CZ P-09 Duty, Image 1
CZ P-09 Duty, Image 1

CZ P-09 Duty CO2 Pistol Kit

4.07 reviews
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Steel BBs can ricochet. The shooter and everyone in the shooting area should wear safety glasses when a gun is being handled (even if it's unloaded). Remember to remove all pets from the area, as rebounding ammo can hit them, too. Never shoot steel BBs at hard objects (including metal targets) or water, as that increases the chance of ricochet.

Highly detailed and almost indistinguishable from the firearm it copies. Use it for maintaining firearm proficiency or just having a great time picking off tin cans, making holes in paper targets, blowing the tops off dandelion puffs and more. Use wadcutter lead pellets or steel BBs.

This kit comes with a fake silencer and a tactical light/laser that fits under the barrel. The coolness factor is off the charts!

You'll shoot this gun a lot, so remember to buy lots of pellets, BBs and CO2. To help your gun's seals stay pliable, put a drop or two of Crosman Pellgunoil on the tip of each CO2 cartridge before you insert it into your gun. As you shoot, the oil will be sprayed into the internal parts of your pistol, moistening the seals and moving parts.
  • CZ P-09 Duty pistol
  • Uses a 12-gram CO2 cartridge
  • 16rd removable pellet and BB magazine (stick mag with 8rd rotary mag on each end and accepts either lead pellets or steel BBs)
  • Blowback
  • Rifled barrel
  • Looks like the firearm
  • Fixed sights (2 whited dots on rear sight, 1 white dot on front sight)
  • Manual safety
  • Weaver accessory rail
  • Threaded muzzle
  • Includes gun, fake silencer and tactical light/laser (batteries not included) with integral Weaver mount

The manufacturer states this gun delivers 492 fps. Our tech department tested it with 5.1-grain pellets and got 412 fps max velocity. Steel BBs delivered a max velocity of 390 fps.
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.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
412 fps
Muzzle Energy
1.68 ft/lbs
Suggested for
1.6 lbs
Fixed/adj. power
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Trigger Action
Double-Action only
Barrel Length
Overall Length
16 round(s)
Body Type

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

Overall Rating



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7 of 7 CZ P-09 Duty Kit Reviews

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The look and feel remind me of being a kid at the firing range with my dad the first time I fired his 9mm Smith and Wesson.

Should definitely come with an extra mag. It's very picky about what pellets it will fire

Make sure you buy lots of wad cutters it doesn't like heavy pellets

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Overall a well made gun. Very robust recoil and fairly accurate at 20yrds less than 1/2 inch groups. Great for beginners and learning proper firearm use and safety. Worth the money especially the kit with the xtras.

Other than recoil which fir me is one of tge most important aspects in maintaining proficiency. Only 1 ir 2 things to change.1) lose the 8 over 8 flip stick mag. It would really bring up a tier if it had the co2 in mag drop out. It would increase the over all weight , and increase real steal feel as well as your shots per mag. But those few things aside overall a good gun.

Yes whe. I recieved mine the lazer/light did not work despite my efforts to fix it and I never recieved a replacement 2.

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I thought I reviewed this pistol once before, but since I don't see it here I will cover it once again. Besides I've changed my mind on some things about this pistol, and not for the better. What I like. The weight, it is a pleasure to hold. The blowback, is strong, and crisp. It is easy to load. (I bought an extra clip.) It is a good likeness to the real thing.

What I don't like. Accuracy leaves a lot to be desired for a rifled barrel using wad cutters at twenty feet. Pellets were all over the place. Shooting at rest on a sand bag. Five inch target, no tight groups. Not one! Flashlight/laser would not lock down on rail. It would move outward with each recoil. Silencer kept coming loose also no mater how tight it was threaded on.

Fun gun, but don't expect to much out of it, buy the $99.00 one. The dress up kit does not do much to help with performance anyway, and you will save a money.

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I like the gun with out the silencer & laser. They are nice for dress up, and the laser does improve accuracy, but finding a holster to accommodate the pistol in full dress is another problem. I like the feel & weight of the pistol. The grip fits well in my hand, and blowback is nice, and crisp. Over all a good plinking pistol.

Rear sight is way to wide when lined up with the front blade. You could get three front blades in there. Narrow slot in rear sight to match up to thickness of front blade. This should improve accuracy. Safety is stiff, and hard to engage.

A really fun gun to shoot. Using Crosman 177 Premier wadcutters 7.4 grain at 20 feet & smacking into target with loud thuds
I did not need a chronograph to tell me these pellets were on the move.

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Style is great!

Just need to add some more weight for adults to like it.

Do give it to school children, they might bring it to school.

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By far the most accurate blowback I've shot. Price point is difficult to beat. This thing kills both my px4 and my pt-85 in terms of foot poundage, I was putting 5.6 grain roundnose through leather at 25 feet, Its powerful. The blowback is also extremely smooth.

Possibly include another magazine or something for the Canadian residents like myself who can not have the laser delivered with the package. Value would be a 5 if I got something of that sort.

Pyramydair was beyond exceptional in their delivery speed of this item, I got it across the border in a week. Customs went through it too and the guys at PA MADE SURE I'd be getting my item by letting me know they couldn't ship me the laser and making a compromise. I told myself this would be my last airgun, but due to the exceptional service here I think I'll start getting into air rifles after all. Excited for my next purchase and I highly recommend anyone buying outside of the US to give PA a call and they will absolutely help you to the best of your ability

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Nice solid feel, smooth action and very accurate,rifled barrel is why I choose this pistol

The safety is a little sticky, really have to press hard to click off.

Real blowback is a kick, fun to shoot, very accurate.

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