Air Arms Field .25 Cal, 25.4 Grains, Domed, 350ct
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- .25 caliber
- 25.4 grains
- Domed
- 350ct
Domed pellets are among the most accurate, especially if you're shooting at distances greater than 10 yards. These will do a good job of staying on target if you shoot at spinners, paper targets or shoot field target.
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10 of 146 Air Arms Field .25 Cal Reviews
My Hatsan Flash QE .25 caliber really likes these pellets. Very uniform and due to Pyramyds excellent shipping packaging, they arrived unblemished.
Things I Would Have ChangedI wish the tins were easier to open
These are jsb quality pellets. Different branding..
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowGet then now 11-15%and free shipping if you stock up. That's a lot if heavy lead an its by 3 get 1 free. I do it every year and save a chunk o n my special stuff
Very well made pellet. They group well and the weight of the pellets range in half a grain which is always good for consistent groups.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing. well made pellets for the money.
What Others Should KnowThese group well in the stock Air Venturi Avenger.
These pellets, in my opinion, are an exact clone of the JSB 25.39 grain Exact King pellets. I have gone through two 350 count tins, now well my third tin of these Air Arms Field .25 cal, with my Armada .25. I can honestly say that I have not had the first issue with these pellets. I did however, get a slightly bad batch of these on my very first order which had a bunch, I mean A LOT, of bent skirts. I contacted PA about this issue and they handled it immediately and, more importantly, to my overwhelming satisfaction!!! Two thumbs up for PA's customer service!!!! So...after culling out the bad skirts in the first batch I received, and having now put over 700 rounds of these pellets through my Armada which I also purchased from PA, I can only remember maybe 3 or 4 flyers out of all of these pellets. Their accuracy is TOP NOTCH! My groups are ridiculously small and more times than I can remember, pellet on pellet on pellet on pellet, etc.. Awesome pellet for my rifle. I love them!
Things I Would Have ChangedAs usual, and said many times by many others, I would like to see a threaded lid. Other than that, I wouldn't change a single thing (other than the price and shipping charges....lol).
What Others Should KnowAs most of us know, every pellet rifle loves being served a meal of a certain brand and weight pellet. This has been the case with all pellet guns since their invention. However, if you own any Benjamin in .25, especially an Armada or Marauder being the same internal platform, I would highly suggest you try these pellets in your rifle. If you don't like them, you can mail them to me (I will cover the shipping...lol :) Happy and SAFE shooting everyone!
EDIT: A gave 5 stars on size/shape even though I initially got a bad batch as I explained earlier. We are all human and things like this can slip by quality control, no big deal.. The way PA also handled my concern regarding that issue garners a 5 star rating from me. Also, the other reason for 5 stars is because I have not had found the first bad or distorted Air Arms pellet since that issue was resolved. Thanks!
Everything is fine
Things I Would Have ChangedNo problem find so far
No seeming imperfections. Look nearly identical to JSB pellets of same weight. Excellent performers.
Things I Would Have ChangedOnly thing I can say is price
What Others Should KnowThey work extremely well in my Hatsan 95
Shape of pellets No blimishes
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowGreat product
These are perfect for my Talon P. No need to get too fancy with specialty rounds or slugs. Shooting backyard at 20 yards can put one inside the pinhole of a used CO2 cartridge (or at least part of the pellet goes in there). Great party trick!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowTalon P on power setting 2 pretty much goes through 1/2" plywood so be careful. Next shot goes through the fence if it's in the same hole. Might have to replace neighbors trash can...
Since the shortages caused by Covid, I have had to try other pellets to keep shooting. I usually use JSB Diablo pellets but, since I couldn't get them, I tried these. I'm impressed! They actually performed as well as my JSB pellets. There has been some speculation on the 'net that these are actually made by JSB and I would say that is quite possible. I recommend them and will buy them again.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
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Nov 03, 2023
By Michael
Quite a few pellets for the money. They are not too big or too heavy for my avenger. Very accurate.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should Know4 tins for the price of 3 is wonderful.