by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier
This report covers:
• Media Day
• Hatsan USA
• Gamo news
• Custom Action Trigger
• Umarex USA
Media Day
Monday was Media Day at the range, and I was out there shooting as many guns as possible. Of course, I shot the AirForce Texan. But since yesterday’s report was about the Texan, how about I tell you about some guns in the Crosman booth?
The Benjamin Bulldog is a .357 repeater that’s made in a bullpup style, which, by the way, seems to be a most popular style for airguns in 2015. Normally, bullpups have lousy triggers, but this one seemed very crisp and responsive. The rifle is a repeater with respectable power for a .357-caliber big bore. I shot one with 148-grain Nosler Ballistic Tips and was pretty easily hitting the target at 50 yards.
Benjamin Bulldog is a bullpup repeater in .357 caliber.
Naturally, you want all the technical data on the gun, but that’s going to wait until I can actually test one for you. I will say this is going to be the year of bullpups and big bores (I stole that phrase from Crosman, but I like it so much I’m claiming it as my own!).
I also sampled the new Benjamin Armada, which is basically a Marauder dressed up with Magpul furniture and a Picatinny rail on top. I liked the adjustable buttstock they had on the rifle I shot, and the accuracy for that .22 caliber was standard Marauder, which is to say very good. We’ve tested Marauders in all 3 calibers in this blog; so if we test an Armada, it’ll have to be in some new way that hasn’t been done.
Benjamin’s Armada offers all sorts of tactical furniture options on a solid PCP rifle platform.
I did a lot more shooting at Media Day. Perhaps the strangest thing I saw was a silenced 12-gauge shotgun. Since the range sounded like a firefight all the time and I was wearing earplugs, I have no idea how loud it was; but I would guess it sounded about like a .22 long rifle.
I also saw a neat-looking chronograph that works by induction. No light is needed! Just attach it to the barrel of your rifle and shoot! It’s from a company named MagnetoSpeed in Austin, Texas!
The MagnetoSpeed chronograph works by induction!
Hatsan USA
The first booth I hit on day one of the show was Hatsan USA, where I had lots of questions to ask about the Big Bore BT65 Carnivore QE. Of course, the QE stands for quiet energy, so that’s one question out of the way. This is a big bore with a little sound — something that will please many of you. And, I know from watching a video made by Rick Eutsler that the rifle he tested was very accurate. That’s question 2 out of the way.
Hatsan President Blaine Manifold offered to ship me the rifle to test as soon as possible, so that was question 3. All we have to do now is wait. This will be a test I anticipate eagerly.
I did manage to pin down the exact bore sizes for the 2 big bore calibers. Their .30 is 7.62mm, so that’s a .308, and their .35 is a 0.356 or 9mm. That tells me what size lead bullets I need to find. But he did tell me that Hatsan has contracted with H&N to make special pellets just for these rifles, and I got to see one.
Manifold also told me that this year all their pneumatics will be available with QE (quiet energy), which will certainly please many shooters. There’s more news about Hatsan in Part 2.
Gamo news
At Gamo, I found several new air rifles that include youth rifles for the first time in a long time. Gamo Vice President of Marketing Norvin Hornberger told me the company has made the decision to go after the highly competitive youth market with a trio of pneumatics. Two are multi-pumps, and the third is a single stroke. All 3 apparently shoot both pellets and BBs.
This trio of Gamo guns falls into their new Youth Action Airguns category. I will test them for you as soon as they come out.
Custom Action trigger
In other Gamo news, they’ve come out with a new Custom Action Trigger, or CAT. This is similar to their Smooth Action trigger (SAT), only the CAT allows the independent adjustment of the first and second stages. Hornberger was very proud of the advances they’ve made in their best triggers, and I hope to test a rifle with the CAT as soon as I can!
This Mach 1 IGT has Gamo’s first CAT trigger unit. It adjusts for first and second stage pulls independently.
I’ll have more Gamo news for you in a future report.
Umarex USA
Of course, Umarex USA has been bubbling over with new products this year, so SHOT Show was like another day on the farm. But — and this is an extremely important for those who like the Single Action Army revolver — they did showcase a special weathered single action they made for the U.S. Marshall’s Museum.
It looks like a period piece and all you plough-handle lovers will have to get one. There are only 500, and they limited each dealer to just 30 guns. So sign up when you see them appear on the site, because these will not last.
A special weathered single action was made for the U.S. Marshal’s Museum. There will only be 500.
Was there more? Of course! I’ll fold it into the day two report tomorrow, and there will be enough to spill over to a third day, at least. But I’m just 90 minutes away from the midnight posting of the blog, and Edith needs time to edit what I’ve written.
Airguns seem to be like computers have been in past! Yesterday’s news! Today is obsolete! What’s new tomorrow? Every day is a new day in the airguns world! Can’t wait! Semper fi!
Well if Gamo has made a trigger that doesn’t need replacing they need to put it on every gun they make. When i see more affordable self contained PCP rifles available, well that would be a game changer. As to any airgun that is accurate & well made or even serviceable i would not think that those qualities would ever be obsolete. I am however interested in any new actual innovation in optics and if i had one wish to be granted it would be high magnification wide field optics. While i am wishing here one thing that could be done any time would be a line of strong see through scope rings that actually are made to accommodate the use of iron sights.
I have to say something about the Gamo out of all the gun you just talked about today BB.
That really grabbed my attention that they are giving pump guns a try. Maybe just maybe they could be a nice little gun. And then if they start putting some of their sound reduction technology into them that could be something that interests me. Maybe the Gamo pump guns will start out selling their break barrel guns.
I for sure will be watch how they will perform.
Gamo multi pumps could be interesting. Might be the first time ever that we see a multi pump where the manufacturer claims 1600 fps.
I do hope they will change their sales strategy with the their pump guns.
A person can dream can’t they.
Could be ya know 1600 fps with cleaning pellets or tin foil BBs lol
I’m excited about all of these big bores coming out right now.
I know you want to wait with all the details but can you at least tell us if the new crosman big bore has a shrouded barrel?
I am overwhelmed by work right now. I dealt with over 90 emails this a.m. (it’s 5:15 right now) and tonight there will be another 200+, plus 90+ spams that have to be sorted out. And then there is a new blog to write — before midnight.
The Bulldog does seem quieter than it should be, so let’s assume it is shrouded, but it’s not for backyards.
Sometimes I get confused whether it’s whining about being busy or bragging about job security.
This is intense. Thanks for all your work, B.B.
Tom (& Edith)
Thanks for all your hard work. I never miss a day reading this blog.
Wow..after all those years of neglect, we suddenly see a full new line of pump-up pneumatics from Gamo and from “Black Ops” – coincidence? Is it just me who sees a lot of similarities (pump handle, front sight, loading port) between the Black Ops pumper and the Gamo pneumatic with the green stock?
Mel noticed the same thing I did about one of those new Gamo pumpers looking a lot like the Black Ops gun, save the color swap. Also good to see a new AR-style “black gun” in that lineup, though it’s not a replica.
My added comment on the Armada video you posted on Facebook: I just KNEW that gun was really developed by Superman in his plexiglas–er, crystal–palace!
..and I wouldn’t be surprised to find a connection to the Umarex NXP APX as well.
That new Gamo trigger has my attention. They seem to realize that if they want to catch more than the entry level shooters’ attention, they need to step up the quality. If they keep at it, they may give the Rekord a run for it’s money. I wish Crosman would get in the race.
And what Crosman triggers may you be talking about that you tried?
I am referring to their sproinger triggers. The NP2 trigger was supposed to be a great and glorious improvement, but you still have to fix it.
I want a trigger that I do not feel like I need to do anything to but turn a screw or two to adjust it to my personal taste. I do not want to have to tear a trigger assembly apart to rebuild it into something useable.
The European companies can do it, why can’t Crosman?! If it will ad another $100 to the price, so what? I am willing to pay that now for a Weihrauch or an Air Arms. Even Gamo is catching on. It is pretty sad when I would rather buy a Gamo than a Crosman.
Oh Yea them triggers. But have you tried one. You never know until you try. I haven’t tryed the new Np2 trigger either. But I have tryed their other break barrel triggers. And I think I have given up on the the break barrel trigger dream.
Probably the only way to get a good trigger from the factory on a break barrel would be the Diana’s, Weirauch and FWB’s. And maybe a few other companies out there.
Well we’ll have to see if this new Gamo trigger is a dream come true.
Well, BB said the NP2 trigger still left a lot to be desired and he is usually quite generous in his descriptions. I on the other hand am very critical.
If I thought it would help, I would buy a Weihrauch and send it to them. “Here, copy this air rifle.”
Is the new Gamo trigger a “dream come true”? I doubt it, but it could very well be better than the SAT and I hear it is not too bad.
Time will tell fore sure.
At least we can give Crosman and Gamo credit gor trying to improve their product.
And I agree. As far as their break barrel triggers are concerned they do need to have sit down and take some notes.
But on the other hand the Crosman/Benjamin pcp line of rifles have some very nice triggers. The Mrod rifles and 1720T have very nice triggers and are very adjustable. You would have to own one to know. Yes I have owned them and know.
So why can’t Crosman or even Gamo do the same on a break barrel. Well one reason look at where the Gamo and Crosman break barrels are made. I think that will give you a hint as to why them triggers differ from the pcp line of Benjamin and Crosman triggers.
But really you need to try out a Marauder if you never shot one. I think you will have a little better idea of them then. Not to say you will like them. But its better than guessing.
Oh, I have seriously considered the Marauder. Something you may give some thought to with one of yours is converting it to .30.
As to where the Crosmans are made, the NP2 is made in New York. Now that is in Yankee country, so that may have a lot to do with it. It is amazing that it even functions at all.
You have a sproinger, your FWB 300, with one of the finest triggers in the world on any air rifle or powder burner for that matter. There is no reason that a Crosman sproinger cannont be built with a trigger as good, if not better than a Rekord if they were willing to invest in such.
I for one would be willing to purchase a Crosman sproinger with such a trigger, even if the price tag was around $500. I am ready to buy one now, but to do such, I have to look to Europe. If they would just pay attention to the hunters and shooters as much as they pay attention to the arm chair commandos, they could really do something, both quality and profit wise.
No kind of way I can say anything about the 300s trigger. Excellent trigger.
And I have to leave my .177 and .25 cal. Mrods as is. They shoot way to good to mess with anything on them.
I would have to by another Mrod to do a .300 cal. So I think if I’m going to buy something this next time around its going to be that .30 cal. Hatsan QE. I had that .177 cal. QE model and it was a pretty good shooting gun and very quiet.
So I think that will be my next one.
The NP2 is assembled in new York , not made there. It is still a Chinese made and crosman assembles the guns here and I bought a NP2 back before Christmas with the hope that their claim of it being smoother and less harsh than the plain NPs and have to say I was very very disappointed in it as yes the trigger is still a false two stage trigger that can be made quite nice with a spring change to get it from 8 pounds down to 1 1/2 to 2 pounds. But as far as being smoother and less harsh in its shoot cycle it is way off base in those claims as the NP2 I got shot like the cheap gamo whisper toy gun I bought back before thanksgiving and could not sell it quick enough. I send my NP2 back just as fast as I sold the gamo whisper. I had a Benjamin titan GP nitro guin that was the smoothest shooting break barrel I have shot other than my nitro Venom and Firepower crosman vantage clone. GF1 now has the Titan in the Venom stock that we call the Vitamin and he will also state it is the best crosman break barrel gun he has shot as well. I am in the process of buying another 22 cal Benjamin Titan with the hopes that it shoots as good as the one I traded to GF1. The trigger in the plain NP guns can be made much better by installing a 2.5mm by 5mm by 8mm RC cars bearing on the trigger to sear pin making the trigger have a 1.8 inch first stage with a bearing smooth and crisp second stage let off.
Any idea when the 500 US Marshal will be available? I just ordered the Colt Army. Lucky you to be able to fire all those guns.
Wow! Not a single springer in the news? Really?!
That Gamo IGT Mach 1 with the new C.A.T. trigger is a sproinger.
But that is not a new model, I would say it is an improvement (albeit a significant one) over an existing line of products.
Is the world of springers slowing down in innovation?
Well, there is this new trigger assembly from Gamo, there is the Walther LGU, we hope to see the N-Tec line from Diana soon, FWB just brought out their overpriced Sport, Crosman keeps promising to be competitive.
I had never seen that Gamo IGT Mach 1 before, not that it would have mattered up to this point. With this new trigger I may actually be tempted to buy a Gamo.
My bet would be that they’ve run outta clean dresses.
Any chance Crosman will be bringing out the Bulldog in a regular rifle configuration? Maybe even with a nice wood stock?
The Crosman Bulldog is not getting it for me. I like the design but their stock is just weird looking.
And I do like the big black gun look but the Armada has something wrong appearance wise also. I just don’t know. Maybe its to many accessory attachment rails. But at least they are trying. I guess.
The black rifle does not make it with me. I want the top shelf hunting rifle. A nicely figured walnut sporter stock.
I guess there are just too many arm chair commandos out there for them to care about someone like me.
Synthetic stocks serve their purpose when your out in the woods knocking them around.
But yes I do prefer a nice wood stock on a gun over synthetic.
The problem with Crosman and synthetic stocks is that they want to make them all look like Mattelomatics. I want a hunting rifle, not an “assault weapon”. I am after a squirrel, not The Green Meanies From Plutonia and I have yet to see my first zombie, although I have not been to the Crosman plant as of yet. Perhaps their marketing department has been infiltrated.
What do you think about the FX synthetic stock Monsoon.
I didn’t say the gun I said the stock.
Like I said everybody has a personal preference and the synthetic stocks do serve a purpose.
And darn RR you ain’t looking hard enough or what to look for. I see zombies and aliens everyday. 😉
The Monsoon stock is OK I guess. It is certainly better looking than the NP2. I never caught on to the thumbhole stocks either. I think that is because I have a pretty big paw and quite often the hole is too small for me to hold it comfortably. I have heard that is an issue with the NP2 stock also.
The thumb hole stocks help me to have a more natural hold for my wrist. I broke it when I was younger.
This is just a example because I do like the gun I’m going to talk about. But look at how fat the stock is and the angle is of the stock on the Bronco. That angle kills my wrist.
The thumb hole stocks don’t give me that problem. And that’s why I was so happy with the TX and LGU stock. Even though its a conventional stock it fits my wrist angle good.
But anyway that’s a reason I like the thumb hole stocks.
They are not assault rifles anymore, they are MSRs – Modern Sporting Rifles. If we the gun owning public continue to use the term assault rifle then we are just fueling the gun grabbing commie heard us like cattle DC Bloomberg zombies more ammo to use to take our guns away. We need to learn to talk in circles like they do and use there words against them by using the term “Modern Sporting Rifle” to describe any hunting weapon that holds over 5 round in it magazine because if we don’t learn to use their words back against them then we will lose the fight and I for one will give up all my guns ( including air guns ) when they pry my cold dead fingers from around them.
LOL! OK, OK, MSR they are then. In that case I prefer the ASR, Antique Sporting Rifle.
Now you are catching on to the language of the uneducated gun grabbers in DC that will use any and all language and incidents to turn the public against guns of any kind.
I to have many ASRs as well as MSRs and AAGs ( Antique Air Guns ) that I am not willing to have taken away or their use limited in any way.
I know it is all just semantics but that it precisely what fuel the DC commies use against us in their quest to make America gun free for the law abiding citizens so when in Rome do as the Romans do and use their own words against them.
A true Assault Rifle is a centerfire select fire rifle. Name onemilitary. organization in the world that is armed with the semiauto version. Crickets chirping.
You and me and any educated law abiding citizen understands the concept that an assault rifle has the capability to be used in more than one mode of operation, but our wealthy idiots and their in the pocket DC law makers do not understand that. In their mind any gun with the capacity to carry more than 5 rounds is considered an assault rifle as well as any pistol that hold more than 10 rounds is also considered to be made for only one purpose and that is to kill people.
If you think as they do then all the American public should have the right to own and keep for self defense is single shot gun of any design. I have lived in this country long enough to see so many freedom slowly taken away in the guise of protecting us that I am now unwilling to give any more but rather take a stand and let our Govt know that I do not need them to protect me from myself or any one else as I have done so quite well for 59 years now and still have all my appendages and will continue to have and do as I please with my guns as I see fit with or without their consent.
It has come to a point where we either need to get in the line for the FEMA camp entrance or stand up and take back the freedoms that they are throwing millions into trying to take away. I for one will not be in the line for a FEMA camp but rather stand and fight for my GOD given right to protect and defend my family from any and all threats to my way of life and the freedom to do what I want when and how I want to do it.
I do not know your age but if it is 30 or under then you have no idea of the freedoms you have lost as you never had them to start with and that is my point that they slowly take a little bit of one here and another one there until before you know or realize it you are no longer a free.
What about “new” (2014) Diana products availability to the USA?
There are none this year.
That commemorative Colt Single Action looks like a real must have collector’s item. I can’t wait for Pyramyd AIR to start taking orders for it! I’m also looking forward to your part two. I saw reports that Umarex was announcing the introduction of 15 new airguns at the Shot Show. I’m eager to see what else they are introducing!
It’s a nice-looking gun, but I’m not sure why the U.S. Marshall’s Museum would want an airgun.
This is the year of bustling builders bringing big bore barrels to ballyhooed bullpups for budding buyers.
…..for behemoth buyers that beckon for bulk
I’m not only excited about the big bores, I’m also interested in the Gamo pumper. But not the multi-pumps, I want to know more about the single stroke. I love my brother’s Daisy single pump, but just around 490 fps. I have one that does about 350 fps. I’d love one to go about 600 fps. Maybe Gamo can do it? I know it looks cheap but I am like B.B. in the fact I can forgive if it’s accurate. I know Parker-Hale had one that would do around 800 fps, but when BB did a article about it, I think it was unreal to cock. That and the price tag. Exciting times.
Can’t wait also to see some more info on the Air Ordnance 9mm rolling block rifle. 4000 psi air carts/shells! WOW.
So, the Texan was just the first in a wave of big bores. We’ll have to revisit the blog’s discussion about airguns trying to be firearms. I believe our conclusion about the value of big bores is that they are mostly fun. 🙂 And they extend the possibilities for firearms. Bullpups and big bores looks to be about right as a description. And I would generalize the bullpups to an overall tactical look. Are we colonizing the firearms enthusiasts or are they colonizing us? That Armada looks wicked and with all the rails you can hardly see the air reservoir. But aren’t rails of that extent for close-quarters battle for use with flashlights and lasers? What possible use could they be on a long-range marksman’s weapon? I know that a lot of our products are geared towards appearance, but the rails really seem for show and nothing else.
In commentary on the SHOT Show, I see that CZ pistols continue to make a strong showing. I can’t believe that I was completely unaware of this pistol line that seems to be one of the most popular in the world.
Gunfun1, I understand your point better now about the scope height on the Air Force guns. If the problem is that your eye is not lining up correctly with the scope, then you are exactly right. It is not supposed to work this way. I would be surprised if any scope correction or hold over could fix this problem without being prohibitively complex. I think that the AR design which Air Force copies addresses this problem by raising the scope only high enough to compensate for the low-line of the bore axis. The alignment problems that I have heard of are seen in the bazooka hold whereby shooters rest the buttstock on top of their shoulder than against it. But I believe this is generally done with open sights. A raised scope, then, could be seen as a solution rather than a problem by raising the scope high enough to allow a normal grip position.
Since alignment with your eye should not be the problem, I don’t think range finders and mil-dot techniques will help. But given that B.B. is so busy, I will, for fun, try to channel his answers based on earlier blogs with a full disclaimer that I am not the real thing. 🙂 I don’t believe that B.B. has ever done a blog on range finders because they’re not difficult to use. Are they? Don’t you just point the thing at your target and get a readout? If the suggestion is to use the precision data you get for sighting adjustments, that’s a different thing. B.B. has mentioned that he doesn’t talk about the mil dot formula because it is very complex, and having seen the formula at some point in the past, I would agree. You would be hard put to apply this at a shooting range let alone in the field. And there isn’t a lot to explain, just brute force calculation.
For shooting high or low, the principle is pretty simple. You calculate bullet drop based on your horizontal distance to the target. So shooting to the top of a 100 feet tree that is 10 yards away has the same correction as a target on the ground 10 yards away. The reason is that gravity is always acting downwards, and it’s effect is based on the time a projectile travels a horizontal distance regardless of whether the projectile is also going up or down. A laser can give you a better reading for horizontal distance, but it doesn’t alter the principle behind the correction. Getting back to the original problem of eye alignment with the scope, red dots are supposed to be relatively more forgiving than regular scopes although you should not count on any deviation from the axis of the scope. But parallax is one thing that I have never really figured out, so I will have to defer to others about that.
What you said about a range finder looking up at a tree is absalutly wrong.
If you have ever messed with a laser range finder you will find that for example purposes only. This is not exact numbers.
But if you aim your range finder at the base of the tree and it shows 30 yards away. Then let’s say aim up at the top of the tree which may be 30 yards tall. The yardage will come out short or as if your closer. So my range finder may say 20 yards. I know it don’t sound right but trust me its true.
Now what has to happen is I will have to use my mildot hold as if I was shooting at 20 yards not the 30 yards that the range finder gave you at the base of the tree.
Now what a higher or lower scope height will do is give you a bigger amount of mildot hold you would need to use with the higher mounted scope. Look at the barrel on the Texan and look at how high the scope is up. How much down clicks do you think you would need at a given distance to make the line you draw from the barrel and a line drawn from your scope to intersect.
Now think about the lines intersecting with a scope mounted closer to the barrel. With that set up you may have to adjust some up clicks in.
And remember the pellet still fly’s out of the barrel the same every time no mater what height the scope is mounted at.
So what has to change when you sight the gun in for the various scope height? And what has to change when the gun is sighted in at a distance and you then shoot at different distances?
Your hold over or under. And even though the pellet comes out of the barrel the same you will have a different job over or under for different scope heights.
Check out the Chairgun program on the Hawke scope website. It will graph out and show you exactly what I’m talking about.
And yes its a lot harder shooting at different distances and shots that or up or down verses shooting at one target at one distance all the time. Why do you think I like field target so much. Its just like hunting out in the field or woods.
Let me know what you think.
And suppose to say.
Even though the pellet comes out of the barrel the same you will have different (hold) over or under for different scope heights.
Oh and I missed answering about line of sight.
Yes the right of the scope will make difference when you hold the gun to your shoulder. That should be set up so when you shoulder the gun your sight picture should lock in place every time.
Once you can reproduce that every time you put the gun to your shoulder then that is done. Now you know you will look through the scope everytime the same
Then comes the part about how to use your reticle for different distances which is one of the reasons I like the 1/2 mildot reticle. It gives me more precise aim points for different distance targets.
When I shoot the scope picture locks in when I shoulder the gun. When I shoot at different distances I have that mapped out on a piece of paper I call my cheat sheet. Like sat if I shoot at 35 yards on a particular gun my note will say 1/2 mildot under at 35 yards. Or if I shoot at some in at 15 yards my cheat sheet may say 1 1/2 mildots under at 15 yards. Then all of a sudden I want to shoot at something out at 60 yards. Well my chest sheet may say 1 mildot over at 60 yards.
And remember my sight picture never changes when I put the gun up to my shoulder to take the shot.
The high mounted scope verses low mounted scope I still have to get the gun up to my shoulder and get my sight picture locked in. But high mounted scope verses low mounted scope will make me have to make a new cheat sheet for the two different height scopes.
Again let me know what you think.
Should say in second paragraph.
Yes the right sight picture of the scope will make a difference when you hold a gun to your shoulder.
GF1 is exactly correct in all his comments and if you have not tried the chairgun program you need to download it and input your guns numbers and then you can print out a reticle card that will give a picture of your scope crosshairs with the yardage number on either side of the vertical line of the reticle and show you exactly what number of mil dots over or under you need to use for a given yardage.
I use it in my FT matches as GF1 says for a cheat sheet to remind me just what number of mil dots I need to hold under to hit targets from 10 to 20 yards and then from 45 to 55 yards as I sight in zero at 35 yards which give me a zero hold from 25 to 40 yards. It is a very handy and useful tool in your quest for the perfect kill zone at all ranges.
Here’s a example of true yardage that should be used for your hold shooting at a angle like up a hill as in this picture as well as up in a tree or any angle shot. A good laser range finer will give you a inclination reading like in this example.
I am more into replica handguns. Would like to see some new ones introduced. The Colt Peacemaker is definite, do they have any to show in other barrel lengths? What about the Umarex select fire Beretta 92? Any new variations of the Mauser 712, like a shoulder stock, wood grips for the P08? It would be nice to see an updated Walther PPk like the Makarov Ultra ,the older Ppk/s should be put into the airgun museum. A blowback all steel Browning High Power, and maybe a lever action shell loaded Winchester 73. A M1 Carbine would be nice.
Long barrel P08 with stock. Or just the stock. How bout full auto mp38/40? Semiauto would be fine too. How about shiny chrome “engraved” Peacemaker. Ditto on the Winchester.
I’d love an MP34. Or if they could take the parts from a PPSh41 firearm and make a full auto BB gun from the shell kinda like what they done in the past with makarovs that would be awesome. Although given the fine people at the BATFE and their history of seizing air soft guns and the cost of the parts may be why we don’t already have one… We can certainly dream though haha. (It said I messed up the form in case this is a double post)
I have the Beretta 92FS in nickle/wood and I love it. It puts pellets inside 3/4″ dot stickers all day long at 24ft. Laser site under.
Chris USA
The Baretta 92 fs is sharp looking. Does it use the same cylinders as the Umarex pistols do?
John B,
I use the Crosman 12grams standard ones. BB warned against too much double action shooting as it might wear the trigger / hammer linkages quicker but I believe he was talking about all similar air pistols. I shoot mine in single 99% of the time. Its very nice and has a lot of heft. I did a couple of reviews on the P.A. site after I got it. Look at the nickle/wood version and the comments should be at or near the top.
That’s exciting stuff BB. I have always wanted to go to a SHOT show, never seem to have enough time. The youth gamo rifles are pretty nice looking. I’m in the market for smaller easy to shoot/cock rifle for my girlfriend. She is an incredible shot for someone with little experience, I dare say a natural, and since I just had my first broken mainspring (literally ten minutes ago haha) I think it’s time for her to have her very own. I’m trying to sell her on the air Venturi bronco because it is a perfect fit for her needs and is ambidextrous. The only problem she has with it is that it seems affordable quality takes a backseat to “pretty”… That and the fact that even though she has never been and refuses to go hunting, it appears that the inexplicable desire for power over accuracy and smooth operation typical of those of us new to air-gunning has the same impact on my better half. Anyway, have fun at SHOT show and everyone be safe.
I’m pretty sure the Shot Show is for people in the business only. The regular public can not get in.
I guess we all got our own idea of “pretty”. For some it’s beautifull wood, others its full on assault style. Just curious, what is her idea of “pretty”?
Well she doesn’t like the really dark stained look or a high gloss either, she loves the TX look but not the LGU and her favorite of my guns is a mosin nagant that I refinished with good ol fashioned sandpaper and boiled linseed oil lol so I’m not really sure how to convince he the bronco is pretty enough.
I got the TX sighted in with the new scope AND the water heater got replaced today. 🙂 All is right in the world and the universe is back in balance. ( at least in mine )
A quick review of set up,….out of box, it shot 98mm. low and 43 mm. left. Through adjustments of turrets and a .009 plastic shim under the scope at the bottom half of the rear ring and flipping the removeable dovetail clamps on the rings…..I am getting 1/4″ groups at 40 ft. Only 44 clicks up elevation and 20 clicks left windage.
I called Leapers today and their scopes DO come turret centered. It IS ok to bottom and top the turrets, just be carefull. Also, the scope mounts with the removeable clamp side IS made to be flipped over depending on the width of your dovetail. The shorter tip/point is for a 11mm. wider dovetail and the longer tip is for the 3/8″ narrower dovetail.
Thats about it for now,..Chris
Chris, USA
Well that’s all good news. And thanks for the update about all or scope talk.
But heck all that discussion we were having we missed the most important part.
Are you enjoying your new TX?
Gunfunn1,! Come spring, I will get it sighted at 25yds. and pull the shim and reset from there. Use hold under or over for other distances.
Still going to do the 30mm. rod thing…it HAS to work based on principal. About 50$ but its within .001 of my tube. I may try to go barrel to scope set up but thats about a 18″ reach for the indicator. I’m still not sure you got my idea.
Do the adjustments sound ok for 40ft.?
Chris, USA
I do understand what you are saying about the indicator. And yes it will work like you want.
And what is that about 13 yards or so. Groups are usually pretty tight at that distance. And side to side adjustment sounds nice. And I’m pretty sure when you sight in at 25 yards you will take a lot of that up adjustment out and probably the shim. Just maybe you might end up pretty close to center on your turret adjustment even without the shim.
Sounds like it will be on the money to me at 25 yard zeroing. But you will just have to see the end result when the pellet hits the paper.
And glad your happy with your gun well and scope and rings.
Mistake, first shot was 43 right, not left.
Michaler I totally agree with you on the replicas. I bought the Colt Army and would love to see a lever action Winchester 73. I haven’t been into air guns too long and am totally hooked already.
BB thanks for keeping us up to date.
John B,
I would like to see a quality lever action modeled after the Henry line.
7.62 is NOT 0.308 it is 0.300″ so if that is the bore then the barrel may size towards 0.308″ but if it is the caliber then the bore is likely 0.294″. So until the barrel is slugged we do not have enough information. Seeing as the 30 JSB is designed for a groove of 0.300″ it seems to me the Hatsan 30 will be the same dimensions. Cheers, Walter….
Chris USA
I own a Henery 22 lr Great gun and a great company to deal with. I shoot in my basement,about 30 ish feet and am really enjoying not driving to a range and no range fees,other than supporting this new addiction HA HA. Have a great night.
John B,
“Powder” in the basement……that sounds like FUN! You must have a really good back stop!
Chris USA
No I don’t shoot the 22 in the basement,just the air guns. Break barrels,multi pumps,couple bb guns,co2. I do have strong backstop though,steel and plywood and a stall mat.
John B,
My mistake,…but still,…with the right back stop and hearing protection…..
Just sayin’ 🙂
Chris USA
Yep always. Just getting started in this but I think I have found a good site with Pyramid Air and you guys on here are sure helpful.
I’ve been burned way too many times with Crosman. I’m going to need a lot of convincing to make me drop a grand on that totally ugly lump of injection molded plastic they call a bulldog. It doesn’t look to me like anybody put all that much time or energy into designing it for aesthetics. It’s basically a box shaped ugly plastic lump to me. And a Rolls Royce price for Yugo quality.
There are a few airguns screaming to be made. An M1 Garand using an 8 shot rotary clip in semiauto blowback, a Sprinfield 03 using shell cases in a 5 round clip. A select fire Thompson ,an MP38/40. , M1/2 selectfire Carbine, Remington Rolling Block, Sharps rifle. A S&W topbreak revolver, 1875 Remington. In semi autos the Colt 1903/08 Pocket pistols, Mauser Hsc, and a blowback Woodsman target pistol. Just sayin.
I think companies are deaf or something, the m16 lookin gamo is ok, the bottom two should have wood furniture, then they would have something in the multi pumper category to contend with, otherwise they are not standing out on the box store shelf, especially if they are even a dollar mire then the ones already there. With wood furniture they could be 30$ more but would sell. Everybody wants wood, its been established. If its a wood styled gun, make it out if wood. The armada is pretty cool, but like somebody mentioned, its not realistic to have a mile of rails. I like the Texan but lets be honest, there are other shapes that can be carved out of aluminum, less scope height has been mentioned. Its a perfect minimalist design but I didn’t think they would make EVERY gun exactly the same. Sorry, figured I would throw my critique in the hat, but otherwise, it is good to know the companies have gotten so competitive. Now lets improve your majority market products, the 200-300$ bracket, many have spoken truth that many a fine firearm rifle can be had for 300$ or even less, and the airguns aren’t even getting wood! Come on.