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Education / Training 2014 Pyramyd Air Cup: Part 2

2014 Pyramyd Air Cup: Part 2

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Part 1

This report covers:

• More new toys!
• More on field target
• Shooting opportunities galore!
• And the winner is…
• Same time next year!

Today, we’ll return to the Pyramyd AIR Cup for a last look at the event. Some of you have also visited my social network pages and may have seen some of these pictures already, but they’ll be new to everyone else.

More new toys!
People bring their new ideas to me at these events, and the Pyramyd AIR Cup was no exception. This is how I learn about many of the new things that are happening.

Someone mentioned in the comments wanting to see what a KalibrGun airgun looks like (the Cricket and the Hummingbird), so I’ll show them here. Both guns are bullpups (guns whose actions extend back to the butt of the gun to reduce overall length). The Hummingbird is longer, but it’s still quite compact.

I shot the Hummingbird. While it’s unquestionably accurate and has a fine trigger, the hold feels odd to me because my cheek rests on top of the metal action. The full-sized rifle felt more conventional to me and was a nice-shooting gun.

KalibrGun Cricket (top) and Hummingbird.

I’ve already mentioned meeting Greg Lundy of Ballistic Enterprises, and he was shooting his exotic-looking Benjamin 392. Greg’s invention is a scope base called the INTEGRABASE, which attaches to the top of a Benjamin 397/392 to give the rifle a more stable scope base that accepts both 11mm and Weaver rings. Greg gave me a base to test for you, and I plan to mount it on my custom 392 with the Pump-Assist modification.

Greg Lundy’s INTEGRABASE for Benjamin multi-pumps.

Rich Shear also approached me with a new tuning application he’s created for spring rifles that have excessive recoil and vibration. He asked me if I’d ever tested the Hatsan 135 and I told him I decided not to after measuring the cocking effort at 75 lbs!. I feel the gun is too violent and extreme for most shooters to use. So, he asked me if I would like to see one he had tuned. I was eager to see what he had, so he fetched 2 Gamo Hunter Extremes (obsolete model names, but the powerplants are still being made for Gamo guns with other names) and a Hatsan135.

His 135 is smoother than the factory gun, but the cocking effort is still too high in my opinion. But one of the two Hunter Extremes he had was interesting. It’s a .22 that I found to be very smooth — not at all like the way it comes from the factory. To make a long story short, Rich is shipping that Gamo to me for testing, and I plan to report my findings to you. It’s a more powerful spring gun than I enjoy shooting, but Rich has tamed the firing cycle quite a lot. I think it’ll be a treat to test for you.

More on field target
Many of those who attended the event had never seen field target before. The course was set up on two rifle ranges, so the lanes were parallel and close to each other. I lost at least 2 points by shooting at (and hitting) the wrong target — in the lane next to me.

I wasn’t trying to win anything. I just wanted to compete in something at the event, and field target seemed logical. Pyramyd AIR loaned me a beautiful walnut-stocked TX200 Mark III and a box of Crosman Premier 7.9-grain pellets at my request, and Tyler Patner had sighted-in the 4-12x UTG scope for me. The sight-in was perfect! I never had to touch the adjustments — just confirm the zero at several distances and record the sight picture holdover information.

I requested the rifle be sighted-in for 20 yards, which gave me a flat trajectory from 20 to 40 yards. At all other distances I used the mil-dots to gauge the holdover. I did all my checking on Friday before competition started and recorded the results on the inside of the cardboard pellet box lid.

holdover info
The holdover info for my TX200’s scope was written on the inside of the Crosman Premier box lid.

We had a little drama in the match. On Saturday, when was the first half of the match was shot, my blood sugar dropped very low and I started shaking and feeling faint. Fortunately, a young lady who was on the range has a father who is also a diabetic, and she gave me a candy bar that revived me in about 10 minutes. But, I lost about 8 points during the episode. I shot a 16 on Saturday and 29 on Sunday, which shows how much I was affected.

sight-in range
The sight-in range was open all 3 days and allowed everyone to get accurate sight-in data at key distances.

field target range
The field target course lanes were close to each other, and care had to be taken to avoid shooting at the wrong targets. The targets in this picture range from 20 yards to 50 yards away (arrow).

Then, on Sunday my squad partner, Ruth Kass, wasn’t hitting anything on the sight-in range in the morning warm-up before the match. It turned out that one of her scope mounts had jumped out of the dovetail grooves on the rifle some time after she started the match on Saturday!

She switched from her Beeman R9 to my TX200 and used my sight data after confirming it with a few shots at different distances. Ruth more than tripled her Saturday score on Sunday, demonstrating that having the right equipment makes all the difference! Although the TX and scope weighed over 2 lbs. more than the R9 she’d trained with, she found it quite manageable.

We both shot off monopods in the Sportsman Springer class. I’ll be showing you the UTG monopod I used as soon as it’s released as a product. I can tell you that my monopod was just as stable as half the bipods I saw in the competition!

This bipod is actually a monopod from the shooter’s perspective.

Shooting opportunities galore!
Besides the competition, this event was about general airguns and shooting. Pyramyd AIR supplied airguns, pellets, air and technical advice to the general public for all 3 days of this event. The public range was set up with reactive targets and paper targets from 10 meters to over 50 meters. There was no charge to shoot, and shooters took advantage of being able to test many guns they’d previously only read about.

public range
The public range was open throughout the entire event. There were expensive PCPs and spring guns on the line, along with pellets and air for the pneumatics.

And the winner is
The end of the Pyramyd AIR Cup came with the awards ceremony. There were cups for the first three finishers in each of the 4 classes — Pro PCP, Sportsman PCP, Pro Springer and Sportsman Springer. The scores of the 2-day field target match, the offhand silhouette competition and the Gunslinger, which is a timed benchrest silhouette competition were combined to determine the standings. Besides trophy cups, the winners got to choose donated prizes from a selection that related to where they placed in the competition.

And the overall champion of the event was awarded a special cup, plus a check for $1,000. So, this was an event worth attending. Ironically, Ray Apelles won the overall championship with a modified spring rifle, despite competing against a former world champion and several nationally ranked shooters who shot PCPs.

Ray Apelles (left) won the overall championship. He is presented the cup by Tyler Patner of Pyramyd AIR.

Same time next year!
The Pyramyd AIR Cup combined a lot of things airgunners say they want. It was a chance to shoot airguns you have only read about, a chance to see competitions that are so popular today, a chance to meet some of the other airgunners you have come to know through the internet and a chance to immerse yourself in all things airgun for 3 whole days. There’s more to see and do than you have time to experience. If airguns have become important in your life, this is an event to attend.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

88 thoughts on “2014 Pyramyd Air Cup: Part 2”

  1. Hi Guys. I just wanted to clarify the specifics of the equipment I used for each of the three events.

    1st event:

    For the Silhouette Off-Hand match I shot a 1972 built FWB300 shooting 8.7 ftlbs with a Storey Custom 36 power scope held on with BKL reach forward rings.

    2nd event:

    For the FT match/es I shot my Diana 54 Bullpup with electronic trigger at 10.98 ftlbs. It weighs 22 lbs.

    3rd event:

    For the Gunslinger match I shot the same FWB300 I shot for the Silhouette Off-Hand Match.

    Tieing for high score in Silhouette and winning the Gunslinger event gave me the points to make it to the top. My Springer FT event score was 12 points behind the PCP FT score of Greg Suave whom I tied with on the silhouette score. So the Gunslinger event is what brought my score up to the top. And that was with a 42 year old 10 meter gun.

    Ray Apelles

    • Ray,
      Thanks for sharing that information! I had all but ruled out my 953 but it’s putting out almost 8fpe so I guess it’d knock over a silhouette.
      Congratulations on your fine shooting! And the rewards of a job well done.


    • LOL! Thanks Ray! I have often thought that if you were to tune a 54 down some that it would make for an excellent shooter. Now having one that weighs in at 22 pounds is a bit much for my personal taste, but I am not a Pro FT shooter.

      The FWB300 really interests me. I am rebuilding two of them right now and I have considered hanging on to one of them and hopping it up a little bit for my mini-sniping. Can you tell me what you did for such?

      • Other than the cleaning and relube. The only thing I did was replace the factory spring with a Maccari spring which unfortunately is no longer available. There is a lot of information on these guns on the network 54 vintage air gun forum. That is where I would recommend you hunt through and do your research and decide which is the best format for you. I’m currently looking to find an adequate replacement spring to replace the not available Maccari spring. I have yet to find a suitable substitute.

        • One of my FWB300s has the new Maccari spring, which I understand is of the same power as the stock springs. I will have to compare them when I have them both up and running soon. Do you happen to know if extra preloading of the spring would boost it a little?

          • it doesn’t take much for the spring to get coil bound so be careful. I had at one time over preloaded one and was stuck between the anti bear trap and the sear
            The anti near trap prevented it from uncocking and yet I didn’t get it all the way so the trigger would LATCH up. I had the darndest time trying to disassemble the gun with the spring partly cocked with the anti bear trap holding it in position. Something I would not want to have to do again.

            • I have a question, if you or the knowledgeable were inclined, it seems adding spring tension is commonly considered for adding power, but Id like to know if taking preload or spring pressure DOWN has ever been witnessed to INCREASE power/velocity in a spring or gas ram gun? Like a multi pump flat lines and even loses power by over pumping, could springers be over pumped in manufacture? and possibly benefit from a let off?

    • Ray,

      Please tell us more about your rifles. Of all the rifles out there, how did you settle on an FWB300 and Diana 54 bull pup? How accurate are your rifles? What kind of pellets do you use?

      RidgeRunner described himself as a “serious plinker,” and that description fits me, too. I’d like to improve my skills, and am interested in learning the techniques you use. I’ve read a little about you and your remarkable rifles on the Yellow.



      • The Diana 54 bullpup is a design that my father and I came up with. The entire gun was built specifically for airline travel. The gun is 34 inches long when completely assembled and ready to pull out and shoot. Airlines have a surcharge for anything over 62 inches in width length and height added together on a suitcase or gun case. I also did not want to have to break a rifle down and reassemble it each day at a match. So this was the solution that we have come up with. We’ve done it twice before on our Marauder Bullpups and now on the 54 bullpup which has been short stroked by Hector Medina. It shoots just under 11 foot pounds. It seems to have the best feeling shot cycle that way. The trigger is electronic per our design. The gun came up much heavier than I expected. But when sitting in a field target position it just doesn’t move. It is also extremely hold sensitive. If I’m not careful the shots don’t go where I expect them to.

        None of my 5 TX 200 s we’re set up and ready to go.

        The FWB300 was the only other spring gun I had trajectoried and ready to go for the match. I did not feel I could shoot the 54 well enough offhand for silhouettes, or for the speed gunslinger shoot. So I decided on the FWB 300 because I know it is extremely accurate and shoots very well off of a bench. So I thought that might make it a little bit easier in the gunslinger event. The silhouette portion is strictly up to the shooter and off hand has always been my downfall but I seem to be getting better at it but not nearly as good as I was 10 years ago. Hopefully the improvements will still keep coming.

        I have 3 FWB 300 s and love them all, they are fantastic guns to shoot. If power is not a situation it’s always an easy grab. They are a little bit heavy but they are just wonderful guns to shoot. Ask Tom he did shoot mine.I wish someone had been video taping the finals of the gunslinger event. I was able to clear all 16 silhouette targets with the FWB 300 in 3 minutes and 54 seconds which included approximately 6 misses and turning one of the RAM targets 45 degrees which required a second shot to get down. I had a real rhythm going there it was a very aerobic event for me. It was also the most fun event of the entire weekend for me.

        An interesting note would be my FWB 300 was most likely the lowest powered spring gun shot at the event. and yet it placed hi in the gunslinger event and the silhouette event. So accuracy, as always, is more important than power. Unfortunately too many gun manufacturers sell their guns based on the power and advertise as such. I wish that would change but it probably never will in the US market.

  2. I’ll have to wait for something closer to home. I missed 2 chances this year but I was really in no shape to even do the walking part so No biggie. But get ready I’ll be whoopin’ myself into shape this year and trying to get that 2400 project off the ground. Right now my best option would be my Airmaster, I don’t think I’ll ever stand a chance at 10m but I’d really like to get together with other shooters and maybe even try to compete one day.


  3. B.B.,
    I had no idea you were diabetic.Hypoglycemia is very debilitating! I had my first episode in the Chowline about a week before graduating Basic, only fell out a couple times since. I used to keep goodies in my toolbox at work, just in case. Now I’ve got my tackle box stocked with MRE leftovers.Once it hits it ruins my whole day. Shakin’ like a leaf on a tree in 30 mph wind for the rest of the day. No way to win a shooting competition for sure!
    Gotta take care of that and feed the machine! Thanks to the good samaritin for sharing life!


  4. Does anyone know where a “Good quality leather belt holster” for the Colt Python .357 Magnum CO2 Revolver ? All I can find is cheaply made nylon models that will NOT hold up.

    • Here ya go Aaron!

    • Aaron,
      I’m having a hard time getting a link posted but there’s on in PA’s catalog. Hit the Pyramyd airguns link and type in leather holster.There should be at least 2 to choose from. Nice Black leather!


  5. I sure will be waiting for the report on Greg Lundy’s INTEGRABASE for Benjamin multi-pumps. It was an idea i had been toying with in my mind past few months. His execution is better because on top you have the option of accommodating 11mm dovetail and right below you have a set of Picatinny rails giving you the ability to easily mount a scope on your pump rifle. I wonder how he solved the retention problem though as my early experiment led me to believe that silver soldering would be the best method of attachment.

    • No! Don’t go near that thing with a torch! You could very easily loosen up all the other solder joints that hold that thing together.

      Reb has it right. There are two set screws in the top that lock it in place. All you have to do is slide it on from the front and tighten the screws. You might have to remove the rear sight to do this, but it can be reinstalled once you have this mount in place.

      This particular mount is the best arrangement I have seen for these air rifles. The ones that clamp to the barrel put excessive strain on the solder joint between the barrel and pump and have been known to separate. The one that clamps to the action with a section of rail raise the scope excessively and is not as sturdy as this.

      • Coming to that same conclusion made me abandon the plan. I am curious though if there is a weight limit to the scope that one can install securely on the mount.

        Gunfun1, Fred DPRONJ and Pete in the Caribbean
        Loctite blue is not locally available. Plumber’s tape interfered with the screw placement (or I was too clumsy to apply properly). Settled on placing a drop of clear nail polish on the side of the screw thread after mounting and tightening the aperture sight in front of the scope stop. Still farther than I would have preferred but after 250 shots there is no evidence of the sight shifting from its position on this Hatsan 60S. Thanks for all your help.

        • Unless you go over the top with the scope, you should have no real weight issue with Greg’s mount. My thoughts are that a 3-9 Bug Buster would work out real nice on a 397 or 392 and still be light and compact.

        • Siraniko,
          Be careful if you do remove the rear sight! It’s extremely difficult to re-install, I don’t think I’ll be doing it again. I was scared the whole time I was sliding it back into position. It may also be possible to slide on from the rear after removing the bolt, I’m sure it comes with well thought out installation instructions that B.B. will be going over during his installation.


              • Mainly disposing a lot of inaccurate pellets and in the process testing the durability of the aperture sight mounting. Can’t shoot during the weekdays, although I work 40 hours a week the commute due to traffic here sucks a lot of the time.

                  • Actually shooting at homemade paper targets also in the hope that the previous inaccuracy was due to the loose sight. I have around 300 pointed pellets scheduled along with about 200 proven inaccurate domed. All are of local manufacture using the old Crosman Flying Ashcan design.
                    So I tackle a few birds with one stone. I familiarize myself with the Hatsan 60S of my father, I practice the artillery hold, I torture test the aperture mounting to the rifle and I get a workout.

                    • Siraniko
                      And I thought I was the only one that shot at home made paper targets.

                      And what is the Crosman Flying Ashcan design? Is there a pellet still avaie now that has been renamed?

                    • The locally manufactured pellets look similar to BB’s description in his article /blog/2008/02/crosman-pellets-they-werent-always-premiers/

                      The local pellets are definitely not diabolos. Unfortunately most of the pellet manufacturers design by the look not performance. Not many brands to choose from. The established manufacturer’s are content with their present sales so they see no need to change their design. I don’t think they even know how the pellet is supposed to work in flight. There are a few new makers setting up shop using the diabolo pattern, I just hope they succeed in the market considering most people would just buy the cheapest available.

                    • I live in the Philippines. Most of the established manufacturers here stay with what they have been making since the 60’s. There is little impetus for them to modernize their manufacturing practices especially with our economy where re-tooling is very expensive.

                      Only recently has there been interest in making PCP airguns but they are restricted to what materials are locally available. Since most do not understand the peculiarities of the PCP powerplant in comparison to CO2 to which they are familiar they have a high incidence of leakage.

                      Only by reading this blog did I discover the cause to why our CO2 guns develop leaks. Nobody ever recommended putting a few drops of Pelgun oil every time we recharged our CO2 guns. Armed with this knowledge I am now reviving our CO2 airguns for use again.

                    • I am but a small voice in the wilderness. Most people around here are still stuck on Velocity. They have not yet reached Accuracy level. Re-reading BB’s series on bulk fill in preparation to filling my own. No Powerlets here either, everyone who is on CO2 use 10 oz. bulk fill tanks.

  6. Excellent post BB. I was anxiously anticipating a part II. I would have loved to have been able to be there.

    I have a few questions

    1. Does PA have any plans to sell the Kalibrguns? Or are you just teasing us?

    2. Will the Benjamin integrabase fit older Sheridan Streaks?

    3. Tyler Patner seems to be dressed for mountain biking rather than air rifle shooting. Is there a bike trail on the premises?

    4. What kind of vittles did they serve at the dinner? This is very important.

    That Hummingbird (Colibri) is one of the most butt ugly rifles I have ever laid eyes on. The Cricket bullpup and rifles are much more appealing.

    Congratulations on your 2nd place finish in the Sportsman springer competition. The fact that you wont mention it, and indeed played down your skills in part 1, I find to be equal parts endearing and infuriating. You are too humble for your own good. If not for the blood sugar issue, I am certain that you would have won the category.

    It sounds like you had a lot of fun.

    • SL,

      I think the lack of a safety is what is keeping PA from carrying the KaliburGuns.

      Greg did tell me he has made bases for older Streaks (if I remember the conversation correctly) so it’s worth contacting him directly. I cannot find a website, so his email is


      Tyler is one of the better shooters at the event, so whatever he is wearing, it works. Ray Apelles wore an offhand jacket with leather straps.

      They served dogs, burgers, chile and things like that. It was good and well-priced!

      Even if I had shot 10 points better I still would have finished second. The first place finisher was a real good shot.


    • The pants are Champions Choice shooting pants that have a sort of rubberized material on the butt and knees that helps lock me in a bit better. I could do without the rubber on the butt, although I am not picky…..and you’re not the first person to ask what the heck it is that I am wearing LOL

      • OK, Thanks Tyler. Just so you know, I wasn’t giving you jazz about what you were wearing. I mountain bike myself sometimes, and your jersey looks like something a cyclist would wear. I thought maybe they had a trail close by and you were squeezing in some laps in between shooting.

      • Thank you Jan. It is good to see you around as well.

        I have a pair of old Sheridan blue streaks that get the most use. I’ve also got an HW50S that I put a vortek kit in. It is a really smooth and solid shooter. How about you? What rifle do you find yourself picking up the most?

        • Ahh, sounds like fun. I don’t think I’ve ever shot the HW50S. One for the bucket list for sure!

          With the cool weather and busy schedules, I’m spending more time in the basement with the old Walther LGR. I still get all giggly at how perfect the danged thing is.

          Also sorting out a Marauder Pistol carbine with the RAI stock adapter for my boys.

          Latest project is a new-to-me US Rifle, Caliber .30, M1. Haven’t even shot the thing yet, but I’m already smitten. Won’t be able to shoot it for several months for irritating medical reasons, so I’m relegated to petting it in the mirror like Taxi Driver. Looks extra purdy with an M1907 leather sling.


  7. B.B.,

    Thanks for writing this. It must have been a great event.

    I’d like to read more about KaliberGun rifles.

    The IntegraBase could be a great addition to an accurate Benjamin 392 or 397. I bought a 397 for my daughter several years ago. Unfortunately, the rifle is disappointingly inaccurate. I’ve considered buying another 397 in hopes of getting an accurate one.

    Congratulations on taking second place!


      • B.B.,

        Yes, that could be the problem. I had read that some 392/397 suffer from paint inside the muzzle.

        I want to be careful to not damage the crown, barrel and seals. Do you suggest I use paint thinner on several patches pushed from muzzle to breach, then follow with several dry patches?

        There is good news, though. I bought this rifle for my daughter, but the experience made me into an air gunner, and I found your blog along the way.


        • I used a Q-tip soaked in brake cleaner while the gun was pointed downward. Took about 3(both ends) before it came out clean. The groups were still disappointing so I re-crowned it and still disappointed.

            • It’s not all bad. there are still a LOT of pellets I have yet to try, and I only traded a big-wheel mower for it, although it took an afternoon to swap the axle out. After I peeled all the camouflaged duct-tape off it, I was left with something much less desirable than it now is IMO. It’s a work in progress and I’m willing to take a lick here & there to pay my dues. But I’m still looking for a .22 pumper that’ll print smiley-faces at 50 yds for use on rabbits,squirrels & such 🙂 I’m thinking a decent scope and more pellet testing will eventually reveal a decently accurate gun. If I’m wrong I may just have to try my bbl swap theory after another shot at the crown.



  8. Reb,

    You are going to have to stop resending messages when they don’t come through. I just removed about 6 of your messages, nearly identical, all with just a huge link to Aaron. I put one of them through and trashed the rest.

    Your connection gets interpreted as spam a significant percentage of the time anyway, and when you embed long links that rises to 100 percent.

    Just send it once and if it doesn’t appear, we will take care of it. We get so many spams every day that this is getting to be a major task, and if it gets much worse we may have to do something about it.


  9. B.B.

    What UTG scope was on your TX? I don’t see a 4-12x model listed for sale on the Pyramyd AIR site. I have the UTG Leapers 30mm 3-12×44 with the side wheel on my 460 Magnum right now but I was under the impression that you needed more a more powerful scope for FT.

    Also interested in the Greg Lundy Intregrabase can you mount a Williams Peep sight with it in place or do you need to remove the base if you want to use the peep?


  10. Tom,

    I’ve seen that Benjamin/Sheridan adapter before, but unfortunately both my Bennie and my Blue Streak are old enough models (early 1980s, I think) that this will not fit.

    What temps were you shooting in? I ask because while I’ve always heard of cooler temps affecting spring powerplants, I do not recall reading anywhere the actual temperature that folks believe springers begin to suffer.


  11. BB
    How much time did they allow at the sight in range? I guess they had it available right before the match started?

    And I don’t think I seen what size kill zones were used. Did they use the same size or did they get smaller the closer the distance?

    • GF1,

      The sight-in range was open all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I use3d it to confirm the setting on Friday, then every day before each match I checked my zero again. There was no time limit — just find a place on the line and start shooting.

      A lot of the kill zones had reducers on them, which made the target more difficult. I don’t know what Troyer rating the course was, but if I had to guess I would put it above a 25.


      • BB
        You mentioned the Troyer rating before. I forgot how that works. Is a bigger number a harder course to shoot?

        How was the wind? If there was any was it going left to right or from behind. Well you know what I mean. Or did it turn out to be a nice calm days of shooting?

          • BB
            Sounds like it was fun. And just the right amount of wind to make things interesting.

            You by chance didn’t get pictures of the other competitors guns did you. I find that interesting to see what they are shooting. I thought that was cool seeing Ron Robinson shooting that pump gun at that one match you covered and his shooting technique.

            Maybe more field target blogs coming in the future?

              • BB
                Good. I like to know the method they use to set up a course. Like setting distances on lanes were the targets at.

                You don’t have to go into detail now but maybe more info when you start covering field target again. I would just like to see some different courses and how they are setup.

                And I’m sure you have seen some interesting one’s throughout time.

                • Im with you here! Id love to know all I can about field target as BB attends it. You can go read the official specs, but its not the same. I for one am ecstatic to hear a springer tune article is coming up. That’s my bread, butter, meat, potatoes, peanut butter, jelly, turkey and gravy… you get the picture. Im thinking an original Escape will end up my all around hunting, the springers for plinking target, quick hunt, tinkering, loving, … basically everything else. Point being, love springers, love to hunt, but the two only mesh so far with each other.

                  • RDNA
                    Any luck with at nitro gun yet.

                    I ordered a wood stock Benjamin Regal in .177 cal.

                    I’m still on the hunt for a nitro piston gun. I hope it shoots the way I want. I think I’m to picky with my expectations sometimes. I guess I will see Wednesday. That’s when it suppose to be here. And I do know it’s going to get one of my Hawke scopes mounted on it as soon as it comes out of the box.

  12. Buldawg,

    I took your suggestion and picked up that RC bearing for the trigger mod on my Benji Trail NP. Turned a lousy creepy trigger into a decent almost single stage trigger. If there is a first stage it is nearly not there but now there is no creep just a clean break. I still may order one of Charlie’s triggers down the road for this gun but for the $3.00 the local hobby shop charged me for the RC bearing this was worthwhile.


      • RDNA

        Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised by the improvement in the trigger the mod suggested yesterday by buldawg made. Before the first stage kind of ended and the second stage was long and creepy. I’ve shot the rifle a little more now and what was a creepy two stage trigger is now a decent single stage trigger that I think I can live with, though I may still put a CharlieDaTuna CBR trigger in the Benji Trail NP. Both the T05 trigger in my 460 Magnum and the trigger in my Ruger Air Hawk have very short first stages and the modified trigger in the Benji Trail NP breaks almost as cleanly minus the first stage. I think I may be able to get use to the lack of a first stage, time will tell.


  13. Anyone pick up the latest Guns and Ammo issue? A pellet rifle graces the cover, and my heart fluttered at the thought of what might lie within. Perhaps our hero, Tom had graced the pages with a piece that would elevate our sport towards daylight and out of the tiny niche hole it has been slowly climbing out of since as far back as I can remember. But alas, it was written by someone that is totally clueless about air guns. And the beat goes on…

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    It's important to know that due to state and local laws, there are certain restrictions for various products. It's up to you to research and comply with the laws in your state, county, and city. If you live in a state or city where air guns are treated as firearms you may be able to take advantage of our FFL special program.

    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

    View Shipping Restrictions

  • Expert Service and Repair

    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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