BearX Desire XL Pistol Crossbow
Shipped & sold by Mike's Archery
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- Compact
- Easy to Use
- Accessories
- Dependable Accuracy
- Adjustable
The BearX Desire XL Pistol Crossbow is a fun and exciting model with a smaller, light design that excels at target practice. It reaches speeds up to 175 feet per second and includes features such as a self-cocking arm for ease of use and a stock that adjusts up to 2.5 inches to fit a variety of shooters, as well as a draw weight of only 60 pounds.
The crossbow has been designed to provide the accuracy required for training and target shooting, and it utilizes an adjustable and removable rear notch sight and a front post sight and comes with three premium bolts so it can be used to start shooting right out of the box. To get a convenient and compact adjustable crossbow for target practice fun, buy a BearX Desire XL Pistol Crossbow at Pyramyd AIR today.
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- Learn all about crossbow hunting
BearX Desire XL Pistol Crossbow
- Up to 175 feet per second
- Self-cocking arm
- Available with black limbs
- Width: 15" axle to axle (cocked), 17" axle to axle (uncocked)
- 24" length when fully extended
- Forearm grip
- Draw weight: 60 lbs.
- Power stroke: 6.25"
- Stock adjusts up to 2.5"
- Includes 3 premium bolts
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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5 of 5 Bear Archery Desire XL Reviews
Small and easy set up.
Things I Would Have ChangedN/A
What Others Should KnowHave fun be safe
Awesome quality for 60 bucks. shoots straight as an arrow, so to speak. (Can't miss inside 20 yards) Great little piece of equipment.
Things I Would Have ChangedQuiver loops on one side to keep a couple of spare bolts on board.
What Others Should KnowEarly delivery. Can't be beat for the money. Thank you Pyramydair.

Lots of fun and easy to use. Lightweight yet rigid. Make sure the front screw holding the crossbow in place is secure

I have the desire xl crossbow I was sold on the review I even went with your recommendation to buy the bear bolts which was extremely expensive which I didn't mind. however, there is one big problem no replacement arm, and worse 6 to 12 wks. for a string I don't need this. so good by to the desire xl. thank you, Raymond
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Aug 02, 2023
By Mark
About the power I was looking for backyard shooting. Accuracy ok, maybe 2" groups at 30 feet. Smooth trigger release. Lightweight. Easy to cock. You will need to fire it with a target bolt to de-cock it. Delivered timely along with other items I ordered from PA.
Things I Would Have ChangedConstruction quality is not that good. Instructions are not good, especially the tiny photos, and they appear to conflict with the picture on the box, which actually seems to have the bow tips installed incorrectly. Will have to ask Pyramyd Air to be sure. Also, the latch (plastic) for the cocking arm / but_ stock broke off at the tip after about 20 uses. I don't think I was hard on it. A metal latch would be better. And the site base and safety arm wiggle about, so I disassembled, glued, and reinstalled to get a steady point of aim. Even though it is small, there's a decent amount of energy stored in this bow when cocked. The bow has misfired twice. In other words, I believe that I properly cocked it, inserted the bolt back to its catch-notch on the bolt-hold & safety-strip, then released the safety, then pulled the trigger. The string released over the bolt and essentially dry-fired (not good for cross bows) while dragging the bolt under it and stopping short of releasing it.
What Others Should KnowYou'll need a 40 to 60 pound-ish archery target bag/block which is about half the cost of the crossbow. I found a good deal locally on a 2ft x 2ft bag that stops the bolts well for about $28.
In researching on Amazon, I saw a lot of positive reviews, but the negative reviews confirmed observations about the lack of sturdiness of the product, including bow tips (which are sold in replacement bags of 12 separately.) Since the tips hold the string on when it's cocked, you don't want those failing. Another reviewer mentioned the latch failing for him, but he recommended the same product under a different brand and said he had no problem with it. I would not give this to a child or youth, and maybe shoulder firing it puts your face too close to parts that aren't so sturdy. I'd start a kid out with a recurve bow. Keep in mind that a serious crossbow starts at around $250 to $400, so a quality crossbow pistol I was expecting to be $100 to $200. Just not seeing anything built to those specs.