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Education / Training Hatsan 250XT TAC-BOSS: Part 1

Hatsan 250XT TAC-BOSS: Part 1

by Tom Gaylord, a.k.a. B.B. Pelletier

Before I start, here’s a word on the project I’m doing on how this blog has affected people’s lives. The emails are coming in, and they’re big and full! I think we’re going to get a lot out of this.

A reminder to those who don’t know what this is. I’m asking readers to email me the story of how the blog has impacted them. I’ll maintain complete anonymity for everyone unless you tell me that you want me to use your name or handle. And your email addresses only go to me — no list is being kept.

To join this project, click this link to find the special email address at the bottom of the May 30 blog report. I look forward to hearing from you.

Hatsan 250XT TAC-BOSS
Hatsan’s 250XT TAC-BOSS bears a close resemblance to the Ruger Mark III Hunter.

This report covers:

• BB caliber
• Piercing problems
• Description of the gun
• Action
• A lot of BB guns!

The airguns at this year’s SHOT Show were exciting for a number of reasons. I mention them as they come up in these reviews, and today we’ll begin looking at a BB pistol that I was very surprised to see. Hatsan’s 250XT TAC-BOSS bears a strong resemblance to a Ruger Mark III Hunter .22 pistol. Normally, lookalike airguns are copies of either military or otherwise iconic firearms. The Ruger Mark III is certainly a popular handgun, but it’s not really in either category. Yet, here’s a BB pistol that copies it so closely that it even has the quirky Ruger disassembly lever in the back of the pistol grip.

The 250, as I’ll call it for the rest of this report, is powered by a single 12-gram CO2 cartridge that’s contained in the magazine with the BBs. That mag slips into the pistol grip, just like a firearm mag. The gun is made in Taiwan and has an airsoft heritage. That seems to be the popular thing today, an airsoft manufacturer converts one of their guns from 6mm plastic BBs to 4.3mm steel BBs.

Hatsan 250XT TAC-BOSS magazine
The magazine is held in by a spring at the bottom, just like the Ruger mag. It holds both the BBs and the CO2 cartridge. The piercing screw is hidden from view in the magazine floorplate.

The magazine holds 17 BBs in a stack. To load the gun, you pull down on the magazine follower and drop the BBs in through the top portal one at a time.

BB caliber
And, by the way — I know that nearly all airgun makers refer to steel BBs as 4.5mm and .177 caliber these days, but they’re not! BBs measure 0.171-0.173-inches in diameter, which works out to just over 4.3mm. This is important when owners try to do things that won’t work because their guns are mislabeled. That’s why I always refer to steel BBs as either BB caliber or I tell you the nominal measurements.

Piercing problems
This airgun doesn’t have blowback but I wanted to make sure, so I installed a CO2 cartridge. Naturally, I used a drop of Crosman Pellgunoil on the tip. When the cartridge is pierced, the gas usually stops flowing instantly. It didn’t this time. A soft hiss went on for 15 seconds as I tightened the cartridge more and more, using the large Allen screw in the magazine base. That’s very unusual, so I exhausted the gas and tried a second cartridge from a different manufacturer, also with Pellgunoil on the tip. Since I had to release all the gas in the first cartridge, the magazine was allowed to sit for 10 minutes to return to room temperature before the second trial.

The second time, the gun sealed immediately, just as it should. Since I used a different cartridge for this test, I conducted a third test using the first brand of cartridge, just to see if it was a cartridge problem. It wasn’t. The third cartridge also sealed immediately. This is a lesson in how important it is to always use a drop of Pellgunoil on the tip of each cartridge, because this pistol really needed it!

Incidentally, I really like how the piercing screw is hidden in the base of the magazine. I know BB pistol shooters make a big deal over being able to see the piercing mechanism, and on this gun you can’t.

The gun
The gun is finished entirely black. The grip frame and grips are plastic, as well as both sights. The remainder of the parts are metal, including the fluted barrel jacket. The barrel is 6.75 inches long and smoothbored. The shape of the triggerguard doesn’t match the Ruger Mark II triggerguard. This one is scalloped for the finger(s) of a second hand. That’s probably an improvement because two-handed pistol shooting is very popular today.

The gun weighs 29 oz., and the grip is very comfortable. Both sights are fixed, and the front sight has a green fiberoptic tube. That probably makes sense on a BB gun as it is a point-type airgun. You don’t need precision for a BB pistol.

Hatsan 250XT TAC-BOSS front sight
The front sight has a green fiberoptic tube. The rear has none.

The bolt doesn’t move, though the Ruger-like flanges at the rear will make you at least give it a try. I think a blowback version of this pistol would be so cool because that bolt would come back just like the bolt on a firearm.

Hatsan 250XT TAC-BOSS safety
The safety is on the left side of the frame and can be operated by the thumb of a right-handed shooter. The rear sight is fixed. The bolt tabs look like they might move, but they don’t.

The safety is in the same place as the safety on the Ruger firearm, and it works the same way. It’s easy to apply, and a right-handed shooter can both apply it and take it off with their thumb. Once applied, it blocks the trigger.

This pistol is double-action only. That said, the trigger-pull is light and smooth. There’s no stacking (sharp increase in the pull effort) near the end of the trigger travel. There’s a pause at the end of the travel, however, and a skilled handgunner will be able to pull to this point, then squeeze off the shot.

A lot of BB guns!
Before anyone mentions it, I have been testing a lot of BB guns this year. And there are a lot more to come. This seems to be the year of the BB pistol, and Edith and I have selected the ones most people are talking about; or in the case of today’s pistol, the ones they should be talking about.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

80 thoughts on “Hatsan 250XT TAC-BOSS: Part 1”

  1. Blasphemy.

    The Ruger MK Series not iconic?

    “Normally, lookalike airguns are copies of either military or otherwise iconic firearms. The Ruger Mark III is certainly a popular handgun, but it’s not really in either category.”


    Ruger/Sturm took the Standard and improved the trigger, sights and added a bull barrel in 1950 with the introduction of the MK I. Improvements/upgrades have continued through the MK III series. If a gun that has an uninterrupted production and loyal following, including an ever increasing base of aftermarket products for these specific models, for over half a century doesn’t qualify for an iconic gun I’m unclear of the missing criteria.



    • You tell him Kevin. Though I never warmed up to them myself, they have been around for a long time and I have never heard anything but good things about them. If I was in the market for a .22 LR pistol, this would be the one I would want. Of course it doesn’t have enough plastic and pot metal for the Mattelomatic crowd. It doesn’t look edgy enough for them.

      • B.B.,

        Assume you’re referring to the “lawyerizing upgrades” to the MK III. If so, I agree. Easy enough to disable and/or ignore. Unfortunately, this seems to be our future.


    • I didn’t know the Ruger Mark pistol series was this old which makes it comparable to the Ruger 10/22, a genuinely iconic firearm. I don’t know that the pistols are on that level of recognition. But I think they fulfill the other part of B.B.’s statement about military firearms since I always thought they resemble the Luger.

      Thanks, B.B., for reposting the email address about change to one’s life. I was worried I would have to go searching for it.


      • The original .22 “Standard” model goes back to around 1949, as I recall (I’m too lazy to dig up the Blue Book OR Google)… I believe it was the first firearm model produced by Sturm, Ruger, Inc., predating their single-action revolvers.

  2. Sharp lookin’ gun! I almost had one of these.The gal that had it kinda flaked on me.I always thought of them more as a plinker but I guess it would still hunt(the firearm).I guess this rendition will reinforce that utilization! How many soda cans to a cartridge?


    • it depends on how tough they are or how good you are at hitting a vital spot. I have seen feral soda cans take over a hundred BBs to finally bring it down.

  3. LOL! I have looked at these pistols my entire life and it never occurred to me before, but if a P08 and a Broomhandle were to have a kid, it would look just like this pistol.

  4. This one is definetly on my wish list.
    I love BB guns. They’re cheap to own, cheap to shoot, are a ton of fun and look good doing it.
    I think I currently have a dozen BB guns on my wish list but only about 6 pellet guns.
    And all BB guns can be bought here with license and registration but it’s not the thing with pellet guns. Of course I’d put the Marauder on my wishlist and I can now own an unshrouded model in Canada but it will still need license and registration which require a course and lots of paper work.

    Don’t get me wrong I also have several pellet guns of all sorts. Single and multi-pump pneumatics, springers and PCP’s in both pistol and rifle but once you have a Bronco and Diana 24 there’s not much need for a HW30/R7 or other nice and smooth shooting springer. A new one won’t shoot much better than these and won’t really look nicer either. But this thing or the new Colt Python BB gun look sooo good!

    So to me BB guns are the cheap and easy solution to pretty looking firearm ownership and plinking.


  5. I look at this and wonder why this couldn’t be made into single shot pellet shooter with a rifled barrel ? It would then be a reincarnation of the Crosman MK 1 &11, that many have asked for.

  6. Sweet! Just like mine but blued (or black) instead of stainless!
    Oh, wait….ANOTHER bb gun.
    Nevermind. ~sigh~

    It may be the year of the bb gun but it’s also the year they ain’t gettin’ none of my money.

    • One more comment…

      I was taught to shoot pistols with one hand. Two hands to shoot a pistol feels unnatural to me, it just doesn’t seem like the off hand should be up there. Nowadays when I’m on the firing line people look at me like I’m trying to be some kinda cowboy, and I don’t even own a Stetson!

      Anyway, I just wanted to say: I’m right, they’re wrong. ; – )

      • If a trigger has a short & crisp pull it is much more easy to be accurate with just one hand however it’s beginning to feel like the single stage trigger is becoming extinct! Almost everything I get my hands on anymore has so much take- up it’s a wonder if one can keep the sights on target from beginning to end on the first try. Of course the lawyers have to get paid for something, Hence the weight of the initial pull but I don’t get it, even a baby can pull 15 pounds, and the farther the trigger has to travel the easier their job is, very distracting. We don’t stand a chance! Under these circumstances the other hand is sometimes required in order to reestablish or hold the point of aim. If I have a problem with my new 2240 you can bet it’ll probably be the first issue to be resolved! I can’t wait to try one of them 600’s!


      • I’ve heard the saying, only use two hands to shoot a pistol if you want to actually hit your target, but I think that is a little exaggerated. I would think if the triggers good and you are comfortable with the gun then it should be fine, though I always hold steady with two hands, unless Im just fooling around sprayin em, but that’s with long creepy DA triggers, if I had any good triggered pistols to shoot I might get comfortable with one hand.

  7. Oooo, I’ve been waiting for this review! I’m a devotee of Ruger’s so this is would be an exciting addition to my look alike collection. Will you cover the dreaded disassembly?

    • Chris,

      I don’t know. It’s been my experience that a lot of these guns di disassemble like the firearm, but they often have some fatal flaw waiting to get you. I had that happen when I disassembled the P38 BB pistol. I’m not sure it adds anything to the gun.


  8. BB, these guns are changing the way I used to think of them. Although it may sound strange to firearms owners but I would rather buy the BB version if I only wanted them for plinking.
    On the list of next BB guns to test, could you please include the Nagant 1895 BB gun? I only learned about this BB revolver recently, and I would love to see what you think about it. After the Dan Wesson and the Colt, I think I am definitely in love with BB revolvers and pistols.

      • BB
        I am interested to see how this pistol performs especially in the accuracy dept. I have a P08 and while it is a lot of fun to shoot it takes some patience and skill to be accurate with it. The trigger is a two stage I believe, but the first stage is very long and stiff. It feels as though it is about to shot and then you feel a little free spot and here a click, if you let off the trigger right then back to the rest position. You then have a very short and somewhat crisp second stage that allow you hit your target most of the time if the CO2 cartridge is fairly fresh. It has a 21 round clip I it seems to get around 100 to 120 shots per cartridge.
        Just curious to see how this one compares to the P08. Have you done a review of the P08 yet and if so do you have a link or point me in the right direction.

          • BB
            Thanks for the link to the review. I had done some searches and found where you mentioned it in the 2013 shot show review, but did not find the actual review. The short story of how Josh grew up in the Ukraine and then moved to Poland to discover airguns is very interesting. You are right his childhood was very different than most of ours especially American children. If you could give me a link to the rest of his story I would very much like to read it also.

          • BB
            I forgot to tell you that I also own a Stoeger Arms replica Luger in 22 LR caliber that is a blast to shoot and definitely cheaper than to shoot than a true 9 MM Luger but looks and operates exactly the same as a real P08.

              • BB and Edith
                First thank you Edith for the links to Josh’s story I will read with great interest. BB I do truly love my baby Luger as I refer to it being a 22 cal. On the P08 BB pistol There is a video on the Pyramid air site showing how to operate, load and shoot the P08 and when I first got mine a couple months ago I was disappointed with it because the trigger is very stiff and long in the pull to the firing point. In the video they explained that you can pull the trigger back until you feel a free spot and hear a light click, then return it to the released position. Then when you pull the trigger after the above procedure it is a very short, light and crisp release. I know it gave me a whole new opinion and respect for this little jewel and allows for a much better chance to hit your target because you are not fighting the long stiff trigger pull. I did not know if you were aware of this little trick as I wasn’t until I watched the video. It is now a very fun and accurate pistol to shoot, of course you can still just rip off all 21 BBs as fast as you can pull the trigger as long as you aren’t concerned with hitting your target every time.

              • BB
                They are indeed very well made as I have had mine apart for cleaning several times. the weak link in my 22 is little link for the safety that appears that a previous owner had forced the trigger into firing with the safety on and therefore has worn the link so that the safety is no longer functional. I called Stoeger to get a replacement and was told parts are not longer available. I am going to take it back apart and see if a friend who is a master welder can build the worn part back up so I can file it back to the proper shape and have it be functional again.

            • If it’s the same one my father owns, “replica” should not be in the description… One, it doesn’t have that small squarish side-plate on the left of the receiver; Two, at the time (if not still), Stoeger owned the rights to the name “Luger” — which is why the gun catalogs of the day (early 70s) listed actual replicas as “p.08 Parabellum”, no “Luger” in the nomenclature.

              Blue Book indicates the .22 Stoeger Luger is American made (the 9mm might have been Erma with a custom stamp)

    • Al,

      To me the DA trigger doesn’t matter if it is smooth, light, crisp, and predictable, or, frankly if it is any three of the four. I have just about given up the automatic (no pun intended) presumption that DA triggers are poor and, especially, the presumption that SA triggers are good.

      I just want a nice trigger; how that is achieved makes no difference to me. (Although I do like two distinct stages.)


      • I get what you’re saying. I’ve used some DA triggers that were sweet. My feeling however is that this is an air pistol that is clearly trying to mimic a Ruger MK series pistol- none of which has ever had a DA trigger. I’ve been fortunate enough to have owned at various times in my life, one Ruger from each MK series. For the most part, the trigger pull has remained the same across all three generations.

        Now I haven’t held this Hatsan, much less pulled the trigger, but in my mind, when I want to buy air gun clones of firearms, I want them to be as close to not only the form, but the function as well.

        This would be akin to an airgun manufacturer finally coming to their senses about making a SAA clone gun close to the original, and then making it DA.

    • The old Daisy 100 and 200 CO2 pistols had something of an oddball mechanism with a ‘trip valve’ rather than a striker or hammer knocking a valve off its seat. As I recall, it gave a pretty nice, relatively short-pull trigger without the complications (and wasted gas) of a blowback system.

      They WERE known to be leakers, and are virtually impossible to repair today. But I find it hard to believe that these problems couldn’t be overcome…

      • Vince, you are correct. I still own two of these. One a leaker and one a sometimes leaker (1 out of every 4 times I get it out, it will leak). Also, I’ve found no one to work on them. The trigger is a nice single action pull (or feels like it anyway). I also have a couple Daisy 1200 co2 bb pistols (front cocking lever). Their triggers feel ok too. On those, one is a leaker and one a sometimes leaker also LOL. All these I got later in life because I had grown up shooting them. The 200 was the first bb pistol I ever owned. I sent it in to Daisy when I was young because it started leaking. They sent me back a brand new 1200. So I guess even they could repair it (that was back in the day when Daisy repaired the guns in Rogers AR.).

        • Bradly,

          Use a drop of transmission sealant on the next CO2 cartridge and I bet the leak stops!

          I have just soaked two buna rubber o-rings in transmission sealant for 10 days and neither one has been affected in the slightest. There will be a blog about that soon.

          This is where I talked about the sealant:


          It does work and apparently doesn’t harm the seals.


          • Way to go with that test! I have full confidence! A lotta people don’t think about how much rubber is in a transmission and what it’s purpose there is, granted there’s not much air in one but if yours doesn’t leak, thank your Mechanic,transmission fluid & rubber!


          • BB, I’ve had the O-rings from a Crosman 150, (one the old dried up original and the other a brand new 90 durameter one) soaking in the Bar’s Stop leak since you wrote that blog. Neither of them has dissolved .

          • B. B. Never Mind my last post asking what brand…I just read it….Bar’s Leak brand……I know it probably doesn’t matter on the brand, but if I’m going to buy it, why not buy the one that I know worked. I know it works for you, just like a drop of Crosman Pell Gun Oil works on the tip of a co2 cart. I just don’t see how that tiny amount that could get into the hole would make a difference. I’ve often wanted to remove the pin and add more, but I always chicken out. I’m one of those who has taken apart air guns then wish I hadn’t. Not all of them went bad, but some did. Oh and in my youth (over 25 years ago) when I worked on my first co2 pistol, I learned a lesson the hard way. Always take out a charged CO2 cart. before working on one. I was lucky that I didn’t get hurt. I don’t just say this to be laughed at, there are first timers that need to be told. For some reason I didn’t think the “shell” of the gun was holding the parts together. Newbie right there! Thanks, Bradly

  9. Edith/BB

    When I click on the link for the “What this blog means to me….” e-mail address all I get is an error message. I just tried it a few minutes ago.


      • Edith,thanks for putting out that link to historical archives yesterday. I have put um in my favorites file for now until I read them all.Its to humid to hunt and ten thousands ticks in the hills so I’ll just stay in and read these archives.

      • Edith
        I replied to Erockrocket about parts and fixing his Hyscore. I do not know what is allowed on this blog as far as offering services or exchanging personal info, so if you could let me know what is acceptable or not in reference to Erockrockets request for help with his new Hyscore 801 repairs on this blog I would appreciate it. I do not want to get in trouble with you or BB

  10. B.B.,

    I’ve been waiting for this report ever since I saw a Rick Eutsler video of the Hatsan line at the Shot Show that highlighted this one.

    I love the lines of this pistol for the same reason I like the silhoutte of the P.08 Luger. That angled grip is elegant and looks like it would just bond with your hand and become a natural extension of it. This is one beautiful air pistol.

    I can’t wait for part two!


  11. Hatsan has been really shaking up the airgun industry lately. As I understand it, they essentially went from producing airguns OEM to be rebranded for everyone else, and then came out with their own line and proceeded to snatch up pretty decent share of the airgunning market. Is that essentially how it went? While a Ruger clone BB pistol might not be for everybody, its exactly the kind of variety that can help keep them relevant, as long as they don’t follow the lead Crosman pioneered of taking one basic platform, slapping a different stock or sights on each and creating 50 different rifles out of it. I only see that as diluting your product line, but I’m no marketing genius either. At any rate, I still love Crosman dearly, and despite never owning a Hatsan product, they may find a place in my airgun arsenal sometime soon at the rate they are going.

  12. Looks cool! I have a 22/45 that doesn’t get near enough use due to the .22lr shortage (well, maybe not a “shortage” but I can’t seem to bring myself to pay $60 on up to over a hundred$ a brick…). The grip angle is different, but this one might find a place in my collection!


    • That grip angle difference is the original raison d’etre of the 22/45… Essentially taking the Ruger .22 upper, and fitting it to a grip having the 1911 grip angle (the regular Ruger .22s duplicate the p.08 grip angle).

  13. I think its a cool looking pistol.

    I like the fluted barrel look and I like the grips the way they resemble rifling in a barrel. Don’t know how comfortable that would feel holding the pistol but it seems it would help to grip the pistol better.

  14. I’ve shot two Ruger .22s. I owned a bull barrel model, and my dad had the standard tapered barrel model. Both were good shooters and quite reliable. I’ll be waiting for the velocity and accuracy information.

    I’m not in the market for any more CO2 guns myself. I will put in a good word for my Umarex Browning Buckmark though. I may have got lucky with mine, but it’s really good shooter, and I don’t have to buy CO2 cartridges. I have two CO2 rifles, and three CO2 handguns already.

  15. http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y406/Erockrocket/Mobile%20Uploads/20140505_160718_zpssgr7vyjm.jpg

    Sorry to post off topic, but here goes….
    I recently aqquired a Belgium Hyscore 801 in .177. It is a beautiful little rifle, it is the crown jewel of my Hyscore 801 collection.
    Over the recent holiday weekend I got a chance to shoot it for a couple fun hours. It groups well out to 30+ yards, and is a joy to shoot. I noticed at the end of the session that the cocking arm is rubbing the spring upon returning the barrel after loading. I suspect the spring needs replaced. It shoots well, and chronys consistent, but this gem deserves a new spring, and possibly a tune.
    I posted on the Yellow, requesting tuner recommendations, but have come up zero with any that want to tackle the job. Their main concern is matching the stock spring. If I can source a spring, I may have better luck. Does anyone custom match old springs? Maybe Maccari? Or do you know of an OLD school tuner that might come out of retirement for this rebuild? The rifle is worth the extra money of a tune, I need help making that happen. Thanks Mr. Gaylord.

    • Erockrocket
      Try this link to jgairguns.biz
      It shows a new spring for 33.60, the spring is actually for a Diana 25 or Winchester 425 and according to this conversion chart http://www.airgunarena.com/index.php/Airgun_Make/Model_Conversion_Chart
      If It is the same spring for your Hyscore 801. The cross reference is on the second table on the page and shows the spring fitting a Diana 25, Hyscore 801 and Winchester 425. I don’t guarantee it is the same but it likely is the same. The first link is where to buy spring and the second shows what guns it fits.
      I do work on air guns as a hobby and for extra income. I have been a master certified ASE auto technician for 45 years and have been forced to quite working due to health reasons and am waiting for disability to get approved. I have worked on many airguns of all types such as RWS 54, 34, b3s, crosman pumpers and benjis, PCPs and so on. If you want to get the spring and seals for it I would be willing to repair it for you. (BB or Edith If this is not appropriate or allowed on this blog please edit as you see fit) My email is down right now so if you are interested in my services let me know in this blog.

      • Thanks for the offer Bulldog76
        I have a shooting buddy that is also a machinist. He and I are gonna rebuild my Belgium Hyscore 801.
        It is different than the diana 25 801. It was manufactured prior to the d25. I am gonna have Maccari make me a new spring.
        Dont know if it needs a tune, havent opened it up yet.
        From what I read, this rifle is built very well to start.
        I bought mine sight unseen from a collector, and was very suprised at its condition when it arrived. I paid half what most go for on the classifieds, and mine is in better shape than any I have seen. I feel like I won the lottery…lol
        Thanks again for the offer, good lookin out, Erockrocket

    • Erockrocket
      Did you figure out what you are going to do about getting your Hyscore 801 worked on yet. Did you have a chance to check the links I sent you for parts and cross reference of parts. If you want me to work on it for you you will need to reply to me here thru this blog as My email is down right now. I will give My phone # if you want me to repair for you to discuss ,further. Just let me know here.

  16. What a shame! Such a beautiful gun and it’s a BB. Can’t any manufacturer these days make an accurate iconic fire arm look alike CO2 multi shot pistol that shoot pellets!? I dislike BB shooters because of their inherent inaccuracy. The Luger, the Broom handle Mauser and now the Ruger Mk111! Now there aint no more of my favorite pistols to degrade.Townsend Whelen said it perfectly!

  17. GF1

    Tried the S500 today with the seal removed. I did feel a transfer port snag a few times. Was only able to back out a couple pellets because the caught on the O-ring groove . It took some work to get out the ones that I could back out. Could not detect an inlead problem.


    • TT
      Are you going to try to deburr the transfer port hole ln the barrel?

      I think I will try taking the o-ring out of the barrel also on that .22 cal. Marauder. Its still doing weird stuff. Even getting corkscrewing now. Tryed all different kinds of pellets. All doing exactly the same thing.

      Will shoot absalutly dead on then starts throwing the pellets any way it wants to. I would swear the gun is going to be ok then it starts doing that stuff again. And we did chrony the gun and the fps is consistant as can be. I thought maybe the striker wasnt hitting the valve the same everytime. But that should of showed up with the chrony.

      I wish we had another barrel to try in the Marauder.

      But let me know if you try to clean up that transfer port hole in the barrel. That sounds like that could be your problem and maybe mine if it can be felt catching there. I’m really starting to get tired of this problem though thats for sure.

      • I forgot we even took the shroud off and the little deal off of the end of the barrel that keeps the baffels held forward.

        No luck exactly the same results. Even hand loaded the pellets instead of using the magazine. And man I forgot how loud those Marauders are without the shrouds and baffels in place.

      • GF1

        Had the E-mail turned off and did not know you responded until I checked here.

        The transfer port wants to snag going forward and backward both .

        I would need to get this thing apart. A cleaning jag with steel wool would probably do it. The transfer port is in a brass bushing that comes before the barrel. It would be easier than a transfer port in a steel barrel if I could get it out to work on.


          • GF1

            I can feel a transition with the end of an allen wrench. Does not feel like a snag though.
            It is going to have to come apart . If I can get it apart, I will recrown the barrel too.
            On the other hand, if the dumpster sits out front much longer……


            • TT
              I’m guessing the probe on the bolt pushes the pellet past that transition spot I would hope anyway. Maybe if the opening in the back of the pellet is different depths the probe is not quite pushing the pellet past that transition spot.

              And I took the o-ring out of the .22 cal. Marauder and the pellet loads good. I think I will try to see if the probe on the bolt is pushing the pellet far enough past the transfer port hole. I think you mentioned that before also. And I have had a few guns that stopped the pellet to soon. The skirt of the pellet was hanging over the transfer port hole. Now that I think about it that’s probably may be whats going on with the Marauder. It sure made the other guns shoot funny. I’m thinking it puts a load on the pellet skirt when that sudden blast of air hits it and its kind of pushing the pellet upwards before it starts to move forward. If the probe seats it deep enough past the transfer port it will work the right way and just push the pellet forward.

              That’s the thing with this stuff. There is something wrong some where its just a pain to track down sometimes. And I know what you mean about the dumpster.

              • GF1

                Got it apart with the help of a propane torch.
                Could not get the brass bushing out, but polished on it the best I could from the front of the receiver.
                Polished the barrel inlead.
                Did not like the way the crown looked, so trimmed it back a bit and recrowned. Don’t think I left any fuzzies on the new crown.

                Going to be hoping for a good day to find out if I managed to help it out.


  18. I really wanted to go outside for some shooting today!Slept in til 10:30 or so, did the home office thing for a bit, grabbed a bite, and stepped outside for some light yardwork, already 90 degrees!I had also planned to ride the bike some.That was already gonna be iffy but the temperature put the nix on that also.While cleaning out the fridge I found a perfect target,a 1 gal. juice jug.I tossed it out the door and grabbed the QB-36. This thing’s sighted in @40 yards so I aimed about 8″ low aiming for the cap, missed by about an inch high,after a 2nd shot I was unable to see another hole so I stepped out to investigate ,I found it, 1/4″ from the 1st.It’s time to get serious with this thing! I need to clean the bore first, so I know that’s not an issue.I have no vise or other means of holding the gun and I can’t trust my lefty( still gotta mind of it’s own).Any Ideas?

    • Reb
      You got to make you up something to rest th front of the gun on.

      I dont use a vice but I sure will rest the gun on something when I’m fighting accuracy problems.

  19. I always read the Hatsan reviews with some enthusiasm, as a brand I find them maddening, SO much metal for your money that I’ve owned two, and they both stank sadly, the company can make a barrel, or at least they seem to have managed it with their PCP’s but there is something fundamentally wrong with the barrels they stick on their springers. The spring compression tubes use huge transfer ports, which robs power and slams the piston hard with no air buffer and their fix for this is to stick a spring in that would better serve the shock absortion on a motorcycle, so now the things slam intolerably hard, almost jarring, so they developed a shock absorption system, still hopelessly inaccurate, so they go and develop a reasonable trigger in the hopes that might help, it doesn’t of course.
    All they need to do is shrink the transfer port to 2.7mm, take 20g off the piston weight, then they can drop the spring rate to something far more manageable without losing an ounce of power……then learn to choke barrels, or ask Webley and Scott who are now (wails and pulls hair) in bed with them, how to make a decent airgun barrel.
    Rant over…..

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