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5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Relatively high velocity for a .22 cal pellet rifle (600+fps) remember 30 years ago .177's were barely breaking 700 fps. Gas spring is smooth cocking and when fired, it doesn't have the spring twang. Accuracy with RWS Dome pellets are very good at 10 meters in my rifle (1/4" to 1/2" c-t-c). The scope is really good being bright and clear, but was not a mil dot reticle type. Scope also came with a set of two piece mounts and a one piece mount.
Things I would have changed:Not too fond of the rake angle on the pistol grip, a little too shallow, I'm used to target stocks with almost vertical finger grip area.
What others should know:I've scoured the instructions and the internet and have yet to figure out how to adjust the cheek rest, if it is indeed adjustable. If you have a pellet seating tool the accuracy will be more consistent as the breech is a tight fit and there is no chamfering to help seat the pellet.
By Nathan from USA on 2010-01-28 |
By Robert from USA on 2009-11-11 |
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
The scope is very good. Clear nice reticule. A little short on eye relief.
Things I would have changed:Soft touch cover- lose it- plain plastic would be better.
What others should know:Make sure you clean it first barrel very dirty.Cleaned rifle and shot more than 100 rounds, accuracy is very good.
By Jimmy from USA on 2009-11-06 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
.22 .even quieter than gamo whisper.easy to shoot.easy to load and cocking.good scope.good trigger. little recoil. AMERICAN made gun . lightweight,good balance
Things I would have changed:need more power
What others should know:not that accurate. but good buy.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Just bought the NPSS 1.77 calliber a few days ago and man am I impressed. The rifle looks and feels as good as it shoots. Got less than dime size groups at 25 yards and its not even broke in yet. First thing I noticed was the reduced noise and recoil comparred to the springers. It also has an excellent trigger and is balanced well. I've been shooting BB guns and air rifles for 40 years {forgot to grow up} and this rifle has by far been the best I've shot. No doubt the gas piston is going to change the air rifle industry and Crosman is certainly doing an excellent job. Cant wait to get it in the woods.
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:Be sure to get the mounts on securely and using the stop which is hid inside the one -piece mount. Stay mid-range or heavier on your pellet grain size for tighter groupings. I'm going to stay 7.9 gns or heavier. I would certainly recomend buying one of these rifles.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Great gun! The only thing better than this AMERICAN made gun is the company that made it: Crosman. The Crosman Customer Service (Kim in particular) has been a real joy to work with. Kim demonstrated a keen sense of CUSTOMER support and Customer concern. I highly recommend the ELS122 to anyone who would like a quality air rifle with very good performance and a significant reduction in vibration upon firing. Sighting the ELS122 was a snap and groupings were exceptional after only about ten shots. Trigger pull and feel is very nice. Crosman will stay at the top of my list when it comes to AIR-rifles Pyramyd Air Guns was spot-on when it came to the ordering process, timely shipping and Customer Support follow-up.
Things I would have changed:I would like to see the Cheek rest made of leather.
What others should know:Scope is far better than you would expect at this price point.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Powerful, sturdy synthetic stock, good trigger. 7.7 g pellets chrony at over 900 fps. Good scope - worth keeping and using.
Things I would have changed:Machine grooves into the trigger blade.
What others should know:This is a springer type gun and requires special handling for accurate shooting.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
This is my second pellet gun, so I don't have much to refrence it to. The NPSS is lightweight,good balance, quieter than spring gun, easy to cock. The pistol grip is great. Has a great fit/feel when sighting it up. Just took it thru break in period, decent groups so far. Havn't done a final accuracy test yet. Fast shipping also, thanks Pyramydair. This is a great gun.
Things I would have changed:Rubber coating on stock has a good feel and grip but seems to rub off easily. I have worn off a spot on the front of the gun from resting it on hard surfaces.
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By Wai
The nitrogen-filled gas piston - it cocks smoothly and with less effort than a spring piston; the synthetic stock which is very sturdy; the trigger group after doing what B.B. Pelletier suggested - turning the set screw behind the trigger 3-1/2 turns counterclockwise - making this a hair trigger after a 1/2" long first stage; the excellent scope - it has excellent clarity; it is also quite quiet.
Things I would have changed:Trigger group could have been better, but after breaking in the rifle with a 100 rounds of pellets, the trigger did get smoother and settle in a bit. I got this rifle in the .22 cal. version, bu would also like to see a version of this rifle in .20 cal.
What others should know:This is one of the best rifles I have ever shot. It is super accurate and the best bang you can get for your buck. I have an RWS 350 Magnum in .22 cal., but this one just became my favorite air rifle.