by B.B. Pelletier
Update on Tom/B.B.: Tom’s eating more and feeling better. A new doctor with a good bedside manner has taken over his case and has a game plan to help Tom recover and finally go home.
Today’s blog originally appeared in Airgun Revue #6, which was published in 2000.
Do you sometimes wish you were alive around the turn of the 20th century so you could see all the new airguns that are now valuable collector’s items? How wonderful it must have been to walk into a store at that time and see a brand new air rifle displayed with its original box and all the accessories that originally accompanied it.
Some collectors are fortunate enough to have a few of the old guns still in their original boxes…guns that have threaded their stealthy way through time, missing the ravages of kids and not-so-young adults, who can be pretty rough, too. Although the values of those times were not the same as in our current disposable era, many vintage things eventually did get tossed on the trash heap, for living space if nothing else. The term modern has long been the siren song of the salesman, who has to convince you that what you have is in no way the equal of what you could buy from him. Hence, material goods pass through cycles, from useful to old to outdated to obsolete to quaint and, eventually, to antique and very desirable. In that time, the ephemera, such as boxes, papers, sales receipts and such, got winnowed on the threshing floor of practicality.

Collector Donald Cotton sent me these pictures of his Quackenbush airguns. In the above picture, the top gun is a late version of the famous Quackenbush first model. It was definitely made in the 20th century because the buttplate is not as deeply curved as the earlier version.
The gun on the bottom is the third model Quackenbush. Although it looks like a second model, which is the gun in the center, it’s different in that it has a steel barrel with the bore centered rather than offset (as in the second model). Instead of a wide loading port, this gun has a smaller round port and only accepts size F shot. It won’t shoot darts or slugs. It’s a curious member of the Quackenbush lineup that you don’t see very often.
But that gun in the middle is the one that got my motor running! As an airgun, it’s pretty common…only slightly less so than the ubiquitous first model. It’s in nice shape, and that’s always a plus, but that’s not the attraction this time.

The gun is in its ORIGINAL cardboard box with all the accoutrements! The box is tattered after a full century of being kicked around, but the original label on the outside of the top (the top is the darker part of the box) is still readable, with a line drawing of the gun inside. Inside the box is a caution label with some other technical information.
Also with the gun came what appears to be two spare mainsprings, although they are wound to different strengths, so there’s probably more to it than that. There’s also a box of darts, which were this gun’s principal ammunition. It did shoot felted slugs, as well, but they were not as efficient as the darts because of the gun’s relatively low power. A bore cleaning rod is included, though it’s anyone’s guess how a smoothbore airgun would ever get dirty enough to need it. Still, that was what was done at the time. You didn’t want to go against tradition! Finally a screwdriver for maintenance rounded out the accessories.
What’s missing is an original Quackenbush claw-type dart puller. Made of cast iron, this tool looks like a short Ford Model T wrench, except that one end is shaped in a “V” for pulling out those pesky darts from wherever they were stuck.
A complete boxed set like this is a window into life a hundred years ago, and especially what it looked like to an airgunner. Thanks to Donald Cotton for sharing a part of his collection. It gives hope to other collectors that these things are still out there somewhere. With toys like this, who wants to grow up?
I’m always caught off guard when the blog posts. I’m Central time, and it’s not Thursday, yet, in Texas. But the blog’s time is set to Eastern.
You beat me, Edith.
The friendly insomniac.
No sense in waiting around, wondering who was going to post first ๐
Don’t we have to let Edith open the Blog for a new day? I’ve been setting here waiting for someone to say something.
Here’s another quote:
Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence.
George Washington
Gotta go feed some more of my menagerie of pets, it never ends. I’ll still be around haven’t eaten myself yet.
Seems as if things are at a stand still for the night, oh well. ๐
Good morning Edith,
pete zimmerman, good morning to you and to you also, rikib. For sure my days of being the first poster are long gone. But I’ll still be here at 6:30 A starting my day with you all and a cup of coffee.
Mr B.
Somehow eating more and hospital food seems like an impossibility to me.
How can Tom stand that stuff?
Good morning Edith,PeteZ, Rikib, MrB.
BB, Good to see you’re back at it. I am always amazed at the Quackenbush accomplishments. True americanism in action!
I am convinced that there is a wienerschnitzel across the street! (I’d take that over hospital food ANY day!)
To Rikib, Edith,
It seems everybody else has an easier time with this than me. I wanted to try the rikib’s cool workaround and change my handle to “AlanL expostulates” or whatever, but the PA blogger says “user name cannot be changed.” I am currently in permanently logged in status though, so that might have something to do with it. I will now log out and try again…
By: AlanL
Yup, that does the trick! I didn’t know that I could post without having to log in first. The first time I tried it on the first day it demanded that I log in, and if you do, you cannot change your handle from Volvo to SlingingLead!
So, if you really want to secure the blog, just require logging in to post. Since the login can be set to stay permanent (until you choose to log out) the burden is not onerous.
Rikib– sorry, I meant “try rikib’s workaround” not “the rikib”, although you really are THE one and only rikib!!
AlanL –
RE: Logged in vs Not Logged in
Again, similar feature top old blog. Notice that in post above that “AlanL:” is underlined, and “AlanL tries again::” is not.
The underlining is not a result of being logged in, as my name is not underlined when I am logged in. The underlining is the result of a hypertext link. In blogger, the link took you to the registrant’s blogger profile.
You can put a hyperlink in your handle? Ok, I’m gonna try that… sorry if it just comes out looking funny.
By the way AlanL, why did clicking on your handle take me here?:
Is that your company?
– Orin
Ok, that didn’t work at all using the standard HTTP “” tag.
But now I’ve logged in. Let’s see if my name is underlined…
– Orin
Nope, but I obviously can’t mention the “a” tag (complete with brackets) either without botching things.
What’s your handle secret?
– Orin
Just for clarities sake I have to state I was not the one that began โthe name game threadsโ. My name was used as an example by the author however, hence the misunderstanding.
Here is a link to my baby blog for anyone that wants to visit:
Volvo AKA SlingingLead,
You don’t expect anyone to actually believe that, do you? ๐
– Orin
To those people who receive the comments in their inbox,
You may see spam comments come through. We have a spam filter that picks up that stuff, and those spammy comments don’t show up in the RSS feed for comments. That’s because they’re being held for moderation. I just deleted 4 of them that tried to get through. I’ve seen a few legitimate comments hit the spam filter, too. But for the most part, the ones that are held really are spam.
Heave a big sigh of relief– I will be off the blog for the next few days, incommunicado. I hope that by the time I get back Tom’s least favorite cat is feeling seriously inconvenienced, having been pushed out of the way by Tom reclaiming his place in his own easy chair, happily at home and pounding out our next day’s blog. Those are my wishes for you!
Edith and BB.
A Doctor with a good bedside manner?
To ensure good service,BB doesn’t happen to have one of his rifles by the side of the bed does he?:)
The ‘Quackenbush’ rifles.
Very simple and appealing lines.
Forgive my ignorance.
How were they cocked and loaded?
Thank you for your computer wizardry. I am now able to browse for rifles I won’t be able to afford to buy for at least a year!
I should have tried your suggestions before now, but I am incredibly dense. Thanks again, mi amigo.
How about we just get back to discussing air guns, firearms, and shooting stuff, and get away from this computer/old blog , how to post, OMG I’m so confused now discussion? It appears to be easy enough to understand the new format to me. Robert
So people are not allowed to ask questions? Maybe some people are not as enlightened as you. Or it maybe that they want to make the most of this new setup. Shame on people for asking questions.
I have read many of your posts and value your insights. However I agree with rikiB on this issue. If you have a airgun related comment or question than state it. No one is ignoring airguns to talk about HTML coding. We are merely striving to make this new blog as comfy as the old one.
I too find some comments boring. I scroll through them.
Since this is an airgun blog, I would like to know what your favorite rifle is, as well as any insights you might have that make it your fave.
Dave in UK: the Quackenbush gun above was cocked by pushing in the barrel. This was similar to an earlier gun called the Pope. Robert
Rikib : No questions are good ,and mine for today is how about we talk about shooting guns and asking questions about them again for a change instead? That’s why I come here, Robert.
Best of luck to you and your countrymen in this crucial election. Hopefully there have been enough wake up calls for the Tories to carry the day.
One thing is a near certainty, that buffoon Gordon Brown, is going to be out on his arse! (I despise him, in spite of the fact he is a Scot.)
Perhaps it might be sporting of you to drop off some moving boxes to 10 Downing Street!
BTW: I think I read that Jolly Old England’s budget deficit was about 250 Billion. Ours is 13 Trillion and counting.
I think you are comparing annual budget deficit (UK) to total national debt (US).
Pete Z
You are quite right. As usual I should have done a bit more research before I opened my enormous trap.
UK’s total national debt stands at just below 1 Trillion. The US national debt is just a hair below 13 Trillion.
The UK’s public debt is 68.5% of GDP
The US’s public debt is 39.7% of GDP
If you split up the US debt by the number of citizens, your share and mine is currently about $42,000.
The US national debt is currently increasing at a rate of over 4 Billion US Dollars per day
My Brit wife was talking with her mum & auntie in Oxford, sounds as though you may be headed towards a hung Parliament. How is that going to work out compared to the present situation.
As long as they hang the Parliament from lamposts with piano wire I wont mind:)
You are hands down the most hilarious person to contribute to this blog.
I almost never LOL to anything I read. You and a few others are the exception.
I don’t care what rifles you own or don’t own. Keep writing and don’t go away!
Thanks for that.
We have in the UK a pistol called the ‘Gat’ gun which relies on you pushing in the barrel and loading from the rear.
No air pressure it just throws the pellet out of the barrel.
They have been selling for years.
I was given an old one by a relative which was made of quality blued metal but the new ones(70s onward) are just painted silver, plastic nastiness:(
Yes indeed election time.Probably the most important in my adult life so far.
Gordon(Jonah)Brown is not popular in his own party let alone amongst the population.
I am sure though a lucrative career awaits him when he gets kicked out.
Who would want to employ a man who could fall into a bucket of baby’s dummies and still come out sucking his thumb is anyones guess.LOL
$13Trillion deficit?
Ever thought of consolidating your loans into one easy payment:)
If we could get the high all mighty rich a-holes to pay their taxes instead of using accountants to manipulate through loop holes, and if we stop giving money & support to countries that turn around and snub their nose at us we probably would not have near the deficit we do. For some reason most of the world seems to think the USA is their personal bank and military force. But this is just my opinion.
Not to start a fight, but the forecast this year is that, due to many factors (economy, stimulus spending, credits etc.), more than 50% of US taxpayers will pay no federal taxes. That does not mean “not have to write a check with their return”, that means living in the US paying no federal income tax.
That is not the rich folk – they do pay at least some via AMT. Given that only half are paying, you can’t blame that half for wanting to absolutely minimize that payment!
Furthermore, the US no longer leads in per capita international aide – nor have we for many years. That is a myth left over from the 70s.
We need to get our internal spending under control, and nobody has the guts to make the hard choices. That is the problem.
Alan in MI
Alan in MI
Yes there are a lot of free-loaders in this country, that I agree. We do need more checks and balances. I hope you are not one of those that feel I should not have my Social Security and Medicare. By the way I do pay taxes.
I still feel we pour an excessive amount into foreign countries.
What if we just said like Greece just did today, they can’t pay their bills. The NYSE took a major nose dive, but recovered mostly.
In no way were any of my comments directed at you. I respect and sincerelyy thank you for your service. You earned your disability and more.
Nor was I including Social Security in my comments – for all it’s flaws, the theory is that the money we pay in comes back to us or our heirs if they outlive us, plus provides a safety net for others. I meant the main federal budget, which does include many so called “entitlement” programs.
But we do need to rein in our spending, or raise taxes to cover it – and that means Washington has to stop “buying” votes via tax rates. And nobody is brave enough for either.
Alan in MI
I forgot to also add that I also was not dismissing the good work we do in the world – it is important and relevant, and we should not stop it – but to point out that it is not as much as most Americans believe it to be.
My main point is was that we need to recognize that our problems are OUR problems, not caused by the rest of the world or a few rich greedy people in the USA, and get buzy fixing them before we end up liek Greece.
Alan in MI
I apologise if this was already answered and I just didn’t see it, but have you guys considered the possibility of a mobile-friendly blog supplement (down the road, of course, when things settle down)? Does WordPress have a provision for something like this, or would it require a separate development project?
– Orin
Apologize. Dang, my spelling is really sucking.
– Orin
WordPress is pretty full-featured. Were you thinking something like their Mobile Pack?
Wow – that’s exactly the kind of functionality I was hoping for. Thanks for letting me know it exists, Bobby Nations.
– Orin
There are also services, such as Mippin that do the conversion to a phone layout automagically. Follow the Mippin link and enter ‘/blog/’ in the red box to see what it could look like on a typical phone. Of course, it might cost Pyramyd AIR some $$$. The point being that there are options ๐
Fascinating. Thanks for sharing the info.
– Orin
Sorry to change the subject. Found a Beeman R10 at a local 2nd hand shop. I’d score it a 7 or 8. They asking $350. which seems high. Anyone have an idea of value?
I bought one about a year and a half ago, well-used and somewhat worn finish, wood pretty OK, but needed a piston seal (which you won’t know until you chrony it). Mine also had a Bushnell 4×32 AO on it.
I paid, I think $265 – and BB suggested that this was the upper end of acceptable.
Thanks Vince.
Keep in mind BB is a handsome devil, and always gets the best deals.
to all —
just testing, to see what happens —
Mike: I have a Beeman R-10 delux in .177 and I paid that for it new in 1986.
Slinging lead: My favorite air rifle for hunting is a plain old, Diana 48 in .22 cal, with a plain 4X scope with AO. I like it because it is a nice balance of power, accuracy, and is affordable. The safety is also right where my thumb is, like on my double shotguns . My favorite indoor target gun is a .177 Diana 24, with a TO-5 trigger, and a BSA 4X AO scope. For outdoors target, I have a .22 Diana TO-1 46E with a 3-9X scope with AO. As you can tell I’m partial to the Diana line and have even found the 46 to be as accurate as the TX-200 that many seem to fawn over. I have more than three dozen air guns, some expensive , some cheap, but these get shot the most. I haven’t gotten into PCP ‘s yet as I am able to shoot whatever I want, as I’m lucky to have my own range. My rimfire’s are frankly, a lot less bother for me to own and use, and are still cheaper to shoot for now. This is despite Crosman’s wonderful new PCP’s. They are my second favorite airgun company.
On the computer issue, for the record. I find the new format to be more than fine and much better than the old blog. I am, as you suspected less than interested in the finer points of HMTL coding, and just was getting tired of it. I am awed by electronic information and very glad to have a place to discuss air guns. Because if you where into them like I’ve been for over thirty years now, you would know that there was precious little information back then compared to now. Take care ,Robert.
Robert, I believe BB has commented on how fixed-barrel Diana’s can have accuracy comparable to the TX200, and that the inferior trigger is really the major drawback.
Robert from Arcade
It’s cool brother. I just get worked up sometimes. I understand your frustration with a bunch of computer talk on an airgun sight. We just need to sort things out to make things friendly to all. In a month or so, no one will remember what all the fuss was about.
PS: I fawn over my TX200 MkIII all day long, but I love my Diana 52 as well.
As far as PCPs are concerned, I have a Discovery and a Marauder. I suppose it is plausible that there are better PCPs out there, but certainly no better values for the money.
Cheers Robert
A surprising find today..
My sisters were cleaning out my father’s house and found something…my first Blue Streak. I thought that I must have given it away or sold it a long time ago.
Still had air in it. Still works. Stock is beat up a little, but otherwise looks good. S/N 18,8??. Has to be at least 35 yrs old.
Time for some Pellgun oil. But here I am without one freakin’ .20 cal pellet.
Win! That’s awesome, especially the “Still works” sentence.
Twotalon – send me your email address and I’ll email you some .20’s!
Thanks Vince, but I was thinking about ordering a few more pellets anyway. Have to decide what I want to try. Probably Exact and cp’s. The only thing I ever shot in this one or a more recent Blue Streak(at least 15 yrs ago) was the old Sheridan ‘bullets’. They sucked for accuracy in both guns.
Don’t remember what I paid for the first one. Think the second one was about $100.
Strange thing..
I was just thinking that I could use another new gun. Something different from what I already have. I have not even figured out what shoots best in the 48. Weather not cooperating too well.
Now I have a new old toy.
I did the same thing with my blue steek. Forgot about it until my brother handed it to me. Been sitting in a corner of his cabinet shop for 30 years and looked like $h1T. I should have hit my brother! Wasted a can of WD 40 cleaning the crap off it. That and some oil on the seal and bingo, back in business! I found some.20 Beeman extra heavy pellets that really shot well thru it. Have fun.
Went out to fill Wild Bird feeders, found another dang snake in the yard. At least it was dead, one or more of my dogs must have got to it. Bagged it going to bring to the vet to id it. It was only about 18″, but that is bad news because I’ve found longer skins in the yard so I’m thinking there must be a family nearby.
Thank you for the compliment mate.
I do wish though that I could add more about airguns though.
The best air rifle I ever had and am ever likely to have(LogunS16),I had to sell to pay a credit card bill.:(
I found this blog and a local fella who can tune PCP rifles after I sold it.
The potential of that rifle and my ability to shoot it would have been greatly enhanced by both.
I would then have had plenty to write about shooting as opposed to the old airgunning tales and blarney from Britain that I do now.
In retrospect I should have sold the car or the
Good news though is a mate of mine is getting his firearms licence and will be doing game shooting on farmland in our area.I may get to tag along.
You are right to be angry buddy.
The USA can’t win for losing in a needy but ungrateful world.
Not to say that America does not consider its own position on the world stage, but what alternative would the World have liked to have seen.
Hitler,Stalin,Mao as heads of the most powerful nation on earth?
Would they hell.
The USA unfortunatly has the burden of responsibility but thank the Lord it has broad shoulders.
I must be off, so goodnight all.
H.M.Quackenbush,aside from being a great 19th and 20th century airgun maker was a very busy inventor!We can thank him for things like stair rails,extention ladders,the scroll saw,the foot powered lathe,etc….I have been lucky enough to acquire a no.1 in great condition that is a .21 cal smoothbore with an adjustable trigger.I have also acquired a functioning mod.7 with some finish left.It is a BB cal[.175]smoothbore.The novelty far outweighs the cost.Being able to shoot a 100 + or – year old parlor gun is precious to me.You are all welcome to come play any time!
Vince: BB’s blog on it actually got me to buy the Diana 46. In my opinion the TO-1 trigger is as good as any with a tweak or two, and I’ve used all the good ones,Record ,TX ect..
Slinging lead: The TX and the clone B-40 are fine guns, you are right to cherish yours. I just like the others better. I actually came close to buying the used TX that Pyramd has in the used list this week. But then out of the blue, a used Browning T-1 T-bolt .22 RF happened along . A early 1965 no salt stock in excellent condition, so couldn’t pass it up. Cost less than the TX too. We are all different as to taste in guns. That’s why they make different ones!
Two talon: I have had the best luck with JSB jumbo’s in my 48. The premiers were good also, the JSB pred were just OK. RWS superH’s were second best and what I used for squirrel hunting until I tried the jumbo’s. Super domes were only fair, and Miesters excellent until the range got over 20 yards. Like you mentioned in a previous post, I also like the iron sights on this gun. The front could be thinner though. I robbed the ones from the 46 to install on the 48 , as it had the adjustable rear leaf with more notch choices. I need a scope though for squirrel shooting . I like a lower power fixed power scope on magnum springers. 4X is enough for me for hunting under forty yards. A leather lace on cheek pad raises the comb nicely for me. I have the scope mounted in a RWS lock down mount & rings. Robert
I have a selection for the 48.
Exacts, CP,CPHP,Crosman pointed,crosman wadcutters,Preds,FTS,Superdomes, Super HP,some Daisy junk..some obsolete.
The Kodiaks are strictly Talon food.
Will concentrate on Exacts, standard CP, FTS, and the RWS.
Not going to scope this one for hunting. Just open sights. My Talon is my longer range killer. It runs on a Condor power plant. Was a nice and easy tune with the 18″ barrel. Even drops Preds in the same hole at 30 yds from a MV ov 1045 fps, but will mostly use it with the Kodiaks.
Oh, yeah……both are .22
Frank B: I know what you mean, good guns come with ghosts. I also shoot my Quackenbush .22 , as well as my Remington #4 and Stevens Favorite, and others ocassionally. I like to think of the folks before me who kept, used and cherished those guns, so I could enjoy them. Robert
Robert,do you ever wonder who the putz was that got house paint flecks on it was?That’s what gets me with the old ones!You are welcome to come play too,’cept you have to bring the Quack .22 or no dice:-]
First off, my best to Tom. Looking forward to hearing from him again.
Feel weird asking an off-topic question, but was told to post questions in new blog posts so that I’d get more replies.
Okay, so, could someone tell me whether the barrel shroud on a Benjamin Marauder is supposed to float in the band? I just got a .177 Marauder, and the shroud is touching the barrel band looking piece.
It could be that the barrel is still floating inside the shroud, but I don’t want to start taking it apart.
Our Marauder’s barrel band also touches the shroud on one side. The barrel is 20″ long, and it may or may not reach the location of the barrel band (it’s late & I’m not going to bother to measure it). However, it IS sitting inside the shroud, so I’m guessing that it is free-floated.
Thanks for the quick reply. I feel better now. ๐
It didn’t post at exactly midnight…
No, it posts 1 minute after midnight ๐
Hi Croatia-Serbia here!I am new here so small update -i have slavija 631 (accurate as a hell at a 15 meters;)and diana 34 classic 22 cal or 5,5-as we here would say(would like to hear your experiences with that gun!?).Now 22 cal is rare here or 25 cal(6,35 if i am not wrong?)maybe because european tradition of 4,5 airguns or maybe because hunting with airguns is forbiden here…dont know.I wanted to say how i am glad to share my experiances with the other people and countries;) I do support hunting with airguns FOR FOOD- but just hate guys that shoots on domestic cats and dogs.Now please dont mind my gramatics,please.English is a foregin language for me so i am trying…;)thak you!
Welcome! For English being a foreign language, you sure manage to hold your own! ๐ That’s really too bad about the domestic animals… it’s just another deterrant for airgun activists
Oops, hit the wrong button. Let’s try this again…
Welcome! For English being a foreign language, you sure manage to hold your own! ๐ That’s really too bad about the domestic animals… it’s yet another stereotype for airgun activists to overcome. We’re very eager to hear about your experiences.
The article you posted to is a few days old and might only be seen by a handful of people. If you post to the current day’s blog, found
here, you will undoubtedly receive much more feedback. Off topic posts are always welcome, as I’ve been told a dozen times. ๐
Again, welcome!
– Orin
Thank you,my english is rust a litlle bit from my gymnasium days.It is ten after midnight here:)I love english it was my favorite subject so i am glad that i am still -quote -in the game
if you seen our forums you would know ,for every other guy measure for power of airgun here is a cat!
Well, I can’t say people don’t use similar associations here, but they’re usually ground squirrels or pigeons. Cats, huh? Don’t let Edith hear you say that! ๐
It’s a little past 1 AM where I’m at (Western US). Unless I’ve assumed wrong by your handle, are you not on the other side of the world from me? Wouldn’t that put you around 12 noon (middle of the day)? It would serve me right for assuming if you told me you lived in Alaska. ๐
– Orin
We do not allow the discussion of shooting pets on this blog. Pyramyd AIR wants to be sure people understand that shooting fair game and pests does not include pets. Thanks for understanding.
No we misunderstood i wanted to say or express if you will animosity for those guys.I have cat that s part of my family
No you did not hit the wrong button;)!It s Ok we agree! I am for airguns but i yust wanted to know that that s all.
๐ ๐ ๐ You’re cracking me up. I meant I literally hit the wrong “button” on the computer and sent the response before I finished typing it. But I’m also glad not to have offended. ๐
– Orin
Dont get me wrong I WOULD LIKE NOTHING BETTER THEN TO SHOT (IN A LEG ๐ ) THE GUY THAT SHOOT THE CATS ,i have cat too and i love it
Oh, don’t worry, I understood what you meant. I was just joking about Edith (our blog Hostess). She and Tom (B.B. Pelletier – the Host) are cat lovers, but I’m sure they didn’t take offense. ๐
It’s way past my bed-time, so I better sign off. It was a pleasure meeting you, C-S. And don’t forget, the current day’s blog page can be found at the following link:
Come Monday, there should be a nice fresh article to read and discuss! Take care.
– Orin
If i were from Alaska i would be catching more fish than in Danube,)FOR SURE!Come on how could i be offended!I have no opossums here yust pigeons:)
You need to take it to a current blog so you will get more participation. I and my wife are animal lovers 4 dogs, 10 cats more as people drop them of to us. We’ve been blessed with a nice home so we share it with all the animals we can afford to rescue. Thank you for loving you cat, they get so little acknowledgment.
Thank you i got kalico britain short-hair cat,and i am aquarist,shooter in a target mainly but law of the jungle say kill what you can eat-no more
nimals are actualy animals my bad:)
As i said before bad english -it s calico not kalico -how can i get directly to a newest blog ? What is the procedure?
Hope you stick around this is a excellent sight full of info and penlty of people to ask. An we have some fun here at times! ๐
Welcome! I always enjoy reading from airgunners from faraway lands. Your english is not so bad, do not worry about it.
The Slavia 631 is a highly regarded airgun from what I have read. Our host, BB Pelletier wrote an article about it, if you didn’t know already. You can find that article here:
You can click on that link directly or copy and paste it into your browser. A new article is posted monday through friday. I hope to see you around on the new blog Croatia-Serbia.
Happy Shooting
We enjoy talking with people from different countries. Don’t be a stranger here!
I also am a cat lover with two of my own, a mother and her son. They become family. I don’t see how anyone can check the power of their rifle by shooting at a cat.
Mr B.
It is only my opinion,those guys get ban on our forums most of the times-but still seems to me that they avoid subject hunting with airguns becouse they know that they would get baned switching theme to shooting domestic animals with airguns…OK now i think that Slavijas are far best 10 meter target shoothing guns-no affense to Dianas;),plenty tuning capacity-maybe becouse i like to take a part and modifie…things.Diana 34 for me soo far is good gun for the price,but i think that mod classic shod be more classical without that plastic sights it sure would be better
Now as a patriot i remember my first childihood gun t was ex yugoslavian now serbian Crvena Zastava small air gun -even than was old but for a child it was great.
Greetings Friend:
I don’t quite understand how this site operates. I it only to inform other Quackenbush fans about details about these guns, or are they for sale?. I’m interested in the one in the middle. I purchased one second hand in a pawn shop in Montreal when I was thirteen years old. It was a wonderful rifle. I started to work about that time and for some reason I could never explain, my lovely treasured Quackenbush disappeared from where it was placed in my bedroom. I know it must have been because our family had fallen on hard times, and selling the gun would probably help out with the bills my parents had to take care of, to keep us kids alive. I always said that if I am ever able to afford it, I would buy a replacement for what was truly my very dear treasure. I hope I can find another. I know I will never use it as I did when in my youth. To find one, is really an ambition to satisfy an ego that remains with me so many long years later in my memory.
Is this gun for sale? If not, maybe you know of one like it that is for sale. Of course, even if I never shoot with it, the replacement must at least be able to be used to shoot. I don’t want just a replica. If that were the case, a good photograph would probably do the trick. There are still some nice photographs around. No – it has to be able to shoot like the one I had so many years ago.
I would love to have you help me if you can.
Thank you,
Welcome to the blog.
This is a weblog — a blog. It isn’t a sales site. To buy a Quackenbush airgun you need to go somewhere they are being sold, like Gun Broker.