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Air Guns Gamo Compact target pistol: part 3

Gamo Compact target pistol: part 3

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Gamo Compact
Gamo’s Compact single stroke target pistol is back.

Part 1
Part 2

This report covers:

  • The sights
  • Qiang Yuan Training pellets
  • Gamo Match pellets
  • H&N Finale Match Pistol pellets
  • RWS Hobby pellets
  • The rest of the test
  • Summary

Today is accuracy day. We get to see what the Gamo Compact target pistol can do to a target at 10 meters. Let’s get right to it.

I shot the pistol at 10 meters with the gun rested on a sandbag. Since a single stroke pneumatic has no recoil, this is the best way to check the accuracy. I know there are some who believe the gun has to be held in a vise to check accuracy, but in the European factories they test the guns hand-held.

The sights

Remember that I adjusted the width of the rear sight notch in Part 2. It turned out that I got the width just about right for my eyes, so it was very easy to hold on-target. I pulled just one shot out of 40, and I will tell you which one when we get there.

Qiang Yuan Training pellets

In the velocity test the Chinese Qiang Yuan Training pellets had the tightest velocity spread, so I started with them. You may remember back when I tested all three Chinese pellets from Qiang Yuan, that this pellet was a surprise. But that was in two different 10-meter target rifles. I mentioned in part 2 of this report that this pellet fit the Compact’s breech very loosely. So, what did that do to the accuracy?

It didn’t help — that’s for sure! Ten Qiang Yuan pellets went into as pattern (too large to call it a group) that measures 1.699-inches between centers. That’s not good at all! As good as this pellet was in the 10-meter rifles, it is not the right pellet to use in the Compact.

Gamo Compact Qiang Yuan target
Ten Qiang Yuan pellets spread out like this at 10 meters. Group measures 1.699-inches between centers.

Does that result discourage you? It would me, if I didn’t have experience with these target airguns. But the truth is, one pellet will do this and the next one will shoot tight. Let’s take a look.

Gamo Match pellets

Next I tried Gamo Match pellets. Remember I said in Part 2 that I was testing this pellet because a tin of 250 came packed with the gun. Well, they may have had the largest velocity spread, but they didn’t do so bad on the target! Ten pellets went into a group that measures 1.007-inches between centers. But look at the 7 pellets in the center! That sub-group measures 0.506-inches!

Gamo Compact Gamo Match target
Ten Gamo Match pellets went into 1.007-inches at 10 meters. Seven of them went into 0.506-inches and it appears that each of them is a score of 10 points (the second ring out from the center).

Don’t fuss about the 3 pellets that aren’t in the smaller group. Remember, I’m human and also 68 years old. Some of that dispersion is from me! I would consider shooting Gamo Match pellets in the Compact, if I were you.

I will also mention that about half of these pellets loaded very hard, and the rest were just snug. Maybe some sorting with the PelletGage would improve things.

H&N Finale Match Pistol pellets

Next I tried H&N Finale Match Pistol pellets. These loaded snugly and from my experience I expected them to do well in the Compact. I think they did. This was the pellet that I called one shot as off target. I could see when the sear broke that is was going low and to the right, and that is exactly where it went. Ten went into 0.995-inches at 10 meters — even with the shot that was called. The other 9 went into 0.726-inches. While that is larger than the sub-group of 7 Gamo Match pellets, and while I didn’t shoot as many 10s with this pellet, I would still include it in the group of pellets to be tested further.

Gamo Compact H&N Finale Match targett
Ten H&N Finale Match pellets went into 0.995-inch3s at 10 meters, but the lowest hole was a pulled shot that was called. The smaller group of 9 holes measures 0.726-inches between centers.

RWS Hobby pellets

The last pellet I tested was the 7-grain RWS Hobby pellet. That one also loaded snugly and I expected great things from it. Hobbys are pellets that often surprise me with their accuracy. But not today. Ten Hobbys went into 1.206-inches at 10 meters. The group seems to have fewer than 10 holes, but several pellets landed together. There are 10 pellets in this group.

Gamo Compact Hobby target
Ten RWS Hobbys went into 1.206-inches at 10 meters. Probably not a pellet for the Compact.

The rest of the test

So, how was the Compact in all other ways? First, I definitely would have to shape the grip to suit me. It doesn’t conform to my hand like a Morini grip would. But it also didn’t cost $250 for just the grip panels. In fact, every 10-meter pistol I have ever owned needed some work in this area.

Next, while the trigger does break cleanly now, it’s still too heavy. I am used to a 500-gram (18-oz.) release and this one goes at 1,077 grams — more than twice as heavy. That does throw me off my game.

I note for the record that the first shot of every group was a 10. But then I seemed to lose concentration to keep the rest of them there.

For plinking and informal target shooting, I think the Compact is a wonderful air pistol. It’s what you want to hold and has the accuracy to go with it. Yes, a Beeman P17 is also a delightful single stroke that is quite accurate, but it doesn’t have the grips and the sights of the Compact. You have to decide what you want.


I found the Gamo Compact to be a good value for the money. It’s in the form of a target pistol, though it’s not suited to formal competition. But for learning how to shoot a handgun, it’s a good one

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

74 thoughts on “Gamo Compact target pistol: part 3”

    • Reb,

      The trigger is just waaaay too heavy for one thing. You could learn to use this trigger, but when you are used to shooting a nice, crisp, half pound trigger, this would be horrible. Since I do not shoot competition, I have the trigger on my Izzy adjusted like most people like the trigger on a 10 meter rifle to be. I think shoot, and it fires.

  1. I found your comments on the Gamo Match Pellets interesting. I just bought a few tins of them. and the head size is too large to load into a Umarex 8 round magazine. Using the magazine as a gauge, only about 40% of the pellets would fit, without excessive force. As difficult as my P17 is to load, even with pointed pellets, I think you did well
    to load them in the Gamo.
    I have both the P17 and the Webley Alecto. The Alecto is a nice pistol, but so bulky, I have to use a padded rest for any kind of accuracy. The apparent smaller dimensions of the Gamo Compact may be a plus for me, how ever think I will pass for now. Thanks BB for the great report.
    Best wishes

  2. B.B.,

    Your comment on the trigger pull weight caught my attention. I know you added some moly paste previously. I am assuming that if the pistol had some adjustment, you would have got it set to your liking.

    This pistol aside, is there a (general) consensus on the ideal trigger weight for a pistol or rifle? Or does it come down to the shooter’s personal preference?

    Another way to ask it is, if you have professional competition shooter(s), and they all can adjust their triggers, will you find them all set close to the same weight, or will you have some shooters with their triggers set very light and others with theirs set rather heavy?

    And perhaps a more pointed question, does trigger pull weight come into the picture when trying to aim and (steady) a pistol or rifle?

    For me, light seems better. The key is to be sure one is pulling straight back/through, of course, regardless of pull weight.

    Thanks, Chris

  3. BB,

    I personally think this pistol has potential as an entry level competitor. You are comparing this trigger to a much more expensive competition pistol, so of course it is way heavy. A regulation adjusted trigger would feel pretty heavy to me as I have the trigger on my Izzy adjusted more like a 10 meter rifle.

    If you train and shoot with this pistol, your body and mind will learn to use this trigger. No, I do not see this pistol in the Olympics, but with a little trigger time someone could probably make others take notice. How much practice with your pistol did you have to put in before you started to get anywhere with it?

    • RR,

      Yes, trigger time with the gun you compete with is essential. When I competed (for three years) I spent an hour a day with the gun. I shot about 5 60-shot matches each week, on top of that. So maybe 10-12 hours a week with the gun. And I was a duffer. A real competitor would have spent 40-50 hours a week.


      • B.B.,

        I thought the above question(s) were pretty good ones. As I sure you have read,…I have played with the trigger pull weight on the TX and LGU. The LGU will not adjust as fine as the TX. I am still learning and I was most interested of your opinion on the subject of pull weight and control/aim/accuracy….if one even exist.

        While I “think” I like “light”, maybe a hevier pull will help with accuracy. I just do not know. Chris

        • Chris USA
          There you go again. You like testing. You got the guns. Try it.

          I been waiting for you to tell me what you find. And waiting. And waiting. And waiting.

          Just post what you find out. And if I remember right a little while back BB did answer that when you asked and pull weight does matter and people have been setting their triggers up to match their type of shooting for years.

          Now it’s your turn on your guns.

          And BB I hope I didn’t answer the wrong way. I’m pretty sure that’s similar to what I remember you saying.

          • I just watched an X-wing drone on digital trends.
            Apparently some guy known as Oliver C has done a buncha Star wars replicas and has posted build instructions. I tried to figure out how to get a link to you but I don’t think it’s gonna happen on this phone.

          • GF1,

            I vaguely remember something to that effect. (Set it up to your own style and preference). I looked back through my notes and found nothing specific regarding a general high/low range for pull weight on pistols or rifles. That’s all I was asking,…is there a general consensus? Let’s face it though, for the most part, you are stuck with whatever you got. Lucky that the TX and LGU offer some adjustments.

            As for “waiting”,…I adjusted the pull weight on the TX and it is now very light and I did the Yankee Tune on the LGU trigger as well as pull weight adjustments. I believe that I posted results of (all) testing as I went along,…including any notes with regards to perceived accuracy. The LGU testing was quite extensive with groups fired at each 1/4 turn of pull weight. I’m sure the TX went through the same, but it’s been a few.

            Sorry if I ask the same thing twice. There is a lot to learn, try, apply and remember. Then there are “good” days and “bad” days that makes one question whether or not,…(anything) is working for better or worse.

            • Chris USA
              Now that you say that I do remember you mentioning about your 1/4 turn at a time adjusting. Guess I’m getting forgetful.

              And ain’t that the truth. It seems one day everything works nice. Then the next day nothing seems to work.

        • Chris,

          You never know about triggers — until you know. You know?

          I’m joking but the fact is that as you become more proficient with all guns your preferences are going to evolve like everything else. A trigger that seemed too light last year may now seem stiff and creepy.

          This is a journey. And your own opinions are probably the most important guidelines you can have.


          • B.B.,

            Thanks,…yes it has been a journey and yes I can see what I thought 6 months ago has evolved into something else now. Being newer, I am anxious to “get there” quicker, trying to make sure I have not overlooked something that will improve my groups. Thanks to you, this blog and everyone here, I have gotten better and was able to make what I shoot better as well. The ONE thing that keeps coming back around is that a lot of getting better is shooting,…and lots of it. Compared to some here, I feel like a “duffer”, to quote you.

            At any rate, thanks again,…Chris

  4. I can’t help but compare the Crosman 2400KT that I’ve spent so many hours with … For less than $150 the .177 grouped under half an inch with 18 of 24 pellets I tested, with several grouping around a quarter inch. Of course that was with a carbine stock and scope, and you’d have to add $30-60 to the price for open sights, but if your hold is that steady she’ll shoot that well. The Gamo, on the other hand, offers wood grips and a better trigger, but I would still call the 2400KT a bargain as a match pistol.

  5. Hello, Tom and all – I’m told that most of the “serious” 10 meter shooters buy wadcutters that have been sorted. Interesting that you see some POI variance with the Gamo pellets. Based on what you feel with putting them in a the breech, I’m thinking you would see some head diameter variance with your Pelletgage, too.



      • B.B.,

        I picked up a PelletGage too — I had to, and it’s all your fault! Ha ha. Although I have not had it as long as you, and I know I’m not measuring anywhere near the number of pellets you are, I too am surprised at the variance.

        Just as an example, I was measuring a tin of H & N FTT 14.66s this week. I bought the 5.53mm head size, but so far a significant number are falling in the 5.56, 5.57, and 5.58 range. As I’m sure you know, the .22 PelletGage maxes out at 5.57mm. I’m calling the ones that won’t fit in that hole the 5.58mm size. I have had enough of those to allocate them into a separate tin. That, to me, is a significant deviation from the advertised size of 5.53mm.

        Jim M.

        • Jim,

          Wow — that’s an eye-opener! I have always had problems getting H&N FTT to shoot, but others tell me they are very accurate. With a variation that large they shouldn’t be that good.

          Those larger pellets might be ideal for some Chinese airguns with oversized bores.


          • B.B.,

            So far I’ve only had a chance to try the H & N FTTs at 10m, but at that short distance they are grouping very well out of the .22 TX 200 — one big hole — and also out of the HW 90, which is very pellet finicky. I’ll report back when I get a large number sorted, and also tested at longer range.

            I am wondering if they are doing well because they fit so snugly? Once sorted they are consistent, and all look excellent – very uniform, no skirt damage, etc.

            Jim M.

  6. BB,

    How would you rate the Daisy Avanti 747 against the Gamo Compact? If you were just starting 10-meter pistol again, what would your first pistol be?

    Jim in Chapel Hill

    • Jim,

      The Daisy 747 is pretty heavy. I like that in a target pistol, but most shooters don’t. The Gamo is very light. I find a light pistol difficult to hold steady.

      The Gamo has better grips than the Daisy. The Daisy’s grips are not made for target shooting, while the Gamo’s are. They need fitting, but like I said, most grips do.

      The Gamo trigger is superior to the Daisy. So are the sights. If I could only choose between these two, I’d pick the Gamo. But the Daisy can shoot as well as the Gamo, so don’t think it is not accurate.


      • BB,

        Thanks! It’s always hard for me to judge two different models unless they are compared directly.

        So, if you were not limited to the 747 or the Compact what would you choose as your entry into 10-meter pistol?

        • Subsonic,

          Just this morning I was looking at a used FWB model 2 CO2 10-meter pistol for sale for $475. I have shot these pistols and know the following:

          Their grips were designed by Casare Morini — the finest target grip maker in the world.
          They are uncommonly accurate.
          Being CO2, they will last a long time and are easy to rebuild.
          They have wonderful triggers.
          Their sights are perfect for me.

          If I had not shot an FWB P34, I would pounce on this pistol in a heartbeat. But I have dated a supermodel, and now I’m ruined for normal people.


          • I’ve no experience with airguns but am considering getting into air pistols. Regarding the used FWB model 2 CO2 10-meter pistol you saw this morning:

            Where do you find used air pistols? I’m in Fairfax, VA. I looked for the Salem airgun show but understand that it’s no longer running; I found the Hickory show, but it’s a 6 hour drive. Would gun shows normally have many airguns?


      • Superior trigger to the Daisy? Derrick has tuned my trigger so that I can hardly imagine better. The Beeman P17 continues to amaze. I very much like a $34 gun which would be my cheapest airgun by far. The Gamo would have to be a lot better to justify the extra $200. Glad to see the HN pellets doing well. I’m newly appreciative of them after their fine performance in my Walther Nighthawk.

        Buldawg, I know of briar patches only from the Brer Rabbit tales, but they do sound ugly. And your mosquitoes sound like they can compete with the mosquitoes and bugs of Minnesota. It’s a little-known aspect of the Land of Lakes. My big revelation was when I was swimming in a lake and getting attacked by gigantic flies. One fixed itself onto my scalp, so I dived underwater, but the thing kept hanging on! Disgusting. I think the bugs are so vicious because they know they don’t have long to live and they make the most of it. The big secret of Minnesota is that the summers with the heat, humidity, and bugs are even worse than the winters.

        Otherwise, swamp hunting sounds just like the Seminole Wars of the 19th century, a Vietnam that was out of the public view and without the technology. Accounts say that people could sink up to their neck in what appeared to be solid ground. I must say that the boar has logic on its side in thinking it is safe in an environment like that. Other than the small kill zones, are boars really protected by bony plates under the skin? Seems like a good strategy that other animals might have developed. Anyway, I just received four packets of wild boar sausage for $64 and am ready to try out the different recipes.


        • Matt
          The briars of the west coast of Florida swamps are most definitely some unforgiving plants and would always draw blood regardless of how well you tried to protect yourself from them but it was just part of the hunt. Yea it sounds as though you have skeeters of the same species as Florida and now Alabama have and I can imagine the Land O Lakes being very similar to the Thousand Islands of Cocoa Beach in that you have a perfect breeding ground for the dive bombers to thrive in and easily overpopulate us in numbers. I agree that insects seem to give it their all since they have such short lives as you say they so they do make the most of it for sure.

          The Green swamp area that we hunted in was very much like you state with quicksand holes that did appear to be solid ground that would swallow you up very fast and was one reason we never hunted alone ( plus the boars we were after as well ). I don’t know if the boars thought they were safe in that environment or it was just very appealing to their way of living since they had water and mud to stay cool in the summer heat and plenty of food to thrive on as well as little in the way of competition for survival since there was no real predators they had to fear other than man. Boars of that size ( 600 pounds and up ) are not so much protected by any more bones than pigs or other swine it just that they have skin like a bullet proof vests and several inches of fat that tend to absorb most if not all of a bullets energy and the skull and shoulder blades are indeed like a knights armor in that I have seen high powered rifle rounds ricochet off their skulls and shoulders at under 100 yard ranges.

          Let me know what you think of the boar sausage you just got as I believe if it is of high quality you will be very pleasantly surprised at the difference in it and store bought pork indeed.


  7. I like the “looks” of this pistol. I would prefer a “slimmer” normal type grip, but that’s just me. That said, I think I’ll pass on this one. At $250, it did not group as well as the Daisy Avanti 717 Triumph Match that is priced at $170. Also, I never seen a pic of the groups the P17 put out, but I think it’s in the ball game too, at $35. Thank for the test B.B.

  8. BB

    My old one shoots a fair bit better than that. And I’ve just tested the trigger with an RCBS gauge: a tiny bit over 1lb (so 500 grams).

    Either you got a lemon, or Gamo have messed the gun up over the years.

  9. This is in reply to Chris USA, who share some pellet data on the 25th. I’ll put his original post below my reply.

    Chris. Sorry for the delay in responding. Wow! Way more intel than I expected. And good shooting. Are these 10-shot groups? So far I’m just “playing” with the JSB 15.89s, and the H & N 14.66s at 10m. I’m getting groups of one large hole, but not tight enough to say much about.

    I see you tried the H & N 14.0s — those are the “Snipers”, right? Not much luck with those? You think they’re too light, or something else?

    Do you use a PelletGage? I’m sorting some of the 14.66 H & Ns now. I’m getting a large number of 5.57s, and even some that I’m calling 5.58s — although that’s larger than the PG measures. If you aren’t using a PelletGage, are you sorting by weight or anything?

    Thank you for sharing!!

    Jim M.

    From Chris:
    This is for Jim M. who recently got a TX200 in .22 and asked what pellets I had tried and the results.

    Pellet/Weight/FPS Avg./MM group @ 25 yds/Pellet fit:

    AA 13.43/655/15 (HO)/Light~Good
    HN 14.00/—/34 (HO)/—
    JSB 14.35/—/18 (HO)/Good
    RWS 14.50/686/14 (12 fpe kit)/Light~Good
    HN 14.66/691/20 (HO)/Tight
    JSB 15.89/631/14 (HO)/Good
    AA 16.00/603/22 (Stock)/Good
    Pred. Mtl. Mag./602/26 (HO)/Tight
    JSB 18.13/611/18 (HO)/Good
    HN 21.14/584/34 (Stock)/Tight

    A few notes,
    1) I had the stock version and then did a Vortek 12 fpe kit, and then the Vortek HO kit
    2) The stock and HO kit chrony results are near the same. (JSB 15.89 stock=631 and HO=643)
    3) Note that the FPS drops as the pellets get heavier,..in “general”, but not linier. They are listed lightest to heaviest.
    4) I would not put too much stock in the MM results. Those are my best at 25 yds. The testing and tunes were done over several months and I have improved since then, so I think it is fair to say that I could improve all of them slightly.
    5) I use millimeters to measure, as a ruler is quicker and mm offer more graduations than inches (25 vs 16 per inch)
    6) In summary, the JSB 15.89, and 18.13 seemed the best, with AA 16.0 and 13.43 close behind. That is based on averages and over multiple groups and showed the best repeatability.

    Hope some of this helps to narrow down your testing. By the way, all are domes except the Pred, Mtl. Mags.


  10. Jim M,

    Glad you finally caught up to me. No problem on the info. Hope it helps. As for your questions:

    1) All are 10 shot groups. I got the TX in Jan.,…so 41′ indoors was it for awhile. All the results posted were outdoors at 25 yds.
    2) Yea, I had high hopes for the Snipers. GF1 likes the 10.34 in .177 JSB’s. They have the same shape, long waist and short skirt. But no, they did not shoot well. May try them again later.
    3) Sorting,…I have done some. 3 types. Weighed and head sorted. I do not have a pelletgage. I used calipers and a grain scale. At the time, early this year, I do not think I shot well enough for the sorting to show itself. That may be different now. What was interesting was that I chronied the 3 types and the sorted pellets had a HIGHER spread than random pellets. 1,2 and 13fps increase in spread. No idea why.

    The HN’s seem to all fit tight. Many say that a “just right” fit is best. The AA and JSB’s all seem to fit “just right” and the results seem to coincide with that.

    Hope this all helps you. Keep us all posted as you progress. Lot’s of info. on .177 TX testing,…but not much on .22 TX testing. You and I seem to be the “odd ducks” of the bunch. 😉

    Come back,…Chris

    • Chris USA
      Just remember that just because the H&N 14.66 snipes as your calling them look the same as the JSB 10.34’s. That doesn’t mean they will perform the same.

      I think the majic word is “fit”. That seems to make a difference in the pellets performance the most. But that shape does seem to allow the pellet to fly faster for how much it weighs. Then combine it with a good ” fit” to a guns barrel and that shape does seem to work nice.

      Chris now you need to get a .177 caliber Tx so you can do some experimenting with that caliber. Come on you know you want to. 😉

      • GF1,

        Yea,…I know that just becuase they look the same, does not mean that they will perform the same. And yes,…the fit does seem to be the obvious factor. Maybe JSB needs to explore this shape in .22? Or…HN needs to offer some head size variations? Either way,…both will work,…as long as “they” work.

        Really?…….177?,.. too? Not really sure where I want to “head” next. I would like to get the 92FS back up and running. I think it was Ridgerunner that said he likes to have 1 of each type of airgun. In other words,….not too many that you can not use and enjoy them all. I still want to get the best of the TX and LGU. Not to mention,…I have spent more money than I ever thought possible on a hobby.

        Plus,…with my big “paws”,…the .22 size works nice,….50 cal. would work better,…. 😉 Chris

    • Chris,

      Man — those are good groups for 10 shots — and outdoors too! I did a little “mini test” this week. I sorted some H & N FTT 14.66s. They’re supposed to be 5.53mm head size, but I got a significant number of 5.56, 5.57, and even 5.58 head sizes. I shot some 5-shot groups at 10m with each of those sizes, and did not see any appreciable difference in point of impact. Not to say that will hold true at 25 yds or so, but those were all snug enough to not seem to make a difference.

      I have a grain scale too, and started weighing some of those as well. I’ll sort out some of each head size / weight, and get back to you once I can try them at 20 plus yds.

      I am partial to the .22s. I have an Umarex Octane in .177, and a RWS 52. I really like the Model 52, and am keeping my eyes out for a gently used one in .22.

      Have you tried any of the JSB 13.43s?

      Jim M.

      • Jim M,

        I have not tried the JSB 13.43’s. I may give ’em a go in the future. Should punch up the fps. The chrony results as mentioned above make no sense. You would figure that weight and head sorted would give better results on fps spread. Go figure.

        For me, I have not tried the head/weight bit for awhile. My thought on that is that a person has to be a pretty darn good shot for the weight/head sorting to show better results. GF1 sold me the LGU and 6 tins of JSB’s 15.89 and the pellets got beat up pretty good on the way over. Long story, short…..he shot a 5/8″ group with some of the worst bent up skirts that I sent back to him. At 35yds. 10 shot group. So much for “perfect” pellets……huh?

        Keep me posted on future blogs. And,….get that puppy (aka TX .22) outdoors before the weather turns!!!!! I live in Ohio,…where about’s you are? Chris

        • Chris USA
          So much for marking do not drop on the package huh.

          But remember what I was saying it seemed like the head size and fit to the barrel seems to make the biggest difference. I have shot pellets with bent skirts and seen some difference compared to not bent skirts. But if someone else loaded the gun with bent skirt pellets I would probably not know the difference in my groups when I shot them.

          Have you tryed experimentng with them yet? And like I said to you before (many times) I’ll buy them back. I have no problem using them. Plus the cap of a Bic ball point pin will straighten bent skirts pretty good.

          Like I said before if you don’t want them let me know.

          • GF1,

            No problem on the pellets. You did a real good job of packing them, short of the P.A. foam block treatment. Actually,…I am looking forwards to trying them them this winter. If I get to shooting really good this fall on a session,…I will try them right after. Odd, but the 18.13 JSB’s seem to be doing better,…at least as good.

            • Chris USA
              I know. I didn’t have any of their packing material left from previous orders. Live and learn you know what I mean and you would think they would do a better job delivering. Especially if you mark the box.

              And I have had the same results with the 15.89’s and the 18.13’s. It seems they take turns trying to be the best. But who knows. Maybe it’s really all about me and how I’m shooting.

              I have been playing that game with the JSB 8.44’s verses the 10.34 JSB’s shooting out of the M8 after I tuned it. But the wind has been a problem all week. I have been finding myself shooting between the gusts and rushing my shots. So I’m up in the air ( no pun intended ) about my results with the two different weight pellets. The main thing is that the groups are respectable compared to when I got the M8.

              But at least it’s more time on the trigger with ( not ) ideal conditions. And at least it’s fun learning.

        • Chris,

          I picked up a tin of the JSB 14.35s, instead of the lighter ones. I put a post on today’s blog about some pellet sorting I’ve done, including that tin.

          That is amazing, about GF1 shooting so well with the beat up pellets. Makes me wonder if the head size was snug enough that the skirt didn’t really matter that much, when it came to catching the rifling — or if the skirts are thin enough that the air pressure “blew them into shape”? I don’t even know if that is possible.

          It’s starting to cool off a little here, but I’m sure you’ll get cold weather ahead of us — I’m in Kansas, in a suburb of Kansas City.


          • Jim M.,

            Thanks for keeping us posted. I would trust the pellet gauge. From all I have heard, it is dead on. As for pellets, sounds about right. It can go either way, but generaly more are lower.

            Not only can the skirt “blow out”, the waist can too. Some skirts are thicker and others are thin.

            While your testing, A 4″ piece of pvc pipe and capped at the back, stuffed with pillow stuffing will catch a pellet and not damage it. That way you can see what it does. Stay back 10′ or so, or more, as long as you can hit the 4″ I.D. of the pipe. 2′ of pipe stuffed pretty tight ought to do it.

            Check before and after pellet dimensions. Chris

  11. I see your point. It’s just that it was so shocking to see such a crude handle on a quality gun. In fact, that looks too crude to be on the cheapest made gun.

    Maybe with a Dremel tool with a sanding drum and a can of varnish it could be made presentable. I still don’t like it.

    I think guns should be things of beauty, whether they are air guns or powder-burners.


  12. Frankly, the groups disappointed me. I was eager to read this report about accuracy test, but found the groups were worse than my 30-year old Daisy 717, even no better than my $35 Beeman P17 if not worse. So the only things better than a P17 are its grip and the sights. From your previous blog articles about Gamo Compact vs IZH 46, I saw better results. Is this pistol messed up somehow?

    I don’t know if other pellets will do better. I own IZH 46M and Daisy 717, but I like light weight pistol like P17, I hoped Gamo Compact would be a good choice. But this result is hard for me to put $250 on it. Unless there will be another accuracy test prove its value.

  13. I received my Gamo Compact today, and love it. After about a half hour sighting-in, all is well. However, the instruction “Manual” (if you could call it that) only tells how to cock, load, and adjust the sight and the trigger angle. It covers nothing related to routine lubrication, or “do’s and don’ts” related to helping (or hurting) this gun’s functioning over time. Your 3-part review has been very helpful, up to a point (shooting-wise, but not “care-wise”). Thank you for any help.

    • Joe,

      Welcome to the blog.

      There isn’t much maintenance for your Gamo Compact. No oiling is required and you should b=never clean the barrel. Just shoot the gun and enjoy it.

      If accuracy falls off (it probably never will) then clean the barrel with JB Non Embedding Bore Cleaning Compound on a wire brush. Twenty strokes through the bore in both directions with a paste-laden brass brush, then clean away all residue. But a Compact will probably never need that.

      NO routine lubrication! That will only cause problems. That’s why you didn’t read anything about care in my review. It simply isn’t required.


      • Many thanks, especially for the quick reply. Yesterday I found a Youtube entry showing a person taking apart and putting together a Gamo Compact. Near the end of the 20 minutes, he oiled the intake hole and shaft. Glad I got your message before I tried it.
        That being said, I think the manual should have said “no need to oil”.

        • I just got a email from GAMO regarding the above: “Never, ever add oil to the cylinder or any other internal parts. You can wipe the outside down to prevent rust”.
          It would have been nice if they had included this in the manual, especially since it is not unusual to use oil, like Pellgunoil, on the interior of other guns. BTW, they replied to my email in less than 24 hours.

  14. Tom
    I realize that i am 3 years late, but I have just contacted Gamo and they no longer support this pistol. do you have a copy of the instruction manual. If so, can you send me a pdf copy. if not, do you have a source for the manual. Thanks

    • Mike,

      Welcome to the blog.

      I can do even better. Pyramyd AIR does carry this pistol, which they call the V-10. You can a .pdf of their manual here.


      I just received one for testing and I will be starting a test soon. The V-10 is the older version of the pistol that has an exposed trigger, so I will show what to do with that as well.


  15. Tom:

    Thank you for the manual. I believe that the version I have is also very early as there is no identification except for the name Gamo on the right of the slide and a serial number at the base of the grip frame. The pistols you showed in your article had a model name on the left of the slide. The people at Gamo were surprised that there was no model identification, and I had to send them a photo. I believe that my seals are shot. Do you know of someone that can fix it?

    Thanks for your help.


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