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Ammo New Benjamin Match Grade domed pellets

New Benjamin Match Grade domed pellets

New Benjamin pellet
10.5-grain Crosman Premier pellets on the left and the new Benjamin Match Grade domes on the right. They look very similar, but aren’t the same.

The report covers:

  • Name?
  • The tins
  • No parting line
  • Proof of the pudding
  • Other calibers
  • Hard Air Magazine
  • When?
  • Summary

Today we look at the mystery pellet that shot such a great 25-yard group with the HW 50S yesterday. That pellet is branded Benjamin and Ed Schulz is the person who told me about it. He told me I was going to think it is a 10.5-grain Crosman Premier because it looks so much like one, but in fact it isn’t.


The pellet is called Benjamin Match Grade. Really? Come on, Crosman, name this pellet! Everybody on the planet calls their pellets match grade; that’s not a real name. Wake up, marketing department! Earn your keep.

And, once you do name the pellet, freeze the name and don’t let it migrate to your other pellet lines. You had a dominant position in the pellet world for two decades with the Premier line. Now is your chance to dominate again.

New Benjamin pellet package
The new Benjamin pellet package.

The tin is plain.

BB Pelletier can’t leave things at that, so he’s going to name it — at least until Crosman does. From this point until I hear different this pellet will be the Benjamin Bullseye. I like the initials — BB.

Come on, marketeers. You know the world calls your Benjamin Marauder rifle an M-rod and the discontinued Benjamin Discovery the Disco. I’m not telling you to do that, but give this pellet a NAME!

The tins

They came to me 500 per tin and they look all nice and new. Of course they are going to look that way because they are new. 

New Benjamin pellets
The new Benjamin pellets come 500 per tin.

I asked Ed about the composition and he told me these are made from lead hardened with antimony. Yeah, so they’re more than just lookalikes. But go back to yesterday’s test and look at the huge difference in downrange performance.

No parting line

One place where they differ is in the parting line of the pellets. The parting line is that line where the two die halves come together to form the pellet. On the Premier 10.5s it is visible. On the Benjamin Bullseyes, not so much.

Premier parting line
Enlarged many times and sharpened with Photoshop filters, the Premier pellet parting line can be seen.

Benjamin parting line
The parting line on the Benjamin Bullseye is next to invisible.

Proof of the pudding

And the proof of the pudding — is in the tasting! We have already seen one side-by-side comparison that showed a dramatic difference in accuracy between the Benjamin Bullseye and the Crosman Premier. And there are many more to come.

The Diana two forty has yet to be tested at 25 yards. It’s also a .177, making it ideal for a test.

The HW 30S is another candidate, though for this test I believe I will scope the rifle, just to be as fair as possible. I haven’t shot that rifle scoped yet, so that should prove to be fun.

I also have a new/old .177-caliber Beeman R7 that can be tested with both pellets. So there are many rifles I can use to test this new Benjamin Bullseye. I won’t overwhelm you with the tests, either. I’ll let some time pass between each test, but this new pellet is one I will watch.

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

Other calibers

Were there other calibers of Crosman Premiers? Of course there will be other calibers of the Benjamin Bullseye.

Hard Air Magazine

There is an excellent review of this pellet at the Hard Air Magazine website. Stephen Archer goes into great depth explaining all the variables that he evaluated. His conclusion is this is a great new pellet. I concur. It is great and it is also new. And he has given a retail price of $19.99 for a tin of 500. I just hope Crosman will be able to maintain that price for awhile, given the cost of lead these days.

One thing Hard Air Magazine did test was the weight of the pellet. They observed an average weight of 10.48-grains. I would round that up to 10.5 grains because I don’t like to fiddle with hundredths of a grain, of which there are 700,000 in one pound, avoirdupois. Sometimes we go one click past reasonable and wind up in the noise. That’s why I round up when I report velocities and pellet weights.


This new pellet will hit the market pretty soon, I think. Crosman says sometime in September, but your best bet would be to watch the Pyramyd AIR website.


We have a new pellet. And this one isn’t some rebranded Asian job. This one is made by a company that has proven they know how to make pellets.

You readers always put caveats on things made in China, but let me tell you, China isn’t alone in their battle with standards and quality. My hope is Crosman can maintain the line on this new batch of pellets, because I think they are on to something great.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

88 thoughts on “New Benjamin Match Grade domed pellets”

  1. BB,
    I like the looks of it, without the parting line,
    It’ll be interesting to see how the accuracy of it stacks up in a variety of rifles.
    Having yet another good choice of a well-made and accurate pellet is always a good thing. 🙂
    Blessings to you,

  2. I always had good luck with the boxed premiere. These look like a good follow up. Only problem I had was the antimony seemed to lead the barrel as higher speeds.

    What I use almost always These days are FTT. Just find the correct head size and go. They are harder than JSB, and softer than CPH, and they have 4 head sizes per caliber.

  3. Another American Company supports the enemy. When will we ever learn?
    And China is the enemy; just ask the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea.

    The advantage of a heavy pellet is the better BC and energy on contact, the disadvantage is they drop like a rock at low velocities.


    • Preach. Being half-Chinese, I can tell you that the PRC has been at war with the US for 70 years, but the US doesn’t see it, being blinded by cheap labor and products. The Chinese understand the concept of the long term win.

      • Sean,
        Years ago, I had a couple of friends who were smuggling Bibles into China by way of Hong Kong.
        Their take on things was that, unlike the 1st Century, where Christianity was being spread through the lowest echelons of society, in China, it is being spread amongst the upper strata, the educated, like those with engineering degrees, because they know that the government is lying (since it’s based on the lies of Marxism) to them, and they see the truth in the words of Jesus. Their prayer (and mine) is that the number of actual Christians (in small, home, non-State-sponsored churches) will eventually cause a tipping point, where the country will have a radical shift for the betterment of everyone living there.
        Blessings to you,

        • They are an interesting study in peoples. They can tell you one thing, make you believe in that thing with their words and up-front actions, all the while they are scheming in the background (the Liaoning aircraft carrier being one simple example). I believe you are correct that the country is approaching a tipping point. They are suffering from the results of years of the One-Child policy (no longer our most populous country with a continuously declining birth rate). They like and resent Western ways at the same time. Where will they go? Imperialism? Civil War? FWIW, I was born in Taiwan back when it was recognized as the “legitimate” China, even though the Kuomintang had its own sordid past.

          Ok, back to airgunning!! Happy shooting, Dave! I’m looking forward to trying out these American made pellets.

          • “lessons in history” & “sharing our passion for airguns”
            Due to your birthplace, you may find this interesting: years ago, I moved from one section of our company to another section in Florida. Right before I walked in to meet my new boss, another employee told me, “Oh, yes…Don Lee…I know him…he’s from China.”
            Foolishly, upon meeting him, I commented about that…
            Don: “China! I am not some Communist! I am from Taiwan!!!”
            Too late did I notice the “Two Chinas” map on his wall, with the PRC and Taiwan.
            He was polite but firm; he sat me down and, beginning in the mid-11th Century, walked me through the history of the area (which I found to be quite interesting).
            The next day, a new employee half my age said, “Oh, I hear our boss is from China.”
            Me: “No! He is Taiwanese! If you mention the word, ‘China,’ be prepared for a two-hour lecture.”
            Personally, I’m always up for a good history lesson.
            And there are many airgunners here, BB included, of course, who both could and have given some interesting historical insights here…some related to shooting, and some not.
            That’s what I love about this blog!
            People here are friendly (unlike some other forums #_#); they are also passionate about airguns, and they like to share their expertise for the benefit of all. In addition to all of BB’s reports, there have been many guest blogs here. I have learned many things here, yet there’s so much more to know.
            These days, I’m just a plinker (nothing wrong with that, of course =>); yet I still enjoy reading and learning about other types of airgunning (like hundred-yard target shooting), even if I may not practice it myself.
            Airgun shooting has been going on for centuries, and I pray it will continue for a loooong time!
            BB has created a pretty unique learning environment here; and I think it’s pretty cool that, years from now, new airgunners will be looking back to these reports and comments to increase their knowledge.
            OK; I’ll get off my soapbox now, lest I over-praise BB, and mess up his humility. 😉
            Happy shooting to you,

        • Here’s a potential solution to be suggested to the PRC – want a unified China? No problem – join Taiwan, become one China under the Taiwanese system of democratic government. Easy peasy! FM likes to indulge in fantasy and magical thinking, obviously and obliviously.

  4. It’s been near forever since I’ve commented….This new pellet caught my eye. Do you think it will show in the .20. I only have two brown box’s of Crosman Premier’s left. My Blue Streak and hw77 love them. shawn

    • Shawn,

      I don’t know about the .20. Let’s hope they make it in the Benjamin Bullseye. If they do it will probably be the last one made. As I understand it, the .25 caliber is ready to go now, too.


  5. BB
    Maybe it’s an opportunity to try a more powerful airgun than those we are accustomed recently. Shootski’s Sig in 0.177 came to my mind but I’m sure that you could find another option in the 20 fpe territory.

    • Bill,

      I’m looking at the guns I have available to test it. I wish that FX Dreamlite had been accurate, because this is exactly why I would have bought it.


      • BB,
        Could you borrow an Avenger? Mine in .177 is accurate enough and not pellet picky, but that is short distance only – the weather hasn’t been helping for long distance testing. Maybe even an Avenge-X?
        Just sayin’.

      • BB,

        My .177 HW100 likes 10.4 grain JSBs and is very accurate but I had to detune (down from transonic velocities) it to get stable flight.

        From my (limited) experience with 3 .177 PCPs is that the caliber is less than ideal for that power plant and more suited to springers in sub-15 fpe class… with sub-12 fpe being even better (accuracy wise), trajectory permitting.

        Just saying that something like a TX200 would be an ideal test bed for those new pellets even if they are a bit on the heavier side.


    • Bill,

      When they become available to buy by us peons I might buy a tin of the new Super Pellet and feed a few to my SIG SSG ASP20 .177 caliber. The SUPER Pellet weight is close to the 10.03 grain 4.51mm JSB Knockout SLUGS that shot pretty good out to 50 yards in the PA MOA Challenge.

      we shall see…


  6. B.B.,

    I would call the new pellet, Benjamin Premier Match pellets (BPM), since it comes from the premier line,
    but why didn’t they just call them Crosman Premier Match (CPM), or it’s a marketing plan to revive the Benjamin brand?

    • Kevin,

      They didn’t call them by the Premier name because they have ruined that name. It once meant the best pellet made in America. Today it’s given to every pellet Crosman puts out — good and bad. That name is ruined.


  7. Tom,

    These new pellets should give the shooters the benefit of accuracy for now because the molds are still new. Hopefully Velocity Outdoors (the owners of TCFKAC) will recognize that they have to invest in new dies every few years to maintain the quality. Benjamin Bullseyes sounds nice. Once the dies are old the pellets can probably sold as Benjamin Premiers for a few years before the molds are only producing sinker larvae.


  8. BB,

    Well, I do not know. I guess the proof will be in the pudding. My experience with TCFKAC has not been all that great. Every time they have managed to get something right, they throw it away. They have managed to hang onto the Marauder for now, though they have been fiddling with the design. You know, “improving” it.

    These Match Grades, Bullseyes, whatever they want to call them, have a long row to hoe to show they are impressive. We will see where they end up.

  9. This just looks like a new die has been made for the old Crosman pellet. As BB said, it’s a branding exercise to move away from the Premier name. As long as they don’t hike the price I haven’t got an issue with it.

  10. Tom,

    I’ll get excited if the pudding tastes good AND if they come out in .20. Crosman bought the Sheridan brand (and factory, tooling, designs, etc.). Therefore, it seems to me they could make peace with Sheridan afficionados by making them in .20. At the very least it would be a wonderful gesture.


    • Agreed. Michael is absolutely right. Crosman made and sold .20 cal Sheridan guns for years. The least they can do is bring back the last iteration of the Sheridan Cylindrical they used to make.

      We need another .177 domed pellet like a hole in the head.

    • Michael,

      You need a GLASS Peace Pipe to smoke that .20 Caliber STUFF…LOL!
      I thought you were lucid yesterday when you said, “Nah!” to your own question about a .20! Smoke from Yellowknife, NWT might have a bit of THC in it.
      Yellowknife is the capital city of Canada’s Northwest Territories that are having weenie roasts and s’mores these days; must be a BAD case of the Munchies.


    • Michael, I’d like to see that happen; currently, the only good, really accurate, pellet for my old Sheridan is the .20 caliber JSB Match Diabolo (13.73-grain)…at least I have enough of those to last me a while…years. 😉

    • Michael, I asked the Velocity product manager about possibly producing a 360 (.20) to go with the 362 and forthcoming 367 (.177). He said no plans. I suspect Velocity has abandoned the 5mm. Hope I’m wrong, but it doesn’t look good.

      • OhioPlinker,

        Well, you’ve done some homework for us, and sadly the results are not encouraging. I figure H&N and JSB will continue to make them in small batches until they become cost-ineffective to manufacture or their dies need replacing, whichever comes first.


  11. This new pellet has my attention as well.

    I need to get some when they come to market to test in .177,.22,.25.

    Let’s see,
    Air Venturi Avenger , and bulllpup in .177&.22
    Fx Crown in .22 & .25
    JTS standard, and Max, in .22&.25.
    Daystate Wolverine
    Airarms S200 .177
    Airarms Prosport 177
    Gun power stealth in 177&.22 at both FAC, and sub 12 ftlb power levels.
    And too many lower powered co2 and multi pump pistols and rifles to list…

    Admitting it is the first step to embracing it…

    Hello, my name is Ian, and I have an Airgun addiction….

  12. Hank, I want to thank you for that well done blog about the P17.

    I would never have thought you could reduce the cocking effort by that much with no appreciable drop in velocity.

    That modification will make that pistol much more enjoyable to shoot, and safer.

    My 15 year old nephew was “nipped” by a P17 I had given him, the pistol clamped onto his left pectoral area, and he started screaming and dancing a jig, until the pistol was dislodged.

    Both his girlfriend and I thought it was hilarious, he didn’t see it that way.


    • You’re welcome Ian!

      Yeah, you have to be careful with the P17, I’ve caught shirt a couple of times but luckily never any skin. Think that would only be funny if it happened to someone else 😉

      How do you like your Wolverine? I recently picked up a walnut .22 “R” in standard (30 fpe) power and am very pleased with it. It’s shooting well and should get better as it’s broken in.

      Planning on having a shoot-off between my .22 caliber, 30 fpe PCPs (HW100 FSB, S510 XS, CROWN MK2 and the Wolverine R) and maybe doing a comparison blog about them.

      As far as my airgun addiction goes, I’m done buying (cabinets are full) and plan to focus on shooting.


      • I like the Wolverine, it’s the older 2015 model that’s unregulated.

        I used it to test the .22 caliber JTS pellets in the unregulated JTS Airacuda stand head to head with the unregulated Wolverine a few months ago for this blog.

        I do refuse to pay $120 for a new design magazine though, so I 3D printed my own .single shot trays, but do occasionally use the older design all metal factory mag that can be had for about $50 when you find them.

        My Wolverine came as a project gun, minus the shroud, so I fitted a carbon fiber sleeve over the barrel, fitted a moderator of my own design, and have been loving it ever since.

        I like the feature that will not advance the magazine until the gun is fired, so you can work the bolt as many times as you want, but it will not double feed a pellet.


      • Vana2,

        I’d also like to thank you for that how to blog on the P17. I have a pair of them that are going to get the treatment. I added pistol scopes to them early on to give them a longer cocking lever (the scope hangs well off the back of the “slide”) and a rounder surface to apply the force to. It does reduce the cocking effort, but it also adds a heck of a lot of weight and requires more deliberate aiming. I’ve never been completely happy with the mod. I think your’s is going to be a winner though, so thanks.


  13. Oh great, another pellet I get to try out. Just think of all the extra bench time we get every time a new pellet comes out.

    (I’m fairly sure there are 7,000 grains per pound not 700,000.)

  14. FM supposes he’ll just get a tin each of .177, .22 and .25 when available, see how the new pellets work out. Maybe by then things the weather will also be more backyard-friendly for testing.

  15. BB-

    Count my vote for a run of .20 caliber Benjamins.

    I see the packaging denotes ‘Single die precision’. The old (old, as in when Premier meant something) brown box Premiers were stamped with the die identity so you could manage your inventory. Any further marking as such on these new pellets? Thank you.

      • I looked at the pictures (apparently not closely enough!) for where they are made and missed that. Good. Thanks for pointing it out. It’s great if they’re made at a US plant, or at least somewhere NOT China. If they come from the original Crosman facility in East Bloomfield NY, it’d be icing on the cake (call it a local bias). ScottJ

  16. In my career as a process engineer, I routinely had tin-lead solder analyzed for trace metals, and to maintain the desired ratio of tin to lead (this was before lead became a global toxic horror story). So, I knew where to get an analysis done, and about two years back, I took samples of three pellet brands and sent them to an accredited lab for testing using optical emission spectroscopy. This was an expensive way to satisfy my curiosity, but I have nice official reports of the tests.

    From various online sources, I’ve seen claims that pellet manufacturers use high purity lead, with additions of antimony, but I’d never seen how much antimony. In one YouTube interview, the question was asked, but the answer was that this was proprietary.

    I had read that up to 2% antimony is added to pure lead to increase hardness, or to improve swaging results for pellet manufacturing processes.

    I know that lead alloy bullets are also typically alloyed with antimony, with reasons given such as improved the casting results, and increasing hardness to reduce leading of rifled barrels.


    H&N and JSB pellets are nearly pure Pb (99.8 and 99.6 respectively) with balance antimony and trace elements. Crosman pellets are 98.3% lead with 1.7% antimony.

    I believe that the 0.2 and 0.4 percent antimony additions are going to have little effect on hardness. They are below the solid solubility of Sb in Pb. The Crosman alloy is likely to be harder than pure lead (BHN 5), more like 7-8. H&N and JSB pellets are probably 5. But it seems small additions of Sb can affect work hardening, and allow quenching that increases hardness.

    My opinion is that even the 2% addition of antimony would have small effect on hardness, but noticeable effect on tensile strength and grain structure, to make the punching/swaging work more smoothly than pure lead, which is described as “squishy”.

    I’ve also looked into technical metallurgical reports with phase diagrams, hardness testing, and analysis of a variety of lead alloys. Text me and I will send links.

    My opinion is that the 0.4% antimony addition is best. This is to improve the forming operation of the pellets (as opposed to pure lead), and there is little reason to make lead pellets harder.

    For firearm bullets, and for casting, more antimony is reported to have advantages, but I think this cause/effect since antimony is usually present at higher levels in things like tire balancing weights and Linotype slugs, which are (were?) low cost sources for bullet casting. Bullet casting seems to have a very vocal debate about just what alloy and casting method works best.

    For pellets, it seems we simply talk about the brands that seem to perform well in our guns, and I’m in that camp – as I’ve stated, JSB gets my vote.

    • Thanks for this Jerry!

      Being technically orientated with a fair bit of metallurgy in my background I appreciate these details!

      Yeah, my airguns like JSBs – it’s go to brand.


    • JerryC,

      I can say with certainty that Crosman Premier Domed pellets and a few other varieties of theirs have almost immediately (within 10-20 shots) fouled the .177 barrels on several rifles of mine, when they were propelled near 900 fps. I’ve read writings where BB has even predicted this outcome. And by foul, I mean turned them into shotgun-like groupers. Any idea why?


      • Hmm. Interesting question. I have shot many tins of the CPHP’s in .22 and in lesser quantities in .177, and I believe it’s true that they are just not as accurate as JSB, at least in all my guns.

        I’d speculate about the parting line of the Crosman pellets. Perhaps that raised lead gets skived off in the rifling, and ends up in the lands.

        I know JSB claims they don’t lubricate pellets, but in video tours, they show the addition of some liquid to help the swaging. I have handled pellets in clean glass containers while sorting for head size or weighing, and it there is some residual that is quite obvious, varying from tin to tin. Of course the benefit of pellet lubrication is not totally proven, but I have at least one field target veteran who claims that the reason is to extend the number of pellets shot (tins) between barrel cleaning.

        I’m still thinking…

        • JerryC,

          You could be right about the parting line. I find it to be very prominent on most Crosman pellets. In fact, when I sort for head size with my PelletGage, I get many pellets that start at a large diameter and when they are passed through the hole, under the tiniest amount of force, they will suddenly fit through a hole that is 3 or 4 sizes smaller, all because the flashing got sheared off. The debris accumulates on the top of the gage plate. BTW, this shaving effect is only at the head rim, so it doesn’t remove what’s on the skirt and that leaves your theory valid, even if I were to pass all the pellets in a tin through the smallest hole I could get it through. When the propelling air flares out the skirt, the skirt is probably pressed very tightly down into the grooves of the rifling and that excess flash WOULD smear off. The back pressure behind the pellet would be higher at 920 fps than at 850 fps and the smearing would probably be exaggerated along the way and that would account for the 870-880 limit that doesn’t seem to cause me as many fouling problems. I think you’ve solved it! Thanks


  17. B.B.,
    great blog again. I do like the name bullseye, but it does make me think of Daisy first. I’m sure you recall they had some bb guns and bbs with bullseye in the name. Still not pellets though. Hope Crosman does stick with it!


  18. i’d like to see co2 .22 (be they .216, .217, what have you) steel bb pistols. recently made a wooden trap (for the few bb pistols i got a while ago and never used until now) with polystyrene backer with felt hanging down in front to lessen any potential bounce backs, not that i’ve had any. still use safety glasses though because why not. also steel behind the wood as a fail safe and to hold the boards together until the glue dried. nothings made it through the foam yet. felt is pretty shredded so that’s the biggest wear point. have extras of everything though.

      • just bigger holes in paper targets from a semi auto air pistol. probably just another one of the things i’d like that are too niche to for anyone to ever manufacture unfortunately. sure there’s airsoft and i guess maybe i could get one of those but i’d really prefer steel bbs.

      • based most of the dimensions of it on the commercially available steel pellet trap i have. did tighten the angle of the back. made from 1×6 pine cheap stuff. mostly assembled with spiral nails, with holes predrilled and wood glue as all seams. had the foam leftover from a 4×4’ 3/4 plywood backdrop i had made to put behind a glorified bookshelf (which i had also made) to put a bunch of cans on for plinking. i want to say it was 4 shelves. the can-shelf was slightly smaller than the plywood foam backdrop. never actually ended up using that though- i probably should at some point. image 1 of 3

            • update: the center only held up for roughly 500 bbs. this was after pushing all the compacted pieces out by hand, most of it was still in place but no longer provided satisfactory resistance. i have enough foam to replace it for a while, but i’m going to use something else when it’s all used up. probably duct seal, i’ll need to come up with a way to secure it though. maybe just string, time will tell.

        • tried to edit this multiple times and it didn’t work. the progress circle just kept spinning. but it should have said “wood glue at all seams”. “as” was a typo.

          • Thanks for the pictures!

            I know, sometimes it is hard to edit the comment after the picture is attached. I have had to start over from scratch many times.

            Is that roofing felt? If so, that’s cheap and easily sourced, and if it keeps the bb’s in, that’s great.

            • it is craft store felt 12×18” for 2 dollars. cut to size with a cheap paper trimmer (took a few passes and a flip). the leftover cut off piece is sized nicely to cover the shredded portion, plus i have an additional 12×18” piece because i always like to buy more than i need. i’m not even sure the felt is necessary i think the foam does most of the work, felt was just an extra precaution but it shredded pretty quickly (one powerlet’s worth of bbs through a makarov). i’ll probably still just use the felt and cut strips to cover the shredded portion until i run out of it though.

  19. This new pellet is great news. I thought Crosman gave up on making good pellets. I held Crosman Premiers in high regard. The cardboard box was nostalgic but was a pain in the ass. Now if they will bring back the 7.9gr version. I wish I would have known the 7.9 gr Cosman Premiers were going to be discontinued. I would have loaded up. I thought the CPH pellets were going to be discontinued and loaded up. It turned out I was wrong and the CPL pellets were on the chopping block.

  20. B.B. and Readership,

    Up a few REPLIES i was pulling Michael’s leg about Yellowknife wildfire smoke coming to his area according to the winds aloft models.
    Those folks need our prayers just now! The entirety of the population (22,000) and a few nearby settlements have been ordered to evacuate by Friday!
    If you haven’t been to Yellowknife there aren’t many evacuation options nearby. Especially with the lake and the fires shutting down half the options and only a few roads to the West.
    i pray this isn’t another Maui! Seems the leadership are in front of it instead of playing catch-up like in Maui.


  21. So does “single die” mean that the pellet is formed in a one-step process that only needs one die – or that the whole production line runs through a single die, that forms every pellet?

  22. BB,

    In the single photo in the section headed “The Tins” is that an image of the new Benjamin pellets? I ask because, on my 32″ computer screen, I clearly see lots of pellets with parting lines. Even though the picture of them in “No parting line” is greatly magnified, I can barely see the line. They are very visible in that other photo, in spite of each pellet being presented on a smaller scale.

    Did you take that first photo or was is provided by a second party?


    • Half,

      I took that photo. I have a 34 inch screen and I only see a few parting lines.

      I guess you just need to get a tin and see for yourself.


      • BB

        I guess some of what I’m seeing could be flare from your light source. I definitely see fewer lines than I find in a typical tin of Crosman pellets. If they shoot accurately, I don’t really care what they look like.


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    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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