Colt Python CO2, Image 1
Colt Python CO2, Image 1

Colt Python CO2 Revolver

4.529 reviews
11 answered questions


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4.529 reviews
11 answered questions


One of the most desired revolvers is now available as a CO2 BB gun. You can tell a lot from our pictures, but just wait til you pick this up! You'll swear you're holding the firearm. The working ejector rod, the use of cartridge shells, the full barrel underlug and swing-out cylinder really bring this to life.

Some of the greatest gun writers/historians have described the Colt Python as the "Rolls Royce of Colt revolvers" and "the best revolver in the world." They're right -- and now you can own this same handgun as a BB gun.

You'll want to pick up extra cartridges and maybe an extra speedloader so you can load up before you go to the range.

The Colt Python CO2 BB revolver is compatible with Dan Wesson brand revolver shells, however you will notice a drop in velocity due to the smaller size of the Dan Wesson shells.
  • Colt Python BB revolver
  • 12-gram CO2 cartridge
  • 6-rd cylinder
  • Fixed front sight
  • Fully adjustable rear sight
  • Textured grips
  • Double-/single-action
  • Manual safety
  • Working ejector rod
  • Swing-out cylinder
  • Includes hex wrench, speedloader and 6 cartridge shells*

*Each shell is loaded with one steel BB.
feature icon


.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
400 fps
Suggested for
2.6 lbs
Fixed/adj. power
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Adjustable for windage & elevation
Trigger Action
Double-Action & Single-Action
Smooth bore
Barrel Length
Overall Length
6 round(s)
Body Type

Overall Rating



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10 of 29 Colt Python CO2 Revolver Reviews

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The revolver is beautiful, the weight and the size is almost the same as the original. Since the original version is no longer available, this can be a good choose to have one... The finish is good, and the operation of the gun is almost excellent.

The cylinder shaft is terrible. It is so loose, that you can tilt the cylinder out a several degree from the parallel position. If you lay down the revolver on its right side, the cylinder starts to move out of its resting position taking a gap between the crane and the frame. I thing that is why the cocking (either in single or double action mode) is not so smooth. I never experienced this on my Dan Wesson revolver. The Colt advertised the Python model as "custom shop quality from the factory", this replica's quality -in this viewpoint- is not.

Despite the cylinder problem, the gun is surprisingly accurate at 10 yard with a quality BB. The sight picture is is nice, the rear sight is easily adjustable for windage and elevation. I think, for this price, it is a deal, so I can recommend it.

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Love it. It is so realistic one for one spec replicated. The rear sight is solid and responds to corrections. The double action functions well with a little practice. The fit and finish is excellent. It groups well two hand hold single action.


Remember it is a revolver so make your six rounds count. Im used to semi autos with many rounds.

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The revolver I received was well fitted with much tighter tolerances than the Swiss Arms 357 I had bought previously but from the varying reviews for both the Colt Python and the almost identical Swiss Arms 357, that may not indicate that the Colt is superior to the Swiss Arms revolver as a rule. It was in the case of each one I received but there is more to tell later. I had determined not to buy the Colt due to the bold, white-lettered paragraph placed on the right side of the frame. This kept the rating down as the graphics designer who did this should find work elsewhere as this is a horrendous scar on an otherwise very attractive revolver. It was the presence of the "raging colt" emblem on the left side that persuaded me to go ahead and buy the pistol; that and a sale where I got it for a big, big savings. I also wanted it to make a direct comparison with the Swiss Arms 357. My review on that product can be found in its product reviews if you want the full story.

Obviously, the paragraph on the right side would be deleted as it is not found on the Swiss Arms which is far more attractive on that side. Other than that, quality control of each one. The one I have is almost as it should be, and very nicely fitted. It has no slop in the fit of the barrel shroud into the frame. The cylinder had some play in its fit onto the crane, but none too excessive as the Swiss Arms had. I did replace the spring in the windage of the rear sight as it was too weak and the blade was not consistently positioned in the sight body. The Swiss Arms had the same problem. I also would omit the safety found at the top of the grip frame just behind the hammer. This is a ridiculous feature. First, in the operation of the revolver it will not fire unless first cocked (in which position the safety can not be engaged) which itself serves as a safety! Otherwise, a long fairly heavy pull of the trigger is required. The safety will prevent this action but why the need?

The Safety could be easily moved by a child who would have a difficult time pulling the trigger or cocking back the hammer. In any case, this is not the purpose of the safety as preventing access to the gun is the remedy to that.Both the Swiss Arms and the Colt are identical in every aspect except for the markings of the individual makers. You could tear them both apart and randomly assemble a revolver with some parts from each one. With the price difference of the two, I wanted to see for myself. Quality varies from one gun to the next in each brand and overall would likely equal out. Yet at current pricing, one is $40.00 more than the other. I just had to have the Colt because it is the real deal Python and I wanted it to read as such and to have the rampant colt emblem. No regret, just letting others know if that doesn't matter to you and you get a lucky draw of one of the better made ones, you can save $40.00 and have the exact same gun. My Swiss needed work; the Colt did not.

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I like the feel and the look of the revolver. It was sighted in pretty accurate at fifty feet. After that, need to make adjustments. Get about 80 shots on CO2 cartridge.

Add an extra set of cartridges.

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Gun is accurate for a smooth bore pistol. at 35 feet I can hit a gallon jug every time. The co2 cartridge is easy to change and I get close to 100 shots off in one cartridge. The speed loader is excellent.

If a rifled barrel was on the gun it would be great

After about 2000 shots through it all the co2 was dumped. The valve that connects the co2 cartridge and hammer failed. I called Umarex and they sent me another valve free of charge. They were very helpful. This is the reason that I only rated the pistol with 3 stars. Otherwise the pistol is fine, well made and worked fine. If the valve had not failed I would have given this pistol a five star rating in all except accuracy.

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It is very heavy. People said the cylinder was sloppy but I got a high quality on mine i guess. Very realistic showed it to my mom and she said it looked and weighed like the one that her dad had. Hammer feels great. not some cheap pull to it.


Don't remove the rubbers on top of bullets like some people said. The bb wont fit.
Unless you want it as a replica and never want to shoot it.

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just received this today and just completed shooting multiple rounds through it, lots of fun, weight and feel of this revolver is great, noise level is low for shooting indoors.

cylinder needs to be tighter a little sloppy, speed loaders are junk

overall fun revolver to shoot

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I liked the heft and balance, the grips were comfortable, very good (except for one problem, described below) construction and finish...overall, well made...but...

but the grips were kinda loose, and the double-action trigger pull was awkward (at first, a harder pull to position the chamber, then a lighter pull to fire [is that a colt method?])...loused up the aiming...better when going single action...that way, the lighter trigger pull allowed better groupings... also, the barrel started to wiggle on its retaining pin (up & down at this time, but what about later?...i only shot about 50 rounds!)... enough to feel the movement (clickety-click), and enough to affect the shot ( I tied the barrel down very tightly against the frame, and the grouping seemed to improve

except for the poor pinning of the barrel, this is a nice pistol...but, compared to the double-action of my dan wesson .357, the python double action could be better...still, that may be a colt characteristic that UMAREX copied...I never fired a python, so i could be an aside, the dan wesson seems to use the same barrel/frame pin mounting, so my python could just be one of those that has a problem...

Tom Jun 07, 2017

I have to agree...loved it at first, then the barrel got wobbly after only approx 100 rounds...managed to shim it... then, as I was doing a full breakdown/cleaning, i lost the caul spring (spring that mounts on the trigger pivot, and rests on a groove on the cylinder actuator caul)...NO REPLACEMENT PARTS, according to my local repair depot... and...NO EXPLODED DRAWINGS FOR PARTS... accuracy, yes...the feel, wonderful, maintenance supply, nope ...lose, if you or wear something out, send it back to them and pay $$$??...nah! Tom

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is almost true to actual Colt Python.

problems leaks CO2, Cylinder does not locked in position.

frank May 12, 2016

It's abt time we are offered this wheel revolver in PELLET option!! I'll buy it!!

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Great weight & feel. Love the metal frame and cylinder.


This is a recent purchase for me. It's taking a while to sight-in, but it's getting there. Definitely by extra shells and speed loader. Worth the money. Shells are a bit looser than I expected, but not an issue. It's a replica; not a real pistol. The grip is fine. Others feel it's too rough, but I haven;t had any issues. A very good air pistol, well worth the price. A great addition to your collection.

frank May 12, 2016

I would like to add this to my large collection of PA replicas if it was a pellet revolver! My standing order stands!!,my Colt SAA is outstanding!!

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