AirForce Shoulder Stock, Fits TalonP Air Pistol
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- Shoulder stock
- Fits AirForce TalonP air pistol
- Adds 1/4" to 3/3" to length of pull
- Includes a hex wrench
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10 of 17 AirForce Shoulder Stock, Fits TalonP Reviews
Sturdy well built.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowYou will not regret buying this accessory.
Easy assembly easy to add to your pistol. Makes it easier to get a good aim. Durable enough to get the job done.
Things I Would Have ChangedMaybe add some instructions for the people that are not mechanically inclined.
I put it on a Condor SS for more support and it works better. Lot more stable.
Things I Would Have ChangedEvery Airforce gun should come standard with one.
What Others Should KnowNo
It fits snug and it doesn't really add a lot of extra weight to the TalonP and it's adjustable for adding comfort..
Things I Would Have ChangedI would just like to add a little cushioning to the end of the shoulder stock it's a little discomfort and OH YEAH..!!! Someone Definitely Needs to LOWER the price it's too high
What Others Should KnowIt's a Definitely Needed add on to the TalonP.. it's well made and light I recommend the purchase.. Definitely Worth it.. Despite the high pricing
Pyramyd Air was very timely with the shipping.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe buttplate keeps coming loose. Have to carry the allen wrench along with me to tighten it every so often. I thought about using a locking washer, but I don't have one that fits and I'm not making a special trip to the hardware store for one washer. This thing costs over 70$. Is it me or is the whole country going down the drain?
What Others Should KnowThis product is priced the same everywhere you look, so it's not their fault if this item isn't performing as expected.
Very simple to assemble and fit up to the air gun.
Things I Would Have ChangedMaybe some instructions on how to fit this up for the shooter that will use it.
What Others Should KnowNone at this time
Got to have it for your TalonP. Very durable. Arrived on time in good shape
Things I Would Have ChangedMake it come with the TalonP from factory!
What Others Should KnowMine came with only 4 bolts, it needs 5 total to work. This was airforces fault. I called them and had one in three days. I know others have had the same problem. Just FyI. I ordered one directly for airforce and had the same problem. Talked to Rachel at airforce and problem solved again
Air Force Arms produces quality products.
Things I Would Have ChangedI wouldn't mind if they lowered their prices a bit, but since the item is proprietary, I suppose if we want it, we have to pay the asking price?
What Others Should KnowSo anyone reading this will know...........Air Force Arms (AFA) just might have the best customer service of any airgun manufacturer I have ever dealt with............certainly it's among the top of my list. I had cause to contact them regarding a missing screw that should have come with this stock. While talking with them, they suggested and took the time to register the AFA guns that I own (13), but had never bothered to register. AFA warranties their products for the life of the original owner. Seeing how many such guns that I own, they knew I was a good customer, and without any discussion, told me that they would be sending me a package of screws, no charge, and something extra. To my great surprise, when the screws arrived, they were accompanied by several AFA "extras" totaling a retail value of at least $175.00! WOW! What a surprise! They know how to treat a good customer, and now they have my customer loyalty for life!
I like the stock it has made it a lot easier to zero in my scope. I think $75 is way more than it is worth. Plus one other complaint is that it was short one mounting screw for the clamp that goes on air cylinder. I think Pyramid should send it to me on their dime. Other than that it works well and I will find a machine screw at the hardware. One more thing for the price Airforce charges for this gun the stock should be included.
Things I Would Have ChangedMore movability for individual adjustments.
What Others Should KnowIt is almost a necessity to zero a scope.
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Jun 28, 2022
By John
This makes the TalonP a more stable platform. Being made of aluminum, it is pretty sturdy and should last a long time.
Things I Would Have ChangedSomehow, the manufacturer should put two screws in the vertical piece. It can rotate if enough pressure is put on it. Also, the price is too high for what you get.