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Education / Training Feinwerkbau Model 2 target pistol: Part 1

Feinwerkbau Model 2 target pistol: Part 1

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

FWB model 2 pistol
FWB model 2 target air pistol.

This report covers:

  • Affordable target pistol
  • The importance of a grip
  • A huge price gap
  • FWB Model 2
  • How I got this gun
  • Back to the gun
  • Sights
  • Trigger
  • Dry-fire device
  • Grips
  • Accuracy
  • More to come

Affordable target pistol

Today we begin a report on an air pistol — the FWB Model 2. It’s a 10-meter pistol that was made back in the 1980s. I’ll tell you all about it, but first I want to tell you that this series is not really just about this one pistol. It’s really a response to reader, Mitch, who asked me about any 10-meter target pistol I knew of for under a thousand dollars. Like many shooters, Mitch wants to try his hand at 10-meter shooting. He plans to purchase a Gamo Compact now, but in case he finds that he likes 10-meter he wanted to know if there was a better target pistol that he could afford.

He asked me about the Air Arms Alfa Proj, which looks like a 10-meter target pistol to the uninitiated. The Alfa Proj is an accurate pistol and it does have some of the characteristics of a 10-meter target pistol, but it lacks the adjustable grip, and that takes it out of contention for serious target work. It’s great for informal target practice, but you would be giving away too many points if you attempted to use it in a formal match. Allow me to explain.

The importance of a grip

A formal target match is 60 shots for a man. The grip is one of the most important parts of the gun because it locks the pistol in the hand the same way for every shot. You don’t hold the pistol — the pistol holds you! Until you compete, it’s difficult to understand why this is important, but a target shooter does not hold his gun with his muscles. If he tried to do that he would start shaking after 20 shots and his score would reflect it. The target shooter learns how to position his body so his skeleton supports the majority of the weight of the gun and also doesn’t allow it to be aimed very far from the center of the target. Your feet are positioned to orient your shooting arm and also to lock your upper body in position. When you stand correctly it is nearly impossible to shoot more than two inches to the right or left of the center of the bull. But up and down is a different story.

Up and down (whether the pellet hits high or low) is controlled by your upper body. And that is another skeleton triangulation thing. The shooting arm is extended like a girder and the pistol sits in the hand with the palm shelf holding it artificially high, so you have to lower the gun to get the correct sight picture. This is where the adjustable grip comes into play. If you didn’t have that grip, the gun would flop around in your hand and point anywhere it wanted — throwing off all the body positioning! See how important that grip is? The Compact has an adjustable grip. The Alfa Proj doesn’t.

To learn more about this process, read this report where I describe how to get into the correct shooting position. Also read this report, where the importance of the grip is explained. And finally, read this report where I show how it all comes together.

A huge price gap

There is a huge price gap between the Gamo Compact that is a very affordable target pistol you can experiment with and a serious competition pistol like the FWB P44. There isn’t much in-between. I have advised shooters to look at used target pistols when they want to move into the serious ranks and don’t want to spend the money.

Don’t get me wrong — a Feinwerkbau P44 is one of the finest target pistols there are and if I were still competing that’s what I would own. But in my case, I’m never going to compete again, so I don’t need the absolute best there is. And the gun will look at in this series is every bit as accurate as the P44 — it just lacks some of the more desirable features.

FWB Model 2

Before the model 2, FWB’s target pistols were all powered by spring pistons. The model 65 was first, followed by the slightly more serious model 80 that has a few more advanced features. The model 90 has an electronic trigger that makes it the high-water mark of FWB spring piston target pistols.

The model 2 we are looking at is a CO2 gun. It has a removable bulk tank underneath the barrel that holds enough gas for a full match and a lot more shooting besides. One drawback of these tanks is they don’t have a way of telling you when they are running out of gas like a compressed air tank does. With CO2 you are good until the moment the last liquid evaporates to gas. Then the internal pressure plummets. I once shot a score of 6 in a match because of this when my hold indicated a 10. Those 4 points moved me several places down in the match standings. I would have broken 540 that day if that hadn’t happened. And, on the way home from the match the transmission in my Chrysler minivan failed, forcing me to call a tow truck out to the freeway. I believe that was the last formal match I ever shot.

A second drawback to CO2 in a target pistol is temperature fluctuations that cause pressure changes. Since most matches are shot inside heated spaces, that isn’t as much of a drawback as not knowing what pressure is in the gun, but it is worth noting.

How I got this gun

I will continue the description in a moment, but since Mitch asked about it, I want to tell you how I came to be the owner.

A little more than two months ago someone on the blog asked where to find a good affordable  10-meter target pistol. Maybe it was Mitch — I don’t remember. I said then what I’m saying now — there are no world-class 10-meter target pistols on the new gun market. But if you are willing to buy used, you can often find one or more for sale. I actually located this pistol on the American Airguns classified ads website the same day and told the reader about it. It was advertised for $475, shipped, and came with the case, two CO2 tanks, the fill adapter, most of the tools, two separate weights, a degasser and manual. The seller, Carel, said the gun was in good working condition. Well, buying used over the internet brought up a lot of discussion on the blog, and the fellow who asked the question decided not to buy. But I thought the price was very reasonable and since I no longer had a world-class pistol, I thought I would buy it myself.

Carel lives in the Netherlands, so I had to find a way to send money to him. He takes Paypal, but my Paypal account is messed up and Paypal won’t allow me to change it. I had to find another way. I ended up sending a wire transfer that took me an extra 30 minutes at the bank to process. Also I had to pay money for the transfer, but in the end I got an FWB target pistol for just under $500.

The gun arrived three weeks later and was everything Carel had said. It was packaged extremely well and nothing was damaged. I unwrapped it and began shooting. If you have been following my reports about 10-meter air pistols you know that when I say shooting I mean dry-firing. I put a black target paster on the wall in the hall outside my office and practiced daily for awhile. Then I stopped and put the gun away until now. I planned on this report, because I get the same question about where to find target pistols all the time.

Back to the gun

I had never seen an FWB model 2 before, but I have shot an FWB model C20, which is one generation newer. It was as accurate as any other FWB pistol and I liked the grips. It was the CO2 that put me off, but this time I let the cost of the gun override the other issues.

The model 2 is heavy by today’s standards. It weighs 1105 grams or 2 lbs. 7 oz. These days shooters seem to want air pistols that weigh around 1000 grams or less. I like a heavier pistol and find this one to be about right for my tastes. It does come with three weights that can be added to the end of the gas reservoir — 40-gram, 20-gram and 6-gram. My gun only had the 40-gram and 6-gram weights when I got it, but that’s okay. I’m not using them at present.


The sights are adjustable for windage, elevation and also for the width of the rear notch. There are 5 different rear notches, and each have a different range of width adjustability. The pistol comes with one that adjusts 3.0 to 3.8 mm. There are also 8 different front sight blade widths. A 3.8 mm blade comes standard with the gun. The point is — the sights can be set up to please a wide range of target shooters. Usually the sharper your eyes are the narrower the rear sight notch can be.

FWB model 2 pistol rear sight
The rear sight adjusts in both directions, plus the notch opens and closes within a range.


If there is one constant, it is that an FWB target trigger is wonderful! The trigger on this pistol adjusts for the length and weight of the pull, the length of stage one, overtravel and the position of the trigger blade. What the pistol lacks is the ability to load most of the trigger pull weight into stage one, which most shooters do these days. If you can live without that, this trigger is as fine as they come.

I found the trigger breaking consistently at 438 grams, which is shy of the 500-gram match minimum. Every trigger is tested before a match starts. The match director will cock your gun then pick up a 500-gram weight with the trigger, so you have to have it adjusted correctly. The overtravel was also adjusted incorrectly and the trigger blade still had room to move after the sear released. Those two things tell me that the last person to shoot this pistol was not a 10-meter competitor. They would have adjusted it to break at 510 grams, just to be safe.

I adjusted the trigger to break at 516 grams and I adjusted the overtravel so there is no felt movement after the trigger breaks. Both adjustments were easy to make and both demonstrated a lot of control over the trigger. There are now about 440 grams in stage one, which means I should be able to use the trigger and not lose any points.

Dry-fire device

Like all target pistols worth their salt, the model 2 is equipped for dry fire. Most of the shooting should be done that way, if you are planning on competing. A minimum of 150 good dry shots per day and maybe one or two 60-shot matches with pellets each week. That’s 1,050 shots dry-fire each week and 120 shots live, or 8.75 to 1.

Dry firing trains your trigger finger to respond to the commands of your brain when the sight picture appears right. As long as you concentrate on the front sight post and let everything else blur a bit, it will only take a few weeks of training before this starts happening — perhaps as little as one month.

To operate in the dry-fire mode, press a button on the left side of the frame beneath the loading trough to the right. Then cock the gun for each shot in the normal way — by raising the lever on the left side of the action. Lower it as if loading a pellet, and the trigger is ready to go. There should be no felt difference between dry fire and shooting live — and the owner’s manual claims there isn’t. When you want to shoot pellets, press the button to the left and the gun is back to firing.

FWB model 2 dry fire
When the button is out on the right, the gun is in the dry-fire mode.

FWB model 2 pistol cocked
Raise the lever to withdraw the bolt and cock the action.


Today’s FWB pistols have grips that are designed by Cesare Morini. But the model 2 doesn’t seem to have them. The grip is nice and hand-filling like Morini’s, but it’s smooth wood at the palm, where Morini would make it rough.

FWB model 2 pistol grip
The grip is nice, but I don’t think it was designed by Morini.

The shelf at the bottom adjusts up and down to accommodate a range of hand sizes. And these grips come in sizes. There is at least a small, a medium and a large. My gun has the number 1 on the bottom of the grips, which I assume relates to the size.


The owner’s manual has a test target pasted inside. It’s 5 shots at 10 meters, hand-held and rested. My target measures 0.04-inches between centers, which is the advertised accuracy of the model.

FWB model 2 pistol test group
That is a small 5-shot group. It measures 0.04-inches at 10 meters. Pellet is unknown.

More to come

There is a lot more to come. This pistol is bulk-filled, so I will describe that process for you. I will test the velocity and also show how the velocity can be adjusted. And finally we will look at the accuracy. Of course the test target shows that already, but I’m taking about what a mortal might be able to do. This should be an interesting report for many of you, based on the number of times I have addressed this subject.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

60 thoughts on “Feinwerkbau Model 2 target pistol: Part 1”

    • RR,

      I searched for those grips before I wrote that remark and they did not come up. So maybe they need to be more prominently displayed?

      Even so, the price of the grips, which are absolutely necessary, will drive the price of the gun to around $1000.


      • BB,

        Close, but not quite.


        When you look at what used PCP match pistols are selling for $1000 is a deal. Those guys are REAL proud of their used pistols. I guess they are trying to finance a new one.

        • RR,

          Ten meter pistols, like 10-meter rifles, get cared for a lot more than normal airguns. Most of them are in excellent condition and are well worth spending the money for.

          But $1000? I wouldn’t pay that. I jumped on this pistol partly because of the price and partly because of Carel’s reputation as an honest dealer. I got a 10-meter pistol I could compete with for under $500. That’s a bargain, as far as I’m concerned. The fact that it’s CO2 will never cause me a problem, since I’m set up for life+ 50 for refilling.


          • B.B.,

            I have an Alfa Proj that is in need of new seals. First, where might I find those and second, the exploded diagram for the pistol makes seal replacement look like a pretty simple process. Off-hand (no pun intended), would you agree or should it just send it to a pro, and if so, who?

            Thanks much,


            • Michael,

              Pyramyd AIR is the U.S. distributor for Air Arms guns. Get the parts from them.

              Replacing seals may be straightforward, but you must keep the work clean. One particle of dirt can ruin the whole job. I would have it done at Pyramyd AIR.


              • B.B.,

                Thanks, I think that’s good advice. I’ll do that.

                Another seal question. I have a brand new (and I think what is going to pretty nice) break-barrel that I can’t run through my chrony (rainy out there today). The breech seal is new but practically flush with the breech. How does one remove the seal, shim it, and put the seal back in place?

                Thanks again,


  1. BB,

    By the way, nice score on that pistol. I thought about it myself. I have seen some very nice CO2 pistols show up on the used market at real good prices. As for SSP and PCP, their prices on the used market seem to stay at $1000 and up. That is why I will keep my Izzy, thank you very much. It has doubled in price since I bought it five years ago.

  2. B.B.
    Love the article! While I have no Olympic aspirations, I love shooting pistols. I recently had my 25 + year old RWS Diana 6M refurbished and set up a 24 1/2 foot range in my apartment. What a great way to unwind at the end of the day. 25 shots is all it takes to forget the days troubles and FOCUS! FWIW, I also have a LP8 for plinking and light hunting…..


  3. Hi there:

    Thanks for the terrific article. I am just learning about 10 meter shooting and discovering airguns through my daughter, who is a new Pony Club member. Pony Club is a world-wide organization that teaches horsemanship to kids. Teaching horsemanship includes a big dose of responsibility and self-reliance, so as a sporting parent I think Pony Club just rocks. One of the competition events in Pony Club, Tetrathlon, incorporates running, swimming, cross-country riding, and shooting. The shooting portion is at 10 m, using the ISSF 10 m air pistol target, etc. It seems to me that not only is there a shortage of target pistols in the moderate price range, there are also not many that will nominally fit a child’s hand. Any advice would be welcome. Thanks very much!

    • Gscace,

      Welcome to the blog.

      I’m familiar with the Pony Club. Members’ parents have been asking me for years for exactly what you just asked.

      The problem is size and weight. Ten-meter pistols are made for the most rigorous adult target competition in the world. They are even at the Olympics.
      So the guns that are made for the sport are for adults, only.

      In the past decade there has been recognition of a need for lighter target pistols. The FWB Piccolo is one such airgun. But it doesn’t come cheap.


      And Pyramyd AIR does not offer the target grips that are essential to shooting this gun in matches. FWB does make them, though. They would bring the retail cost to about $1500.

      My advice is to look for something used, instead. A Haemmerli 480K is light and can be bought for $700 or even less. That would suit a 12 year old who is of average build, I think.
      Small grips are always possible, since they are supplied by Cesar Morini.


  4. Hello B.B.,

    Those two piece walnut grips that are on the older pistols are OEM FWB grips. The one piece grip is made by Morini. FWB used to make their own precision barrels, but now their rifle and pistols have Lothar Walther barrels . I guess it’s cheaper for them to outsource these parts. In my opinion, SSP’s such as the FWB 100 series, offer the best value for the money. They have more precision parts than their CO2 or pcp counterparts, and will be more expensive to manufacture nowadays. Right now, Steyr, Morini, and Walther are winning most of the medals in national and international 10 meter shooting events. We’ll have to wait and see when FWB begins to step back on the podium.

    Kevin C. from Costa Rica, CA

  5. Lots of really good information here, thanks BB. BTW, “……on the way home from the match the transmission in my Chrysler minivan failed.” They are known for that!


    • Thanks BB,

      I’m now on the notification list for when the book is in stock 🙂
      And I was right a few weeks ago when I said that I had feeling it’d be something that I will want to read.
      Thank you for the time and work that obviously must have gone into it’s writing.

      p.s.–will any of the first 10 or 25 copies from PA be autographed? Just curious…never had an autographed first-edition of anything 😉 —–D.

        • No, no, don’t be sorry, I understand. I’d rather have the book earlier rather than later anyway—not to mention the myriad business related issues it would entail (shipping, stocking, sorting and listing of signed-versus-non signed, and many other considerations that haven’t even occurred to me yet).

          Believe me when I tell you that I am going to be totally thrilled to simply have and read the book!
          Thank you again for the time and work required to undertake and complete such a project 🙂


          • Really not meaning to brag, but having illustrated for the book you can assume I got a pre-release copy with a thank you note signed in the front. I only mention it because I am very proud I was able to be apart of it, and it is an amazing book, a page turner! It will be cherished as an heirloom, even if I hadnt had involvement, it is a book I’m very happy to own just because of attending the blog.

            • And because I can’t think of any book thats fun and airgun related, nevermind theres not many airgun books all together. Id like to see as many airgunning books and magazines out there as there are black rifles and handguns.

  6. I AM so looking forward to all the blogs on this pistol!

    I lucked into a deal on a FWB 100 SSP for $200 about 12 years ago when the owner decided to go for a Feinwerkbau PCP pistol and have been smiling ever since.

    Shooting one of the Feinwerkbau pistols can totally spoil you – they are incredible!

  7. BB,
    You have a lgv in .22. Its accuracy can be improved dramatically by relubing the internals. Ive done the spring with heavy tar and the piston with moly grease. The first 30 shots I did not notice any difference, but after those 30 shots there was a big improvement! !!!
    The gun fires stray shots every 5 or 6 shots. So I opened up the action….. takes about 2 minutes 🙂
    The internals were barely lubed……….
    It now shoots 6mm one hole groups at 22 meters.
    Maybe you wanna do the same and report us your findings.

  8. B.B.,

    Thanks again for doing this series, I’m loving the info so far. Some info on finding matches and how to get into the sport would be great. I’ve done a good amount of searching and haven’t found any matches or info for my area. I did find a Gun Club in my area though that is affiliated with the CMP. I’m actually already on their wait list to be a member. They have a indoor 10-Meter range on their compound as well. I think once I get to be a member that might be the ticket. It would be nice to find an NRA match or something to go check out though. Thanks again! And that wasn’t me that asked about finding a good 10-Meter gun awhile back but I think I remember reading that conversation, I wish it was though, I probably would’ve bought that FWB Model 2. Seems like you found a mighty fine pistol for a great price. Looking forward to the rest of the series!

      • BB,

        Thank you so much, your idea was spot on. I emailed a couple people at the NRA that were more than willing to help. They sent me some good info and contacts in my area. And both told me to not hesitate to ask for more help if needed. I’m so excited!

  9. Hello BB and the group. What a nice pistol and great group of shots. Why did the 10 meter target shooters go to precharged pistols and when ? I am looking forward to more tests of this fine pistol. I am sure your new book will be a collector’s item for airgun shooters.
    Best wishes

  10. Fascinating. No wonder my Daisy 747 is shaking in my hand and feels so far out and unsupported. All the body mechanics remind me of Victor’s statement that equipment has made elite shooting competition into almost a different event. He says that modern rifle shooters have such stiff clothing that they cannot walk naturally, and the clothes practically hold up the gun. Maybe that’s why I have such a hard time holding the black offhand at 50 yards with the Anschutz since I shoot in a t-shirt. It sounds like the target pistol grip is doing the same kind of work, but surely that won’t support the body. Do pistol shooters wear jackets?

    That’s a tough story about your last competition. Sometimes, you just have to regroup.

    Great accuracy from this pistol that seems comparable to the very best air rifles.


    • Matt,

      Those thousand-dollar leather straight jackets are why I shoot air pistol. Our uniform is jeans and a t-shirt.

      And yes, the stance of the shooter is very important. I can position a person to make it all but impossible for them to miss the target.


    • Matt61,

      I just made a comment about a 747 being on my “short list” for an affordable, accurate pistol plinker.

      Ever heard of custom bought (or) homemede custom grips for one? Seem’s that the customized grips are the key. Any thoughts? I was/am considering the 747 Avanti Triumpf with the L/W barrel. Chris

  11. That test target reminds me of the only downside to owning a good 10M rifle or pistol – when you know for sure just how good the gun is there’s nothing else to blame but yourself if your groups look more like a shotgun test pattern. As mine do on occasion!

    An article on how to adjust the FWB triggers would be great (if you haven’t already covered it). I’ve not touched the trigger on my 602 since buying it as I’ve been afraid of messing it up.

  12. Question:

    If domed pellets do better at further distances,….does that mean that you could shoot a tighter group with domes vs wadcutters? Yes, wadcutters cut cleaner and are easier to measure. Maybe,… in 10M. shooting ,..domes are not even allowed,….but still,….would they not do better 10 meters? Chris

    • That reminds me, has anyone seen jsb “ultrashock” pellets? A Brazilian YouTube video showed them as a slightly cylindrical wadcutter with a hole bored in the center of the flat head. Are they not available in the US or are they under a different name? Look like great shape for a target OR hunting pellet, if they are accurate. Normally wadcutters dont fly far well but these looked like they had a good center of mass distribution that might compensate some.

  13. BB, New to 10 Meter from 2 years of Bullseye Conventional Pistol. Enjoying my 46M but having difficulty with the inadequate manual descriptive on setting up the trigger. Love your detailing of the Model 2 trigger settings resulting in 85% of the required break effort in stage 1. Is there a good description of the sequence of adjusting the various
    trigger controls to achieve a result like this in the IZH 46M? Thanks for your great sharing of knowledge in 10M.

    • Petermccrea,

      Welcome to the blog.

      The IZH 46M trigger is difficulty to adjust, and I can not remove the final bit of creep in stage 2. I corrected the instructions that are written in the owner’s manual, so they read like an American expects. If you don’t have a manual, read one here:



      • BB,

        Ya I noticed that, seems like a legit seller to me. Idk if you know about this forum but I’m absolutely loving it. Its called TargetTalk (targettalk.org) its all about competition shooting and has great info on 10-Meter pistol. Also, their buy,sell,trade page is full of great deals on used 10 meter pistols and used 10 meter rifles. I just had to mention it, it seems like a fantastic resource for used 10Meter air guns and a great place to sell as well.

  14. Tom, I’m standing over my FWB model 2 with screwdriver in hand and manual opened. There are some terms I’m having difficulty with. The “trigger point” is adjusted by screw 4. What? is this sear engagement? I don’t understand trigger point. Trigger weight is adjusted by screw 3. Is that 1st stage weight or 2nd stage weight that changes? On my pistol there is a LARGE amount of pre-travel (1st stage) about 1/8 inch. I would like to lessen that to about 1/16″ Once that is set I’d like to set the trigger break to about 515gram and enough overtravel to completely clear the sear. A little help please.

  15. Dan,

    Good luck! I never understood what the Germans meant in their manuals.

    My advice it try it and see. The Germans call stage one pre-travel, so the weight is probably for stage two.

    As for the length of stage one, I flat don’t know and my Modell 2 has been gone for 2 years.


  16. Just got my weight scale and calibrated a pop can with a bunch of .30 carbine projectiles, a bent up shower curtain ring to 520grams. Today is the day I go after it. Thanks for getting back to me. You know there are several fun (free) postal leagues for 10M pistol. Nothing will improve your off hand scores like precision pistol practice. Dan /¦\

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