Benjamin Marauder Woods Walker Air Pistol
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An ideal hunting gun! Lightweight, easy to carry in the woods, and powerful enough to reliably and humanely take small game at close distances.
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet pistols
- Benjamin Marauder Woods Walker air pistol
- Precharged pneumatic (PCP)
- Bolt-action
- 8-rd circular mag with auto-indexing
- 11mm dovetail
- Integral shroud makes this a VERY quiet gun
- 12" choked barrel delivers superior accuracy
- Raised aluminum breech for easier loading of the clip
- 2-stage adjustable match trigger...and the trigger is heat-treated metal!
- 1.53 lbs. trigger-pull
- 29.75" overall length with stock
- 18" overall length without stock
- 15.75" length of pull
- Uses 2,900 psi compressed air
- Built-in pressure gauge
- Air tank has a quick-disconnect male Foster fitting
- 65cc (4 cu in) reservoir
- Reversible bolt -- switch from right to left side (with our special service)
- Ideal for hunting small quarry up to 33 yds away
- No open sights
- Marauder pistol clips are not interchangeable with the Marauder rifle clips...and vice versa
- Realtree AP camo grip, forearm and detachable shoulder stock
- Includes one mag, shoulder stock extension and CenterPoint Optics Multi-TAC Quick Aim Sight

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10 of 45 Benjamin Marauder Woods Walker Air Pistol Reviews
I have several airguns, rifles and pistols going way back to the early 70's break barrels. I now a own a few PCP's. I bought this because I wanted a PCP pistol and a buddy of mine owns a Marauder rifle and loves it. I love this pistol! It's extremely accurate dime size groups at 30yds. I noticed it's not as picky with ammo and while some brands and types are slightly less accurate, this pistol shoots them all well. The scope is non-magnifying and OK. So far I have no plans to swap it out. I've read a review about the magazine, I have had no issues at all. It's fairly simple to load and attach to the pistol. Just remember the bolt should be all the way to the rear, so it has to be cocked and you need to tilt the pistol upwards so gravity keeps the bolt completely retracted. The magazine inserts and snaps in with a distinctive snap. As far as price, no issues, this pistol is worth every penny. The manual is one of the most comprehensive I've read! I highly recommend this gun
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowSee above. If you're charging from a tank, be very careful and open the valve slowly, it will charge very fast and easy to over fill. I have done just that, fortunately, the valve didn't lock up and I was able to dry fire until pressure came down to 2900 PSI.
This is my second marauder pistol, very pleased with both of them. I ordered this one, the Woods Walker, after my last pistol developed problems with the bolt hanging up after 6 years of use. The gun is super accurate with 4 different pellet types I have tried so far. Like one reviewer said, "you could drive tacks with it". I have an extensive collection of pellets from previous experiments and can't wait to try them out. I like the camo effect, too.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe Woods Walker comes with a CenterPoint 0ne-x red dot scope, which I didn't particularly want, since I planned to use my Hawke 9x scope on it. I would have liked to see the gun offered for sale without a scope, since it raises the price by 90 bucks or so. I fiddled around with the little scope and it seemed pretty cool, so I may try it on another gun.
What Others Should KnowBe aware the included 8 round magazine can't be used with the Marauder rifle.
Very accurate I have shot 1/2 inch groups at 25yrds over and over (with a better scope ) . I cut the stock to fit a 6 yr old he is awesome with it. Great for beginners and new to pcp.
Things I Would Have ChangedNeeds a better scope. The magazine slides in difficulty at first. I don't see a long life to magazines they feel cheaply made. By sparse .
What Others Should KnowThe hand pump works great for this gun. The first fill is hard but after 32 shots it only took 25 pumps to fill again
I got this so I can have a pcp pistol,so I refused to put the wood stalker stock on . It took awhile to get a proper grip since it was forward heavy.I found if I grip my fingers in the gauge cut out and the other fingers out forward I got very good groups,When I put the stock on and a scope it was a light rapid firing very accurate ultra light shooter.I have many nice pcp rifles marauder .25 included so I plan to use it as a pistol only .but it's a crrazy good carbine .Nice trigger very nice gun.
Things I Would Have ChangedI didn't like the way the stock fit ,it had a too low cheekpiece and there was play in the fit.as for the provided sight it was way below the guns true potential cause it hit smaller things than the size of the dot .When you had it sighted in and switched to another reticle it was off aim than.I wanted more shots but I know there a limit
Accurate I get about 40 rounds per fill very easy to refill from scuba tank I love it got the 20 for 20 would highly recommend it Ed
Things I Would Have ChangedNada
I really like this woods walker dime size groups at 30 yds. Lite weight and easy to get around
Looks, Price, And accuracy
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
I like everything about this air gun. It is well made, very accurate, and lots of fun. Very good value for the price. I highly recommend it to anyone considering an entry-level PCP pistol. It has plenty of power to kill pests and small varmints. I can shoot 2" groups free-hand at 30yds no problem using cheap Benjamin pellets. The red-dot optic that is included works great.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake the safety reversible (like the bolt) for Lefties. Increase the air capacity and pressure and add a regulator. Move the fill port away from the muzzle. Improve the grip mating to the frame securely. Figure out a way to prevent double-chambering a round. Add de-cocking/unloading feature.
What Others Should KnowBe careful not to double-chamber a round. A hand-pump is plenty to fill the small air chamber. Takes about 20 pumps to go from 2000psi up to 3000. I get best accuracy around 2600psi. Polymag "shorts" work great, as do the Benjamin hollow-points. Just buy this, you won't regret it! I liked it so much that I bought a second one to go head-to-head with my friends!
very well built, easy to handle great inf. about It how to use the scope
Things I Would Have Changednone
What Others Should Knowvery easy to shot need to get one
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Jun 21, 2021
By Harold
Size is good, lots of power
Things I Would Have ChangedThe red dot is a little large for small varmints
What Others Should KnowShoots best at 2000 to 2500 psi