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History Sheridan Blue Streak: Part -3

Sheridan Blue Streak: Part -3

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2

A history of airguns

Sheridan Blue Streak
My Sheridan Blue Streak was purchased new in 1978.

This report covers:

  • Where are we?
  • A local repair
  • Test 1
  • Test 2
  • Test 3
  • Break-in required?
  • Test 4
  • Pump effort
  • Time to move on

Where are we?

This test was halted after Part 2, when it became obvious that my Blue Streak was in need of a rebuild. So I prepared to send it off after the Texas Airgun Show. But, while meeting with the people at the Arlington Sportsman Club where the show was held, Jeff Cloud told me he was repairing multi pumps and asked me if I wanted him to have a go at mine.

A local repair

I was going to ship it to Rick Willnecker in Pennsylvania, but Jeff seemed confident and I told him all I wanted was to bring it back to spec — no hot-rodding. I gave him the rifle at the show on August 27 and got it back when I returned from the Pyramyd AIR Cup.

Test 1

Today will therefore be the actual velocity test of the rifle. I will start with Crosman Premiers that I used as my standard pellet before the powerplant was rebuilt. Let’s look at what the rifle will do from 3 pumps to 9.

Pumps……………….Velocity (f.p.s.)
9…………………………609 (air left over)

This is a lot faster than the rifle was before the rebuild. It maxed out at 480 f.p.s. on 7 pumps. Jeff said the seals looked hard and old, but he noted the rifle had never been taken apart. So this boost in velocity is more than 100 f.p.s. with the new seals. But there is more.

Test 2

For the second test I pumped the rifle 5 times and fired a string of 5 shots. Let’s look at those velocities.

Shot………………….Velocity (f.p.s.)

The gun is gaining power as it is shot. I think what’s happening is the new pump seal is warming up as I shoot, and it’s sealing the compression chamber better and better. The average for this string was 512 f.p.s., but if I continued to shoot, all shots on 5 pumps would be faster than that.

Test 3

This made me curious about the average, now that the gun was warm. So I fired a second string of 5 shots, again with 5 pumps per shot. Here is what that looked like.

Shot………………….Velocity (f.p.s.)

This time the average was 543 f.p.s. for the 5 shots. I think the gun is warmed up as far as it will go, so I want to bear this in mind when I shoot for accuracy. Better that I warm up the powerplant and get stable so all the shots are as close as they can be.

Break in required?

I don’t have much experience with refurbished Blue Streaks, so I’m unable to ansswer whether a break-in period is needed. I’m going to assume the gun will continue to perform as it has here.

Test 4

I’m not going to shoot all the vintage pellets I shot in Part 2, because I know the velocity will be higher for them than it was before the rebuild. But I will test the Sheridan cylindrical pellet, just like I tested the Premier pellets in the beginning.

Pumps……………….Velocity (f.p.s.)

Pump effort

I am recording the effort required to operate the pump arm for each pump from 3 through 8. I do this by placing the end of the pump arm on a bathroom scale and pressing down until the arm closes.

Pumps……………….Effort (lbs.)

This is the new baseline for my Blue Streak. In the future these are the numbers I will compare to.

Time to move on

I must thank Jeff Cloud for doing a wonderful job on my rifle. It looks just like it always did and now it shoots like it did when it was new. Now that the rifle is shooting like it’s supposed to, I can move on to the accuracy test.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

98 thoughts on “Sheridan Blue Streak: Part -3”

  1. BB,

    Nice to have an old friend like the Sheridan back on the block. It is the gun which started me in serious airgunning and I have still two of them. They always amazed me by being quite accurate up to 20 yards. I never shoot farther than that as I like them with open sights, but I think they can do better when using a scope.

    I am very interested in what they can do!



  2. BB,

    Nice little pumper. I can well imagine how you feel to have this girl back up to snuff. Though I am trying real hard not to have a closet full of air rifles, I could see one of these in one of the corners.

  3. B.B.,

    I am glad the ol’ girl is back up and running. Cool to that you found a local repair shop. Nice turn around time too. I liked the test where you measured the pump effort based on the # of pumps. Best of luck with the accuracy testing.


    • Jerry,

      Yeah, a word about Jeff and his “shop.” Guys — there is no “shop.” Jeff does this because he likes these old airguns. He has learned how to do it and he does careful work. He does it out of love for the guns — not to make money. There is no money in doing a job that takes hours, because nobody is going to pay what your time is worth.

      This is how vintage airguns get repaired in the United States these days. The factory can’t do it and won’t do it because they don’t have the vintage parts. So guys like Jeff locate the parts that are being made by other guys like Rick Willnecker and, in this case, Tim McMurray, and they spend their time installing them in your old airgun. The reward is one more classic airgun brought back to life.


      • Glad you made that point. Jeff is an engineering manager for an aerospace company, not an airgun tuner. And I know that he has repaired non-working Sheridans and given them to his friends and relatives. You said it well.

      • Hi BB:
        Wondered should Jeff Cloud be added to your list of Repair CO2 & pneumatic guns: Where to get them fixed.
        I have a blue streak from the 60’s I got in Farmingdale NJ. I don’t remember just when & I got it & don’t know how to tell when it was made. It still shoots fine but no crony so have no idea how well it has held up but seems fine?
        What I have is a list from 2005 so perhaps some are no longer doing it. Is there a updated list?
        Chuck S in Grand Junction, Co

  4. BB

    Must reading for any airgun buff. So refreshing this day and time that there still are people like Jeff Cloud who live amongst us.
    You really have me wondering about my Webley Rebel multi pump. It can be quirky, sometimes accurate, but always fun to shoot. Do you think seals on a multi pump need warming up every outing? I shoot 3 barrel warmup shots before scoring but that may not be enough to heat the seals. I know you are a busy fellow and may not have time to test this. Perhaps some readers will share their views on seal warming.
    Great report.


  5. B.B.,
    Great report! Your Sheridan Blue Streak is the same vintage as mine, and they are just great guns.
    I tried a scope on mine for a while, but was never happy with the balance or the way it pumped with a scope.
    I had a machinist install a receiver sight, and I think that is about perfect for these guns.
    (although, due to aging eyes, I used a drill bit to open the .093″ aperture to .107″…works very well)
    At one time, I had the gun hot-rodded into a 14 pump special, but I did not like it; it was powerful, but not fun.
    So, I had it restored to factory specs, and the old girl is an awesome plinker.
    My one concession to modernity is that I now use JSB pellets instead of the old Sheridan cylindricals;
    and the JSBs are much more accurate
    I like to take my Blue Streak out and at least look at her everyday (like even on the days I don’t shoot her),
    because she’s just such a cool gun, and also, she is my first airgun, a Christmas gift from my Dad.
    Thanks for the great write up!
    take care & God bless,

  6. B.B.,

    Nice Streak there! Some might argue one can and should pump it 9 or even 10 times, but you have shown that the extra stress on the rifle and one’s body is not worth what are just a few extra FPS at that stage. Dinminshed returns perfectly illustrated.

    I love my Blue Streak, and I have a .177 Benjamin from the same era (late 1960s – early 1970s), so unlike more recently, there are many differences between the two. in my opinion compared to the Benjamin the Sheridan is more refined in its wood shaping and quality of wood, better finished (both wood and metal), and its bolt and trigger are significantly smoother.

    Thanks for the report,


  7. Davemyster—–Get a redfield merit iris diaphragm disc and put it in your peep sight. You will be able to adjust the size of the aperture with a simple twist of the disc. Just like adjusting the f stop on a camera. Since light varies in intensity, having the ability to vary the size of the aperture will make it easier to use the peep sight. —Ed

  8. Dying to try a “pumper”, it’s definitely on my list!

    I’ve spent the day sorting, washing and lubbing pellets, they’re drying as I type. Probably about 5 or 6000 in total.

    I have a dozen or so tins/part tins. Some dating back over 40 years. Rws, Webley etc. Some marked made in west Germany, others British.

    Yet to test fire them since cleaning, but there was certainly plenty of dirt in the water when Id finished. Even a dead spider or two!!!

    Went with Napier pellet lube as it had good reviews, and used it sparingly to reduce dieseling.

    I didn’t wash an lube my newer pellets like aa Diabolos, as they look perfect, the older ones were oxidising an needed a new lease of life.

    Made a point of trying a few from each tin, was surprised at the difference in sizes. They’re all .22, an I used a mk1 meteor an the paratrooper. Some were very loose, but some were an incredibly tight fit. Surprised, as its an older rifle, 5.56mm or so. Did not expect to have to push them in so hard..

    Maybe I need a pellet sorter like Chris has got, one more thing to add to the list eh!

    Anyway, hope you all doing well.

    • Rick,

      Glad to hear that you got all of your vintage pellets revitalized. Very nice. 5-6,000,….. wow, that is a lot. I am sure that the different graphics on all of the cans is interesting as well. Maybe worthy of a display stand? Perhaps a prominent spot on the fire place mantel? Good luck with the wife on that,…huh? 😉

      The Pelletgage worked very well and is easy to use. Very much like B.B. described in his testing. Last I checked, he did 5 parts on it,…. with about 25 mentions in other articles. Later I will post my results,… look for it at the bottom.


  9. number191969406602

    This is the eBay number of a .22 pellet mould! Im banned by the wife, otherwise I was tempted. Not something I’ve seen before, don’t know if anyone here is interested.

    Have to forward it to anyone if needed, I send plenty of packages aboard already.


    • Richardwales,

      I can’t find the item you refer to on eBay. Then again as far as eBay is concerned I an a total newbie.

      What do you mean by, “Happy to forward even….” Is this a way to escape your better half’s ire by saying it is not for you but for a friend? 😎 English is not my primary language so I am not quite sure with what you mean.


      • Siraniko,

        Hope you survived that nearby mega storm over your way. You must have, you are here. I just watched a documentary on that lead singer from Manila that is with the rock group Journey. Very good. That was/is one of my favorite bands growing up. Not sure if you follow that sort of thing. See sorting results below if you are interested. Chris

        • Chris USA,

          Thanks for the concern but fortunately or unfortunately these kind of storms have become routine for us. Minimal damage and loss of life reported. The big thing with these storms nowadays is the monsoon systems that they drag along in their wake. These cause significant floods in some areas.

          They say that most of my countrymen sing very well. I tend to agree although I don’t believe my voice belongs in average (more in the below average). We have a lot of world class singers scattered all over the world.

          Will check out the results below.


      • Hi Siranko.
        Youe English seems perfect mate.
        “Happy to forward even” was correcting the mistake in my earlier post!

        As you know I like locks, an have been trading around the world for several years to build up my collection. I buy packing materials in bulk cheaply, so happy to receive an forward stuff if I can help.


  10. B.B.,

    Off topic here — I just picked up a Beeman R10, off the classifieds. It’s in pretty good shape overall. Not a close queen. I chronied two pellets today to check the “health”. Here’s what I got:
    JSB Exact Heavy 10.34 gr — 756.86fps avg. E.S. of 15.37 SD of 4.58 for 13.15 ft. lbs.
    JSB Exact 8.44 gr — 846.53fps avg. E.S. of 7.46 SD of 2.23 for 11.78 ft. lbs.

    it seems pretty tight. Cocks easier than expected. The cocking arm does rattle a bit if you shake the rifle. The breech seal looks to be original.

    My first question is, does that sound right for an R10?
    Second, Who works on R10s? Could you recommend a good tuner?


    Jim M.

    • Jim M.,

      It seems to be shooting real tight. To have that low ES and SD out of a sproinger is pretty nice. The velocity and power seem a little low to me, but I am not familiar with the expected power of this particular sproinger. How is the accuracy? You have established a good baseline for this air rifle. After a couple of hundred shots you notice a change, then you might consider a tune. I would be most hesitant to send it off to be worked on unless there is a real issue.

      You mention that the cocking arm rattles a bit. Does the barrel wiggle any when in the battery position? I do not know your mechanical aptitude, but you might be able to tighten the cocking arm some.

      Do you have a lot of spring noise such as “crunching” when you cock it and “sproing” or vibration when you fire it? I have tried a product called “Tune In A Tube” with great results in my Webley/Hatsan Tomahawk. It did an incredible job of smoothing out it’s firing cycle. It is not very expensive and very easy to use.

      As I pointed out before, unless you have an obvious issue I would be most hesitant about going inside the compression tube, most especially with the chrony results you have. Shoot it a while. If you see the performance dropping off, then look for a tuner. As for whom? BB or others may know someone, but I personally do not.

      • RidgeRunner,

        I thought it was pretty tight too. Looks like B.B. agrees with you about the power being low. This is not a new rifle — 1987/88 model — and doesn’t look to have been a closet queen, so I would think it should be broken in.

        No, the barrel does not move at all. If I slide a finger into the cocking slot and stabilize that arm, I can shake the whole rifle and nothing moves. That arm is the only thing that seem to be loose. The safety seems to stick just a little when I go to push it off. I was thinking that could just be from the gun sitting for a while. I got the impression the seller hadn’t shot it a lot.

        I have not heard of “Tune in a Tube”. Do you have to tear into the gun to use it? I’m not really interested in doing much work myself….Not much time for it, and not much interest in working on things.


        Jim M.

        • Jim M,

          You only have to take the stock off to use it. Here is a link to it.


          It may be the spring is worn down and needs replacing. If you send it off to be tuned, you might as well replace the piston seal. When you get it back, if they did not lube the spring enough you can pick up some of this to lube it yourself. It is real easy to do and there are links to instructions on how to do it on the site.

            • Jim M.,

              I know I must sound like a company owner or at least a salesman, but this stuff works.

              Yesterday afternoon I took out a Diana 46 that I had gotten from GunFun1 a while back. It was very crunchy when you cocked it and had a horribly sproingy firing cycle. I took the stock off and put a little of TIAT in it and put it back together and went outside for a bit of shooting with it.

              The difference was incredible! It now cocks smoothly and quietly and the firing cycle is now just a solid thunk without the vibration. I’m sold. This stuff has been an instant cure for my sproingers.

              • RR,

                Ha! No problem! I appreciate your enthusiasm. I get that way when I find something that really works. Now you have me thinking of a Diana 48 I picked up in a pawn shop. It’s not real bad, but a little “crunchy”. I dropped some RWS oil in the chamber when I first got it, and let it stand in a corner for a few days. I think I’ll order some of this and give it a try.

                Darn it all….you’re going to make me turn a screw driver, aren’t you?


                  • RR,

                    I bought the large tube — in case this works better than expected.

                    I have been playing with viscous grease for some time, following the installation of a Mag 80 Laza kit from Ivan Hancock. I was the one who called the grease black tar the first time and Jim Maccari adopted the name for one of his products.

                    I plan to rear the instructions and follow them faithfully. That’s the only way my test can be accurate.


    • Jim M.,

      No, tho=se speeds are slow for an R10. The rattling doesn’t bother me, but the velocity does.

      R10s are screamers. Your velocities should be well above 1000 f.p.s. with the lighter of those pellets. The heavier should be in the 900s.

      The R10 is straightforward, so any good tuner should be able to get it back to spec. Have you considered calling Pyramyd Air?


  11. Jim M.,

    When I was reading your question to B.B. I noticed the ft. lb. energy you listed for the Exact 8.44 going at 846 ft/sec seemed low. For the velocity you listed I came up with 13.43 ft. lbs.

    Also, it might be helpful to B.B. to know the approximate elevation of the area where you shoot. One of the many things I’ve learned here on this blog is that spring/gas piston powerplants are definitely at a disadvantage the higher you go in elevation. In the piedmont area of NC, where I live, fortunately I don’t have that problem (+350 above sea level).

    I have a HW 95 in .177, which I believe is the same powerplant as yours, and when new (but broken in) it was running about 14.5 to 15.0 ft. lbs., depending on the pellet. Just for a reference. I don’t know about the barrel length of the R10, that may be a factor too.

    Happy airgunning, David H.

    • David,

      Thanks for catching that. I just checked again, and get the same as you. I am guessing I read the wrong column in my spreadsheet when I was typing my post on here.

      I am at 1,076 ft / 328 m of elevation, so I don’t think that would be a major issue.

      Good info on your HW 95. Thank you for providing that.

      Jim M.

  12. .25 Pelletgage Update:

    It worked very well. Pellets that fell through a set hole would not go through the next smaller one. I tested 100 JSB 33.95 Exact King Heavy that are supposed to have 6.35 heads. 66% were 6.37mm and 33% were 6.38mm. 2 fell just under and 1 just over that.

    I figured that while I was head sorting,….. I may as well weigh sort. That turned out to be quite the surprise as the weight for 100 pellets spread over 33.4 grains to 34.9 grains, 16 spots. The largest majority fell from 33.7 to 34.2 with the counts being 7, 14, 17, 10, 9, 7. Since I used 100 pellets, those #’s represent % as well.

    Testing was to be two, 8 shot groups then refill to 3400 @ 70 yards. Then 2 more groups. As a loose control, I did 2 groups at the start and 2 more at the end of pellets (straight from the can). In total, 8, eight shot groups.

    So how did (sorted) ones do? I wish I could say definitively. In general, the groups were as good or better than the usual 70 yard groups. The sub-groups of 5-7 pellets also appeared to tighten up beyond what I normally see. Wild fliers were reduced from normal, but I still had one in 2 of the groups that were sorted.

    So what was the group sizes (in mm)? Remember,… 2 un-sort, (2 sort, 2 sort), 2 un-sort. 42, 50, (67, 37, 61, 49), 37, 37. Confused?,… me too. I could get into sub group #’s, but I won’t. Overall, they were tighter.

    Conclusion?,…. Having (eliminated) the head and weight factors, something in my technique must be varying. Without a Pelletgage and a scale, (I would not have known this for sure). I will continue using the Pelletgage. I gave my best for every shot. The wind picked up pretty good round the 61 group, but I tried to shoot in a lull. My shoulder pressure was moderate on groups 1,2 and 8 and very light on 3 through 7. I will go with moderate pressure next time.

    That’s all folks,… for now. I had visions of “World Air Gun Total Domination” ,….. but alas,.. those dreams will have to wait for another day. 🙁


    • Chris,

      It sounds like you need to be shooting sproingers more. They will force you to be more consistent with your shooting technique. That is one of the reasons I bought the Webley/Hatsan Tomahawk. Being an uber magnum break barrel sproinger, I knew it would be very difficult to shoot well.

      • RR,

        Perhaps. The overall and even the finer points of my technique are all good. Steady is good, if not great.

        Shoulder pressure is obviously a BIG change in technique. Both grips held firm, the rifle will move back an easy 1/2″ to 3/4″ when a light/very light shoulder pressure is employed. Overall, moderate seems best from past shooting.

        Since I still have plenty of head sorted pellets, my next step will be to shoot them and try to keep the weights close and using a moderate shoulder pressure. I think it is widely accepted that head size will play a larger factor than weight variances of just .1 or .2 or .3 grains.

        We shall see. Bad weather the next 2 days for the most part, but I will get out if I can.

    • Chris USA,

      Picking up on RidgeRunner’s train of thought how often do you alternate your TX shooting with your PCPs? I do agree with his line of thought. I deliberately bought a hard kicking Webley VMX and it has taught me a lot regarding relaxing and deliberately pulling the trigger (that part still needs work though). When I transition to a gentler springer the results are clearly visible. Hope to get some time between the rains here to use the Discovery to see if I have improved there too which I believe should show on the target.


      • Siraniko,

        Not often enough. Everything about a PCP has me hooked. I did get them out the other day and did 2 ten shot groups with each at 30 yards. I did well, no complaints. It is a night and day difference from springers to PCPs in many regards. Chris

        • Chris U
          I mentioned this the other day when you said you sorted some pellets on your new pellet gage. And I have to say first so you don’t get the wrong idea about what I think of the pellet gage. I like it and I’m going to get one just to make my .25 Mrod happy. It keeps (bugging) me that it wants to shoot better. 😉

          But what I mentioned was to also check the heads of the pellets you sorted with your pellet gage. Check in multiple spots around the diameter of the head for out of round. Or as we call it in the machining world (egg shaped). If a pellet head is out of round enough it will engage the rifling on one side of the pellet head tighter than the other side. When it leaves the barrel that can make one side of the pellet drag in a sense. That could throw the pellet off course or fly funny just like a not true centered crown on the muzzle end of a barrel.

          It only takes a few more minutes to do and it (is) a (very) important step when your pellet sorting.

          • GF1,

            You no doubt have a very valid point. The Pelletgage can not really check for out of round, at least not that I am aware of. What you will feel, (when you get one), is that the “wiggle” to check the pellet will vary slightly,…. very slightly,… before it drops. It is so precise that you can tell if you need to check it one size down or not. A very easy “touch” is a must.

            I am very confident with my use of calipers. I will check a batch and see if I can get some to check out ok. I know that you used to compete,.. so I imagine that you have done this and have seen the results.

            Head, weight (and) out of round,…….. now that is taking things to a most serious degree!

            Thanks for the tips and the “push” to take it a step further. Chris

            • Chris U
              Ok thanks please do check. I’m mostly curious to see how many you find that are out of round and mostly how bad they are out of round.

              Well and if you see any improvement in groups and flyers after taking the sorting up one more level.

              And just a note. My groups lately have been 6 shot bursts ×’s 5. Yep with the HPA tethered Steel Storm. Let’s just say that the feral can is not happy at 15 yards. And I even can get some Texas butt shots in on it in burst mode when it’s on the run out at 20 plus yards. That can sure scoots when you hit it with the burst mode. I can pull the trigger fast enough that the gun sounds full auto for the straight 30 shots in a row. And those 30 bb’s are gone in seriously 5 seconds. The guns a blast. Literally. 🙂

              • GF1,

                Sounds fun. I am surprised you have not converted something to full auto yet! Just screw on a whole bottle of bb’s like the paint ball guns. Give ya time,…. ya will come up with something. 😉

                Will keep you posted. Sunday is iffy to do serious shooting. Monday is iffy for other reasons. At least that will give me some time for me to “sort” things out,….. pun intended. 😉 Chris

                • Chris U
                  Ok on the sorting. 🙂

                  But if you get a chance to sort for the out of round. You can post those results then post the shooting results at a later time. When you find time of course. 🙂

                  And I worked last night. That was overtime for us. That was our Saturday on 3rd shift. We start on Sunday night. But yep just got done with grass cutting and getting ready to fire up the ole grill. It’s been a long week. Definitely ready for today off. Oh and some relaxing shooting blasting feral cans with the Storm. 🙂

                  And yep luv’n the Storm on HPA. Think I’m buying a extra one of the adapters that replaces the 12 gram co2 cartridge. PA sells them and they already have a male foster fitting machined on one end. Made by Air Venturi.

                  Think I’m going to try it on one of the Daisy 74’s I got. I bet it will get insane shot count. I’m betting easy over a 1000 shots on that little 13 cubic inch regulated HPA Air Venturi bottle.

                  Oh and we’re not going to talk about full auto conversion’s. Probably will lead to one of those conversations like when LDC’s (Lead Dust Collector’s), silencer’s and muzzle brakes are brought up. But put it this way. Just imagine some things in your mind about air guns and firearms. Probably a lot more civilian full auto guns out there in the world than the government would like to think about. Did you know the Evanix semi-auto Speed pcp use to be available in full auto. I know someone that has one in .25 caliber right now. And it ain’t me. Just say’n. But could you imagine poping a 8 or 10 round mag off or how ever many pellets a mag holds. That would put the hurt’n on something. And fun to blast with at that. 🙂

    • I didn’t realise there was so much to pellets, the article’s and comments here have really opened my eyes. I certainly pay more attention to the condition an shape of my pellets now.

      Wanted to weigh my pellets too, but my scales don’t go low enough.

      Trying to work on my posture an technique, I do most of my shooting sat down in a comfy chair in the garden. Trying to imitate the artillery hold properly as I’ve read. I’ve seen shooters with their right arm held horizontal rather than tucked in, this seems to work for me also.

      • Richardwales,

        You will get it. All in good time. You think what you have seen here is crazy,…. there is people that load pellets into little special air chambers and blow air by them and measure all of that with air gauges.

        Really though, if you just want to keep it simple,…. JSB’s are almost a no-miss on a buy. As for the Artillery hold, bench rested, gun rest,… I keep my hand/arm out too. The hand under forearm is just too unnatural. That is unless shooting off hand,…. in which case it works fine. Comfy is good. 100% natural and no stress is key. Muscle or mind. Chris

        • Hi Chris,

          Before I got married, I spent ridiculous amounts of my hi-fi. I spent a weeks wage on a single 2m cable. I’d insist it makes a huge difference, but my friend’s thought I was nuts…

          Guess it’s the same thing with airguns an their accessories. Every little difference adds up to make a big one!

          I’m always gonna be limited on my budget, wife feels that my money is better spent elsewhere! I’d love a top notch rifle, but I’m happy with my plinkers for now.

          Really loving the Paratrooper, getting nice groupings across a wide range of pellets. It’s such fun to shoot, an a bargain at the price I paid.


      • Sorry guys just got to comment.

        Both of my elbows are tucked into my ribcage when I shoot free hand without a shooting stick, bi-pod or bench resting.

        I lock in better at longer distances that way. Well if you call 50 yards longer distances free hand. 😉

        • GF1,

          Got it. I agree. I need bigger muscles or lighter rifles before I get serious on off-hand. The only thing getting bigger on me these days is my belly! ;(

          On the out of round,…. I did about 20 to get 8. Calipers were on mm,…. +/- .01 was a go. I seemed to get up to +/- .03-.04 on some. Interesting. I will check further. It was just a quick test. Chris

          • Chris U
            How did I know that on the sorting. 😉
            And next step is see what the shooting results are.

            So sort for weight, then use pellet gauge. Then go one step farther and sort for out of round. But don’t forget to look at the pellet for abnormal die marks and flash wings from the stamping in the dies. Or if they got nicked up.

            But for some reason with pcp guns don’t worry about skirt damage. But think about skirt damage with lower powered springers or pumpers and co2 guns.

            Who would of ever thought there was so much to air gunning. 😉

            • GF1,

              Ok,….. ok,…… 🙂 You know me,….. I will be ALL OVER the shooting (and) seeing the results end of things!

              If it works,… I will have to save up “them” batches of pellets for the 10# Squirrels and the 30# Ground Hogs. That is a lot of work. 😉 I have never seen “flash” by the way, only in pictures.

  13. BB—The see-all gunsight is back. Shooting Times magazine just included it in an article about rim fire rifle scopes. Do you know if this sight has been improved since you tested it ? ——Ed

  14. BB— I have been shooting my Crosman M1 carbine. I count each shot, however, it is very easy to get an accidental dry fire with this gun. Will this harm the gun, or does its design permit safe dry firing ? Some of my friends and my grand kids are always getting dry fires when they shoot my Crosman 1077,s and 357,s. ——Ed

  15. Thanks BB for the great article. I still have my Blue Streak that I received as a Christmas gift circa 1963. It still shoots well too. Great memories of my childhood. First airgun was a Daisy 1894 lever action. Loved that gun! Passed on to nephews.

  16. BTW, I just ordered 2 of the Duke SAA pellet revolvers from Pyramidair yesterday. I can’t wait to get them. Will probably get the Duke wood boxes for them as well.

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