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Education / Training SigAir ProForce MCX Virtus AEG airsoft gun: Part 4

SigAir ProForce MCX Virtus AEG airsoft gun: Part 4

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Virtus AGE right
SigAir ProForce MCX Virtus AEG right side.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

This report covers:

  • A discovery!
  • The test
  • ASG 0.25-gram Open Blasters
  • TSD Bio 180 0.26-gram BBs
  • TSD 0.28-gram Tactical BBs
  • ASG 0.30gram Blaster Devil BBs
  • Full-auto
  • Summary

Today I’m shooting the Sig ProForce MCX Virtus AEG  with heavier BBs than Sig recommends. You will be able to compare today’s groups with those from Part 3 to see which BB you think is best.

A discovery!

Before we begin I need to tell you about a discovery I made. In the last report the 0.20-gram BBs that Sig supplied with the gun were not feeding well from the magazine, nor were 0.25-gram Stealth BBs. In today’s first test I had the identical problem and discovered that it isn’t the BB; it’s the magazine. It does not like feeding the last four BBs when it’s in the semiautomatic mode. So, for all of today’s test I filled the mag with way more than the 10 shots I needed and after the target was finished I went full-auto outdoors in a safe direction with the BBs that remained. All four of the BBs I tested today fed perfectly that way.

The test

I shot all the targets from a rest at 10 meters. Until the last target, all shooting was one round at a time, which is the semiautomatic rate of fire. I did not adjust the Romeo5 XDR dot sight or the Hop Up at all today. I think you will see that things worked out well

ASG 0.25-gram Open Blasters

The first BB tested was the ASG Open Blaster that weighs 0.25-grams. Ten went into a group that measures 2.041-inches between centers.The group is very well-centered and I am happy with it.

Virtus 25 0.25-gram Blaster
Ten ASG 0.25-gram Open Blasters went into 2.041-inches at 10 meters.

TSD Bio 180 0.26-gram BBs

Next to be tested was the 0.26-gram TSD 180 Bio BB. Ten of them went into 4.34-inches at 10 meters. It’s a strange group because 6 of them are in 1.041-inches in nearly the center of the bull. But those four other shots are there and represent some inconsistency. So this isn’t a good group overall.

Virtus 0.26-gram TSD Bio 180
Ten TSD Bio 180 0.26-gram BBs went into 4.34-inches at 10 meters. Seven of them are in 1.041-inches.

Hunting Guide

TSD 0.28-gram Tactical BBs

Next up were 10 TSD Tactical 0.28-gram BBs. These surprised me when 10 went into 1.804-inches, with 8 in 1.512-inches. This looks like a very stable BB for the Virtus.

Virtus 0.28-gram TSD tactical
The 0.28-gram TSD Tactical BB looks good. Ten are in 1.804-inches with 8 in 1.152-inches.

ASG 0.30gram Blaster Devil BBs

The final BB I tested was the 0.30-gram Blaster Devil. Ten went into 1.661-inches. That’s the best group of ten for this test, but for some reason it didn’t seem like it at the time. When I went outside the dump the BBs remaining in the magazine full-auto, I could see them dropping fast after 10 meters. That is why I didn’t select them for the next test, which will be burst-fire in full-auto.

Virtus 0.30-graom ASG Blaster Devil
Ten 0.30-gram ASG Blaster Devils went into 1.661-inches at 10 meters. It’s the smallest 10-shot group of this test, but I didn’t like how they fell off after about 10 meters when fired longer distances full-auto. 


Like last time, I took what I thought was the best BB overall in this test, which was the 0.28-gram TSD Tactical and I fired a bunch of them at the last target full auto. “A bunch” turns out to be 17 BBs. I shot the Virtus off the rest and held the trigger back until no more BBs came out. As with all the BBs in this test and the previous one, the magazine empties completely in full-auto. You must remember to then place the selector in semi-auto and fire a couple blank shots to relax the mainspring again.

Seventeen BBs went into 3.496-inches at 10 meters when fired full-auto. Notice that they stayed mostly well-centered within the bullseye, with only two BBs straying outside. This would be a good close-range BB for skirmishing.

Virtus full-auto
On full-auto the Virtus put 17 0.28-gram BBs into 3.496-inches at 10 meters.

The Virtus was more accurate today with the heavier BBs than it was in Part 3 with the 0.20-gram BBs that Sig Recommends using. That doesn’t necessarily mean you should use the heavier ones, because distance is also a factor. But it is worth knowing that as the BB weight increases the groups get smaller.

Would the groups have continued to shrink if I had tested even heavier BBs than those I tested today? Perhaps, but after seeing how the heavier BBs dropped in flight after about 10 meters (on full-auto) I thought the gun had come to the upper edge of its BB-handing ability.

It’s now clear to me that the Virtus is designed for short bursts of full-auto fire. It does work in the semi-auto mode and it works quite well, but that’s not what it is designed for.


We have reached the end of our tests of the Sig Virtus AEG airsoft gun with the 120 spring installed. Next time I will replace this mainspring with the lighter 110 spring and conduct both velocity and accuracy tests again.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

82 thoughts on “SigAir ProForce MCX Virtus AEG airsoft gun: Part 4”

  1. B.B.

    Any idea why the magazine hangs up during semi-auto operation but not during full auto? When you get inside to change the spring you might see a reason. If my thinking is right this problem might be more pronounced on semi-auto with the lighter spring.


    PS: Section TSD Bio 180 0.26-gram BBs Third sentence: But thosef our (those four) other shots are there and represent some inconsistency.

    • In looking at the photos BB has shown of the magazine, it is what is called a mid cap (short for Mid Capacity), it depresses a follower and spring as the projectiles are loaded in the top of the magazine.
      The B B is held in place at the top of the Mag by a small spring loaded catch that is moved out of the way by a short feeding tube on the hop up unit when the magazine is inserted.
      Allowing the BB’s to be fed into the “Chamber”
      The feed tube is about 3 or 4 projectiles diameter in length, and when the magazine spring has relaxed, and the last round is out of the magazine, there will be 3 or 4 left in the spaces between the mag and the barrel.

      This is normal.
      Some companies make magazines that have a follower that extends above the top of the mag, and into the feed tube, thereby allowing ALL of the BBs to be fed.
      But those are typically gas fed guns, and use the follower to stop the action from cycling to have last shot hold open.

      The High capacity magazines have a small door on the top of the magazine you open, and dump in a LOT of BB’s, then you close the door, and wind an internal clockwork feed mechanism, that feeds hundreds of BB’s from the magazine before having to wind again.

      Below is a photo of the top of a high capacity magazine, it shows the loading door for the high cap magazine partially open.

      Inside the round feed hole you can see the small catch that stops the balls from coming out of the magazine until the mag is inserted into the gun, and that plunger is depressed, allowing the balls to feed.


        • Airsoft? What’s airsoft? Is that some kind of fabric softener?

          The truth is, I likely know less than you. I do not even know enough to be able to ask a reasonably coherent question.

        • Siraniko,

          It is culpable to remain willfully ignorant of matters that one is obligated to know!

          Ignorance may be:

          1. Of law, when one is unaware of the existence of the law itself, or at least that a particular case is comprised under its provisions.
          2. Of fact, when not the relation of something to the law but the thing itself or some circumstance is unknown.
          3. Of penalty, when a person is not cognizant that a sanction has been attached to a particular crime. This is especially to be considered when there is question of more serious punishment.

          Guilt comes with willful ignorance!
          I think your safe (since yours is of the second type) on that count about AirSoft ;^)

          I’ll try to keep the dangers of HIGH pressure fluids (HPA is called/considered a fluid in most of technical writings!) to help keep airgunners safer.


    • RR,

      With the Maximus going the way of the dinosaurs, will you get one or go another route? I know in the past that you said you would take a Maximus over a Fortitude.

      I just happen to know “someone” who has a .22 Maximus,… even regulated,….. 😉


      By the way,… whoever said they should keep it on the market,… I agree.

        • RR,

          This has been one of those guns that you do not get rid. It is just so handy and light. Plus, with the 3 pellet, pellet holder aboard,… it is a grab and go.

          Sorry,…. Chris

          Now,….. if we are talking the original asking price of 1000,…. I think we can definitely talk! 😉

      • Chris
        I mentioned it to RidgeRunner the other day when he said they were special order.

        I said it would be a mistake if the Maximus went away all together. It’s a very accurate basic model that can be modded a gazillion ways. The Fortitude to me now after getting one is in between the Maximus and Marauder rifle. I myself like the Marauder rifles and the Maximus better than the Fortitude. I’m still not crazy about the internal regulators that the Forritude has.

        What I would of liked to see with the Fortitude would be the regulated removable bottle like the Gauntlet. That bottle is a nice system and you can change bottles from gun to gun. I have multiple guns that now use that 13 cubic inch regulated bottle. And another thing is if you want to take one out in the field or like say I go to my brother’s house to shoot and I take my modded Maximus or my Gauntlet I can bring 3 of those 13 cubic inch regulated bottles. I can get a bit more than 90 shots out of my Gauntlet or modded Maximus. That’s a good amount of shots for a day of shooting with 3 bottles by the side. And another thing I could carry one of those bottles in my pants pocket if I wanted to for a back up. Which I don’t recommend really. Not good if it was out in the sun and the burst disc decides to blow… while in your pocket!

        I really see the regulated small HPA bottles to be the thing of the future for PCP’s guns and HPA Co2 conversions.

        And I’ll say this for you Chris. I would like to see any of those guns that do come out with the 13 cubic inch regulated bottles come up with a nice way to hide the bottles a bit. Kind of like how the bottle sticks out the front of your Red Wolf.

        The idea is there for the bottles to be used. Now we just need some smart air gun manufacturers t step up and get it done.

        Heck I like my .177 Gauntlet so much I’m thinking about getting one in .25 caliber. I really think it’s going to be the way of the future. Heck if the Hatsan semi auto guns would use the small 13 cubic inch regulated bottles I bet with the more consistent regulated air they would have a more reliable semi auto action… and more shots available.

        Remember what I’m saying right now. It’s going to happen. The regulated bottle guns. And I’m willing to bet it will be before I retire. And that ain’t very far off. Let’s see what happens.

        • GF1,

          I am most appreciative to hear/read your thoughts concerning the Fortitude. The regulator has been a major issue with me. I am told it is not adjustable, but I am not so sure of that. Maybe not in the normal sense, but if you understand it’s workings you can likely modify/adjust it. I am not certain of this, but it should be easily removable. Perhaps a slight increase in the size of the plenum would benefit the young lady?

          I know you are hooked on bottles, but not all of us are. That is one of the things I do not like about the Gauntlet. With the bulging of the bottle and the weight, I find it is not where I want to go. I was intrigued by one version I have seen where the person used an Umarex Hammer bottle on it. Of course that made it heavier, but he was shooting bench. If I was inclined to have a heavier air rifle I would probably go with the Marauder.

          No, I think the Maximus is where I want to go. Back to the basics and build up what I want.

          • RR
            The 13 cubic inch bottles weigh about the same as a scope. So they really don’t make the gun a heavy gun. The Gauntlet is a fairly heavy gun already without the bottle. But yes the bottle does add weight but not that much. And weight does help in certain instances.

            I say there is more positive points about the use of a regulated 13 cubic inch bottle than there are negatives about the bottles.

            I still believe they will be the way of the pcp future. Not that everyone will want one. But at least there will be more choices of guns with them if people do want them that is if the manufacturers start making them. And of course there will still probably be the guns with internal regulators and without regulators at all for those people that want them.

            See I think we will all be happy in the end. 😉

  2. Everyone,

    I fell off my bicycke yesterday and damaged my hip. I went to the emergency room where they took X-rays and a CAT scan and there were no broken bones.

    I cannot walk without a walker and it takes me minutes to walk 30 feet.

    So there will be no new blog rtomorrow, because I am too banged up to do the testing and writing. I don’t know how long I will be down.


      • MisterAP,

        Yes,.. ice at time of injury. My brother has a Masters in sports medicine. He said ice right after will speed recovery time immensely. Keep the swelling down is the idea as it’s the swelling that causes a lot of tissue damage. Good tip for all!


    • B.B.,

      I’m thankful that there was no fractures. Don’t worry about the blog not posting, at least we are aware as to why. We’ll just treat this as another weekend blog. Who knows Shootski might post enough material regarding HPA fill equipment to qualify as a blog?

      Will be praying for your speedy recovery. Edith is probably watching over you to prevent further injury beyond some severe bruising.


    • BB,

      Oh man! Don’t be doin’ that! You be scarin’ me and stuff!

      Well, why you have some down time, maybe you can work on your spelling? 😉 What’s ” bicycke “? 😉

    • Very sorry to hear about your crash. It’s one of the things I worry about when I do my bicycle rides (pedal power only – have not gone to the dark side yet). The other week I fell on my mountain bike in a rocky section. Just cuts and bruises. Told everyone I gave my new artificial hip the 3.5 ft. drop test the military gives their ammo. Heal quickly and when in pain or trying to take a nap and pain is keeping you up, don’t be a hero. Take some ibuprofen. Be careful if your pain killer of choice is acetaminophen – too much can damage your liver.

      Fred formerly of the DPRoNJ now happily in GA

    • BB
      Man I hate hearing that. I’m joking here. No writing while doing drugs. Or maybe do. You just might keep Siraniko busy as your spell checker. And laughter heals you know that.

      But seriously that is a bummer. I guess I’ll be the bad guy. But I got to ask. How the heck did that happen. If you don’t want to say I understand. I just hope you get better soon.

      • Gunfun1,

        I’d bet that B.B. wasn’t concentrating properly while riding and probably slipped on a slippery patch of road. Seen it often enough among the motorcycle riders coming into the Emergency Room after their wheels slipped while braking. His accident though reminded me of the time when I also got distracted while on my bike and did an impromptu split that severely stretched my knee. In my embarrassment I hid the exact details from my wife (She would have had me sell the bike if she found out!). I told her that I had slipped on the stairs instead. Took me a few weeks in a knee brace before I could go around without a limp and three months before I could ride again.


    • BB,

      God speed on a quick recovery. My Dad broke his awhile back and had it replaced. He is fine now at 82.

      We will muddle through just fine,…. just get well.


    • B.B.,

      That is not good at all, you take care and get back up to speed.

      You can take the rest of the week off, just get better.

      We will miss the blog but don’t worry about it, blog again when you are ready.


    • Get well soon! I’m betting it’s been a while since you’ve had a day or two off. Relax as best you can. I’m sure there are meds involved in your recovery. Let me guess, too fast on the corners?

    • Ouch! Wishing you well and a complete recovery no matter how long it takes.

      No get rid of that death trap! What were you thinking when you got it?????
      A tricycle maybe. Remember that we are children twice and adults only once.

      And get a PA, I mentioned that years ago, so you should reconsider.
      Also, think about going to a physical therapist. Some times soft tissue can be worse that broken bones.

      Wishing you God’s Speed, Godfather.


    • Ouch. mass x velocity squared is no joke. Glad you didn’t land on yer head man!
      I fell walking to the living room holding a cup of coffee month and a half ago, vaso vegal response.
      I didnt break the rib with my elbow, and i was still holding the cup when I woke. My dad swears by recumbents,much closer to the earth.

    • Feel better, B.B.

      Glad to hear it wasn’t more serious. You have a lot of us rooting for you!

      We look forward to you being back. Take the time you need. Like most injuries, they have their own idea of how long a recovery is… usually longer than what we would like.


    • TG: Sorry to read of your cycling accident. I’ve had a few in my cycling career, too, including the trip to the ER for a broken clavicle. As the staff liaison of the cycling club at the Ohio Veterans Home (a.k.a., the guru), for 17 years before I retired, I was subject to the guff and good-humored ribbing of the vets!

      Follow the medical plan of care and get back to cycling slowly and in increments. If you haven’t had a good bike “fit,” please so do in order that the ergonomics are correct. Cycling, although it caused your pain, is also the best way to restore function as the exercise and movement is weight supported and less stressful.

      Look forward to columns to come in the future. Heal up! We’ll miss you for a while but not forever….

      • LFranke,

        Thank you for your words of encouragement. I am still wobbly in the mornings so I walk with a cane. The rest of the day I can walk on two feet, though I now have an injured leg gait.

        I do plan on getting back on both bikes as soon as I’m able. But slow and steady wins the race.


  3. “I am too banged up to do the testing and writing. I don’t know how long I will be down.”
    I’m sorry about your accident, but I’m happy you were not hurt worse (at least no broken bones, thank God!), and I’ll keep you on my prayer list for a fast recovery.
    Remember that old movie, “Carbine Williams”? I know it’s embellished, and not totally accurate, but perhaps like in the movie (at least as portrayed by Hollywood), you will dream up a design for a new airgun in your down time. =>
    Praying for your recovery,

  4. B.B.,

    Sorry to hear about your crash. Take care and make sure someone checks on you for a few days you don’t want complications.

    I had a dream you fell off your bike. I did not want to jinx you so I said nothing. Maybe I should of mentioned it.

    The blog will be fine for a few days. Get well.


  5. B.B.,

    Praying for your Quickest and FULL recovery!
    Have you contacted your church?
    They will no doubt keep you under as much or as little care as you might need with chores and other assistance.
    Hips are tough to RICE but do watch for swelling, feelings of heat, and changes in pain for the worse.
    Don’t drive if you are on any new pain meds! DUI isn’t just for illegal drugs or alcohol. Use the Church group!


  6. Today I decieded to test the theory that the further back your eye is from a notch sight the more accurate you can be. Obviously it is not a simple test.

    I used my Diana Chaser CO2 carbine and put a notch sight at the back of the bolt close to my eye. It also has a notch sight that sits on the barrel band and can be placed midway between the eye and the front post. I may try that also.

    I shot 10 shot groups with my eye at about 4 inches and 18 inches from the rear notch sight. I also shot the two different distance groups with and without prescription glasses.The target distance was 10 meters. I used JSB EXACT 8.44 gr pellets. The gun was rested on an adjustable metal shooting rest supported front and rear. I tried to make the only difference between groups the two eye distances. That was not possible as so may other variables come into play. Sight geometry and egonomics are the biggest ones I think.

    1. The notch needs to be sized so the width on each side of the front post is small enough to tell when the post is centered. It also makes it easier to tell when the top of the post is at the same height as the top of the notch. I did not make a separate notch for each eye distance so the test is not a fair test. The notch width with my eye at 4 inches was over three times the post width. the notch with my eye at 18 inches was a little less than two post widths less than a half post width on each side, about what I like.

    2. With my shooting glasses I could see the target and front post clearly but not the rear notch especially at 4 inches. Without my glasses I could see the front post and the rear notch clearly but the target was fuzzy.

    3. With my eye at 4 inches from the notch I had a cheek weld and was in my normal shooting position. With my eye at 18 inches from the notch my trigger arm was extended almost as far as I could reach, no cheek weld and not ergonomic.

    When I finished the four groups I decided to put a bug buster scope on the gun and shoot another gourp for comparision.

    The picture below shows the results. Obviously I was not on my best today but the groups do show some consistency. At first glance the 18 inch eye distance looks better but is edged out by the total spread of the groups. Based on the shape of the groups I think I was not pulling the trigger straight back, it has some side to side woble and needs quite a bit of concentration.

    So the question remains does a longer eye distance from the rear notch improve accuracy. I say maybe.


  7. Good luck with the injury. You are considered an “essential resource”, in today’s vernacular.

    I saw 4 people go by today on electric assisted bikes. First time I have noticed any. They were riding the Continental Divide trail.

    Idea for a low impact blog topic-how to control a rifle with pistol grip without causing it to shoot low. Last night I missed a badger that has been digging a lot of holes. The shot should have been a piece of cake. It went low. If I had used a rifle with regular stock, I could be dining on badger steak tonight.

    Any of you military trained folks have suggestions? I used an m14.

      • I had a Ruger hornet sitting by door, but wanted to use Hipoint 9mm carbine. No good reason, except it is a handy size and has enough power. Hornet will get next chance.

        The “black” rifle topic today made me think of asking. I would like to see how it does offhand. No rush. Recovery is first priority.

    • Gene43,

      Benji-Don has a solution for you since you know how to stay on target with a “regular” stock.

      “Idea for a low impact blog topic-how to control a rifle with pistol grip without causing it to shoot low.” I would need to see you shoot your M14 (firearm?) to really be able to help your specific technique defect. But in general a pistol grip doesn’t really control the rifle. It merely positions your trigger finger. The “OFF” hand is what actually controls the rifle along with the sling if you use one. If you are trying to “control” the rifle with the pistol grip i would venture that you are Riding the Recoil; which means you are anticipating the rise and pushing the barrel down. You can check for that, and more, by having a friend give you the rifle either with a round chambered or not for a few mixed cycles and video your face and the rifle. You may learn a number of technique faults to work on.

      Badger steaks…tastes just like chicken! ;^)


      • I thought I wasn’t clear. My m14 stayed behind in Ft Leonard Wood when I got out of basic training. I was hearing a lot of stuff about the m16 in 1968. None good.

        I have taken up air power to save a little of the hearing left. I found this blog after getting a couple of breakbarrels. They sit in corner now. All have had regular stocks. I grew up with a Daisy and was surprised at how hard the new ones were to shoot accurately. Yes, most came from Walmart. I have a manual pump for Hatsan pcp and need an electric one. I’m older than BB.

        Practice should help me with pistol grip. Will get Fusion gen 2 unless reviews are bad. That will give me cheaper practice.

        • Gene43,

          All my 14s had pistol grips.

          But my comments are still valid even if us old guys (71) are talking past each other.
          I still guess that you are riding the recoil. One other thought; is your elbow up or down?


          • Elbow must have been down. I was squeezing rifle out door without opening it more than a crack. There is no good excuse for missing something that big at 25 yards.

            M14 with black type stock? I have never seen one.

            77 here. Aging really picked up after 70.

            • Gene43,

              So your shooting from improvised positions! The plot thickens that almost certainly causes eye to be out of center of eyebox if your using a scope…any parallax and you are certain to miss! If you are shooting irons that cheekweld is critical as Benji-Don is proving in his experiment!

              M14 with pistol grip first one with a brown wood stock (probably Walnut) later ones with green or black painted wood furniture and metal butt stocks.

              I noticed the older squadron mates taking the slide at reunions so i decided to do something about it. I may be blessed with better health but i have used a Personal Trainer since i turned 65…it has really helped me to not age as fast. Time will tell how well it works.

              Keep shooting and make sure you have fun!


            • The M14 with the pistol grip stock was the E2 model. (M14E2).
              And later called the M14A1.
              It had a wooden stock, including the pistol grip being made from wood.
              And had a fold down front grip meant to give it better controllability when used is the squad automatic weapon role.
              It also had a muzzle compensator, different from the standard flshhider, an M2 bipod, and different sling than the standard M14.

              But the 20 round magazine capacity limited the amount of suppressive fire it could lay down.

              I am 20 years junior to you guys that used them, but I have had my hands in them.

        • Now I have a better understanding of your question. I have not had an issue with a pistol grip rifle but they are not my favorite. Maybe someone else has the same issue.

          I have shot a few badgers but never ate one. They do have plenty of meat on them. Have you ate one? Are they good? My Dad said Mountain Lion was his favorite but I haven’t tried that either.

            • Glad to see you have got back on the horse…the blog, not the 2 wheeled monster. ATTA BOY!!

              I have never fired an AR, but they really don’t feel right when I hold one. Makes it easy to put down.

    • Gene43,

      I didn’t know that folks ate badgers. Is it common or is it more like groundhogs and raccoons, some guys will eat ’em if they shoot ’em, some wouldn’t think of it?

      As for shooting low, if you hit consistently low with a particular gun, can’t you just adjust the sights to bring the point of impact up? You called it “a piece of cake” shot. If that means a close shot. Maybe the bullet was just in a low point in its trajectory. I wasn’t in the service and have only shot my brother’s AR a few times, but I didn’t really notice a propensity to shoot low on those occasions.


      • I was just kidding about the steaks. Don’t know anyone that eats them.

        The evil monster has appeared in the same place several times, so I set a target there and took some test shots. All were minute of badger. Then I must have been excited and squeezed down on grip…low. i have shot squirrels in same spot with air.

        I have been shooting my 1077 today using middle finger on trigger. I think GF1 mentioned doing that with heavy triggers a few days ago. It feels strange, but seems to work. Will try it with carbine when i get some practice ammo loaded.

        I have laughed at comments about the login process. My apologies. It has taken me hours, off and on, to finally get back in. I do this on my phone and pictures are small.

      • Half,
        If I am remembering right when an AR is sighted in properly for military use the sights are zeroed to 200 yards. At 25 yards the poi is an inch and a half lower than the sights. That is because the standard sights are mounted a little more than 1-1/2″ above the bore center line.

  8. B.B.

    So sorry to hear of your fall. We don’t bounce like we did when we were younger. I find that even a minor fall makes everything rattle and shocks me a bit. However, never give up! You will be missed. After some puzzled “what!?” at no new post, it was replaced with concern that something serious and long-lasting had happened. The fall is no simple thing, but we do heal and you will be back on top. Will be praying for a complete and uneventful recovery


      • BB,

        With this mishap coming so closely on the heals of your “Choosing an Airgun” report, to stay on the safe side, I advise against making any comparisons between airGUNs and any airPLANEs that you may purchase in the future, ya know what I mean…..? 😉

        Get better soon. Your godchildren need their daddy!


  9. B.B.

    I was confused for a moment when I didn’t see a new post – then figured something was wrong! Sorry to hear of your injury and hope you will recover soon!

    If anyone is thinking about doing a guest blog, now would be a good time. I am in the middle of tilling and planting a 16′ x 24′ garden, time is limited but I will see if I can put together something.

    Take care Tom!


  10. Wow! Thank God nothing broke. This continues the “sheet” storm of negativity and calamity family and friends have been experiencing since November past; not that the country is doing much better. If it is any consolation, my centenarian father broke his right hip in December, received a full hip replacement, and was back home after rehab by early February. He is walking – with a walker, but still on his own, and is pretty much back to his pre-fracture state, sense of humor and wit intact. So, you will be fine. Pause, rest – not too much – all will be well.

    Not to be preachy, but the key to staying fit, able, and engaged as long as possible so we can enjoy our lives, family, friends, and interests – such as airgunning – is to stay active, exercise – at least walk daily – both body and mind, eat sensibly and watch the calories. Doesn’t hurt to be thankful to the Boss Of Us for what we have; in matters of belief, however, whatever works for you is good.

  11. BB
    Like the rest, I was at first disappointed and then worried when I found no new post today. I went to the comments and quickly realized that my fears were at least partly true. I am happy that the fall didn’t break anything other than your pride but I am well aware of the pain involved even without a break.
    I noticed that you were reading the comments, which to me is a good sign and when you mentioned that there was a short blog in the works I was even more relieved. I hope that you are a fast healer and although I often believe in “getting back on the horse that threw you” I think you might be well advised to give it some time.
    Hope to hear that you are back to riding and shooting soon ( but not too soon).

  12. On aging,….. is there something that (actually) boost testosterone and helps with weight loss/maintenance? Radio/TV ads abound. Does something actually work? That is what kept you lean in the younger years,… right?

    Same with aging pain,….. Glenn Beck,… which I caught on the car radio today was promoting something. He could not “move” 2 years ago without pain,… and now does all sorts of things. Mmmmm? $?

    Yes,… exercise and staying active is key and is basic. Eating well too.

    I eat pretty darn well,.. but at the same time,… weight is easier to gain and harder to come off.

    So what ya’ all got? Anything? Nothing? It’s all a bunch of BS? No “magic bullet”? Just lay down and die? 😉


    • Chris U,

      That is the 1,000,000 dollar question. I have been lured into a couple of those products from the adds. I did not notice any difference in anything including weight loss. I am sure that prescription testosterone works. I have not tried it. I say 95 % of the non prescription remedies out there are snake oil.

      Getting old is not for sissies. All I can say is keep moving. So far no one has found the fountain of youth. You may be young enough for it to happen. The old ones I know that did well just kept a good attitude and did not stop moving forward.

      Maybe others have a different experience.


      • Don,

        I have tried Blue Emu cream on something like knees,… seemed to do great at first, but did not sustain repeated effects for any length of time,… like days. I don’t buy that any more.

        I will take an (1) Alieve with the daily supplements just to knock off any “edge”. Some days better are better than others. I stay with that regime. I (refuse) to take something like that all day long as I have seen others do. Some of that stuff can mess up the liver and kidneys real bad if overused.

        I am real leery of scrip stuff. Side/long term effects can be way worse than the problem your treating. I do not take any scrip stuff except for blood pressure,

        Curcumin (Turmeric) is said to have natural anti-inflammatory effects. Then, add black pepper to further add absorption/effect. Again, mixed results, but overall pretty good. I just get a bottle of Turmeric spice at Walmart and I fresh grind pepper anyways,… so all good there and is natural. Sprinkle on, mix with or cook with.

        Beyond that,… like you said,.. just keep moving. A few here practice Yoga, so stuff like that is good for range of motion and flexibility. You can do whole lot with stretch bands. Those are great!

        The last few weeks I have been clearing my woods of trash trees, multi flora rose, grape vines and general scrub stuff. About 3/4 acre of mature woods. Looks a lot better and was really way past due for something to be done. Those vines will overtake a nice tree and kill it quick. I just clip out a 2′ section at the ground level. The biggest grape vine I found was at least 6″ at the base. I definitely feel more limbered up after 4-6 hours of hard woods work.

        Take care,…. Chris

        • Chris U,

          I have had the same results with the some of the creams and oils. I have arthritis in my neck and knees. After a while they stop working.

          So far I have the best luck with finding out what gives me trouble and avoid doing it. Lifting heavy objects is hard on my knees. I picked up a pool table last week and even though it is in parts they were too heavy and now my knees are telling me don’t do that again.

          If I lost 40 pounds that would really help.


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