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5.0 5.0
3.0 3.0
5.0 5.0
This thing is a beast. It's also a good looking rifle. Quiet. Accurate.
Things I would have changed:It goes through air like #&( through a duck. You will be lucky to get 4 magazines of shots out of it. The pistol grip is a little awkward.
What others should know:Get a scope! With a scope, this thing is just deadly accurate. Pinpoint.
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
As a brand new air gunner, I chose this as my first air gun, based on reviews. I have nothing to compare to, but this was the right choice for a first gun. Its a little heavy, but very comfortable. As I grow in the sport I can form a better opinion, but for now all I can say is WOW. Im not shooting groups yet, but cans at 40 yds, gun is very accurate, and nice to look at. I'm Happy
Things I would have changed:Need a little more time
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
the adjustable cheek piece works well for offhand shooting.
Things I would have changed:the pistol grip leaves something to be desired. Stippling would be more effective then the light checkering
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
I have the .25. I can Easley hit a small pill bottle at 100 yards. my range goes to 150yards and it can use all of it. im basically an offhand shooter and I would like to see the forearm a bit smaller, but that's minor. its more accurate than any rimfire I have at 100yds. im shooting the thing with the hammer spring fully adjusted in and the air screw fully out to get the most power out of it. it uses more air but gets the job done on varmints at long ranges. had mine about 3 years and got it from PA. only issue ive had is a seal leak at 2 years. PA hooked me up with the knowledge to fix it and ive had no problems since. good people!
Things I would have changed:im thinking ill reshape the stock to make it a bit more friendly to off hand shooting. the bolt is a bit tricky to operate when new. very stiff. when I replace the seals I polished the bolt and the bolt hole with very fine emerey paper. this cut the effort to cycle the bolt by at least 50%.
What others should know:this things is a beast. jsb pellets 25.39gr work best in mine. best accuracy it going to be around 2400 to 2700 lbs. I have a target butt at 30 yards that I put paper plates on that have beef blood smeared on it . I shoot flies off of it for summertime fun. pellets are a bit spendy. im overrun with varmints here, and ive never recovered a pellet from any of them shot at 50 yards or less. seals are fairly easy to replace and can be bought at about any hardware store that sells orings. " I got mine from PA"
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Accurate accurate accurate. This is my first air gun ( have had it two years now). I was very leery of spending $500 bucks on an air gun. At the time I was being over run with squirrels that were destroying everything around in and under my home. My wife was fed up with the damage being done by the vermin. So I purchased the Marauder(25 cal). All I can say is absolutely awesome. It took two years to get these critters under control, but after eliminating hundreds I feel I can speak from experience and say buy it!
Things I would have changed:Sure, if you could get it belt fed full auto. Hee Hee Hee!!!
What others should know:I purchased the high pressure hand pump with this and while it was a little effort to use it, it works great. A side note, my rifle works best between 1500-2500#. If you charge it more accurately suffers. But if you keep it as I suggested 50 yards is doable for very small targets.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
I'm new to the "Dark Side" of air gunning, or PCP. I purchased a Umerex Gauntlet to enter the arena of PCP. Loved it so much I had to go deeper into the field. Wanted something in .22 caliber American made. The Benjimin Marauder was at the top of the review lists. I selected the .22 with a Lothar Walther barrel. Couldn't have done any better for the money. Had to adjust the pressure up to get any accuracy from the factory setting. I'm getting about 40 shots per fill. Still searching for the most accurate pellet, but it shoots them all well. Put a UTG 4-16x56 scope on, which makes for a very accurate package. I think this will be my "go to" gun for most of my shooting. Very pleased with the fit and finnish of the wood and metal on the Marauder. At $579 it's not really "entry level" but it is worth the price. Trigger is great right out of the box and with all the adjustability can only get better. KUDOS to Benjimin for this rifle.
Things I would have changed:Nothing i have found displeases me.
What others should know:Read the owners manual.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
I wanted a quiet air rifle. This.177 Marauder meets my needs. I am very happy with the fit and finish. Free floating shrouded barrel. Free floating air cylinder. Excellent power setup from the factory. Shooting JSB 8.44 gr pellets is giving me average 1010 FPS over the chronograph. 10 shot one inch group at 30 yards from the sitting position. I chose the wood stock because I like that look. I like the two stage trigger it has a nice smooth first stage and a crisp second stage break. I would rate my rifle as a 5 out of 5.
Things I would have changed:I wish it would have had the single shot tray included.
What others should know:After looking at the included user manual had zero problems with the 10 shot magazine. It is spring loaded and works very well for me.
By Roy from USA on 2019-08-19 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
solid quality......
Things I would have changed:pellets...extremely important to use the best quality pellets available, otherwise, you find yourself, tailoring pellets, every time you shoot...
What others should know:marauder, is extremely flexible, in the adjustments available....comfortable to shoot..quiet and accurate..
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
3.0 3.0
Shipping and customer service have been great with Pyramyd since this was a back order. I have the lothar Walter barrel in 177. After maybe 400 pellets, it is showing potential at 50 yards but it is taking some experimentation ( pellets, fill pressure, etc. ). The weaver type scope rail is a great feature.
Things I would have changed:Nothing at this point. Cannot expect perfect accuracy out of the box.
What others should know:Nice gun overall. Just a question of how hard it is going to be to tune.
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
Nice trigger,. Solid feel
Things I would have changed:Surprisingly heavy
What others should know:It is heavy
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
The gun is beautiful. Albeit more expensive than a new rimfire, it's also more accurate and soooooo unbelievably quiet. My screen door is literally louder. Under 100 feet it doesn't care which pellet your zipping down range. I now have 5 less backyard pests than I did a few days ago. I hemmed and hawed for 3 years, putting up with the intricacies and inaccuracy of a a break barrel. I came across a review here that simply said, "Just buy it." So I did.
Things I would have changed:Maybe, if anything I would have went with the .25 as .22 makes you place your shot well for a quick kill. My nephew has the .25 Armada and it's more forgiving with shot placement. But the pros are my pellets are less $$$, and my count shot is higher. And I shoot a hellva lot more paper than creatures.
What others should know:Just buy it. Give your springers, IGT, 10 pump guns away.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Wow !! more than I expected ! Extremely accurate, beautiful. What more can I say ?
Things I would have changed:Can't think of a thing. Billed sometimes as a "Beginner PCP" Leaves me wondering, what is better in a PCP ?
What others should know:My first PCP...and a great decision for sure. Now, what do I do with the garbage can full of scopes, and my gun safe that is cluttered with Gas Pistons, and Springers ? I must say that I couldn't have made the switch to PCP without the help of Pyramyd Air. They answered all of my questions. The Chat Line is the best.... Immediate response to anything I asked. I purchased an Air Venturi 74 cf ft. 4500 PSI tank, and I'm like a kid with a new toy ! I kiss my wife good night, and then check and see if my Marauder is ok. I scoped it in initially at 20 yds. I then moved it out to 35 yds. and shot 8 JSB 25.39 Exact King .25 pellets. I thought I was missing the entire target until I checked...All 8 were in the same hole...What ? Accuracy is beyond what I expected. If you miss, it's your fault. I matched it with a 4X16 50mm Sniper Scope. Great combination. Get a big good tank, and enjoy !
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
So far gun is spot on. Barrel seems to be a good one.
Things I would have changed:Larger airtube to get more shots would be nice
What others should know:Mine needed some fine tuning to get max fpe with consistency through 16 shots
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
I like everything about it easy to shoot easy to load shoots amazing can shoot a half inch group with 5 shots out of box
Things I would have changed:Nothing
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Great PCP at a good price. I bought the 25 caliber for hunting. The factory tune has plenty of power with a good shot count. Hunting small game at 50 yards is no problem with this rifle. I have put around 200 rounds though it so far with no problems. Great trigger and very accurate. It is easy to fill with hand pump.
Things I would have changed:I haven't found anything yet I would change.
What others should know:I fill the gun to 2700psi and after 8 shots it takes about 35 pumps to fill back up with the Benjamin hand pump.
By Dennis from USA on 2023-12-29 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
The gun is very accurate, easy to load, and fun to shoot.
Things I would have changed:Nothing.
What others should know:Its a great gun. You will be happy with this gun.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
The gun is one of the best pellet guns I own now. This gun is very accurate and shoots great.
Things I would have changed:None
What others should know:Try this gun it is great.
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
This is an extremely accurate rifle and in terms of precision has nothing to envy to high-end rifles (I consider this rifle is mid-range). It also has many configuration options. The fact of being such a popular rifle gives an advantage that others do not have and is that there is much information about this rifle on the internet, there are entire forums dedicated to it and there are many modifications available.
Things I would have changed:It is very heavy, at least in wood, it is not a good option if you are interested in spending a lot of time walking in the forest, it becomes difficult to walk with it after a while (the synthetic version could be better option for these cases). The stock is ugly, in my opinion it looked better in the first generation.
What others should know:I had bad luck with this rifle, the first one came with a leak in the air tank, pyramyd quickly resolved it by sending me a replacement.
In the second rifle the magazine was somewhat weak and did not rotate correctly, this was adjusted by squeezing a bit the spring of the magazine.
This is an excellent rifle for any use, from hunting to practice shooting, although the price is a little high you will not regret buying it.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
Feel, quietness and accuracy with little set up
Things I would have changed:Test each rifle for air leaks as I had trouble with this rifle retaining air pressure.
What others should know:As a first timer into air rifle I find that I choice a good item to start with. The only trouble I had was the foster male connection was leaking air pressure and was able to tighten the fitting, Ok now
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By timothy
Power and very quiet
Things I would have changed:Not a thing
What others should know:.25 has alot of power and can go thru thick pieces of wood and keep right on going thru a privacy fence so be careful where and what you shoot had to build a stacked 2x4 square just to have a safe pellet stop