Two belong to the lovely Mrs. Il B the rest are mine. 4 are fully operational. None are getting ridden much this year. I may sell my Waterford 2200 frame and put the money into a nice rifle.

    There is a gun club in NH that is running mountain bike biathlons with .22s. I have been toying with the idea of an airgun (shoot what ya brung) biathlon but am stuck at finding a locale.

    There are a bunch of bike riders on the Yellow Forum. As I have said before I think the precision of nice airguns appeal to the techie, loner bike rider types.

  5. I read you 2005 blog on the 1377, and have been wanting to buy and customize one ever since. I really want to add the shoulder stock, with wood inserts and a wood pump handle. A longer barrel, .22 cal conversion, and a Williams ghost ring sight. This is something that I have been meaning to do but never got around to it.

    I hope you cover some of the more advanced modifications available for the 1377.

  6. Actually, I’m championing a new sport called the Cincinnati Biathalon, which would be inline skating and slingshots. But I suppose my 1377 would do. Oh, and all while wearing clown makeup.

    I hate the grips on my 1377, but everything else is good. I’ve dinged more skinks with it than any other gun at my fingertips.

  7. When I purchased the 1377, I thought it was great. But, I decided to update it a wee bit. I replaced the plasttic grips, etc. with custom wood and the breech is now metal, with the bolt on the left side. It still shoots well but now it looks great.

    Bill D.

  8. Morning B.B. My kids gave me a 1377 for Christmas years ago and I love it just the way it came out of the box. It’s almost gone to Mac1 a couple of times, but it does what it does so well s I’ve left it alone–Accurate, fun, and inexpensive. Wayne, you’ve almost got me into buying the Air Arms S410 side lever. Oh energy levels with the CP’s and the Evanix SA 31.9 and DA 29.7.

  9. mechredd,

    I had no plans for covering any 1377 modifications, other than to mention them. Why don’t YOU tell us what you know about them? With such an interest in the pistol, I’ll bet you know a lot more about the possibilities than I do.


  10. I too have gone back and forth on mods for my 1377. The pistol shoots great right out of the box. The sight is fussy and plastic, but once you get it zeroed in, no problem. I managed to strip the screw hole switching the rear blade back and forth. No big deal, I got a larger screw. The plastic makes it more or less self-taping.

    I ordered a set of wood grips from RBGrips.net. I think it is well worth the price. The gun looks great and handles better.

    I also ordered the skeleton stock, intermounts and a cheap scope. It is an amazingly accurate set up. The peep sight blade works really well with the skeleton stock. Its fun to switch the parts around. After a while though, I went back to shooting it in its original form. When I did so, I understood why the 1377 has been around as long as it has.

    When all is said and done, the 1377 has stood the test of time. It is a fun plinker and good enough for informal target shooting. I have tried a lot of air pistols, including a Beeman P-3. I sold everything but my 1377 and my Crosman 357-6. Pump a 1377 up 3 or 4 times and it is perfect for basement shooting. Pump it up 9 times and it hits hard enough to send a pop can off the ground. I do not think the pistol was designed for hunting or competition targets.

    I agree that it makes little sense to spend $100.00’s on mods. If you want a multi-pump rifle, buy a Benjie 387 or 392. If you want a PCP buy a Discovery. If you want a go-to pistol that is dependable, accurate, fun and ready to shoot as soon as you pick it up, get a 1377.

    No CO2, no hand pump or scuba tank, no worries. You pump it and shoot it – simplicity itself! You even get a modest work out when you pump.

    For $50.00 you can’t go wrong.

  11. im glad to hear others including bb feel the same as i do. this is a very accurate and well made pistol that is quite fun for plinking and shatter blasts. i do hunt with mine, good for closer ranges. does any one know of a shoulder or belt holster for this pistol?


  12. I have a 1377 and have modified mine by adding the plastic stock and the clamp-on the barrel scope mounts that Crosman sells. I have an old Weaver B series 6X, rimfire scope mounted on it. I also attatched a short piece of foam pipe insulation to pad the comb area of the stock. That is the extent of the modifications I’ve done to it. I shoot dime sized, 5 shot groups with this gun at 10 meters, and it will stay under 1 1/2″, at twenty -five yards. As for hunting. I have used both my 1377 and my old 1300 .22 Medalist to shoot starlings and pidgeons at ranges under twenty yards or so , with no problems. I wouldn’t recommend these guns for squirrels though, but I have shot rats with it at close range. Range was like twenty-five feet or so.I use the Crosman Premiers, both the cplhp and the regular cpl’s and find no difference in effect as to accuracy or on pests. Regards Robert

  13. This sounds like my kind of gun. I’ve heard enough about it and will be looking to hear more.

    I once saw a documentary about Mongolia which showed people shooting AK-47s from horseback. And I thought I read somewhere about contests where people shoot lever-action rifles from horses. So, I was wondering about an event shooting while riding a bike. I doubt this could be done with a .45 which would knock you over but perhaps with an airgun.

    I believe that one of the highest arts in biking is to stop by applying the hand brakes just enough to pitch you forward onto your feet but not hard enough to unbalance you. Working the hand brakes like this is a great way to practice your trigger squeeze.


  14. BB and all,

    The best “mod” to do to the 1377 is to make yourself a set of wooden grips for it. With a few common tools and basic woodworking skills, it’s quite easy to accomplish.


    Try using a spent .22LR cartridge for a trigger spring guide. That will get rid of the grit of the trigger since the sear rides on the bottom of the brass cartridge instead of contacting the spring directly. You can also change the spring to a lighter on, such as a Crosman hammer spring, to lighten the pull.

    Since I shoot mine at 10 meters or less, I’ve not done any of the “power mods”, although I added a Crosman steel breech to give me more sight options, such as the LPA mim sight.

    Michael in Florida
    Success is not an entitlement.

  15. il bruce,

    Derrick here isn’t disappointed in anybody–especially if they’re riding a bicycle for fun and exercise. My wife and I have over 20 bikes all over the house and garage. We love the cool handmade machines.

    Bruce, I know the 13XX Crosman guns are cool, but please try the 2240 or 2250 CO2 guns. I’m telling you straight up as guy that’s owned some nice precision airguns, these are “must haves” at the current prices.
    They need 2 “mods”–the Crosman model steel breech, and 5 minutes of your time polishing the trigger/sear components on a buffing wheel. There’s unbelievable value here. I’ve been harping on this now for so long, you guys probably think I work for Crosman.


    as If you don’t own a Crosman 2240 or one of it’s variants then I am crying

  16. Derrick,

    STOP! I have configured the Crosmans many times on the custom shop site. Very spiffy. Even Nick Jenkinson has one.

    I’m having a new porch and deck put on this fall too. Must not spend money. Must not spend money.

  17. B.B.

    I have a question about surplus ammunition for the M1. The CMP just acquired about 60 million rounds of Greek surplus 30-.06 ammo at about 30 cents a round, and the reviews seem to be pretty good. Some people are calling it match ammo. It seems worth risking the problems of old ammunition. Naturally, I will be looking at each round very carefully for problems. The question is for those bad rounds that slip through my net what is the worst-case scenario? I’m ready to deal with squibs and dud rounds if necessary, but the rounds aren’t going to blow up and damage my gun, or me, right? I figure if they were safe for the gun originally a process of deterioration is not going to make them more potent.

    Dr. G, thanks for the review of your tuned 54. That’s a pretty cool game of shooting lego blocks without disturbing what they are resting on; I’ve been looking for ways to get more out of the small space I have available for shooting. There’s a game on the market called Jengo–something like that–which involves building a tower of small wooden blocks and seeing how many you can remove from below without knocking them all down. This might represent a higher level of challenge over the lego game although in the later stages of the game the blocks must be removed with great sensitivity and control so I don’t know if any rifle could do it.


  18. Matt61,

    In Bikeathlon the shooters bicycle from shooting position to shooting position, but they don’t even carry the guns with them (at least not the kids). The gun are only used at the shooting stations.

    The shooting from a horse is a type of Cowboy Action Shooting, where they shoot balloons with a revolver while riding faqst around a course. The guns are loaded with blanks.


  19. Matt61,

    Buy the Greek ammo. I was shooting Spanish ammo in Springfields back in the 1960s. Just because it’s from another country doesn’t make it bad.

    There is ammo left over from World War I that is still very reliable. It has to do with components and storage.

    One last thing. Regular commercial .30-06 may not be good for your Garand. Some of it has a pressure curve different enough from the MIL SPEC that it’s known to bend the operating rod. Not greater pressure but a different time for the pressure to build up.


  20. Derrick,
    Referring to yourself in the third person:)?

    I really like the 1377…its what I should have gotten when I got a Powerline 1200 years ago. I would like to see how it does up to 18 yards, which I understand is the ram’s distance for air pistol silhouette. Given the power, it should be good for that, right?

  21. BB – My 1377 was shooting 3″ high at 10m with the elevation adjusted all the way down. A dremel got me around the problem, but I’ll be curious to see if you encounter the same issue.

  22. bg_farmer,

    It seemed somehow appropriate at the time. Remembering the Seinfeld episode here–“Jimmy likes Elaine.” “Jimmy can jump high!” “Derrick can tempt Bruce with airguns.” Ahahahaha. (Bruce won’t be allowed back on this blog.)

    Il bruce,

    Go on… Just order the 2300 with plastic grips and the 10.5″ Crosman .22 cal barrel. Tell your wife it’s all BB’s fault. I mean, it is HIS blog.


    Where are you? Tell him about the 2300 goodness. Then he’ll need a lathe, too.


  23. Anybody heard from Gino? He teased us with that great article yesterday and left us with a lot of unanswerd questions.LOL Hope to hear from him soon.I thought he’d be right back with us today to see his feedback.Great job Gino.

  24. B.B.

    Thanks. If the cowboy action shooters are firing blanks, how do they pop the balloons? Do they ride right next to them?

    Yes, I’ve heard about the problems that factory ammo can cause the M1 and have taken great care in researching them. It sounds like the load power can be judged mostly by bullet weight. The manual I received said just to avoid bullet weights of 180 gr. and above. Federal American Eagles and Black Hills Gold both at 155 gr. are supposed to be okay. Do you know of any other factory loads that are safe?

    Incidentally, the reloading info that I got from Clint Fowler was 155 g. Sierra Match King with 51.5 gr. of 4064, a Remington case, and an FM-210 primer. He said this load was common among the Camp Perry Match shooters. I asked why this powder and not the regulation government that you told me about, and he said this was a little slower-burning. Anyway, it seems to have emerged from the experience of that crowd.


  25. B.B. I like the 1377 so much I bought one for my brother to re-introduce him to airguns. After a very short shooting session, I’m sure he’s got the bug again. Hope to have many shooting contests with him in the future. The 1377 is a great value.


  26. The 2300 is too accurate out of the box and suffers from needing hardly any work on it. How dare Crosman make a well functioning pistol!

    Derrick did convince me I should lighten the trigger a tiny bit and polish, etc. Other than that it just doesn’t need any work at all!

    I need to get a 2240 so I have something to actually modify!

  27. I have three 1377s all of which have been modified. One has been converted to a “1322” but with a 14.5″ barrel. What they all have in common: 1. Crosman 1399 shoulder stock 2. A 2289 pump handle in place of the “wood” one 3. Steel breeches, two for .177 and one for .22 4. Springs, spacers, and nuts for Crosman 2300s. These make it possible to adjust the trigger 5. One 1377 has the Williams “diopter” sight that Crosman sells, and the other 1377 and the .22 both have scopes.

    They are all sweet guns. I know I could have got something else for the money I have spent on these guns, but much of my enjoyment has been making the modifications. I love to tinker.

    I also have a CB9 5mm Benjamin that I got scope mounts and a scope for. I zeroed it last night. The scope is a pistol scope with long eye relief, so it is mounted in front of the rear sight [To see what it looks like, check out the Benjamin 392 BSA scope combo on Pyramidair]. It doesn’t interfere with me holding the rifle over the receiver while I pump it. The CB9 is so hard to pump there is no way I would mount a scope on the receiver.

    If anyone is interested in a Crosman parts/price list for the things I have added to the 1377s I’ll provide it. If nothing else, I recommend the 1399 stock and the 2289 pump handle; the latter is a major help in avoiding pinched fingers.


  28. All,
    Agreed the 1377 is fine right out of the box as a back yard plinker. It will drop a pop can at 30 yards every time.

    Mine is stock and once I figured out how to fix the loose barrel it was a very loved gun… BTW you really need to show folks exactly how to tighten the barrel. It is easy to do but difficult to explain without photos.

    To all new owners and future buyers… if you have the desire to tinker this is a great gun. All I did to mine was polish everything and it shoots like a dream. Using iron sites and stock everything it will put 10 pellets in a 1″ circle at 15 yards every time. With a scope and a rifle stock expect much better results.

    And it will kill a squirrel or rabbit if your a within say 20 yards. It will kill an opossum at point blank range.

    It is great for children because they are not strong enough to pump it more than a few strokes so they are not able to fire at full power. And that is a good thing.


  29. BB,
    You’d better request more comment storage for this blog. There is just a whole lot of people that love the 1377 and love talking about it even more than shooting it.

    I’m about 50/50 on the shooting talking issue.


  30. About the TX200, is the decision to get a walnut or beech stock purely cosmetic? Pyramyd did not post pictures of the walnut stock so I can’t really make any kind of judgement. Is it worth it?

  31. SantaClaw,

    I haven’t tested the Hatsan 125, but if it’s anything like the Webley Patriot (which Hatsan also makes) there may be troubles. Pyramyd AIR had to discontinue the Patriot because of serious quality issues.

    The Hatsan rifles I have tested, including the 135 – a wood-stocked rifle very similar to the 125 – were crude and rough. The 135 required over 75 pounds of cocking effort.

    As far as looks go, most Hatsans look fine. The woodwork looks especially nice. They have a strange scope rail with slots cut at what appear to be random spacing. While it looks something like a Picatinney rail, in fact, it isn’t and no scope rings fit very well.


  32. TX200,

    Is the walnut stock “worth it”? What would make it worth it? It’s lighter, so you save some weight, but only a few ounces. The wood has more figure, but don’t expect a figured walnut stock on a standard rifle.

    I’ve owned both walnut and beech-stocked TX200s and I can’t tell the difference when shooting them. Get walnut if that’s important to you.


  33. Hatsan 125 is virtually identical to Walther Falcon Hunter, which bb has tested. They are powerful and they are also full of scrap metal, so clean immediately upon receipt. Impressive internals, once metal flakes are removed. Heavy sloppy trigger, even though a somewhat sophisticated design inside, with one of the die-cast sears having been replaced with plastic (don’t mind plastic trigger and guard so much, but the internal lever?). I think the gun will be fine after hone, lube, and reassembly, but you do your own QC on them.

    The 1377 on the other hand is such a little gem for the money! They might need work too and it is easy to get into modding (starting with the pumper forearm), but you don’t mind when you started with a $55 “kit” instead of a $260 kit (Hatsan). I want to read more about steel breeches, 14″ barrels, and valve replacements. Also someone was right or had same issue I did, not enough elevation adjustment in rear sight (can’t lower enough). But I still love these little toys!

  34. I’m sorry but I really don’t get it, I have a 1377 (and the benjamin HB17) but never use them because I also have a 747. Why pump 8 times when you can do it only once and get better accuracy from it?
    I also think that if you want a gun to mod why not start with the 2289 (which I also own)?
    I mean sure the 1377 is a great, cheap gun but I think the 747 is better, maybe not cheaper but better.
    Am I missing something? Should I get my 1377 out and give it another try?


  35. Man, the first comment just tries to get under my skin. Those who just don’t “get it” about modding these probably never will. Then they make it worse by making comments like that. I have a 1377, left it .177, laminate grips (rbgrips) steel breech. with more mods as time and money allows planned for the future.

  36. I feel your sentiment also. Those that don’t “get it”, are generally those that buy “as is”, and wait for others to produce products for them to consume.
    Those that “get it” enjoy not only tinkering,…but the possibility of personalization, and the personal satifaction of dreaming something up,…and bringing it to fruition on their own. The feeling of owning a unique gun, that sprang from their imagination.
    Those that don’t “get it”,…probably never will, and I generally don’t invest the energy in trying to explain it to them.
    Keep dreaming, and keep modding.

  37. Anonymous
    Did it ever occur to you that not everybody is like you guys?
    Maybe you should invest the energy to explain it to us.
    Maybe not everybody is has handy with tools as you are.
    Some people are open minded and don’t mind trying new things you know.

  38. if you have read this blog, and other blogs and mod sites on the 1377 subject and still haven’t “gotten it”, there isn’t much more i can add. its a personal choice.

  39. I’ve never been on a mod site, I never knew there was so much thing we could mod, I had seen grips but that’s about it. I’m very interested in learning how to do it and if I can do it. That’s why I’m telling you the take the energy to explain, maybe you could guest blog about it?
    I’m willing to learn and try things. I think the 1377 maybe one of the best guns to try it.
    I wouldn’t mess with something more expensive to start with but a 1377 seems ideal to me.

  40. I’m also ready to try this out, even if it’s not as powerful as your US guns, maybe I can remedy that and make it even more powerful.
    I also think the 1377 is a great cheap gun to learn to mod, I’ll go get mine right away (and try to sell the benjamin HB17). Maybe I can also mod my 2289. Something is telling me the wife is gonna be very happy about all this.


  41. I can’t find the part # for the Crosman metal breech, any help? Is there a long and a short and which would I need for the red dot. Does that BSA red dot fit or do you need a mount, says for a 22 firearm? I have one on order but have not received it yet. Use bi-focals so I think I need a red dot or scope.

  42. I’m sure there is a part number, but since the steel breech must be purchased directly from Crosman, you don’t need it. Just ask them for the breech.

    I think there is just one length of breech. Ask Crosman about that, as well.

    You need a red dot that has a base for 11mm dovetails. There are as many of them as there are Weaver bases, which don’t fit 11mm dovetails, so be sure to get the rifglt thing.

    I wear bifocals and don’t use anything but open sigthts with handguns. They work very well. You only have to see the front sight clearly.


  43. i dont think you should bash the crosman modders. it doesn’t take $600 to make a 1377 into a hunting machine. it took me less than $100 to make my 1377 into a very personalized hunting carbine that makes a little more than 12 foot pounds.

    if it weren’t economical… we wouldn’t do the modding.

  44. I just upgraded my stk 1377 to a 1322 …

    ordered the 14″ barrel and metal breech from crosman , a new brass piston , grinded off the cone on the air valve , new wood grips and a few other small mods ..the gun cost me $50 and my mods to make it into a .22 cost me another $100 …

    so for $150 , I have a .22 air pistol that shoots :

    544 fps at 10 pumps
    604 fps at 14 pumps

    which is around 11.5 fpe….MORE then enuff to dispatch small / medium game at 50 yards out . So anyone who says this gun doesnt make sense to modify, isnt totally correct IMHO…

    The only other popular .22 multi pump air pistol on the market is the benjamin , and thats $115 + shipping and is reported to only be achieving in the low 400s fps out of the box…

    So, for basically the same price, you get a more powerful and versatile .22 by modding the 1377 ….and you learn how to work on them…

  45. oh….and my modded .22 can accept a scope because the aftermarket metal breech that ceosman sells for it, already has scope rails built in. The Benjamin 22 pistol cannot have a scope put on it, unless you take it to a machine shop and have it drilled and tapped.

  46. Can anyone tell me the difference between the 1377 and 1377C? I just picked one up and markings on the package and pistol say 1377 – yet I see 1377C’s selling online.


  47. seriously guys, anyone whos contumplating buying the 1377, i have one, just get the gun. i am going to mount a daisy red dot with the inter mounts on it, and that will make it a good hiking suvival gun, mabey a shoulder stock as well, but its not too necessary. but yah just buy this gun. i’ve never read a negative review on it. its well built, and i know, believe me im into pellet guns. i have an RWS model 48 with a scope ($300) and i love it. the crossman 1377 is like its trusty partner. buy the gun before its banned for some stupid reason. i aimed at a squirrel with one hand at 100 yards at least with this pistol, aimed about 2 inches high, and blew its brains out. its an awsome gun. to rate it, its an 11 out of 10.get it!!!

  48. Hey there,
    I just bought a 1377C and was curious whether the plastic breech "needs" upgrading to brass or steel (e.g. will it wear out anytime soon? Is the plastic soft? etc.)

    Thanks guys,

  49. Berseker,

    I've got an older 1377 with the plastic breech which hasn't given me any problems. However, if I was going to scope the gun, I'd due the breech upgrade.

    B.B. writes a blog every Mon-Fri at /, Your comment appeared on a blog written last August. Come ask your question there and see what some of the other folks say.

    Mr B.

  50. BB, should I get a new trigger for my 1377? Is it worth it? And also, do you think the shoulder stock is worth it if Im on a lower budget. Im scoping it, so is the stock neccesary? Thanks.

  51. Army :D,

    I don't find a need for a better trigger on the 1377, but I shoot a lot of different guns and have to adapt a lot. You might want one.

    As for the shoulder stock, you don't need it if you are installing a pistol scope–in fact it won't work with one. The scope needs to be about 20 inches from your eye.

    If you are using a rifles scope then yes, get the stock.


  52. Were can I get a rebuild kit for the 1377?
    We just picked one up at a yard sale for next to nothing and it is still in the box but the O rings are all bad from not being oiled. The oil was never opened?

  53. I like this gun. Is my second NEW model 1377C and is great as is! But a custom stock and a red dot sight can improve shooting. The plastic breech is good but metal is better. It depends on the users way to keep the gun. If you take care of it you will have a long time gun.I don't expect to go as far a $600 in parts but a sight and custom grips will make it look better. Thanks to CROSMAN we can get them on their site for around $29 dollars for the breech and another$29 or so for a custom grip in plastic. More for the wood choice.

  54. I purchased an aluminum piston which had a flat face. This would not work with the standard pointed pressure chamber. I used a drill press with a 1/2" drill bit to create the cup and used a dremal to get it to fit as tight as possible. This worked great, knocked off 2-3 pumps. For the trigger job the dremal was pressed into service again, using felt buffing bits to get contact services to a mirror finish.

    This made an amazing amount of difference, the trigger is now slick and smooth. The plastic furniture was replaced with Ralph Brown's sportsman grips. BTW, RB is a great company. Grips were provided with brass and roll pins and a punch to get the old grips off. Even a piece of felt to reduce the noise of pumping up.

    Steel breech is on the way. Crosman has more in stock, finally.

    My question for you guys has any of you replaced the pump pivot roll pin with something? Its a real pain to have to hammer that roll pin out every time you want to adjust your piston. I'm thinking a stainless bolt with nylock nut. It would not look very pretty, though…

  55. Hi BB, I must say, you have an article for everything, albeit from 9 years ago, it’s still relevant today! I just received my Crosman 1322 and the instructions does say to place a drop of Pellgun oil on the pump cup. You’ve mentioned in this article to oil the pump head. Is this one in the same? if so, I don’t seem to hear that gasp of air with each pump stroke. I think I know what it sounds like as I certainly hear a “gasp” with the Beeman P17 single stroke. Do you know if the Crosman has a similar mechanism? If so, perhaps not enough oil was applied onto the pump cup or I’m oiling the wrong place. Any ideas?

    I also notice the FPS slowly drop with each shot. Does the 1322 need to break in or liberally oiling the pump cup/head do the trick?

    Thanks for your help!


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