Crosman 362, 100 Year Anniversary Edition
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Own a piece of history with the Crosman 100 Year Anniversary Edition Pump Rifle. Released in commemoration of the Crosman Centennial (1923-2023) only 2,023 were built. This special model is based on the extremely popular Crosman 362 platform.
The single-shot, bolt-action air rifle provides velocities up to 850 FPS to deliver the necessary speed and accuracy for small-game hunting, pest control, or plinking.
Like the standard 362, this rifle is a variable pump, meaning you control the power of the rifle based on how many times you pump! 8 pumps will give you the most power for small game and longer distance shots, while less pumps may be ideal for plinking or practicing.
This limited edition features a brilliant Turkish Walnut stock with embedded metal 100 Year badge. It also features a steel breech, which holds a peep sight, but can also allow for a scope or red dot to be added quickly.
To show off your devotion to air-powered awesomeness buy a Crosman 362 100 Year Anniversary Edition Pump Rifle from Pyramyd AIR today!
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
Crosman 100 Year Anniversary Edition Pump Rifle
- Limited Edition (only 2,023 made)
- Variable-pump power (3-8 Pumps)
- .22 caliber
- Single shot
- Bolt action
- Steel Breech with Williams Rear Peep Sight
- Rifled steel barrel
- Turkish Walnut stock
- Textured grip and pump arm
- Max. velocity: 850 FPS
- Fixed blade front sight
- Rubber buttpad
- Weight: 5.8 lbs
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
Overall Rating
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10 of 28 Crosman 362 Anniversary Edition Reviews
Fit, finish was good, the Williams rear sight is top notch. Accuracy is good, I really like it for plinking, and it works plenty good for short range hunting. I am glad to have it in my collection and having a wood stock is great.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowYou want regret getting one of these and Pyramyd has a good price.
Great edition of a classic with a very nice walnut stock. Great accuracy - once it was dialed in I was shooting 10 shot groups in a dime at 10 yards.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a big deal, but I am not a fan of the big "Anniversary" badge on the stock. I'd rather it just show the x of 2023 on the barrel.
Appearance, weight, design.
Things I Would Have ChangedMore power in 22, I was disappointed from specs and what it would do
What Others Should KnowNo
Very nice rifle, flawless.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would like micrometer adjustable rear sight and a blade front sight. I would be willing to pay the extra cost.
What Others Should KnowNot that I can think of.
This airgun would otherwise be excellent if it were not for the low quality stock. The pictures look beautiful but the wood is just low quality. It feels too light. It was well taken care of, never dropped, not stored in direct sunlight or the excessive heat/cold, never transported, and yet the wood stock cracked at a grain runoff spot right where the barrel mounts and now the entire barrel wiggles around making it inaccurate. I shot it less than 50 times. I had a few very short sessions with it prior to breaking and it was rock solid, everything felt great and it was a really fun shooting experience. I just wish it lasted more than a few sessions.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake the stock out of better wood.
Very pleased with build quality and accuracy. It’s a reminder of quality guns from Crosman of the past. I keep my daughters engaged with shooting and this give me one more tool to do so. They hear me plinking in the back yard and always want to compete or plink as well. When we go to the range we always start with a suppressed .22. I might start with this Crosman 362. It will be nice to hand them a rifle with a 100 year badge embedded in the stock just to express and compliment the tradition of firearms in my family ever since their great great grandparents came to this country. Thank you for making such a well crafted traditional piece, I hope will be treasured long after me. It’s a great plinker and shoots well.
Things I Would Have ChangedThis little heirloom deserve better and more thorough marketing as a must have traditional piece of history that should be shared with every family. Safe responsible gun ownership starts with a well crafted respected product like this. Maybe this rifle could also include a statement paper with the four fundamental of shooting ideal for framing to drive home safety and responsibility.
What Others Should KnowThe little fiber optic front sight is a kick in the pants.
Solid heavyweight air rifle. Number 477. Will Probably remain in Original Box to hand down. I haven't shot it yet and likely wont.
Things I Would Have ChangedLose the plastic trim and trigger guard and Make it a little more affordable.
What Others Should KnowGet them before they run out!
Overall finish. Good looks and balance. From what I've seen so far I like.
What Others Should KnowAT this time I'm unable to give a full review, I live in an urban area that has codes against air arms.
Beautiful gun. Super accurate.Fast shipping. Packaged well. Did I mention beautiful gun!
Things I Would Have ChangedI think the price is a little high at regular price. I got mine on sale with a discount.
What Others Should KnowI would highly recommend!
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Oct 10, 2024
By Curtis
# 1264 ..that was the month and year I got my first BB gun, a Daisy model 25. I like the carbine length and the hair over 5lb weight of this rifle. It shoulders easily and target acquisition with the Williams peep and fiber optic front bead is natural and intuitive (for me anyway). The gold trigger, safety and and bolt are nice accents to the dark blued barrel and figured Walnut stock. Pumping was easier than I expected. Nice light trigger with a short first stage and a crisp break. Nice to look at and fun to shoot.. My first five shots out of the box was at 10 yards with CPHP 14.3gr all inside a 2" circle in 1/2" group and that was my first time to ever shoot with a peep sight! This rifle doesn't seem to be pellet picky, it shoots everything about the same. The Armadillo I shot today jumped for joy then rolled over and took a nap.
Things I Would Have ChangedAfter shooting a hundred pellets or so the first day, nothing really annoyed or frustrated me about this gun. Factory sling mounts would be nice
What Others Should KnowThe Crosman 362 platform is a simple yet elegant design and this 100th Anniversary special edition takes it to the next level. Don't buy this gun and stick it in a hermetically sealed container waiting for a rainy day profit. Go out and shoot it every chance you get. Enjoy the feel of the wood stock and take pride in something made in America while you still can. If you ever had a wood stocked metal receiver 760 Pumpmaster you'll want to own this gun. It's all that fun and then some.