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Best of B.B.: Two BB guns you’ll never see

By Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Today is Christmas Eve, and I’m entertaining my family. Instead of writing a new report, I went way back in the archives and dug up something interesting from the past. This is about two BB guns that are so rare that they aren’t cataloged anywhere that I know of, yet I’ve seen a couple of each one at airgun shows over the years.

Remember, as you read this, I originally wrote it in 2005. And to all my readers to whom it applies — Merry Christmas!

Two BB guns you’ll never see

Today is a fun day. Imagine that you’re working at the Daisy Manufacturing Company around the year 1960. It might have been a few years earlier, but probably not much later.

You’re cranking out BB guns by the million each year, and the monotony is getting to you. So, you decide to do something different.

In another part of the plant, they make true toy guns that don’t shoot anything. These are for the smaller boys and girls who aren’t yet ready for the responsibility of a real BB gun.

To hold their interest, these toys are painted with bright colors that contrast vividly with the almost black finish you put on BB guns. So, your idea is to paint a few real BB guns with some of the bright toy colors. Blue and pink are especially attractive, having been blended to suit the marketing department’s brainstorm that kids want their guns to be gender-specific.

In the injection-molding department, you get the guys to make a special short run of white plastic stocks, similar to the real Annie Oakley and Space Ranger stocks they recently made for the marketeers. Those guns never sold well, but you won’t be selling the guns you’re about to make, so it doesn’t matter.

Daisy Targeteer pistol

Daisy No. 25 pump rifle

The guns you chose to doll up this way are Daisy’s No. 25 pump gun and the Targeteer pistol. Both are familiar icons of American youth, yet they look positively other-worldly in electric “Toy Blue” with white styrene stocks.

Once they are together, you decide these guns look so special that they are presented to some person (or persons, because nobody knows for sure how many were made) who is in favor at Daisy.

A few guns also make their way into the hands of some of the old-time Daisy employees who collect what the company makes. In the 50 years that have passed since then, they’ve all changed hands and all that anyone can remember is that a few were made for one reason or another.

Obviously, they were made because you see them here. One man owns both these BB guns and has little motivation to part with either one. The No. 25 pump gun is in nearly new condition, only with evidence of handling and storage. The Targeteer pistol has more wear but still shows a lot of the original paint. The white styrene on both guns is yellowing, but not as much as it appears in these pictures.

Though they are at least 45 years old, they use the same BBs as today’s airguns. If they aren’t shooting hard when you get them, a little gun oil in the right place brings them back most of the time.

These unique airguns and others like them are what keep many collectors young at heart. You never know when you’ll encounter a strange item like one of these (or both!). Go to the airgun shows and watch the gun auctions, and you’ll run across something strange sooner or later.

Now, the title of this article is incorrect. You have seen these two guns — right here!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

111 thoughts on “Best of B.B.: Two BB guns you’ll never see”

  1. Hi B.B.

    Nice article Sir. I love History lessons when its to do with guns! Also, just to wish you & Ms. Edith and your family a Merry Christmas. Have a great time and I look forward to more great articles after the season.


  2. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! B.B. & Edith, you’ve always taken the time to answer my questions over the years, and for this I thank you both, along with the other people here who have added their own answers. Thank you all. May your lives be filled with strange and wondrous airguns, as well as every happiness in life.

  3. I can’t wait to eat all that good food that’s get’n fixed. I can taste it already.

    And hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas.

    And don’t you just love when the manufacturers roll out those special products. Be it guns,cars or whatever else they sneek out. Those are 2 cool guns.

    • Gunfun
      What time is dinner as I can smell it to and don’t want to be late and only get leftovers LOL.

      Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family.

      I agree those are some special guns like COPOS or Yenkos


      • Buldawg
        Which meal do you want to come to. There will be one tonight and a couple Christmas day. There will be a lot of good food. But the problem is I bet I will gain 20 pounds by time this holiday stuff is over.

        And yea those were the cars that always interested me when I was a kid well and still interest me. And that’s cool about the air guns to. I suggested before that AirForce guns do some special color guns for a anniversary model or something along those lines.

        Not that I would want every gun colored because somebody said it had to be that way. But colored a unique way for a few certain models.

        And I left you a reply over on the mono-pod blog about the drag racing.

        And you and your family have a Merry Christmas also. And New years is coming we just got to make through Christmas first. 🙂

        • GUnfun
          Lets see if I left right now it is what ,probably a 10 hour drive at 80 or 90 mph so it would be a late Christmas eve meal then of course the two on Christmas day and then the chauffeur to drive me back home and then have to exercise for two weeks to loose what I put on and all that would make me worn out so I just better stay here and have just the one big meal tomorrow and suffer thru it as I always do and put that 20 pounds on also here.

          And like you I do miss the hot rod car days and racing and all, and only prefer some special anniversary or such colored gun as I am a traditional black or brown color gun person.

          I left you a reply back on the Monopod blog also about the drag racing.

          Yea just a little over a week to go and the mad house will be over speaking of which I have just been informed that I have to go out in the craziness to pick up some last minute items so hopefully I make it back without any scuffles with the wild bunches that are out right now .

          But talk later,


          • Buldawg
            Getting finished eating and got to go do a few things also. It seems like it takes twice as long to get anywhere with everybody out running around. So that would probably make you late for Christmas dinner here. But I’m sure you got some good cook’n go’n on there so don’t eat to much.

            • Gunfun
              yea we are having a whole lot of good food here also so I will be miserable tomorrow after I eat as I have no will power when it comes to holiday feasts.

              We just got informed that our 8 year old grandson will not be spending any of the Christmas day or weekend with us for that matter by his mother as he is going to her grandmothers for Christmas which is only 30 miles away and we would gladly go get him and bring him back, but she is pulling her its my child and I am in control attitude with us again as she usually does if we do or say something she does not like and it has the wife in tears.

              I cannot say what I think of her here on the blog but I am sure you know me well enough to know what my thoughts are right now and we are just bidding our time till he either becomes old enough in this state to say to a judge where he want to live or my disability comes thru and we get a lawyer and let the judge decide where he would be best cared for and by whom as we have been collecting our ducks all in a row for when the time comes she will be blindsided by the info we have for the judge to ponder over.


              • Buldawg
                Sorry to here about your grandson. And I believe that goes on in more families than people will say.

                But eat and be happy and you never know. That’s part of the holiday magic. Maybe he will be there for Christmas.

                And I do know you from the conversations we have texting and talking on the phone and as well you know me.

                Sometimes its hard to hold back saying what needs to be said. Believe me I know. But its funny how things have a way of working out if your right about what your thinking.

                • Gunfun
                  Yea it may work out as long as we stay positive and I know my grandson well enough that he will bug his mom enough that she will get tired of it and call us to see if we want him as it has happened that way many times before.

                  So we will have a good day and keep him with us in spirit and it just may turn out the way it needs to for all ours sake. It is just a day any way and we can celebrate with him when we get him back so it will all work out.


  4. Bahh humbug! Lol, somebodys got to throw it out there…. December is a tough month sometimes and I guess that’s what’ll test your heart, I know its testing me. To everyone having those holiday blues you ain’t alone and you wont be alone in keeping your chin up and getting to the smiley part! 🙂 on the guns, I think colors are a great idea for airguns, not mandatory type of great idea, but I painted the around and the bottom of the blazes front sight hunter orange for the neighbors at my friends house sake and cause it gives me a little more flexibility in my movements around hid property that overlaps on public land that’s visible from their houses. That and it’ll be the kids 2nd or so starting gun anyway. That was right before the airmag showed up but thats not getting orange, its got a wicked snow cam paintjob for the winter months ahead. Just an idea, orange has its benefits but would never force all to have it. I would go for some cool “toy colored” guns, like the 1377, or the colored airforce guns style.

    • HI BB and Edith,
      Hope you have a very Merry Christmas. As a 77 year old guy, who just this year started shooting air guns, your blogs have been wonderful. My main hobby of ham radio has taken a beating since I started shooting, I get a bit frustrated as I will never get the groups you get with the pistols but I still have fun trying. FUN, that is why we shoot these things. Finally the oily smoke smell has disappeared from my radio room where I have been shooting the Benjamin Trail NP . I can shoot the the non blow back Makarov BB pistol more accurate then that darn NP but I am still trying. Hopy you and all the readers have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy, accurate New Year !

    • RDNA and to all ,BB and Edith
      Happy holidays and best wishes for the season. I at time have to agree with RDNA and just say Bahhumbug as it has always been a hard time of year for me since I lost my parent many many years ago and it just has never seemed the same but we have to make it the best that we can for our kids and grandkids sake and keep the spirit alive.

      I have all the presents I need in the family I have around me and just watching their joy makes my world that much brighter and easier to get thru this time of year with love in our hearts and joy for what we have in the here and now. So here’s to hoping everyone has a great Christmas and a happy new year and I have talked to a lot of great people on this blog and made some good friends as well and to that I am grateful.

      Best wishes to all and to all a great holiday.


        • Gunfun 1 Still have no pellets,but took the lawyer spring out and tuned the trigger. Set right at 1# break. 1st stage is maybe too short so may reset it. 2nd stage feels great when it breaks but seems a little long so will probably play with it also some more. I’ll wait until I can actually shoot it. I could be happy with the trigger as it is now, but what fun would that be. Always need to try to improve.

          • LR
            Ain’t it nice to personalize and improve the performance of something.

            Like I said I want to know what you think about yours when you get to shoot it.

            And did you get the synthetic or wood stock version?

            • Gunfun 1
              Got the wood model. I just like the feel of wood better than the synthetics. Have several air guns with synthetic stocks along with my Weatherby MK V .223. None “feel” as good as good ole wood!

              • LR
                Both my .177 and .25 cal. Marauders are synthetic stocks. I figured they were going to get knocked around in the woods.

                But my other guns that I keep a watch on a lot closer are wood. I agree I think wood is nicer.

                I’m doing the stock on the FWB 300s I got right now. So far it fills satin smooth. But still more to do.

    • DS
      Now I know what all those shiny balls were for and to think all these years I thought they were just to look at, now I really can’t wait till Christmas morning. Uh oh we have a problem my tree has no shiny balls on it this year so now what are we supposed to do for fun.
      Actually we are lucky to have a tree put up as both the misses and myself have just not been running an all cylinders for a few months and the time just came to fast this year.


  5. Perhaps you can forward this to those responsible for the incredibly tasteless advertisement I received this morning in my email.

    5 Ways That Pyramyd Disappointed Me This Year:

    1. I didn’t “buy enough” stuff because after losing my job I still needed to keep my girls fed and housed. Sorry your profit margin didn’t increase, but thanks for the hike in shipping costs on goods that are already mostly overpriced.
    2. I didn’t attend your “Cup” for the aforementioned reason, and even if I’d HAD the time or money I’d go somewhere a little more exotic than Ohio.
    3. The cost and quality of items you sell, not to mention sometimes shoddy packaging practices, means you’re probably placed just about where you should be regarding the Bizrate award.
    4. The blog format is fine. But it’s nothing special. So, you caught up with sites who were “current” 10 years ago. Why exactly should I be impressed again?
    5. Some of us don’t and will not Facebook, Twitter, etc etc, in my case for very specific reasons, and being denied access to promo’s or ability to give feedback doesn’t hurt us-it hurts you. Those constraints are yours, not ours.

    I know this will torque a lot of fanboy readers here but frankly ANY company that sends me such ill-conceived “literature” winds up on my bye-bye list. Claim it’s tongue-in-cheek all you want, the fact is it is downright rude. So long Pyramyd….Amazon and your biggest competitor, both of whom beat you on price and service, will continue to receive my limited airgun dollars

      • I don’t know if anybody has checked their email lately but I just received one from Pyramyd AIR about the email we are talking about.

        It was from Kristen Coss apologizing about the humor.

        Kristen If your reading apology accepted.

        Over and done for me on this subject and besides I got to many Bullseye Bucks saved up to shop somewhere else. 🙂

          • LR
            I thought it was nice that she sent out the apology weather it was needed or not.

            Like I said I had to do a double take when I seen the first email about the 5 things or whatever it was. And immediately I saw what was trying to be conveyed. And I also immediately knew that somebody would see it unfit. That is the problem with communication by written words.

            In a face to face conversation or phone conversation I will ask if someone understands what is wanted or needed.

            And see I should probably explain I’m making a in general comment and its not to be taken as a come back. That what’s hard for me anyway is to get what the brain is thinking transfered to the paper.

            But darn anyway I said I was done with that subject. I guess I really wasn’t. I changed my mind darn anyway. 🙂

        • Bullseye Bucks, right would not want to leave them on the table. OK I’m with you Gunfun Apology Accepted! Now on with the show B.B. please tell more about the monopod grip soon. If it ever stops raining I plan to try my hand shooting off mine.

          Merry Christmas to all,


            • Gunfun,

              Yeah, I don’t have the UTG monopod but mine is very nice. There is no flex even when fully extended, the sections lock in any position with no slippage and it has a “V” shape rest that is adjustable for angle. Don’t see why it shouldn’t work for now. The UTG looks like it will hold up better but till this one fails I think I’m good to go.

              Got the Coal Fenix pellets yesterday shot about 20 rounds with the 460 Magnum before the light failed. Not looking very good for that gun both sets of 10 were over 1″, but is was late and maybe I rushed a bit since it was getting dark. I’ll give them another try Friday.


              • David
                I will tell you the truth I haven’t never shot with a mono-pod. So I would like to know about how they are.

                I have been having good success with a bi-pod. Its got the padded swivel yoke on top that will rotate 360 degrees. That does help when setting up on uneven ground and of course the collapsible legs.

                And you say the pellets went 1″. What distance was that? Did you try them in your HW50s?

                And how was they when you opened them. Did they have bent skirts or were they dirty with the gray film on them.

                I know a lot if questions but would like to know what you see.

                • Gunfun,

                  I have never shot with a monopod so this is going to be new for me I’ll let you know how it goes.

                  I’m now able to shoot at 25yds cleared some space behind my bench so I was able to move back.

                  I only had a chance to shoot the 460 and as I said only 20 rounds. The pellets look beautiful no damage at all from shipping. Think the problem maybe head size they seem to fit my gun loosely. The 460 is some what fussy about pellets, won’t shoot H&N but shoots JSB very well going to try some RWS Superdome 8.3gr pellets next pellet order. The Coal pellets may shoot fine in the HW50S and in the light of day they may actually shoot well in the 460. Friday’s forcast calls for sunny weather with 5 mph winds temps in the high 40’s.


                  • David
                    Ok make sure you post with some results.

                    And not really talking about shipping damage to the pellets. Pyramyd AIR is who I get my pellets from. They take extra care to make site they arrive safe. I can’t say that from other companies I ordered from.

                    I was basically wondering about the quality of the pellets.

                    • Gunfun,
                      The Coal pellets look to be comparable in quality to pellets from JSB or H&N not like the Gamo and Daisy junk you get from wally world. I’m hoping the HW50S likes them cause they look first rate.


      • B.B.

        It appears my first reply did not post, so I am repeating it. I’ll agree that the email ad “5 Ways That You Have Disappointed Us This Year” should not have been sent precisely because of how people might be offended by it. However, I think people are taking it way too seriously. I immediately recognized the attempt at humor in it because honestly what business doesn’t imply in their ads that customers don’t buy enough or utilize the business’s services enough, especially at this time of year.

        And for you B.B. and Edith, I want to say thank you once more for all you do to maintain this blog. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    • I didn’t think the ad was funny either, but I’ve always been very satisfied with Pyramyd air’s service/prices. I am also very thankful for this blog. However, my initial knee jerk reaction when I opened the email with the ad was an emphatic two-word-explicative….

      • If I had gotten that it was a festivus joke, I would have been teary-eyed-hysterical with laughter. Maybe they should have worked the “Feats of strength” angle instead.

    • Dangerdongle,

      I agree, I’ll still be reading B.B.’s blog but I also may be taking my air gun bucks else where. I have spent a good bit of money on air gunning gear over the last few years, most of it has gone to Pyramyd. An email thanking loyal customers for choosing Pyramyd should have been sent, not one telling me I didn’t buy enough stuff this year.


      • Pa.oldman.
        I agree also. Pyramyd AIR should stride on being the best by:
        1) price match (75 anniversary Red Ryder $39 @ Bass Pro) (LGV Master $459 @ AoA)
        2) Include all products for special “%” discounts ( Like a TX200 I’ve been saving my bullys eye bucks
        3) Bring back more model of guns (HW 95 HW80K in .20 cal. ) .

    • DD,

      “I know this will torque a lot of fanboy readers…..” doesn’t seem to be the case no one is jumping down you throat over your comment. Hope you stick around here, B.B. is not to blame for some knot head marketing blunder, heck he’s not even the messenger so don’t shoot him.


  6. May we all enjoy family (including mothers-in-laws – what the heck), good company, friendship, happiness, health and x rings only now and for the coming year!

    Fred DPRoNJ

  7. Tom and Edith, and all of the rest of you “regulars,”

    I wish you a Merry Christmas. To those of other beliefs, I wish you a happy holiday season full of peace, health, and happiness.


  8. Merry Christmas to Tom and Edith!

    I found the PA “Christmas Letter” to be bewildering and in poor taste. Being both a customer and frequent contributor to this blog, I failed to see how this ad could possibly help their business. Maybe it was the work of a lone Grinch.

    I think that blue and white model 25 was really cool.


    • David
      I like different color guns too. If its my choice and the way I want it done. Not the government saying it has to look a certain way.

      RDNA has sent me pictures of some of the stocks he painted and ones he dyed and stained. He has a very good idea he came up with to color wood stocks. I will have him do one of my wood stocks one of these days.

      • Gunfun,

        Doesn’t have to be just synthetic stocks, no one says wood is limited to just the traditional brown family. I have a very nicely done blue acoustic guitar that the finish has held up for over three years without a mark. It was purchased as a second knock around guitar and has not received the TLC usually lavished on a fine musical instrument. The translucent finish shows the grain of the this would be a really nice color for an air rifle.


        • David
          My dads hobby was making guitars. He done all kinds of finishes on them.

          And my most favorite stocks on guns is the color laminated wood stocks. And blue and purple happen to be my favorite colors.

          I already talked with RDNA about how I want my wood stock done. The brown wood color will be there but all the grain of the wood will look like veins that are red, blue and purple colored. Then it will have a satin clear coat over it.

          And I have camo painted some guns in the past in the traditional camo. And I did one in desert storm colors. RDNA’s snow camo job on the synthetic stock looks cool.

  9. As an airgun collector you SPENT your hard earned money on those collectible airguns. Once in awhile you take your treasured airguns out and “handle” them, clean them but NOT shoot them because they will loose their value. Time past, you die and cannot take those airguns with you, SAD. After you past away, your family sold them for a good amount of money and they really enjoy spending that money.

    • Joe
      I had a lot of muscle cars through out time and there was a lot of people that wouldn’t even drive them let alone race them.

      The way I see it is they were meant to be enjoyed and driven. I even drag raced my muscle cars at the track.

      That said I fill the same way about guns. I got a FWB 300s from RidgeRunner that looks to be made in around 1976 from what I can find about it. That will be a gun that gets shot everyday that my other guns shoot. I don’t mind passing them on to my kids after I’m gone but I’m sure the heck going to enjoy them now. What they do with them is up to them it wont matter to me. I wont be able to control that.

      So I say enjoy the things you have when you got them. you never know what could happen.

      • Gunfun1,
        Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I felt the same way. I kept all the airguns I like to shoot and shoot them as often as I have time. I sell the airguns that I don’t like even if they have some collector value or potential. I tried to pass the airgun passion to my kids.

    • Somehow, I’ve always thought, NOT using the Feinwerkbau, the 1934 Leica, the collector’s Colt Python, the R90s BMW, or even the Rolex was what I’ve always called an “Abomination” in archaic terms, or an “Active Sin” in more modern speak. It’s a theft from the modern world that desperately needs to know where we’ve been if we’re to have the slightest glimmer of where we’re going.
      I’ll not wax profound on the nature of “Soul” in a mechanical being, but somehow, I think a ’68 Camaro, a 1941 Spitfire, a 1945 Mustang or 1964 1/2 Mustang perhaps may carry more than just a little…Power/Presence/Being all on their own.
      And, despite the Marque-Badge on the Mustang, Iaccoca always said he named the Mustang after the airplane, not the horse.
      But then, either would do well.

  10. Merry Christmas to all !!!! and thanks for everybody’s help throughout the year. Hope everybody gets what they want this year whether it’s a new gun, lot’s of food, or some time with family and friends.

  11. Merry Christmas To All!

    Thanks to all that have replied to my newbie questions and comments. I’m trying real hard to “catch up”.

    And as a poster way up top somewhere said,…. THANK YOU,…. B.B. for all you do to keep this sight up and running.

  12. Seasons Greetings Fellow Airgunners
    I enjoyed your lighthearted article about two of Daisy’s iconic BB guns of our youth. My Dad hunted waterfowl, and upland game birds with his prized Winchester Model 12, 12 gauge shotgun. Because of this I coveted the Daisy Model 12 from the time I was 6 years old up until the time I received my Daisy 1894 BB gun replica for Christmas when I was 13 years old. I loved this gun, and wore it out shooting small targets in our basement. My friends and I especially enjoyed setting posable plastic army men at random distances, ( our basement being 40ft in length ) and see who could send them all flying using the least amount of BBs. We weren’t in the least bit concerned with the steel BBs ricocheting off the concrete walls all around us in random fashion. Proving I suppose, the adage that ignorance is truly bliss.
    All reminiscing aside, I would like to wish my fellow airgunners a very Merry Christmas, and a healthy and Happy New Years. May you all receive the airgun of your choosing, and may it combine accuracy and power with all the reliability and smoothness you covet. A special Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to Edith and BB. Thanks for providing us a forum where newbies, and not so newbies can communicate and glean information from some of the most knowledgeable people in our sport. It is because of your blog’s cornucopia of articles covering not just air, but all aspects of the shooting sports, that air gunning is enjoying such a renaissance.
    Merry Christmas All

    • TG
      You don’t know how many bags of those green plastic army men I asked for when I was a kid for Christmas.

      My dad was in the army and he taught me a great deal about shooting. He was a surveyor and sniper in the Korean war.

      We hunted and fished together. He never even liked me playing army or pointing a gun at something I wasn’t suppose to shoot.

      So it was kind of out of the ordinary when I got that bag of army men. Me and my buddy’s would get together and bring some plastic car models and the plastic army men and set up our little war zone outside. Then we would go back I guess 30 yards or something and take turns shooting our airguns at the plastic army men and the plastic car models.

      Its something I will never forget. Thanks for remaining me. And Merry Christmas.

    • Merry Christmas to all!

      On the Daisy 1894,…I can relate. On 12/8/14, on “B.B.’s favorite air guns”, I asked about my first air rifle but could not remember what model it was. I was 8 then, now 50+.

      Lever action, brass colored receiver, octagonal barrel, plastic stock and bb’s loaded under the barrel in “some sort of spring tube” as best I could remember.

      In real short order, Steven G. replied back with three links to an auction site with lots of pictures. WOW! I was one happy camper. It’s a Sears 799 which I believe is actually the same gun. It’s still there,..(Steve’s post was 12/8/14, 7:50am).

      B.B. chimed in and said that he thought that ” he was getting one for Christmas and if so, would test it for me”. Great guy or what? I’m sure that it would be rated in the fpm, (feet per minute), range. 😉

      I also said that I would love to see that come out in a (quality adult) gun. The Walther is close but I don’t care for the lines, no brass and no octagonal barrel. Make “mine”, and I would buy it in a heart beat! But as B.B. has commented it the past, it take a mfgr. a lot of money and time to re-tool for a new line of gun. So sadly,.. I wait. While I would hate to do it, I would even buy a cheap sub -100$ model just to have it again.

      Well,.. enough lamenting on days of youth, hope you all got what you wanted for Christmas!

  13. And I would like to say Merry Christmas to Otho and all those other air gun people that we don’t hear about very often.

    Like Lloyd from Air gun lab and Dave with RAI and all those others that make us cool stuff for our air guns.

    Merry Christmas to all.

  14. I believe BB had mentioned that he would do a test review of the smooth bore Daisy Model 74 CO2 BB repeater. I was just reading a thread at Gateway to Airguns forum, where an owner claims to be getting 180 to 200 shots per CO2 cartridge. Also, 15 meter 5 shot groups of about 3/4″. I hope he is right, but sounds too good to be true.

  15. I guess this gun

    is not a “real” 25, but I’ve been interested in it. You did say:

    “Well, all the testing is done and the new Daisy No. 25 pump-action BB gun came out smelling like a rose. Today, we’ll look at accuracy, and I think you’ll be pleased.”


    On another subject, I never found time to gelatin-test and photograph more than the 10 “expanding” pellets I previously tested from my .177 LGV and .22 Diana 34. This subject matter and related publications and videos seem to be getting attention these days so what do you say to a different guest blog about bedding rings for scopes? I’m having great success centering the scope on my droopy Diana 34 using Acryglass stock bedding epoxy, and I gained another 0.035″ / 30 MOA (stress-free too–unlike shims). My scope’s elevation dial now runs in its second turn (out of 4-plus turns total range), which is good for keeping the erector tube spring well-tensioned. Previously, my RWS drooper mount wasn’t enough to result in a reliably tensioned spring.

    I protected the scope with released compound and didn’t bond it in place. Thus, it’s removable (but it’s not slipping under recoil either). However, like an EGW Picatinny lifter rail, the Acryglass scope “lift” should be considered to be nearly permanent and built-into the rings or ring mount after the mod is completed.

    I don’t know whether or not it would slip under the recoil of a Diana 350 or Webley Patriot, because no one has donated one to me for testing! 😉


    • Cal,

      Welcome to the blog.

      Your shimming method sounds intriguing, but may be beyond some shooters. I think it will hold under heavy recoil, because Acryglass is used to bed the actions of recoiling firearms.

      Anyway, thanks for the tip. Our more skilled workers may be able to follow it.


      • You’re probably right, BB. You know very well how much ‘smithing most shooters should attempt on their guns. It’s pretty easy to not estimate how much bedding epoxy to apply and either end up with air pockets (which could probably be filled in a subsequent bedding session), an excessively oozing gooey mess, or bond things that you don’t want stuck together! I’ve bedded several rifle stocks and know the material and process well. For me, the rings were much easier to bed to the scope than a typical stock to action bedding job.

        I encourage anyone who is familiar with bedding epoxy to try it (and they might even have the bedding epoxy already sitting on the shelf). Besides being hard and dense when cured, bedding epoxy doesn’t run or sag and I don’t recommend most hardware store epoxies for this application. The Acryglass is working very well for me and I plan to adopt scope/ring bedding as an inexpensive and routine fix for poorly aligned scopes (or scopes that are running out of adjustment range for long range shooting).

  16. I have a Daisy rifle idenical color to the one above but mine is a lever cocking rifle. I received it for Christmas in 1960. I haven’t been able to find any online and now I know why. I always wondered why guys looked at me funny when I said I had a bue and white Daisy! Tom contact me and I’ll send a picture!

    • Grams,

      Welcome to the blog.

      You had a model 110 Rocket Command gun! That was a regularly scheduled model. I have owned 2 of them. They are quite rare today and an excellent one will fetch $300.

      You can contact me at blogger @pyramydair.com


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