FX Hybrid Slug, .25 Cal, 26 Grains, Hollowpoint, 100ct
Caliber:.25 (6.35mm)
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Engineered from the ground up to enhance range and accuracy, these Hybrid Slugs from FX combine the most desirable attributes of both standard diabolo-shaped pellets and swaged slugs. According to FX, this results in lighter weight, a higher ballistic coefficient and the ability to be shot out of most PCPs with “massive expansion.”
“The FX Hybrid Slug will revolutionize what an airgun can do,” writes the manufacturer. “The hybrid benefits from the external dimensions of a high ballistic coefficient slug, but has a completely hollow core and deep recessed base, making it light enough to be shot from most PCPs. Its unique shape and extreme low weight, combined with an optimal bearing surface, all for velocities and trajectories that are unparalleled by any other slug or pellet.”
FX Hybrid Slugs have been designed with all PCPs in mind, but are specifically engineered in .25 caliber to deliver best performance in the FX Smooth Twist X (STX) Superior Liner.
- .25 caliber
- 26 grains
- 100 Slugs

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10 of 77 FX Hybrid Slug, .25 Cal Reviews
when there good there good this last pack 28 out of 100 i won't shoot due to rough casting for the $$ going to have to look for a better made slug
Things I Would Have Changedthis is the 4th pack I've got I've noticed a couple rough casted per pack of 100. this last pack 28 n/g not sure if there having casting issues or what rough casting.
What Others Should Knowcheck them before you shoot them. they work well when there good.
Single-hole accuracy in my Benjamin MRod at 20 yards. Maintains the same 40 fpe as I get from JSB pellets of similar weight. I will use this for hunting.
They shoot accurately
Things I Would Have ChangedThey don’t stay in place in my Daystate magazine and sometimes the magazine won’t rotate into the next position. Have to use the single shot adapter
What Others Should KnowOnly get one box to start with to make sure they feed properly in your airgun
FX Hybrid Slug .25 caliber 26 grain@ 890-1044 FPS with Skout Epoch 35” barrel shooting at 50 yrds vary accurate several rounds pass through the same holes
Shooting these out my avenger getting outstanding groups at 25 to 50 yards
Things I Would Have ChangedGuys you gotta do better with the led flakes on these slugs they cost to much for shabby QC
What Others Should KnowThey’re good slugs try them
Shoot really well
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
Accurate out of my Impact M3 Standard Superior Liner. Weight in my last batch very tight tolerance at 26.2 grains +/- one tenth of a grain.
Things I Would Have ChangedCleanliness of the slug. Lead flakes GALORE and have, repeat HAVE to wash them before shooting. I find this inexcusable for a slug that is $16 for 100.
What Others Should KnowIf you dont mind washing your ammo (i personally cant stand it) try these. The weight tolerance is much better than avg. Also...can shoot them at a pretty high speed (960 fps) without high Reg pressure in my Impact due to its lighter weight than most, conserves air.
Nice impact
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowVery nice impact
It is hard to say what I liked about them since I wasn't really comfortable using them
Things I Would Have ChangedDid not fit well in my Gamo .25 Magnum. They were very tight fitting to where I couldn't get theback end of the slug into the barrel flush. I used other .25 pellets that were the same 26 grains, and worked very well. but, these are just a bit bigger than expected
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Dec 08, 2024
By Denver
Good price, fast delivery
Things I Would Have ChangedNone
What Others Should KnowNo